Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override string ReceivedDivideProblem(DivideProblem divideProblem)
            /* Divide Problem is sent to TM to start the action of dividing the problem instance to smaller tasks.
             * TM is provided with information about the computational power of the cluster in terms of total number
             * of available threads. The same message is used to relay information for synchronizing info with Backup CS.

            //Debug.Assert(false, "Unimplemented");

            ////we are not dividing yet - inserting everything into CommonData
            ////the same should be done in the ComputationalNode
            SolvePartialProblems solvePartialProblems = new SolvePartialProblems();

            solvePartialProblems.CommonData = divideProblem.Data;

            solvePartialProblems.Id = divideProblem.Id;
            solvePartialProblems.SolvingTimeoutSpecified = false;
            if (divideProblem.ProblemType != null)
                solvePartialProblems.ProblemType = divideProblem.ProblemType;

            CMSocket.Instance.SendMessage(this.Port, this.IP, solvePartialProblems.SerializeToXML(), this);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SerializeDivideProblem()
            DivideProblem d   = new DivideProblem();
            string        xml = d.SerializeToXML();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override string ReceivedSolvePartialProblems(SolvePartialProblems solvePartialProblems)
            /* Partial problems message is sent by the TM after dividing the problem into smaller partial problems.
             * The data in it consists of two parts – common for all partial problems and specific for the given task.
             * The same Partial Problems schema is used for the messages sent to be computed by the CN and to relay
             * information for synchronizing info with Backup CS.

            //if (this.BackupMode == true)
            //    return null;

            if (this.serverQueues.SolveRequests.Count > 0)
                SolveRequest  solveRequest  = this.serverQueues.SolveRequests.Dequeue();
                DivideProblem divideProblem = new DivideProblem();
                divideProblem.Data = solveRequest.Data;
                divideProblem.Id   = solveRequest.Id;
                Console.WriteLine("Sending DivideProblem as an ans to SolvePartiaProblems");

            //TM is not going to join the solutions
            //if (this.serverQueues.Solutions.Count > 0) {
            //    Solutions solutions = this.serverQueues.Solutions.Dequeue();
            //    return solutions.SerializeToXML();

            Console.WriteLine("Sending NoOp as an ans to SolvePartialProblems");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected override void ProcessDivideProblemMessage(DivideProblem message,
                                                     IDictionary <int, ProblemDataSet> dataSets,
                                                     IDictionary <int, ActiveComponent> activeComponents)
     DataSetOps.HandleDivideProblem(message, dataSets);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void DeserializeDivideProblem()
            DivideProblem d   = new DivideProblem();
            string        xml = d.SerializeToXML();

            d = (DivideProblem)xml.DeserializeXML();
        public Message DivideProblem(DivideProblem divideProblem)
            log.DebugFormat("Division of problem has started. ({0})", divideProblem.Id);

            if (!SolvableProblems.Contains(divideProblem.ProblemType))
                log.Debug("Not supported problem type.");
                return(new Error()
                    ErrorMessage = "not supported problem type",
                    ErrorType = ErrorErrorType.InvalidOperation

            var commonData = divideProblem.Data;
            var taskSolver = _resolver.GetInstanceByBaseTypeName(divideProblem.ProblemType, commonData);
            var bytes      = taskSolver.DivideProblem(0);

            log.DebugFormat("Length of divide problem message: {0}", bytes?.Sum(x => x.Length));
            //adding info about partial problems, their task ids, and partialProblem
            //some things can be temporary (partialProblems?)
            storage.AddIssue(divideProblem.Id, new ProblemInfo()
                ProblemsCount  = bytes?.GetLength(0) ?? 0,
                ProblemType    = divideProblem.ProblemType,
                SolutionsCount = 0,
                CommonData     = commonData

            var problemsList = new List <SolvePartialProblemsPartialProblem>();

            //iterate through all partial problems and create proper messages
            for (var i = 0; i < (bytes?.GetLength(0) ?? 0); i++)
                var partialProblem = new SolvePartialProblemsPartialProblem()
                    TaskId = (ulong)i,
                    Data   = bytes[i],
                    NodeID = componentId

                //adding info about subtask to task manager memory
                storage.AddTaskToIssue(divideProblem.Id, partialProblem);

            log.DebugFormat("Division finished. ({0})", divideProblem.Id);
            //creating msg
            var partialProblems = new SolvePartialProblems()
                ProblemType     = divideProblem.ProblemType,
                Id              = divideProblem.Id,
                CommonData      = divideProblem.Data,
                PartialProblems = problemsList.ToArray()

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void DivideProblemConstructorTest()
            byte[] data = new byte[0];

            DivideProblem divideProblem = new DivideProblem("name", 1, data, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override string ReceivedDivideProblem(DivideProblem divideProblem)
            /* Divide Problem is sent to TM to start the action of dividing the problem instance to smaller tasks.
             * TM is provided with information about the computational power of the cluster in terms of total number
             * of available threads. The same message is used to relay information for synchronizing info with Backup CS.
            Debug.Assert(this.BackupMode == true, "ReceivedDivideProblem received to primary Server");

            //NoOperation noOperationResponse = this.GenerateNoOperation();
            return(null); //noOperationResponse.SerializeToXML();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// metoda na potzreby symulacji to TEST-weeku
        /// dlatego korzystamy w sumie tylko z liczby CN
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">DivideProblem message object</param>
        public void DivideProblemSimulation(DivideProblem msg, ComputationalThread thread)
            if (msg == null)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: DivideProblemSimulation failure - msg is null");
            ulong? timeout_in_miliseconds = timeout != null ? (ulong?)timeout.Millisecond : null;
            ulong computational_nodes = msg.ComputationalNodes;

            var asm = Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(Path.GetFullPath("DVRP.dll")));
            Type t = asm.GetType("DVRP.DVRP");

            var methodInfo = t.GetMethod("DivideProblem");
            object[] constructor_params = new object[1];
            constructor_params[0] = msg.Data;
            var o = Activator.CreateInstance(t, constructor_params);

            object[] param = new object[1];
            param[0] = (int)msg.ComputationalNodes;
            byte[][] result = (byte[][])methodInfo.Invoke(o, param);

            // start_time = DateTime.Now;

            List<PartialProblem> divided_problems = new List<PartialProblem>();
            //tworzymy tyle podproblemow ile dostepnych nodów

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)computational_nodes; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("adding partial problem to divided problems");
                PartialProblem pp = new PartialProblem((ulong)i, result[i]);

            if (divided_problems.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: Cannot send msg with no partial problems set");

            SolverRegisteredProblem srp = new SolverRegisteredProblem(msg.Id, divided_problems);
            SolvePartialProblems solve_partial_problems_msg = new SolvePartialProblems(msg.ProblemType, msg.Id, msg.Data, timeout_in_miliseconds, divided_problems);

            byte[] response = client.Work(solve_partial_problems_msg.GetXmlData());
            //in this case it's expected value
            if (response == null)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: DivideProblems message sent successfully");
            SetComputationalThreadIdle((ulong)thread.ProblemInstanceId, (ulong)thread.TaskId);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DivideProblemToXmlTest()
            DivideProblem dp = new DivideProblem("abc", 100, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 100);
            byte[] data;

            data = dp.GetXmlData();


Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// handler of respones, sends proper requests
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleResponses()
            while (true)
                Message message;
                if (!messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message))
                switch (message.MessageType)
                case MessageType.NoOperationMessage:
                    log.Debug("NoOperation acquired: updating backups");
                    UpdateBackups(message.Cast <NoOperation>());

                case MessageType.DivideProblemMessage:
                    //should be done in another thread not to
                    //overload message handler thread
                    log.Debug("DivideProblem acquired: dividing problem processing...");
                    DivideProblem msg        = message.Cast <DivideProblem>();
                    Thread        compThread = new Thread
                                                   (o => this.StartLongComputation(() => core.DivideProblem

                case MessageType.SolutionsMessage:
                    //first, in this thread, if solution needs to be linked,
                    //create new thread
                    log.Debug("Solutions acquired: solutions msg processing");
                    Solutions smsg      = message.Cast <Solutions>();
                    Thread    solThread = new Thread(o => this.StartLongComputation
                                                         (() => core.HandleSolutions(smsg)));

                case MessageType.ErrorMessage:
                    log.DebugFormat("Error message acquired:{0}", message.Cast <Error>().ErrorMessage);

                    throw new Exception("Wrong message delivered to TM: " + message.ToString());
 private void ReceiveProblem(DivideProblem _problem)
     Console.WriteLine("Trying to divide Problem ID = {0}", _problem.Id);
     m_lastChangeTime    = DateTime.Now;
     m_status.Threads[0] = new StatusThread()
         State   = StatusThreadState.Busy,
         HowLong = 0,
         ProblemInstanceIdSpecified = true,
         ProblemInstanceId          = _problem.Id,
         ProblemType     = _problem.ProblemType,
         TaskIdSpecified = false
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void DivideProblemParseTest()
            DivideProblem dp = new DivideProblem("name", 123, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 123);
            byte[] data = dp.GetXmlData();

            XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(data);

            Assert.AreEqual(MessageTypes.DivideProblem, parser.MessageType);
            DivideProblem result = (DivideProblem)parser.Message;
            Assert.AreEqual(dp.Id, result.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(dp.ProblemType, result.ProblemType);
            Assert.AreEqual(dp.ComputationalNodes, result.ComputationalNodes);
            Assert.AreEqual(dp.Data.Length, result.Data.Length);
        public void CheckComputationsWrongMessageExceptionTest()
            var mockcore        = new Mock <ClientNodeProcessingModule>();
            var mockcreator     = new Mock <IMessageArrayCreator>();
            var solutionRequest = new SolutionRequest();

            Message[] request = new[] { solutionRequest };
            mockcreator.Setup(u => u.Create(solutionRequest)).Returns(request);

            var mockclient = new Mock <IClusterClient>();
            var response   = new DivideProblem();
            var response2  = new Solutions();
            var responses  = new Message[] { response, response2 };

            mockclient.Setup(u => u.SendRequests(request)).Returns(responses);

            var clientNode = new ClientNode(mockclient.Object, mockcore.Object, mockcreator.Object);

            var ret = clientNode.CheckComputations(solutionRequest);
        private void SendPartialProblem(DivideProblem _problem, byte[][] partitions)
            SolvePartialProblems solvePartialProblems = new SolvePartialProblems()
                Id              = _problem.Id,
                CommonData      = _problem.Data,
                ProblemType     = taskSolver.Name,
                PartialProblems = new SolvePartialProblemsPartialProblem[partitions.Length]

            for (int i = 0; i < solvePartialProblems.PartialProblems.Length; i++)
                solvePartialProblems.PartialProblems[i] = new SolvePartialProblemsPartialProblem()
                    TaskId = (ulong)i,
                    Data   = partitions[i]
            Send(SerializeMessage <SolvePartialProblems>(solvePartialProblems));
            Console.WriteLine("Sending Partial Problem from Problem ID={0} to server.", _problem.Id);
        private bool SendProblemToTaskManager(ulong _problemId)
            ComponentObject state       = new ComponentObject();
            ulong           freeThreads = 0;
            //  bool flag = false;
            Problem problem = m_problems.Find(e => e.Id == _problemId);

            /* foreach (var computationalNode in m_nodes)
             *   if (computationalNode.solvableProblems.Contains(problem.ProblemType))
             *       foreach (var thread in computationalNode.statusThreads)
             *           if (thread.State == StatusThreadState.Idle)
             *               freeThreads++;*/
            freeThreads = (ulong)m_nodes.Count(node => node.solvableProblems.Contains(problem.ProblemType) && node.statusThreads[0].State == StatusThreadState.Idle);

            foreach (var taskManager in m_managers)
                if (taskManager.solvableProblems.Contains(problem.ProblemType) && taskManager.statusThreads[0].State == StatusThreadState.Idle)
                    problem.manager = taskManager;
                    state           = taskManager.state;
            if (state.m_socket == null || freeThreads == 0)
                problem.manager = null;
            DivideProblem divideProblem = new DivideProblem()
                ComputationalNodes = freeThreads,
                Data        = problem.Data,
                Id          = _problemId,
                ProblemType = problem.ProblemType

            return(Send(SerializeMessage(divideProblem), state.m_socket));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends problem to task (if any is available)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Work(ulong taskId, ServerNetworkAdapter networkAdapter)
            if (DvrpProblem.ProblemsDividing[taskId].Count > 0 || DvrpProblem.SolutionsMerging[taskId].Count > 0)

            ulong problemId = 0;

            var problems = new List<ulong>(DvrpProblem.ProblemsID);

            foreach (var list in DvrpProblem.ProblemsDividing.Values)
                foreach (var el in list)

            foreach (var list in DvrpProblem.SolutionsMerging.Values)
                foreach (var el in list)

            foreach (var id in problems)
                if (!DvrpProblem.PartialProblems.ContainsKey(id) && !DvrpProblem.PartialSolutions.ContainsKey(id) && !DvrpProblem.ProblemSolutions.ContainsKey(id))
                    problemId = id;

            if (problemId == 0)

            var pr = DvrpProblem.Problems[problemId];
            DivideProblem div = new DivideProblem();
            div.Id = problemId;
            div.ProblemType = pr.ProblemType;
            div.Data = pr.Data;
            div.ComputationalNodes = (ulong)DvrpProblem.Nodes.Count;

            if (networkAdapter.Send(div))
        public void SendProblemInvalidResponseExceptionTest()
            var mockcore     = new Mock <ClientNodeProcessingModule>();
            var mockcreator  = new Mock <IMessageArrayCreator>();
            var solveRequest = new SolveRequest()
                ProblemType = "abc"

            Message[] request = new[] { solveRequest };
            mockcreator.Setup(u => u.Create(solveRequest)).Returns(request);
            mockcore.Setup(u => u.GetRequest()).Returns(solveRequest);

            var mockclient      = new Mock <IClusterClient>();
            var invalidResponse = new DivideProblem();
            var properResponse  = new SolveRequestResponse();
            var responses       = new Message[] { invalidResponse, properResponse };

            mockclient.Setup(u => u.SendRequests(request)).Returns(responses);

            var clientNode = new ClientNode(mockclient.Object, mockcore.Object, mockcreator.Object);

            var ret = clientNode.SendProblem();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizuje informację o TM i CN. Sprawdza czy jest dla nich nowe zadanie i jeśli znajdzie, odsyła.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Status TM/CN</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MessageObject UpdateAndGiveData(MessageObject obj)
            MessageObject response = null;
            Status status = obj as Status;

            lock (lockObj)
                Node node = taskManagers.Find(item => item.Id == status.Id);
                if (node == null)
                    node = computationalNodes.Find(item => item.Id == status.Id);

                if (node != null)

                    if (node.GetAvailableThreads() > 0)
                        if (node.GetType() == typeof(TaskManager))
                            Problem partialP = problems.Find(t => t.Status == ProblemStatus.PartiallySolved
                                && node.SolvableProblems.Contains(t.ProblemType));

                            if (partialP != null)
                                partialP.Status = ProblemStatus.WaitingForSolutions;

                                List<Solution> solutions = new List<Solution>();
                                node.TemporaryProblems.Add(new TempProblem(partialP.Id, ProblemStatus.WaitingForSolutions, null));

                                foreach (var pp in partialP.PartialProblems)
                                    solutions.Add(new Solution(pp.TaskId, pp.TimeoutOccured, SolutionType.Partial, pp.ComputationsTime, pp.Data));

                                response = new Solutions(partialP.ProblemType, partialP.Id, partialP.CommonData, solutions);
                                return response;

                            Problem newP = problems.Find(t => t.Status == ProblemStatus.New
                                && node.SolvableProblems.Contains(t.ProblemType));

                            if (newP != null)
                                newP.Status = ProblemStatus.WaitingForDivision;
                                node.TemporaryProblems.Add(new TempProblem(newP.Id, ProblemStatus.WaitingForDivision, null));
                                ulong computationalNodesCount = (ulong)computationalNodes.Sum(t => t.GetAvailableThreads());
                                response = new DivideProblem(newP.ProblemType, newP.Id, newP.Data, computationalNodesCount);
                                return response;
                        else    // ComputationalNode
                            Problem dividedP = problems.Find(t => t.Status == ProblemStatus.Divided
                                && node.SolvableProblems.Contains(t.ProblemType));

                            if (dividedP != null)
                                List<CommunicationXML.PartialProblem> pp =

                                response =
                                    new SolvePartialProblems(dividedP.ProblemType, dividedP.Id,
                                        dividedP.CommonData, dividedP.SolvingTimeout, pp);

                                List<TempPartial> ppnums = new List<TempPartial>();

                                foreach(var x in pp)
                                    ppnums.Add(new TempPartial(x.TaskId, PartialProblemStatus.Sended));

                                node.TemporaryProblems.Add(new TempProblem(dividedP.Id, dividedP.Status, ppnums));

                                return response;

            return response;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected abstract string ReceivedDivideProblem(DivideProblem divideProblem);
 protected virtual void ProcessDivideProblemMessage(DivideProblem message,
                                                    IDictionary <int, ProblemDataSet> dataSets,
                                                    IDictionary <int, ActiveComponent> activeComponents)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 //podziel problem
 public void DivideProblem(DivideProblem msg)
     //extract data from message
     //start appropriate method implementing TaskSolver
     ///after dividing problem send PartialProblems message
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void DivideThreadFunc(DivideProblem msg, ComputationalThread thread)
            if (msg == null)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: DivideProblemSimulation failure - msg is null");
            ulong? timeout_in_miliseconds = timeout != null ? (ulong?)timeout.Millisecond : null;
            ulong computational_nodes = msg.ComputationalNodes;

            var asm = Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(Path.GetFullPath(msg.ProblemType + ".dll")));
            if (asm == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Nie mozna znalezc modulu " + msg.ProblemType + ".dll");
            //Type t = asm.GetType("DVRP.DVRP");
            Type t = asm.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UCCTaskSolver.TaskSolver))).FirstOrDefault();
            if (t == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Brak odpowiedniej klasy w module.");

            var methodInfo = t.GetMethod("DivideProblem");
            object[] constructor_params = new object[1];
            constructor_params[0] = msg.Data;
            var o = Activator.CreateInstance(t, constructor_params);
            /*********event handler*/

            //var eventInfo = t.GetEvent("ProblemDividingFinished");
            //Type tDelegate = eventInfo.EventHandlerType;

            //MethodInfo addHandler = eventInfo.GetAddMethod();

            //Type returnType = GetDelegateReturnType(tDelegate);

            //DynamicMethod handler = new DynamicMethod("", null,
            //                      GetDelegateParameterTypes(tDelegate), t);

            //ILGenerator ilgen = handler.GetILGenerator();

            //Type[] showParameters = { typeof(String) };
            //MethodInfo simpleShow = typeof(CNNode).GetMethod("SetComputationalThreadIdle");

            //ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "string");//ct.ProblemInstanceId.Value);//Ldstr,"This event handler was constructed at run time.");
            //ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, simpleShow);
            ////   ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Pop);

            //// Complete the dynamic method by calling its CreateDelegate
            //// method. Use the "add" accessor to add the delegate to
            //// the invocation list for the event.
            //Delegate dEmitted = handler.CreateDelegate(tDelegate);
            //addHandler.Invoke(o, new Object[] { dEmitted });

            object[] param = new object[1];
            param[0] = (int)msg.ComputationalNodes;
            byte[][] result = null;

                result = (byte[][])methodInfo.Invoke(o, param);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Moduł '" + msg.ProblemType + ".dll' zakończył działanie z błędem:\n\n" + e.InnerException.Message, "Błąd modułu", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //start_time = DateTime.Now;

            List<PartialProblem> divided_problems = new List<PartialProblem>();
            //tworzymy tyle podproblemow ile dostepnych nodów

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)computational_nodes; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("adding partial problem to divided problems");
                PartialProblem pp = new PartialProblem((ulong)i, result[i]);

            if (divided_problems.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: Cannot send msg with no partial problems set");

            SolverRegisteredProblem srp = new SolverRegisteredProblem(msg.Id, divided_problems);
            SolvePartialProblems solve_partial_problems_msg = new SolvePartialProblems(msg.ProblemType, msg.Id, msg.Data, timeout_in_miliseconds, divided_problems);

            byte[] response = client.Work(solve_partial_problems_msg.GetXmlData());
            //in this case it's expected value
            if (response == null)
                Console.WriteLine("TM: DivideProblems message sent successfully");
            SetComputationalThreadIdle((ulong)thread.ProblemInstanceId, (ulong)thread.TaskId);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private void ReceiveDivide(DivideProblem divideProblem)
     problem = divideProblem;
        private void DivideProblem(DivideProblem _problem)
            bool isEnd = false;

            /*   var loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().ToList();
             * List<string> loadedP=new List<string>();
             * foreach (var asembly in loadedAssemblies)
             * {
             *     try
             *     {
             *         string s = asembly.Location;
             *         loadedP.Add(s);
             *     }
             *     catch (Exception) { }
             * }
             * var loadedPaths = loadedP.ToArray();
             * var referencedPaths = Directory.GetFiles(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "*.dll");
             * var toLoad = referencedPaths.Where(r => !loadedPaths.Contains(r, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();
             * toLoad.ForEach(path => loadedAssemblies.Add(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(path))));*/
            List <Assembly> list   = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().ToList();
            Type            myType = null;

            foreach (var asem in list)
                foreach (var type in asem.GetTypes())
                    if (type.BaseType == typeof(TaskSolver))
                        TaskSolver solv = (TaskSolver)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new byte[0]);
                        if (solv.Name == _problem.ProblemType)
                            myType = type; isEnd = true; break;
                if (isEnd)

            taskSolver = (UCCTaskSolver.TaskSolver)Activator.CreateInstance(myType, _problem.Data);
            byte[][] partials = taskSolver.DivideProblem((int)_problem.ComputationalNodes);

            SendPartialProblem(_problem, partials);
            m_lastChangeTime    = DateTime.Now;
            m_status.Threads[0] = new StatusThread()
                State   = StatusThreadState.Idle,
                HowLong = 0,
                ProblemInstanceIdSpecified = false,
                ProblemType     = "",
                TaskIdSpecified = false

            //List<List<List<List<int>>>> permutationForNodes = new List<List<List<List<int>>>>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < (int)_problem.ComputationalNodes; i++)
            //    permutationForNodes.Add(new List<List<List<int>>>());
            //int ind = 0;
            //foreach (var set in allDevisions)
            // {
            //     permutationForNodes[ind].Add(set);
            //     ind = (ind + 1) % (int)_problem.ComputationalNodes;
            // }
            // SendPartialProblem(_problem, permutationForNodes);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void DivideAndSendPartialProblems(DivideProblem message)
            var partialProblems = CreatePartialProblems(message);
            if (partialProblems == null) return;

Ejemplo n.º 27
        private SolvePartialProblems CreatePartialProblems(DivideProblem message)
            var taskSolver = CreateSolverOrSendError(message.ProblemType, message.Data);
            if (taskSolver == null) return null;

            var problemsData = taskSolver.DivideProblem(0);

            var partialProblemsMessage = new SolvePartialProblems
                Id = message.Id,
                ProblemType = "DVRP",
                CommonData = message.Data,
                PartialProblems = problemsData.Select((t, i) => new SolvePartialProblemsPartialProblem
                    TaskId = (ulong) i, NodeID = Id, Data = t

            return partialProblemsMessage;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected override string ReceivedDivideProblem(DivideProblem divideProblem)
     Debug.Assert(false, "Should not be here");
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static void HandleDivideProblem(DivideProblem message, IDictionary <int, ProblemDataSet> dataSets)
     dataSets[(int)message.Id].TaskManagerId = (int)message.NodeID;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected override string ReceivedStatus(Status status)
            Debug.Assert(this.serverQueues != null, "null server queue");
            Node node = this.RegisteredComponents.NodeWithID(status.Id);

            NoOperation noOperationResponse = this.GenerateNoOperation();

            if (!this.ensureNode(node))

            switch (node.NodeType)
            case NodeType.TaskManager:
                if (this.serverQueues.SolveRequests.Count > 0)
                    SolveRequest  solveRequest  = this.serverQueues.SolveRequests.Dequeue();
                    DivideProblem divideProblem = new DivideProblem();
                    divideProblem.Data = solveRequest.Data;
                    divideProblem.Id   = solveRequest.Id;
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending DivideProblem to TM");
                //TM is not going to join the solutions
                //if (this.serverQueues.Solutions.Count > 0) {
                //    Solutions solutions = this.serverQueues.Solutions.Dequeue();
                //    return solutions.SerializeToXML();

            case NodeType.ComputationalNode:     //TODO: check!!
                bool busy = false;
                if (status.Threads != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Threads field not null");
                    foreach (StatusThreadsThread stt in status.Threads)
                        if (stt.ProblemInstanceIdSpecified || stt.TaskIdSpecified)
                            busy = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Busy = true");
                if (this.serverQueues.ProblemsToSolve.Count > 0 && !busy)
                    Console.WriteLine("Busy = true");
                    SolvePartialProblems partialProblems = this.serverQueues.ProblemsToSolve.Dequeue();
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending PartialProblems to CN");

            case NodeType.Server: {
                foreach (BackupServerQueue bsq in this.backupServerQueues)
                    if (bsq.backupServerId == status.Id)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sending queued message to BackupCS");
                        if (bsq.messages.Count > 0)


            Debug.Assert(node != null, "Received unregistered node status");
            if (node == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Received unregistered node status");

            if (!this.BackupMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Sending NoOp");
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// gets proper problem to solve as response for status msg request from TM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="components">active components list</param>
        /// <param name="componentId">the id of TM that send status</param>
        /// <param name="dataSets">current server problem memory</param>
        /// <returns>message for TM</returns>
        public static Message GetMessageForTaskManager
            (IDictionary <int, ActiveComponent> components, int componentId,
            IDictionary <int, ProblemDataSet> dataSets)
            //TODO: get message for TM - implementation
            Message response = null;

            //checking divide problem posibilities
            foreach (var dataSet in dataSets.Where(dataSet => components[componentId].SolvableProblems.Contains(dataSet.Value.ProblemType) && dataSet.Value.TaskManagerId == 0))
                response = new DivideProblem()
                    ComputationalNodes = 1, //we'll worry about this later
                    Data        = dataSet.Value.CommonData,
                    Id          = (ulong)dataSet.Key,
                    NodeID      = (ulong)componentId,
                    ProblemType = dataSet.Value.ProblemType
                dataSet.Value.TaskManagerId = componentId;
            //if divide problem is here, we can send it:
            if (response != null)

            //checking linking solutions posibilites
            foreach (var dataSet in dataSets)
                //check only in your own problem assignments
                if (dataSet.Value.TaskManagerId != componentId)
                //problem is not divided yet, so nothing
                if (dataSet.Value.PartialSets == null || dataSet.Value.PartialSets.Length == 0)
                //check potential solutions-to-link
                var solutionsToSend = new List <SolutionsSolution>();
                foreach (var partialSet in dataSet.Value.PartialSets.Where(partialSet => partialSet.Status == PartialSetStatus.Ongoing &&
                                                                           partialSet.PartialSolution != null))
                    partialSet.Status = PartialSetStatus.Sent;
                //if can be linked, then make a message and break
                if (solutionsToSend.Count > 0)
                    return(new Solutions()
                        CommonData = dataSet.Value.CommonData,
                        Id = (ulong)dataSet.Key,
                        ProblemType = dataSet.Value.ProblemType,
                        SolutionsList = solutionsToSend.ToArray()
 protected virtual Message[] RespondDivideProblemMessage(DivideProblem message,
                                                         IDictionary <int, ProblemDataSet> dataSets,
                                                         IDictionary <int, ActiveComponent> activeComponents)