Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void ShouldDisposeResourceAfterUsingFunction()
        var resource = new DisposableResource();
        Action <DisposableResource> a = (r) => resource.Do();
        //An extension method which turns an Action<T> into a Func<T, R>
        Func <DisposableResource, Unit> f = a.ToFunc();

        //Now we can use our Using HOF as intended
        Using(resource, f);

        //The resource is disposed and should throw an ObjectDisposedException
        Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(() => resource.Do());
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void ShouldDisposeResource()
        var    resource = new DisposableResource();
        Action a        = () => resource.Do();

        //Classic using statement to illustrate that the Dispose() method is called after the using block
        using (resource){ a(); }
        Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(a);