protected override void OnActivated()

            if (setEmployeeDirected != null && !ObjectSpace.IsModified) //Lọc chuyển XL văn bản khi ở chế độ xem

            Employee emp    = (Employee)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser;
            Document curDoc = View.CurrentObject as Document;

            if (emp != null && curDoc != null)
                //1. Cập nhật ngày đọc văn bản nếu ở chế độ View
                if (!ObjectSpace.IsModified)
                    CriteriaOperator  crit   = CriteriaOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee.Oid", emp.Oid), new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument", curDoc));
                    DocumentEmployees docEmp = curDoc.Session.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(crit);
                    if (docEmp != null && (docEmp.DateRead == null || docEmp.DateRead == DateTime.MinValue))
                        docEmp.DateRead = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public object Evaluate(params object[] operands)
            if (!(operands != null && operands.Length >= 1))

            bool     ret = false;
            Employee emp = null;

            if (SecuritySystem.CurrentUser != null)
                emp = (Employee)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser;
            else if (SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId != null)
                emp = SecuritySystem.LogonObjectSpace.FindObject <Employee>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId));

            if (emp != null && operands[0] != null && operands[0].GetType() == typeof(Document))
                Document         curDoc = operands[0] as Document;
                CriteriaOperator crit   = CriteriaOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee.Oid", emp.Oid), new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument.Oid", curDoc.Oid));

                DocumentEmployees docEmp = emp.Session.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(crit);
                if (docEmp != null && docEmp.IsFollow)
                    ret = true;

        private void actTheodoi_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
            Document currentDoc = e.CurrentObject as Document; // View.CurrentObject as Document;
            Employee curUser    = SecuritySystem.CurrentUser as Employee;
            //CriteriaOperator crit;
            DocumentEmployees objDEmp = null;

            foreach (DocumentEmployees docEmp in currentDoc.DocumentEmployees)
                if (docEmp != null && docEmp.LinkEmployee != null && curUser != null && docEmp.LinkEmployee.Oid == curUser.Oid && docEmp.IsDirected && docEmp.IsCurrentDirected)
                    objDEmp = os.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", docEmp.Oid));

            if (objDEmp != null)
                objDEmp.IsFollow = true;
                //Hiển thị OK
                Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowViewInPopupWindow(Application.CreateDashboardView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), "ActionOkDashboard", true), null, null, "OK", "");
                //Hiển thị lỗi quyền truy cập
                Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowViewInPopupWindow(Application.CreateDashboardView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), "AccessDeniedMessage", true), null, null, "OK", "");
        private void actForwardDocument_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
            Document currentDoc = View.CurrentObject as Document;
            Document newDoc     = os.CreateObject <Document>(); //.GetObject<Document>(currentDoc);

            //newDoc = currentDoc.CloneDocument(newDoc.Session);
            newDoc.DocId       = currentDoc.DocId;
            newDoc.IsApproveed = false;
            newDoc.Note        = @"<u>VB chuyển tiếp:</u><br />" + currentDoc.DocId;
            newDoc.Excerpt     = string.Format("[CT] {0}", currentDoc.Excerpt);
            newDoc.DocDate     = currentDoc.DocDate;
            //newDoc.DocSignees = os.GetObject<DocumentSignees>(currentDoc.DocSignees);
            newDoc.DocOrganization = os.GetObject <DocumentSigneesOrganization>(currentDoc.DocOrganization);
            newDoc.ParentDocument = os.GetObject <Document>(currentDoc);
            //Lấy file đính kèm
            foreach (DocumentFile curDocFile in currentDoc.FileAttachments)
                if (curDocFile != null)
                    DocumentFile newDocFile = os.CreateObject <DocumentFile>();
                    newDocFile.Document = os.GetObject(newDoc);
                    newDocFile.DocFile  = os.GetObject(curDocFile.DocFile);

            Employee curUser = SecuritySystem.CurrentUser as Employee;

            // Gán người duyệt nếu user chuyển tiếp có vị trí lớn hơn 50
            if (curUser.Position.PositionLevel >= 50)
                newDoc.IsApproveed = true;
                newDoc.EmpApproved = os.GetObject <Employee>(curUser);
                DocumentEmployees approver = os.CreateObject <DocumentEmployees>();
                approver.LinkDocument = newDoc;
                approver.LinkEmployee = newDoc.EmpApproved;
            //CriteriaOperator crit;
            DocumentEmployees objDEmp = os.CreateObject <DocumentEmployees>();
            //DocumentEmployees objDE = os.FindObject<DocumentEmployees>(new BinaryOperator()); //os.CreateObject<DocumentEmployees>();
            //DetailView dv = Application.CreateDetailView(os, "DocumentEmployees_DetailView_Forward", true, objDEmp);
            DetailView dvDocument = Application.CreateDetailView(os, "Document_DetailView_New", true, newDoc);

            //ShowViewParameters svp = new ShowViewParameters(dv);
            //svp.TargetWindow = DevExpress.ExpressApp.TargetWindow.NewModalWindow;
            //svp.CreatedView = dv;
            //svp.NewWindowTarget = NewWindowTarget.Default;
            dvDocument.ViewEditMode          = ViewEditMode.Edit;
            e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = dvDocument;
            //Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowView(e.ShowViewParameters, new ShowViewSource(Frame, actForwardDocument)); // null, null));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public object Evaluate(params object[] operands)
            if (!(operands != null && operands.Length == 1)) // && operands[0] is Guid
                //throw new ArgumentException("CheckIsRead operator should have one parameter - Guid.");

            bool     ret = true;
            Employee emp = null;

            if (SecuritySystem.CurrentUser != null)
                emp = (Employee)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser;
            else if (SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId != null)
                emp = SecuritySystem.LogonObjectSpace.FindObject <Employee>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId));

            if (emp != null && operands[0] != null && operands[0].GetType() == typeof(Document))
                Document         curDoc = operands[0] as Document;
                CriteriaOperator crit   = CriteriaOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee.Oid", emp.Oid), new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument.Oid", curDoc.Oid));

                //DocumentEmployees docEmp = curDoc.Session.FindObject<DocumentEmployees>(CriteriaOperator.Parse(string.Format("LinkEmployee = {0} And LinkDocument = {1}", emp, curDoc)));
                DocumentEmployees docEmp = emp.Session.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(crit);
                if (docEmp != null && (docEmp.DateRead == null || docEmp.DateRead == DateTime.MinValue))
                    ret = false;

                 * using (ExplicitUnitOfWork euow = new ExplicitUnitOfWork(emp.Session.DataLayer))
                 * {
                 *  XPCollection<TrackEmployee> tracks = new XPCollection<TrackEmployee>(euow);
                 *  string strCrit = string.Format("ObjectType = '{0}' And ObjOid = {{{1}}} And EmpAttack = {{{2}}} And TypeAttack = {3}",
                 *                                              operands[0].GetType().Name, ((BaseObject)operands[0]).Oid, emp.Oid, 0);
                 *                                              //EmpAttackType.t0_read ~ 0
                 *  tracks.Criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse(strCrit);
                 *  tracks.Load();
                 *  if (tracks != null && tracks.Count > 0)
                 *      ret = false;
                 * }

        private void actChuyenXuly_Execute(object sender, SingleChoiceActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            if (e.SelectedChoiceActionItem != null)
                Employee newEmp     = e.SelectedChoiceActionItem.Data as Employee;
                Employee currentEmp = (Employee)SecuritySystem.CurrentUser;
                if (newEmp != null && currentEmp != null)
                    Document curDoc = View.CurrentObject as Document;
                    if (curDoc != null)
                        //1. Bỏ chế độ isCurrentDirected
                        int idx = curDoc.DocumentEmployees.FindIndex(x => x.LinkEmployee.Oid == currentEmp.Oid && x.IsCurrentDirected);
                        if (idx > -1)
                            curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].IsCurrentDirected = false;
                            curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].DirectedContent   = string.Format("Đã chuyển \"{0}\" xử lý!", newEmp.Title);
                            curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].DateDirected      = DateTime.Now;
                            int directOrder = curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].DirectedOrder;

                            //2. Cập nhật người duyệt mới: add vao neu chua co
                            idx = curDoc.DocumentEmployees.FindIndex(x => x.LinkEmployee == newEmp);
                            if (idx > -1) //Cập nhật
                                curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].IsCurrentDirected = true;
                                curDoc.DocumentEmployees[idx].IsDirected        = true;
                            else //Thêm người vào danh sách
                                os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
                                DocumentEmployees docEmp = os.CreateObject <DocumentEmployees>();
                                docEmp.LinkDocument      = os.GetObject(curDoc);
                                docEmp.LinkEmployee      = os.GetObject(newEmp);
                                docEmp.IsDirected        = true;
                                docEmp.IsCurrentDirected = true;
                                docEmp.DirectedOrder     = directOrder + 1;

                                //Hiển thị OK
                                Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowViewInPopupWindow(Application.CreateDashboardView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), "ActionOkDashboard", true), null, null, "OK", "");
 //Bắt hàm này để tránh load event saving nhiều lần
 private void AcceptAction_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
     //Cập nhật ngày chỉ đạo
     if (e.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees)
         DocumentEmployees docEmp = e.CurrentObject as DocumentEmployees;
         docEmp.DateDirected                 = DateTime.Now;
         docEmp.LinkDocument.IsApproveed     = true;
         docEmp.LinkDocument.EmpApproved     = docEmp.LinkEmployee;
         docEmp.LinkDocument.ContentApproved = docEmp.DirectedContent;
 private void refreshSelectedDepartment()
     if (treeListEditor != null)
         DetailView dvOwner = View.ObjectSpace.Owner as DetailView;
         if (dvOwner != null && dvOwner.CurrentObject != null && dvOwner.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees)
             DocumentEmployees curDocEmp = dvOwner.CurrentObject as DocumentEmployees;
             if (curDocEmp != null && curDocEmp.LinkDocument != null)
                 Document curDoc = curDocEmp.LinkDocument as Document;
                 if ((curDoc.DepartmentReceivedsSelected.Count > 0))
                     treeListEditor.SetControlSelectedObjects(curDoc.DepartmentReceivedsSelected.ToList <object>());
                     isFirstLoad = false;
        private void actChiDaoVanBan_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
            Document currentDoc = e.CurrentObject as Document; // View.CurrentObject as Document;
            Employee curUser    = SecuritySystem.CurrentUser as Employee;
            //CriteriaOperator crit;
            DocumentEmployees objDEmp = null;

            foreach (DocumentEmployees docEmp in currentDoc.DocumentEmployees)
                if (docEmp != null && docEmp.LinkEmployee != null && curUser != null && docEmp.LinkEmployee.Oid == curUser.Oid && docEmp.IsDirected && docEmp.IsCurrentDirected)
                    objDEmp = os.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", docEmp.Oid));

            if (objDEmp != null)
                //DocumentEmployees objDE = os.FindObject<DocumentEmployees>(new BinaryOperator()); //os.CreateObject<DocumentEmployees>();
                objDEmp.LinkDocument = os.GetObject <Document>(currentDoc);
                DetailView dv = Application.CreateDetailView(os, "DocumentEmployees_DetailView_Approved", true, objDEmp);
                dv.ViewEditMode = ViewEditMode.Edit;
                e.ShowViewParameters.TargetWindow         = TargetWindow.NewModalWindow;
                e.ShowViewParameters.NewWindowTarget      = NewWindowTarget.Default;
                e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView          = dv;
                e.ShowViewParameters.CreateAllControllers = true;
                DialogController defaultDialogController = Application.CreateController <DialogController>();
                defaultDialogController.AcceptAction.Execute  += AcceptAction_Execute;
                defaultDialogController.AcceptAction.Executed += AcceptAction_Executed;
                // os.SetModified(objDEmp);
                //Hiển thị lỗi quyền truy cập
                Application.ShowViewStrategy.ShowViewInPopupWindow(Application.CreateDashboardView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), "AccessDeniedMessage", true), null, null, "OK", "");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void FeatureMarked(bool isFeature, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            Employee curEmp = SecuritySystem.CurrentUser as Employee;

            foreach (Document selectDoc in e.SelectedObjects)
                CriteriaOperator  crit   = CriteriaOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee.Oid", curEmp.Oid), new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument.Oid", selectDoc.Oid));
                DocumentEmployees docEmp = View.ObjectSpace.FindObject <DocumentEmployees>(crit);
                if (docEmp != null)
                    //The Action's state is updated when objects in Views change their values. This work is done by the ActionsCriteriaViewController
                    docEmp.IsFollow = isFeature;
                    ASPxGridListEditor listEditor = ((ListView)View).Editor as ASPxGridListEditor;
                    if (listEditor != null)
        protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()

            #region 1. Đánh dấu chọn các phòng có người
            treeListEditor = ((ListView)View).Editor as ASPxTreeListEditor;
            if (View.ObjectSpace.Owner is DetailView)
                dvOwner = View.ObjectSpace.Owner as DetailView;
                //1. Trường hợp Owner là Document
                if (dvOwner.CurrentObject != null && dvOwner.CurrentObject is Document)
                    curDoc = dvOwner.CurrentObject as Document;

                    //2. Tạo các Event handle, khởi tạo giá trị
                    if (treeListEditor != null)
                        treeList = treeListEditor.TreeList as ASPxTreeList;
                        if (treeList != null)
                            treeListFixedWidth = treeList.Width.Value - 5;
                            if (treeList.FocusedNode != null && treeList.FocusedNode.Level > 0)
                                treeListFixedWidth = treeList.Width.Value - 100 * treeList.FocusedNode.Level;
                            treeList.Width  = new Unit(90, UnitType.Percentage);;
                            treeList.Height = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage);
                            treeList.Settings.ScrollableHeight = 350;
                            treeList.SettingsBehavior.FocusNodeOnExpandButtonClick      = false;
                            treeList.SettingsBehavior.ProcessFocusedNodeChangedOnServer = false;
                            treeList.Settings.VerticalScrollBarMode = ScrollBarMode.Visible;
                            treeList.SettingsPager.Visible          = false;
                            treeList.SettingsPager.Summary.Visible  = false;
                            treeList.SettingsPager.PageSize         = 500;
                            treeList.SettingsSelection.Recursive    = true;
                            treeList.Settings.VerticalScrollBarMode = ScrollBarMode.Visible;
                            treeList.Load             += TreeListDepartmentReceived_Load;
                            treeList.SelectionChanged += TreeListDepartmentReceived_SelectionChanged;

                //2. Trường hợp Owner là DocumentEmployees (Phê duyệt/chỉ đạo)
                if (dvOwner.CurrentObject != null && dvOwner.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees)
                    DocumentEmployees curDocEmp = dvOwner.CurrentObject as DocumentEmployees;
                    if (curDocEmp != null && curDocEmp.LinkDocument != null)
                        Document curDoc = curDocEmp.LinkDocument as Document;
                        //Tạo các Event handle, khởi tạo giá trị
                        if (treeListEditor != null)
                            treeList = treeListEditor.TreeList as ASPxTreeList;
                            if (treeList != null)
                                treeListFixedWidth = treeList.Width.Value - 5;
                                treeList.Height    = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage);
                                treeList.Settings.ScrollableHeight     = 350;
                                treeList.SettingsPager.Visible         = false;
                                treeList.SettingsPager.Summary.Visible = false;
                                treeList.SettingsPager.PageSize        = 1000;
                                treeList.SettingsBehavior.FocusNodeOnExpandButtonClick      = false;
                                treeList.SettingsBehavior.ProcessFocusedNodeChangedOnServer = false;
                                treeList.Settings.VerticalScrollBarMode = ScrollBarMode.Visible;
                                treeList.SettingsSelection.Recursive    = true;
                                treeList.Load             += TreeListDepartmentReceivedDocEmp_Load;
                                treeList.SelectionChanged += TreeListDepartmentReceived_SelectionChanged;
        private void TreeListDepartmentReceived_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (View.SelectedObjects != null && View.SelectedObjects.Count > 0)
                DetailView dvo    = View.ObjectSpace.Owner as DetailView;
                Document   curDoc = null;
                if (dvo != null && dvo.CurrentObject != null && dvo.CurrentObject is Document)
                    curDoc = dvo.CurrentObject as Document;
                else if (dvo != null && dvo.CurrentObject != null && dvo.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees)
                    DocumentEmployees curDocEmp = dvo.CurrentObject as DocumentEmployees;
                    if (curDocEmp != null && curDocEmp.LinkDocument != null)
                        curDoc = curDocEmp.LinkDocument as Document;

                if (curDoc == null)
                    ///check errror

                //a) Xác định danh sách các trưởng phòng ban đang được chọn
                List <Employee> lstLeaderSelected = new List <Employee>();
                foreach (object obj in View.SelectedObjects)
                    if (obj is Department)
                        Department dep = obj as Department;
                        if (dep.Employees != null && dep.Employees.Count > 0)
                            Employee leader = dep.getLeader();

                            if (leader != null)
                        else if (dep.SubordinatesDepartments.Count > 0)
                            foreach (Department subdep in dep.SubordinatesDepartments)
                                Employee leader = subdep.getLeader();
                                if (leader != null)
                    else if (obj is Employee)
                        Employee emp = obj as Employee;
                        if (emp != null)
                lstLeaderSelected = lstLeaderSelected.Distinct(new EmployeeEqualityComparer()).ToList();
                foreach (Employee employeeToAdd in lstLeaderSelected)

                ///Không thực hiện 3 dòng sau để cải thiện tốc độ

                //Panel pan = dvo.Control as Panel;
                //ASPxGridView c = pan.FindControl("Document_EmployeeReceiveds_ListView") as ASPxGridView;
            #region Old way

             * IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
             #region 1. Duyệt danh sách department select, add vào danh sách Leader nhận nếu chưa có
             * if (View.SelectedObjects != null && View.SelectedObjects.Count > 0)
             * {
             *  DetailView dvo = View.ObjectSpace.Owner as DetailView;
             *  Document curDoc = null;
             *  if (dvo != null && dvo.CurrentObject != null && dvo.CurrentObject is Document)
             *  {
             *      curDoc = dvo.CurrentObject as Document;
             *  }
             *  else if (dvo != null && dvo.CurrentObject != null && dvo.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees)
             *  {
             *      DocumentEmployees curDocEmp = dvo.CurrentObject as DocumentEmployees;
             *      if (curDocEmp != null && curDocEmp.LinkDocument != null)
             *      {
             *          curDoc = curDocEmp.LinkDocument as Document;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (curDoc == null)
             *  {
             *      ///check errror
             *      return;
             *  }
             *  /////1.1 Remove những obj ko được chọn (mới bỏ chọn?)
             *  List<DocumentEmployees> objectsToDelete = new List<DocumentEmployees>();
             *  foreach (Employee obj in curDoc.EmployeeReceiveds)
             *  {
             *      if (obj != null)
             *      {
             *          DocumentEmployees docEmpToRemoved = os.FindObject<DocumentEmployees>(
             *              CriteriaOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument", os.GetObject(curDoc)),
             *                                   new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee", os.GetObject(obj))));
             *          if (docEmpToRemoved != null && docEmpToRemoved.LinkEmployee != null && !View.SelectedObjects.Contains(docEmpToRemoved.LinkEmployee.Department))
             *          {
             *              objectsToDelete.Add(os.GetObject(docEmpToRemoved));
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  os.Delete(objectsToDelete);
             *  os.CommitChanges();
             *  //View.ObjectSpace.Delete(curDoc.EmployeeReceiveds);
             *  //View.ObjectSpace.CommitChanges();
             *  //curDoc.EmployeeReceiveds.Clear();
             *  foreach (object objDep in View.SelectedObjects)
             *  {
             *      if (objDep is Department)
             *      {
             *          Department dep = objDep as Department;
             *          if (dep != null && dep.Employees != null && dep.Employees.Count > 0 && View.ObjectSpace != null && View.ObjectSpace.Owner != null && View.ObjectSpace.Owner is DetailView)
             *          {
             *              if (dvo != null && dvo.CurrentObject != null && (dvo.CurrentObject is Document || dvo.CurrentObject is DocumentEmployees))
             *              {
             *                  Employee departmentLeader = dep.getLeader();
             *                  if (curDoc != null && curDoc.DocumentEmployees != null) // && curDoc.DocumentEmployees.Count > 0
             *                  {
             *                      /////1.2 Add
             *                      List<CriteriaOperator> andOperator = new List<CriteriaOperator>();
             *                      andOperator.Add(new BinaryOperator("LinkDocument", os.GetObject(curDoc)));
             *                      andOperator.Add(new BinaryOperator("LinkEmployee", os.GetObject(departmentLeader)));
             *                      DocumentEmployees leaderDocEmp = os.FindObject<DocumentEmployees>(new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.And, andOperator));
             *                      if (leaderDocEmp != null) //Đã có người này nhận văn bản, add vào list Flag nếu chưa có
             *                      {
             *                          if (!empOidStrFlag.Contains(departmentLeader.Oid.ToString()))
             *                          {
             *                              empOidStrFlag.Add(departmentLeader.Oid.ToString());
             *                          }
             *                      }
             *                      else //Không tìm thấy? => chưa có, add vào
             *                      {
             *                          if (curDoc.DocumentEmployees == null)
             *                          {
             *                              //Vinabits: Error apply employee
             *                              return;
             *                          }
             *                          //IObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace();
             *                          DocumentEmployees de = os.CreateObject<DocumentEmployees>();
             *                          de.LinkDocument = os.FindObject<Document>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", curDoc.Oid));
             *                          de.LinkEmployee = os.FindObject<Employee>(new BinaryOperator("Oid", departmentLeader.Oid));
             *                          de.Save();
             *                          //de.Session.CommitTransaction();
             *                          os.CommitChanges();
             *                          if (!empOidStrFlag.Contains(departmentLeader.Oid.ToString()))
             *                          {
             *                              empOidStrFlag.Add(departmentLeader.Oid.ToString());
             *                          }
             *                          curDoc.Reload();
             *                          //Không cần add nữa
             *                          //curDoc.DocumentEmployees.Add(de);
             *                          //curDoc.Save();
             *                          //curDoc.Session.CommitTransaction();
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *                  //dvo.RefreshDataSource();
             *                  //dvo.Refresh();
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }// foreach selected
             *  }
             * }
            #endregion Old way