Ejemplo n.º 1
        private MessagePackObject CreateTypedMessagePackObject(Type type, object obj, bool first = false)
            if (first)
                _nestCount = 0;

            if (_nestCount > MaxNestCount)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("nest counter is over the maximum. counter = " + _nestCount);


            using (var d = new DisposeWithAction(() => _nestCount--))
                if (obj == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("can't pack a null value. type = " + type.FullName, "type");

                if (type == typeof(bool)) return new MessagePackObject((bool)obj);
                if (type == typeof(byte)) return new MessagePackObject((byte)obj);
                if (type == typeof(byte[])) return new MessagePackObject((byte[])obj);
                if (type == typeof(double)) return new MessagePackObject((double)obj);
                if (type == typeof(float)) return new MessagePackObject((float)obj);
                if (type == typeof(int)) return new MessagePackObject((int)obj);
                if (type == typeof(long)) return new MessagePackObject((long)obj);
                if (type == typeof(sbyte)) return new MessagePackObject((sbyte)obj);
                if (type == typeof(short)) return new MessagePackObject((short)obj);
                if (type == typeof(string)) return new MessagePackObject((string)obj);
                if (type == typeof(uint)) return new MessagePackObject((uint)obj);
                if (type == typeof(ulong)) return new MessagePackObject((ulong)obj);
                if (type == typeof(ushort)) return new MessagePackObject((ushort)obj);
                if (type == typeof(DateTime)) return new MessagePackObject(MessagePackConvert.FromDateTime((DateTime)obj));
                if (type == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) return new MessagePackObject(MessagePackConvert.FromDateTimeOffset((DateTimeOffset)obj));

                if (type.IsEnum) return new MessagePackObject(obj.ToString());

                if (type.IsArray)
                    return new MessagePackObject((obj as object[]).Select(x => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(type.GetElementType(), x)).ToList());

                if (obj is ExpandoObject || obj is IDictionary<string, object>)
                    var tmp = obj as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var dict = tmp.ToDictionary(x => new MessagePackObject(x.Key), x => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(x.Value.GetType(), x.Value));
                    return new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict));
                else if (type.IsValueType)
                    var dict = obj.GetType()
                        .GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                        .ToDictionary(fi => new MessagePackObject(fi.Name), fi => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(fi.FieldType, fi.GetValue(obj)));
                    return new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict));
                else if (type.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable)))
                    var list = new List<MessagePackObject>();
                    foreach (var x in obj as System.Collections.IEnumerable)
                        list.Add(CreateTypedMessagePackObject(x.GetType(), x));
                    return new MessagePackObject(list);
                    var dict = obj.GetType()
                        .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                        .ToDictionary(pi => new MessagePackObject(pi.Name), pi => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(pi.PropertyType, pi.GetValue(obj, null)));
                    return new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private MessagePackObject CreateTypedMessagePackObject(Type type, object obj, bool first = false)
            if (first)
                _nestCount = 0;

            if (_nestCount > MaxNestCount)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("nest counter is over the maximum. counter = " + _nestCount);


            using (var d = new DisposeWithAction(() => _nestCount--))
                if (obj == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("can't pack a null value. type = " + type.FullName, "type");

                if (type == typeof(bool))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((bool)obj));
                if (type == typeof(byte))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((byte)obj));
                if (type == typeof(byte[]))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((byte[])obj));
                if (type == typeof(double))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((double)obj));
                if (type == typeof(float))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((float)obj));
                if (type == typeof(int))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((int)obj));
                if (type == typeof(long))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((long)obj));
                if (type == typeof(sbyte))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((sbyte)obj));
                if (type == typeof(short))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((short)obj));
                if (type == typeof(string))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((string)obj));
                if (type == typeof(uint))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((uint)obj));
                if (type == typeof(ulong))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((ulong)obj));
                if (type == typeof(ushort))
                    return(new MessagePackObject((ushort)obj));
                if (type == typeof(DateTime))
                    return(new MessagePackObject(MessagePackConvert.FromDateTime((DateTime)obj)));
                if (type == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                    return(new MessagePackObject(MessagePackConvert.FromDateTimeOffset((DateTimeOffset)obj)));

                if (type.IsEnum)
                    return(new MessagePackObject(obj.ToString()));

                if (type.IsArray)
                    return(new MessagePackObject((obj as object[]).Select(x => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(type.GetElementType(), x)).ToList()));

                if (obj is ExpandoObject || obj is IDictionary <string, object> )
                    var tmp  = obj as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    var dict = tmp.ToDictionary(x => new MessagePackObject(x.Key), x => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(x.Value.GetType(), x.Value));
                    return(new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict)));
                else if (type.IsValueType)
                    var dict = obj.GetType()
                               .GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                               .ToDictionary(fi => new MessagePackObject(fi.Name), fi => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(fi.FieldType, fi.GetValue(obj)));
                    return(new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict)));
                else if (type.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable)))
                    var list = new List <MessagePackObject>();
                    foreach (var x in obj as System.Collections.IEnumerable)
                        list.Add(CreateTypedMessagePackObject(x.GetType(), x));
                    return(new MessagePackObject(list));
                    var dict = obj.GetType()
                               .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                               .ToDictionary(pi => new MessagePackObject(pi.Name), pi => CreateTypedMessagePackObject(pi.PropertyType, pi.GetValue(obj, null)));
                    return(new MessagePackObject(new MessagePackObjectDictionary(dict)));