void OnEnable()
        manager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("manager").GetComponent <DisplayCanvas>();

        spell_text.text = manager.getSpellText();  // spell text is received from server, and is string

        animator = GetComponent <Animator> ();

     * private void Update()
     * {
     *  if (manager.getNav() == "reset animation")
     *      ResetAnimation();
     * }*/

    public void ShowEffect()
        // wings=5, rubberduck=14, firealarm=18
        int s = manager.getSpell();

        if (s != -1)
            animator.SetInteger("spell_num", s);  // spell is an int
        spell_text.text = manager.getSpellText(); // spell text is received from server, and is string

        if (s != -1 && (!manager.unlocked_spells.Contains(s)))