Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="FileSystemXmlRepository"/> with keys stored at the given directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">The directory in which to persist key material.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerFactory">The <see cref="ILoggerFactory"/>.</param>
        public FileSystemXmlRepository(DirectoryInfo directory, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            if (directory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(directory));

            Directory = directory;
            _logger   = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <FileSystemXmlRepository>();

                if (DockerUtils.IsDocker && !DockerUtils.IsVolumeMountedFolder(Directory))
                    // warn users that keys may be lost when running in docker without a volume mounted folder
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Treat exceptions as non-fatal when attempting to detect docker.
                // These might occur if fstab is an unrecognized format, or if there are other unusual
                // file IO errors.
                _logger.LogTrace(ex, "Failure occurred while attempting to detect docker.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ConfigureDockerClientServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddSingleton<DockerClientConfiguration>(provider =>
                var configuration = provider.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
                var dockerSection = configuration.GetSection("docker");

                return new DockerClientConfiguration(
                    dockerSection.GetValue("endpoint", DockerUtils.getDefaultDockerEndpoint()),
                    new AnonymousCredentials(),
                    dockerSection.GetValue("timeout", TimeSpan.Zero));

            services.AddTransient<IDockerClient>(provider =>
                var dockerClientConfiguration = provider.GetService<DockerClientConfiguration>();
                return dockerClientConfiguration.CreateClient();
        public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
            DockerComposeFileName = "docker-compose452AppOn462StatusMonitor.yml";
            AppNameBeingTested    = TestConstants.WebAppName;
            VersionPrefix         = "rddp";
            VersionPrefixSql      = "rddp";
            if (!Apps.ContainsKey(AppNameBeingTested))
                Apps.Add(AppNameBeingTested, new DeployedApp
                    ikey            = TestConstants.WebAppInstrumentationKey,
                    containerName   = TestConstants.WebAppContainerName,
                    imageName       = TestConstants.WebAppImageName,
                    healthCheckPath = TestConstants.WebAppHealthCheckPath,
                    flushPath       = TestConstants.WebAppFlushPath

            // Forcefully remove the image to ensure SM gets installed properly.
            DockerUtils.RemoveDockerImage(Apps[AppNameBeingTested].imageName, true);
            DockerUtils.RemoveDockerContainer(Apps[AppNameBeingTested].containerName, true);

         * Azure Container Instance sample for managing container groups with private image repositories.
         *  - Create an Azure Container Registry to be used for holding the Docker images
         *  - If a local Docker engine cannot be found, create a Linux virtual machine that will host a Docker engine
         *      to be used for this sample
         *  - Use Docker DotNet to create a Docker client that will push an image to Azure Container Registry
         *  - Create a new container group with one container instance from the image that was pushed in the registry
        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            string rgName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rgACI", 15);
            string acrName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("acr", 20);
            string aciName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("acisample", 20);
            string saName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("sa", 20);
            string dockerImageName     = "microsoft/aci-helloworld";
            string dockerImageTag      = "latest";
            string dockerContainerName = "sample-hello";

                // Create an Azure Container Registry to store and manage private Docker container images

                Utilities.Log("Creating an Azure Container Registry");

                IRegistry azureRegistry = azure.ContainerRegistries.Define(acrName)


                var acrCredentials = azureRegistry.GetCredentials();

                // Create a Docker client that will be used to push/pull images to/from the Azure Container Registry

                using (DockerClient dockerClient = DockerUtils.CreateDockerClient(azure, rgName, region))
                    var pullImgResult = dockerClient.Images.PullImage(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesPullParameters()
                        Parent = dockerImageName,
                        Tag    = dockerImageTag
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig());

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker images for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listImages = dockerClient.Images.ListImages(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var img in listImages)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound image " + img.RepoTags[0] + " (id:" + img.ID + ")");

                    var createContainerResult = dockerClient.Containers.CreateContainer(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CreateContainerParameters()
                        Name  = dockerContainerName,
                        Image = dockerImageName + ":" + dockerImageTag
                    Utilities.Log("List Docker containers for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listContainers = dockerClient.Containers.ListContainers(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ContainersListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var container in listContainers)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound container " + container.Names[0] + " (id:" + container.ID + ")");

                    // Commit the new container

                    string privateRepoUrl = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl + "/" + dockerContainerName;
                    Utilities.Log("Commiting image at: " + privateRepoUrl);

                    var commitContainerResult = dockerClient.Miscellaneous.CommitContainerChanges(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CommitContainerChangesParameters()
                        ContainerID    = dockerContainerName,
                        RepositoryName = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag            = dockerImageTag

                    // Push the new Docker image to the Azure Container Registry

                    var pushImageResult = dockerClient.Images.PushImage(privateRepoUrl,
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagePushParameters()
                        ImageID = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag     = dockerImageTag
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig()
                        Username      = acrCredentials.Username,
                        Password      = acrCredentials.AccessKeys[AccessKeyType.Primary],
                        ServerAddress = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl

                    // Create a container group with one container instance of default CPU core count and memory size
                    //   using public Docker image "microsoft/aci-helloworld" and mounts a new file share as read/write
                    //   shared container volume.

                    IContainerGroup containerGroup = azure.ContainerGroups.Define(aciName)
                                                     .WithPrivateImageRegistry(azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl, acrCredentials.Username, acrCredentials.AccessKeys[AccessKeyType.Primary])


                    // Check the container instance logs


                    string logContent = containerGroup.GetLogContent(aciName);
                    Utilities.Log($"Logs for container instance: {aciName}\n{logContent}");
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (Exception)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
         * Azure App Service sample for deploying from an Azure Container Registry.
         *    - Create an Azure Container Registry to be used for holding the Docker images
         *    - If a local Docker engine cannot be found, create a Linux virtual machine that will host a Docker engine
         *        to be used for this sample
         *    - Use Docker Java to create a Docker client that will push/pull an image to/from Azure Container Registry
         *    - Pull a test image from the public Docker repo (tomcat:8-jre8) to be used as a sample for pushing/pulling
         *        to/from an Azure Container Registry
         *    - Deploys to a new web app from the Tomcat image

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            string rgName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rgACR", 15);
            string acrName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("acrsample", 20);
            string saName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("sa", 20);
            string appName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp", 20);
            string appUrl              = appName + ".azurewebsites.net";
            Region region              = Region.USWest;
            string dockerImageName     = "tomcat";
            string dockerImageTag      = "8-jre8";
            string dockerContainerName = "tomcat-privates";

                // Create an Azure Container Registry to store and manage private Docker container images

                Utilities.Log("Creating an Azure Container Registry");

                IRegistry azureRegistry = azure.ContainerRegistries.Define(acrName)


                var acrCredentials = azureRegistry.ListCredentials();

                // Create a Docker client that will be used to push/pull images to/from the Azure Container Registry

                using (DockerClient dockerClient = DockerUtils.CreateDockerClient(azure, rgName, region))
                    var pullImgResult = dockerClient.Images.PullImage(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesPullParameters()
                        Parent = dockerImageName,
                        Tag    = dockerImageTag
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig());

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker images for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listImages = dockerClient.Images.ListImages(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var img in listImages)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound image " + img.RepoTags[0] + " (id:" + img.ID + ")");

                    var createContainerResult = dockerClient.Containers.CreateContainer(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CreateContainerParameters()
                        Name  = dockerContainerName,
                        Image = dockerImageName + ":" + dockerImageTag
                    Utilities.Log("List Docker containers for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listContainers = dockerClient.Containers.ListContainers(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ContainersListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var container in listContainers)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound container " + container.Names[0] + " (id:" + container.ID + ")");

                    // Commit the new container

                    string privateRepoUrl = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl + "/samples/" + dockerContainerName;
                    Utilities.Log("Commiting image at: " + privateRepoUrl);

                    var commitContainerResult = dockerClient.Miscellaneous.CommitContainerChanges(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CommitContainerChangesParameters()
                        ContainerID    = dockerContainerName,
                        RepositoryName = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag            = "latest"

                    // Push the new Docker image to the Azure Container Registry

                    var pushImageResult = dockerClient.Images.PushImage(privateRepoUrl,
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagePushParameters()
                        ImageID = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag     = "latest"
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig()
                        Username      = acrCredentials.Username,
                        Password      = acrCredentials.Passwords[0].Value,
                        ServerAddress = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl

                    // Create a web app with a new app service plan

                    Utilities.Log("Creating web app " + appName + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");

                    IWebApp app = azure.WebApps.Define(appName)
                                  .WithPrivateRegistryImage(privateRepoUrl + ":latest", "http://" + azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl)
                                  .WithCredentials(acrCredentials.Username, acrCredentials.Passwords[0].Value)
                                  .WithAppSetting("PORT", "8080")

                    Utilities.Log("Created web app " + app.Name);

                    // warm up
                    Utilities.Log("Warming up " + appUrl + "...");
                    Utilities.CheckAddress("http://" + appUrl);
                    Utilities.Log("CURLing " + appUrl + "...");
                    Utilities.Log(Utilities.CheckAddress("http://" + appUrl));
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (Exception)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
         * Azure Container Registry sample for managing container registry.
         *  - Create an Azure Container Registry to be used for holding the Docker images
         *  - If a local Docker engine cannot be found, create a Linux virtual machine that will host a Docker engine
         *      to be used for this sample
         *  - Use Docker DotNet to create a Docker client that will push/pull an image to/from Azure Container Registry
         *  - Pull a test image from the public Docker repo (hello-world:latest) to be used as a sample for pushing/pulling
         *      to/from an Azure Container Registry
         *  - Create a new Docker container from an image that was pulled from Azure Container Registry
        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            string rgName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rgACR", 15);
            string acrName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("acrsample", 20);
            string saName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("sa", 20);
            Region region              = Region.USEast2;
            string dockerImageName     = "hello-world";
            string dockerImageTag      = "latest";
            string dockerContainerName = "sample-hello";
            string dockerImageRelPath  = "samplesdotnet";

                // Create an Azure Container Registry to store and manage private Docker container images

                Utilities.Log("Creating an Azure Container Registry");

                IRegistry azureRegistry = azure.ContainerRegistries.Define(acrName)


                RegistryListCredentials acrCredentials = azureRegistry.ListCredentials();

                // Create a Docker client that will be used to push/pull images to/from the Azure Container Registry

                using (DockerClient dockerClient = DockerUtils.CreateDockerClient(azure, rgName, region))
                    var pullImgResult = dockerClient.Images.PullImage(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesPullParameters()
                        Parent = dockerImageName,
                        Tag    = dockerImageTag
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig());

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker images for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listImages = dockerClient.Images.ListImages(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var img in listImages)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound image " + img.RepoTags[0] + " (id:" + img.ID + ")");

                    var createContainerResult = dockerClient.Containers.CreateContainer(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CreateContainerParameters()
                        Name  = dockerContainerName,
                        Image = dockerImageName + ":" + dockerImageTag
                    Utilities.Log("List Docker containers for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listContainers = dockerClient.Containers.ListContainers(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ContainersListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var container in listContainers)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound container " + container.Names[0] + " (id:" + container.ID + ")");

                    // Commit the new container

                    string privateRepoUrl = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl + "/" + dockerImageRelPath + "/" + dockerContainerName;
                    Utilities.Log("Commiting image at: " + privateRepoUrl);

                    var commitContainerResult = dockerClient.Miscellaneous.CommitContainerChanges(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CommitContainerChangesParameters()
                        ContainerID    = dockerContainerName,
                        RepositoryName = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag            = dockerImageTag

                    // Push the new Docker image to the Azure Container Registry

                    var pushImageResult = dockerClient.Images.PushImage(privateRepoUrl,
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagePushParameters()
                        ImageID = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag     = dockerImageTag
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig()
                        Username      = acrCredentials.Username,
                        Password      = acrCredentials.Passwords[0].Value,
                        ServerAddress = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl

                    // Verify that the image we saved in the Azure Container registry can be pulled and instantiated locally

                    var pullAcrImgResult = dockerClient.Images.PullImage(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesPullParameters()
                        Parent = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag    = dockerImageTag
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig()
                        Username      = acrCredentials.Username,
                        Password      = acrCredentials.Passwords[0].Value,
                        ServerAddress = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker images for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    listImages = dockerClient.Images.ListImages(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var img in listImages)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound image " + img.RepoTags[0] + " (id:" + img.ID + ")");

                    var createAcrContainerResult = dockerClient.Containers.CreateContainer(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CreateContainerParameters()
                        Name  = dockerContainerName + "fromazure",
                        Image = privateRepoUrl + ":" + dockerImageTag

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker containers for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    listContainers = dockerClient.Containers.ListContainers(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ContainersListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var container in listContainers)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound container " + container.Names[0] + " (id:" + container.ID + ")");
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (Exception)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void DeterminesFolderIsMounted(string directory)
     Assert.True(DockerUtils.IsDirectoryMounted(new DirectoryInfo(directory), fstab));
Ejemplo n.º 8
         * Azure Container Registry sample for managing container registry with webhooks.
         *    - Create an Azure Container Registry and setup couple Webhooks to be triggered on registry related actions (push, delete)
         *  - If a local Docker engine cannot be found, create a Linux virtual machine that will host a Docker engine
         *      to be used for this sample
         *  - Use Docker DotNet to create a Docker client that will push/pull an image to/from Azure Container Registry
         *  - Pull a test image from the public Docker repo (hello-world:latest) to be used as a sample for pushing/pulling
         *      to/from an Azure Container Registry
         *    - List the container registry webhook event notifications after pushing a container image to the registry
        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            string rgName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rgACR", 15);
            string acrName             = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("acrsample", 20);
            string saName              = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("sa", 20);
            Region region              = Region.USEast2;
            string dockerImageName     = "hello-world";
            string dockerImageTag      = "latest";
            string dockerContainerName = "sample-hello";
            string dockerImageRelPath  = "samplesdotnet";
            string webhookName1        = "webhookbing1";
            string webhookName2        = "webhookbing2";
            string webhookServiceUri1  = "https://www.bing.com";
            string webhookServiceUri2  = "https://www.bing.com";

                // Create an Azure Container Registry to store and manage private Docker container images

                Utilities.Log("Creating an Azure Container Registry");

                IRegistry azureRegistry = azure.ContainerRegistries.Define(acrName)
                                          .WithTriggerWhen(WebhookAction.Push, WebhookAction.Delete)
                                          .WithTag("tag", "value")
                                          .WithCustomHeader("name", "value")
                                          .WithTag("tag1", "value1")


                // Ping the container registry webhook to validate it works as expected

                IWebhook webhook = azureRegistry.Webhooks.Get(webhookName1);
                var webhookEvents = webhook.ListEvents();
                Utilities.Log($"Found {webhookEvents.Count()} webhook events for: {webhook.Name} with container service: {azureRegistry.Name}/n");
                foreach (var webhookEventInfo in webhookEvents)

                // Create a Docker client that will be used to push/pull images to/from the Azure Container Registry

                var acrCredentials = azureRegistry.GetCredentials();

                using (DockerClient dockerClient = DockerUtils.CreateDockerClient(azure, rgName, region))
                    var pullImgResult = dockerClient.Images.PullImage(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesPullParameters()
                        Parent = dockerImageName,
                        Tag    = dockerImageTag
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig());

                    Utilities.Log("List Docker images for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listImages = dockerClient.Images.ListImages(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagesListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var img in listImages)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound image " + img.RepoTags[0] + " (id:" + img.ID + ")");

                    var createContainerResult = dockerClient.Containers.CreateContainer(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CreateContainerParameters()
                        Name  = dockerContainerName,
                        Image = dockerImageName + ":" + dockerImageTag
                    Utilities.Log("List Docker containers for: " + dockerClient.Configuration.EndpointBaseUri.AbsoluteUri);
                    var listContainers = dockerClient.Containers.ListContainers(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ContainersListParameters()
                        All = true
                    foreach (var container in listContainers)
                        Utilities.Log("\tFound container " + container.Names[0] + " (id:" + container.ID + ")");

                    // Commit the new container

                    string privateRepoUrl = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl + "/" + dockerImageRelPath + "/" + dockerContainerName;
                    Utilities.Log("Commiting image at: " + privateRepoUrl);

                    var commitContainerResult = dockerClient.Miscellaneous.CommitContainerChanges(
                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.CommitContainerChangesParameters()
                        ContainerID    = dockerContainerName,
                        RepositoryName = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag            = dockerImageTag

                    // Push the new Docker image to the Azure Container Registry

                    var pushImageResult = dockerClient.Images.PushImage(privateRepoUrl,
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.ImagePushParameters()
                        ImageID = privateRepoUrl,
                        Tag     = dockerImageTag
                                                                        new Docker.DotNet.Models.AuthConfig()
                        Username      = acrCredentials.Username,
                        Password      = acrCredentials.AccessKeys[AccessKeyType.Primary],
                        ServerAddress = azureRegistry.LoginServerUrl

                    // Gets the container registry webhook after pushing a container image and lists the event notifications

                    webhook       = azureRegistry.Webhooks.Get(webhookName1);
                    webhookEvents = webhook.ListEvents();
                    Utilities.Log($"Found {webhookEvents.Count()} webhook events for: {webhook.Name} with container service: {azureRegistry.Name}/n");
                    foreach (var webhookEventInfo in webhookEvents)
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (Exception)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");