Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ParseSchemasResourceDefinitionNotFound(DocumentSchemaParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, Exception e)
            "Given a source model"
            .x(() =>
                model = TestHelper.CreateDefaultModelForParsing();

                var schema = model.FindResourceDefinitionByKey("test-app-1-container-key:document-schema-1", ModelConstants.ResourceDefinitionSchema);
                schema.Key = "a-key-that-will-not-be-found";

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = new Mock <ILogger>().Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new DocumentSchemaParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the code should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => {
                // Parsing should be successful

                // Check that there is an error in the context.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ParseSchemasHappyPath(DocumentSchemaParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, Exception e)
            "Given a source model"
            .x(() =>
                model = TestHelper.CreateDefaultModelForParsing();

                var schema = model.FindResourceDefinitionByKey("test-app-1-container-key:document-schema-1", ModelConstants.ResourceDefinitionSchema);

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = new Mock <ILogger>().Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new DocumentSchemaParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the code should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => {
                // Parsing should be successful

                // Check that the resources for the schema are created in the model.
                var schemaResourceDefinition = model.FindResourceDefinitionByKey("test-app-1-container-key:document-schema-1", ModelConstants.ResourceDefinitionSchema);
                schemaResourceDefinition.Resources.Count.Should().Be(1);              // schema entry
                schemaResourceDefinition.Resources[0].Resources.Count.Should().Be(1); // message type
                var schemaResource = schemaResourceDefinition.Resources[0];
                var schema         = ((ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup)model.MigrationSource.MigrationSourceModel).Applications[0].Application.Schemas[0];

                schema.Resource.Should().Be(schemaResource);                            // The pointer to the resource should be set.
                schemaResource.ParentRefId.Should().Be(schemaResourceDefinition.RefId); // The parent ref ID should be set.
                schemaResource.SourceObject.Should().Be(schema);                        // The resource should have a pointer to the source object.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ParseIsSkippedIfModelIsMissing(DocumentSchemaParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() =>
                model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel();

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = new Mock <ILogger>().Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new DocumentSchemaParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the code should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ConstructWithSuccess(IBizTalkParser parser, ILogger logger, IApplicationModel model, MigrationContext context, Exception e)
            "Given a parser"
            .x(() => parser.Should().BeNull());

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = new Mock <ILogger>().Object);

            "And a model"
            .x(() => model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel());

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "When constructing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser = new DocumentSchemaParser(model, context, logger)));

            "Then the parser constructor should succeed"
            .x(() =>