Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DeleteRange()
            var target    = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");
            int startDate = DateTimeEpoch.ConvertDateToSecondsEpoch(new DateTime(2020, 1, 6));
            int endDate   = startDate + DateTimeEpoch.OneDaySeconds;

            var getTimesP = new DoctorScheduleGetByRangeSP()
                DoctorID       = TestEnums.User.constDoctorID,
                StartUnixEpoch = startDate,
                EndUnixEpoch   = endDate

            if (target.GetCountByRange(getTimesP) == 0)
                PopulateDatabase(startDate, endDate, 15);
                Assert.IsTrue(target.GetCountByRange(getTimesP) > 0, "PopulateDatabase didn't generate any doctor availablility time slot.");

            target.DeleteRange(new DoctorScheduleDeleteRangeSP()
                DoctorID       = TestEnums.User.constDoctorID,
                StartUnixEpoch = startDate,
                EndUnixEpoch   = endDate,

            Assert.IsTrue(target.GetCountByRange(getTimesP) == 0, "Delete range didn't all slots in the specified range. Please make sure that there is no visit associated with slots.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Please write your properties and functions here. This part will not be replaced.

        protected override bool onBeforeInsert(object entitySet, InsertParameters parameters)
            Visit           visit = (Visit)entitySet;
            var             doctorScheduleService = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");
            vDoctorSchedule doctorScheduleV       = doctorScheduleService.GetByIDV(visit.DoctorScheduleID, new GetByIDParameters());

            ((VisitBR)BusinessLogicObject).CheckInsert(visit, doctorScheduleV);

            visit.VisitStatusID  = (int)EntityEnums.VisitStatusEnum.Scheduled;
            visit.DoctorReport   = null;
            visit.ChiefComplaint = null;
            visit.Description    = null;

            // updating doctor schedule number of registered patients
            DoctorSchedule doctorSchedule = doctorScheduleService.GetByIDT(visit.DoctorScheduleID, new GetByIDParameters());


            parameters.DetailEntityObjects.Add(new DetailObjectInfo()
                EntityName = vDoctorSchedule.EntityName,
                FnName     = RuleFunctionSEnum.Update,
                EntitySet  = doctorSchedule

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void InsertTest()

            var doctorSchedule = DoctorScheduleServiceTest.CreateNewDoctorSchedule();
            var target         = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");

            target.Insert(doctorSchedule, new InsertParameters());
            // Happy scenario without exception
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ViewNeedClass CheckNeed(long doctorId)
            var filter = new FilterExpression(vDoctorSchedule.ColumnNames.DoctorID, doctorId);

            filter.AddFilter(vDoctorSchedule.ColumnNames.SlotUnixEpoch, DateTimeEpoch.GetUtcNowEpoch(), FilterOperatorEnum.GreaterThan);
            filter.AddFilter(vDoctorSchedule.ColumnNames.NumberOfFreePositions, 0, FilterOperatorEnum.GreaterThan);
            if (DoctorScheduleEN.GetService().GetCount(filter) < 1)
                return(new ViewNeedClass("No available time is available for booking.", "DoctorSchedule-CalendarEdit"));

Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override bool onBeforeDelete(object entitySet, DeleteParameters parameters)
            Visit           visit = (Visit)entitySet;
            var             doctorScheduleService = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");
            vDoctorSchedule doctorSchedule        = doctorScheduleService.GetByIDV(visit.DoctorScheduleID, new GetByIDParameters());

            parameters.DetailEntityObjects.Add(new DetailObjectInfo()
                EntityName = vDoctorSchedule.EntityName,
                FnName     = RuleFunctionSEnum.Update,
                EntitySet  = doctorSchedule

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void GetByRangeTest()
            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
            DateTime endDate   = new DateTime(2020, 1, 3);

            var target = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");

            var list = target.GetByRange(new DoctorScheduleGetByRangeSP()
                DoctorID       = TestEnums.User.constDoctorID,
                StartUnixEpoch = DateTimeEpoch.ConvertDateToSecondsEpoch(startDate),
                EndUnixEpoch   = DateTimeEpoch.ConvertDateToSecondsEpoch(endDate)

            Assert.IsTrue(list.Count > 0); // some items retrieved
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void PopulateDatabase(int startDate, int endDate, int numberOfSamples)
            var target = DoctorScheduleEN.GetService("");

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
                var doctorSchedule = DoctorScheduleServiceTest.CreateNewDoctorSchedule();
                int everyFiveMinuteCountInStartDateToEndDate = (endDate - startDate) / 60 / 5;
                int randomNumberInEveryFiveMinuteFromStart   = TestUtils.RandomUtils.RandomNumber(0, everyFiveMinuteCountInStartDateToEndDate);
                int randomTime = startDate + (randomNumberInEveryFiveMinuteFromStart * 60 * 5);
                //TestUtils.RandomUtils.RandomNumber(5, 60) * 60; //every minute is 60 seconds
                doctorSchedule.SlotUnixEpoch = randomTime;
                    target.Insert(doctorSchedule, null);
                catch (BRException)
                    // just don't do anything
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        //public static void MyClassCleanup()
        //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        //public void MyTestCleanup()

        private IDoctorScheduleService CreateService()