Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult GetDivinationCard(string name)
            var model = new DivinationCard();
            var query = from b in dB.BaseItems.AsQueryable()
                        where b.ReleaseState == "released" &&
                        b.ItemClass == "DivinationCard" &&
                        b.ItemName.ToLower() == name.ToLower()
                        orderby b.ItemName
                        select new DivinationCard()
                ItemName       = b.ItemName,
                VisualIdentity = b.VisualIdentity,
                DropLevel      = b.DropLevel,
                Properties     = b.Properties,
                Tags           = b.Tags

            model = query.FirstOrDefault();


            return(View("GetDivinationCard", model));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Workaround method to set individual item properties after the fact
        // Select statement in the query does not support GetValueOrDefault unfortunately.
        private void SetProperties(DivinationCard divCard)
            divCard.Description          = (string)divCard.Properties.GetValueOrDefault("description", "");
            divCard.StackSize            = (int)divCard.Properties.GetValueOrDefault("stack_size", 0);
            divCard.CurrencyTabStackSize = (int)divCard.Properties.GetValueOrDefault("stack_size_currency_tab", 0);
            divCard.FlavourText          = (string)divCard.Properties.GetValueOrDefault("flavour_text", "");

            // Grab the areas_found element
            divCard.Properties.ToBsonDocument().TryGetElement("areas_found", out BsonElement areasFound);
            if (areasFound.Value != null)
                // Convert areas_found to BsonArray and select into a normal array
                var areas = areasFound.Value.AsBsonArray;
                divCard.DropAreas = areas.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Alters the raw description data to use respective HTML tags and formatting.
        // Uses RegEx to pair formatting tags and their content to be rendered.
        private void FormatDescriptionForHTML(DivinationCard divCard)
            // Matches any <*> followed by {*} and captures the contents of both as capture groups.
            string pattern   = @"<([a-zA-Z]*)>{([a-zA-Z0-9ö \t+%:'.,-]*)}";
            Regex  rgx       = new Regex(pattern);
            var    matchList = rgx.Matches(divCard.Description).ToList();

            bool openSpanTag = false;

            foreach (Match match in rgx.Matches(divCard.Description))
                var wholeMatch = match.Groups[0].ToString();
                var cssClass   = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                var content    = match.Groups[2].ToString();

                // If we have a situation like "Item Level:", we don't want to break into a new line until after the.
                // post colon data is displayed.
                var containsColon = wholeMatch.Contains(":");

                // If the base string contains a colon, we add the lineContainer wrapper tag.
                var baseString = containsColon ? $"<span class=\"lineContainer\"><span class=\"{cssClass}\">{content}</span>" : $"<span class=\"{cssClass}\">{content}</span>";

                // If there's an unclosed lineContainer tag, we close it.
                var treatedString = openSpanTag ? $"{baseString}</span>" : baseString;
                if (openSpanTag)
                    openSpanTag = false;

                // Replace the original regex match with our treated string with html tags.
                divCard.Description = divCard.Description.Replace($"<{cssClass}>{{{content}}}", treatedString);

                if (containsColon)
                    openSpanTag = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Manipulates the visual identity string in order to generate the required link from the PoE CDN
        private void SetImgSrc(DivinationCard divCard)
            var raw = (string)divCard.VisualIdentity.GetValueOrDefault("id", "");

            divCard.CardArtString = new string("https://web.poecdn.com/image/divination-card/" + raw.Split('.')[0] + ".png");