public ActionResult Delete(DispersionModel model)
            if (sesion == null)
                sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db);
            model.sesion = sesion;

                if (model.DeleteFechaD())
                    if (model.Existe)
                        Log.write(this, "Delete", LOG.REGISTRO, "SQL:" + model.sql, sesion);
                        return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Succes("Se ha realizado la eliminación de la fecha de dispersión con exito!") }));
                        Log.write(this, "Delete", LOG.REGISTRO, "SQL:" + model.sql, sesion);
                        return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Warning("No existen registros con esos filtros") }));
                    Log.write(this, "Delete", LOG.ERROR, "SQL:" + model.sql, sesion);
                    return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Error(" Error al Delete") }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { msg = Factory.Notification.Error(e.Message) }));
        public string getPersonasCoincidencias(DispersionModel model)
            if (sesion == null)
                if ((sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db)) == null)
            model.sesion = sesion;
            string table = "";

            // DispersionModel model = new DispersionModel();

            ResultSet res = model.getRowsCoincidencias();

            if (res != null && res.Count > 0)
                table += "<table class=\"table table-striped\">";
                table += "<thead><tr>";
                table += " <td><strong>IDSIU</strong></td><td><strong>Periodo</strong></td><td><strong>Concepto</strong></td><td><strong>Bancos</strong></td><td><strong>Fecha Pago</strong></td></tr></thead>";
                table += "<tbody>";


                int count = 0;
                while (res.Next())
                    ResultSet res2 = model.getDispersion(res.Get("IDSIU"), res.Get("CONCEPTO"), res.Get("BANCOS"));
                    while (res2.Next())
                        table += "<tr>";
                        table += "<td>" + res2.Get("IDSIU") + "</td>";
                        table += "<td>" + res2.Get("PERIODO") + "</td>";
                        table += "<td>" + res2.Get("CONCEPTO") + "</td>";
                        table += "<td>" + res2.Get("BANCOS") + "</td>";
                        table += "<td>" + res2.Get("FECHAPAGO") + "</td>";
                        //table += "<td>" + res.Get("NUM_CONCIDENCIAS") + "</td>";
                        table += "<td>";
                        table += " </tr>";

                table += "</tbody ></table>";

        public ActionResult MergePDFS(DispersionModel bdrecibos)
            if (sesion == null)
                sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db);
            bdrecibos.sesion = sesion;

                string fileName      = "";
                string directoryName = "";

                PdfDocument   outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
                List <string> list           = new List <string>();

                list = bdrecibos.getPDFs();

                if (list.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string rutaPDF in list)
                        directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(rutaPDF);
                        fileName      = Path.GetFileName(rutaPDF);

                        string      path          = Request.MapPath("~/" + directoryName + "") + @"\" + fileName;
                        PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(path, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
                        CopyPages(inputDocument, outputDocument);

                    string pathsave = Request.MapPath("~/Upload") + @"\" + "filesave__.pdf";
                    return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Warning("se realizo con exito pdf´s") }));
                    return(Json(new { msg = Factory.Notification.Warning("NO EXISTEN REGISTROS CON LA FECHA DE RECIBO") }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { msg = Factory.Notification.Error(e.Message) }));
        public string getTipoDispersion(string tdispersion = "")
            DispersionModel model = new DispersionModel();

            SessionDB sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, model.db, SESSION_BEHAVIOR.AJAX);

            if (sesion == null)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in model.getTipoDispersion())
                sb.Append("<option value=\"").Append(pair.Key).Append("\">").Append(pair.Value).Append("</option>\n");
        public void MergePDFS_Asimilados(DispersionModel bdrecibos)
            if (sesion == null)
                sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db);
            bdrecibos.sesion = sesion;

            string        fileName      = "";
            string        directoryName = "";
            string        msg_e         = "";
            List <string> errores       = new List <string>();

            rand = new Random();
            string random  = rand.Next().ToString();
            string sede    = bdrecibos.IdSede;
            long   usuario = sesion.pkUser;

                PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();

                List <string> list = new List <string>();
                list = bdrecibos.getPDFs();

                int i = 1;
                if (list.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string base64BinaryStr in list)
                            byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64BinaryStr);

                            fileName      = "fileasim_" + i + "_" + usuario + "_" + sede + "_" + random + ".pdf";
                            directoryName = "FAsimilados";
                            string path = Request.MapPath("~/Upload/" + directoryName + "") + @"\" + fileName;

                            createPDF(bytes, path, fileName);

                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(path, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
                                    CopyPages(inputDocument, outputDocument);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    errores.Add("Error Exporta PDF asimilado: " + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName);  //  Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + " posible archivo corrupto.", sesion);
                                    Log.write(this, "MergePDFS_Asimilados", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF asimilados" + ex.Message, sesion);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        errores.Add("Error Exporta PDF asimilados: " + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName);
                        Log.write(this, "MergePDFS_Asimilados", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF asimilados" + ex.Message, sesion);

                    if (outputDocument.PageCount > 0)
                        string nombrefile = "filesave" + usuario + "_" + sede + "_" + rand.Next().ToString() + ".pdf";

                        string pathsave = Request.MapPath("~/Upload") + @"\" + nombrefile;
                        // Process.Start(pathsave);

                        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                        Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", nombrefile));

                        ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Warning("se realizo con exito pdf´s");
                        ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Warning("no se pudo hacer el marge favor de volver a intentar");
                    ViewBag.Notification = Factory.Notification.Warning("NO EXISTEN REGISTROS CON LA FECHA DE RECIBO");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.write(this, "MergePDFS_Asimilados", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF asimilados" + e.Message, sesion);
                ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Error(e.Message);
                // return Json(new { msg = Factory.Notification.Error(e.Message) });
        public void MergePDFS(DispersionModel bdrecibos)
            if (sesion == null)
                sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db);
            bdrecibos.sesion = sesion;

            rand = new Random();

                string fileName      = "";
                string directoryName = "";

                PdfDocument   outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
                List <string> list           = new List <string>();

                list = bdrecibos.getPDFs();

                if (list.Count > 0)
                    {   //H y F
                        foreach (string rutaPDF in list)
                            directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(rutaPDF);
                            fileName      = Path.GetFileName(rutaPDF);

                            string path = Request.MapPath("~/Upload/" + directoryName + "") + @"\" + fileName;//ver otra val

                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(path, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
                                    CopyPages(inputDocument, outputDocument);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName, sesion);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF: " + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName, sesion);

                    string sede = bdrecibos.IdSede;

                    long   usuario    = sesion.pkUser;
                    string nombrefile = "filesave" + usuario + "_" + sede + "_" + rand.Next().ToString() + ".pdf";

                    string pathsave = Request.MapPath("~/Upload") + @"\" + nombrefile;
                    // Process.Start(pathsave);

                    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", nombrefile));

                    ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Warning("se realizo con exito pdf´s");
                    ViewBag.Notification = Factory.Notification.Warning("NO EXISTEN REGISTROS CON LA FECHA DE RECIBO");
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Error(e.Message);
                Log.write(this, "MergePDFS", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + e.Message, sesion);
        public ActionResult MensajesError(DispersionModel bdrecibos)
            string        fileName      = "";
            string        directoryName = "";
            string        msg_e         = "";
            List <string> errores       = new List <string>();

                PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();

                //  List<string> list = new List<string>();
                //  list = bdrecibos.getPDFs_Honorarios();

                Dictionary <string, FacturasModel> dict = new Dictionary <string, FacturasModel>();

                dict = bdrecibos.getPDFs_Honorarios();

                if (dict.Count > 0)
                        string rutaPDF  = "";
                        string IDSIU    = "";
                        string esquema  = "";
                        string concepto = "";

                        //foreach (string rutaPDF in list)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FacturasModel> Factura in dict)
                            rutaPDF  = Factura.Value.PDF;
                            IDSIU    = Factura.Value.IDSIU;
                            esquema  = Factura.Value.ESQUEMA;
                            concepto = Factura.Value.CONCEPTO;

                            directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(rutaPDF);
                            fileName      = Path.GetFileName(rutaPDF);
                            string path = Request.MapPath("~/Upload/" + directoryName + "") + @"\" + fileName;    //ver otra val

                            //  errores.Add("Error Exporta PDF: XXX, file: " + fileName + ", IDSIU:" + IDSIU + "/" + esquema + "/" + concepto);  //  Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + " posible archivo corrupto.", sesion);

                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(path, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
                                    CopyPages(inputDocument, outputDocument);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    errores.Add("Error Exporta PDF: " + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName + ", IDSIU:" + IDSIU + "/" + esquema + "/" + concepto); //  Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + " posible archivo corrupto.", sesion);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { errores.Add("Error Exporta PDF: " + ex.Message + ", file: " + fileName); }

                    if (outputDocument.PageCount == 0)
                        return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Error("No se encuentra ningún archivo pdf en el servidor con este filtro") }));
                        if (errores.Count > 0)
                            msg_e = string.Join <string>("<br/>\n", errores);
                            return(Json(new { msg = Notification.Warning(msg_e) }));

                        return(Json(new { msg = "" }));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.write(this, "MensajesError", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta PDF" + e.Message, sesion);
                return(Json(new { msg = Factory.Notification.Error(e.Message) }));
            return(Json(new { msg = "" }));
        //#EXPORT EXCEL
        public string ExportExcelDispersion()
            if ((sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db)) == null)
                System.Data.DataTable tbl  = new System.Data.DataTable();
                System.Data.DataTable tbl2 = new System.Data.DataTable();
                ResultSet             res  = db.getTable("SELECT * FROM VDISPERSION_TMP WHERE USUARIO =" + sesion.pkUser);

                long   usuario    = sesion.pkUser;
                string nombrefile = "Bancos_traspaso" + usuario;
                string path       = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/Dispersion") + @"\" + nombrefile;
                int    i          = 0;
                while (System.IO.File.Exists(path + i + ".xlsx"))

                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.GetFileName(path + i + ".xlsx"));

                if (res.Count > 0)
                    /* _____________________________ bandera recalculo ___________________________ */

                    //Marca con una bandera los conceptos con recalculo del ISR Ret
                    // bandera_recalculo(res.Get("IDSIU"), res.Get("CVE_SEDES"));

                    /* ________________________________________________________ */

                    if (Request.Params["banco"] == "044")
                        tbl.Columns.Add("C1", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Tipo", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Banco", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("CLABE", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("CuentaBanco", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Neto_a_Pagar", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("neto_a_pagar(con_formato)", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("IDSIU", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Nombre_del_profesor", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("ref_pago", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Concepto", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("dias_vig", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("FechaP", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("FechaRecibo", typeof(string));
                    {                                             //SANTANDER
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Cve Banco", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("CLABE", typeof(string)); //CuentaBanco
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Profesor", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Apellidos", typeof(string));
                        //tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_ApellidoP", typeof(string));
                        //tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_ApellidoM", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Nombre", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_RFC_Física", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_RFC_Moral", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Cuenta", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Monto", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("Santander_Concepto", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("FechaContrato", typeof(string)); tbl.Columns.Add("FechaP", typeof(string));
                        tbl.Columns.Add("FechaRecibo", typeof(string));

                        //pestaña 2(UAP)
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("NUMERO EMPLEADO", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("APELLIDO PATERNO DEL EMPLEADO", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("APELLIDO MATERNO DEL EMPLEADO", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("NOMBRE DEL EMPLEADO", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("CUENTA", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("IMPORTE", typeof(string));
                        tbl2.Columns.Add("CONCEPTO", typeof(string));

                    DispersionModel bdrecibos = new DispersionModel();
                    bdrecibos.sesion = sesion;

                    bdrecibos.IdSede          = Request.Params["sedes"];
                    bdrecibos.fechai          = Request.Params["fechai"];
                    bdrecibos.fechaf          = Request.Params["fechaf"];
                    bdrecibos.IdTransferencia = Request.Params["tipodispersion"];
                    bdrecibos.banco           = Request.Params["banco"];

                    string nombres_profesor = "";
                    string c1    = "04";
                    int    count = 0;

                    int x;

                    while (res.Next())
                        string CuentaBancaria = "";
                        CuentaBancaria = res.Get("NOCUENTA");

                        if (Request.Params["banco"] == "044")
                        {                                                                         //SCOTIBANK
                            nombres_profesor = (res.Get("APELLIDOS") + ' ' + res.Get("NOMBRES")); //  res.Get("BENEFICIARIO_PENSIONADO_P") + ' ' +res.Get("BENEFICIARIO_PENSIONADO_M") + ' ' + res.Get("NOMBRES")

                            tbl.Rows.Add(c1, 9
                                         , res.Get("CVE_BANCO"), res.Get("CUENTACLABE"), CuentaBancaria                        //
                                         , res.Get("BANCOS"), res.Get("BANCOSX100"), res.Get("IDSIU")                          //PROFESOR MONTO POR BANCOS
                                         , nombres_profesor.ToUpper()
                                         , count, res.Get("ID_ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("CONCEPTO") // igual que deposito  REF_PAGO
                                         , "60"
                                         , res.Get("FECHAPAGO") == null || res.Get("FECHAPAGO") == "" ? "" : res.GetDateTime("FECHAPAGO").ToString("yyyyMMdd")
                                         , res.Get("FECHARECIBO") == null || res.Get("FECHARECIBO") == "" ? "" : res.GetDateTime("FECHARECIBO").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                        {   //SANTANDER
                            tbl.Rows.Add(res.Get("CVE_BANCO"), res.Get("CUENTACLABE")
                                         , res.Get("IDSIU"), res.Get("APELLIDOS").ToUpper(), res.Get("NOMBRES").ToUpper()
                                         , res.Get("RFCFISICA"), res.Get("RFCMORAL"), CuentaBancaria
                                         , res.Get("BANCOS"), res.Get("ID_ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("CONCEPTO")                                      // igual a deposito MONTO POR BANCOS
                                         , res.Get("FECHADEENTREGA") == null || res.Get("FECHADEENTREGA") == "" ? "" : res.GetDateTime("FECHADEENTREGA").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") //fechaContrato
                                         , res.Get("FECHAPAGO") == null || res.Get("FECHAPAGO") == "" ? "" : res.GetDateTime("FECHAPAGO").ToString("yyyyMMdd")                  //igual q deposito
                                         , res.Get("FECHARECIBO") == null || res.Get("FECHARECIBO") == "" ? "" : res.GetDateTime("FECHARECIBO").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")


                            //TAB2 (UAP)
                            string[] ap_separados;
                            ap_separados = res.Get("APELLIDOS").ToUpper().Split(' ');
                            string apellido1_ = "";
                            string apellido2_ = "";
                            x = 1;
                            if (ap_separados.Length > 0)
                                apellido1_ = ap_separados[0];

                                if (ap_separados.Length > 1)
                                    while (x < ap_separados.Length)
                                        apellido2_ += ap_separados[x++] + " ";

                            if (apellido2_.Length > 0)
                                apellido2_ = apellido2_.Remove(apellido2_.Length - 1);

                            tbl2.Rows.Add(res.Get("IDSIU"), apellido1_
                                          , apellido2_
                                          , res.Get("NOMBRES").ToUpper()
                                          , CuentaBancaria
                                          , res.Get("BANCOS"), res.Get("ID_ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("ESQUEMA") + '/' + res.Get("CONCEPTO")// igual a deposito MONTO POR BANCOS

                    using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage())
                        //Create the worksheet
                        ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("todos");
                        string         tipoTransfernecia = "";
                        if (bdrecibos.IdTransferencia == "B")
                            tipoTransfernecia = "Transferencia Bancaria";
                        }                                                                                      //Transferencia Bancaria (Banco)
                            tipoTransfernecia = "Transferencia interbancaria";
                        }                                                          //Transferencia interbancaria

                        ws.Cells["A8"].LoadFromDataTable(tbl, true);

                        if (Request.Params["banco"] == "044")
                            ws.Cells["A7"].Value = "DATOS REQUERIDOS PARA DISPERSAR CON SCOTIBANK  (" + tipoTransfernecia + ")";
                            ws.Cells["A7"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous;
                            ws.Cells["A7:L7"].Merge = true;

                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A7:L7"])
                                //  rng.Style.Font.VerticalAlign
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                      //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 61));  //Set color to dark blue


                            //Format the header for column 1-3
                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A8:L8"])
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                      //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189));  //Set color to dark blue

                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["M8:N8"])//AF1
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                     //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(234, 14, 14));  //Set color to dark blue
                            ws.Cells["A7"].Value = "DATOS REQUERIDOS PARA DISPERSAR CON SANTANDER  (" + tipoTransfernecia + ")";
                            //ws.Cells["A7"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous;
                            ws.Cells["A7:K7"].Merge = true;

                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A7:K7"])
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                      //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 61));  //Set color to dark blue
                                rng.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;


                            //Format the header for column 1-3
                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["A8:K8"])
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                      //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 133, 32));  //Set color to dark blue

                            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["L8:M8"])//AG1
                                rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                     //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(234, 14, 14));  //Set color to dark blue

                            if (bdrecibos.IdTransferencia == "B")
                                //TAB2 (UAP)
                                //checar validaciones (si se va a ver en scotiabank en interbancaria... )
                                ExcelWorksheet ws2 = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("UAP");
                                ws2.Cells["A8"].LoadFromDataTable(tbl2, true);

                                ws2.Cells["A7"].Value = "DATOS REQUERIDOS PARA DISPERSAR CON SANTANDER  (" + tipoTransfernecia + ")";
                                //ws.Cells["A7"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.CenterContinuous;
                                ws2.Cells["A7:G7"].Merge = true;

                                using (ExcelRange rng = ws2.Cells["A7:G7"])
                                    rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                     //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                    rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 133, 32)); // 240, 240, 61
                                    rng.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;


                                using (ExcelRange rng = ws2.Cells["A8:G8"])
                                    rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                      //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                                    rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(130, 131, 133)); // 240, 240, 61
                                    rng.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;


                        //Example how to Format Column 1 as numeric
                        using (ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 1, 2 + tbl.Rows.Count, 1])
                            col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                            col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                        byte[] data = pck.GetAsByteArray();

                        //Write it back to the client

                        /* Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                         * Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;  filename=Bancos_traspaso.xlsx");
                         * Response.BinaryWrite(pck.GetAsByteArray());*/

                        bdrecibos.Save();//GUARDA LA FECHA DE DISPERSIÓN

                        // pck.SaveAs(file);

                        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path + i + ".xlsx", data);

                        return(nombrefile + i + ".xlsx");
                    Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.CONSULTA, "Exporta Excel Recibos (Bancos_traspaso.xlsx)", sesion);
                {// si no tiene datos
                    tbl.Columns.Add("NO EXISTEN REGISTROS CON FECHA DE PAGO Y/O ALGUN FILTRO!", typeof(string));
                    using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage())
                        ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("todos");
                        ws.Cells["F1"].LoadFromDataTable(tbl, true);

                        using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells["F1:F1"])
                            rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                            rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                            rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 133, 32));//255, 229, 32 yellow

                        using (ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 1, 2 + tbl.Rows.Count, 1])
                            col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                            col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                        /*    Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                         *  Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;  filename=Bancos_traspaso.xlsx");
                         *  Response.BinaryWrite(pck.GetAsByteArray());*/

                        // pck.SaveAs(file);

                        byte[] data = pck.GetAsByteArray();

                        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path + i + "_vacio.xlsx", data);

                        return(nombrefile + i + "_vacio.xlsx");
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.Notification = Notification.Error(e.Message);
                Log.write(this, "Start", LOG.ERROR, "Exporta Excel Recibos (Bancos_traspaso.xlsx)" + e.Message, sesion);

        public void getTabla_TMP(string fechai, string fechaf, string banco, string tipodispersion, bool sinNoCuenta, string sede)
            if (sesion == null)
                sesion = SessionDB.start(Request, Response, false, db);
            DispersionModel model = new DispersionModel();

            //RecalculoAsimilados recalculo = new RecalculoAsimilados();

            model.sesion = sesion;
            long usuario = sesion.pkUser;

                string    sql = "";
                ResultSet res = null;


                model.RecalculoAsimiladosDispersion(sede, fechai, fechaf, sinNoCuenta);

                sql = "DELETE FROM DISPERSION_TMP WHERE USUARIO=" + usuario;
                res = db.getTable(sql);

                List <string> filtros = new List <string>();

                if (fechai != "")
                    filtros.Add("FECHAPAGO >= '" + fechai + "'");
                if (fechaf != "")
                    filtros.Add("FECHAPAGO <= '" + fechaf + "'");

                bool instertar    = false;
                bool bancariaProf = false;

                string union = "";
                if (sede != "" && filtros.Count > 0)
                    union = " AND ";
                string CONDITIONS = "" + union + "" + string.Join <string>(" AND ", filtros.ToArray());

                sql = "SELECT *"
                      + "  FROM VESTADO_CUENTA_DISPERSION"//
                      + " WHERE CVE_SEDE           = '" + sede + "'"
                      + "   AND (FECHARECIBO      <> '' AND FECHARECIBO      IS NOT NULL)"
                      + "   AND (FECHA_SOLICITADO <> '' AND FECHA_SOLICITADO IS NOT NULL)"
                      + "   AND (FECHADEPOSITO is null or FECHADEPOSITO = '')"//NUEVO
                      + "   AND PUBLICADO          = 1"
                      + "   AND BLOQUEADO          = 0"
                      + "   AND CVE_TIPODEPAGO    IN ('HDI','HIN','FDI') " + CONDITIONS
                      + " UNION ALL "
                      + "SELECT *"
                      + "  FROM VESTADO_CUENTA_DISPERSION"//
                      + " WHERE CVE_SEDE           = '" + sede + "'"
                      + "   AND (FECHA_SOLICITADO <> '' AND FECHA_SOLICITADO IS NOT NULL)"
                      + "   AND (FECHADEPOSITO is null or FECHADEPOSITO = '')"//NUEVO
                      + "   AND PUBLICADO          = 1"
                      + "   AND BLOQUEADO          = 0"
                      + "   AND CVE_TIPODEPAGO    IN ('ADI','AIN') " + CONDITIONS
                      + ((sinNoCuenta) ? " UNION ALL "
                         + " SELECT *"
                         + "  FROM VESTADO_CUENTA_DISPERSION"//
                         + " WHERE CVE_SEDE           = '" + sede + "'"
                         + "   AND (FECHARECIBO      <> '' AND FECHARECIBO      IS NOT NULL)"
                         + "   AND (FECHA_SOLICITADO <> '' AND FECHA_SOLICITADO IS NOT NULL)"
                         + "  AND (FECHADEPOSITO is null or FECHADEPOSITO = '')"//NUEVO
                         + "   AND PUBLICADO          = 1"
                         + "   AND BLOQUEADO          = 0"
                         + "   AND CVE_TIPODEPAGO    IN ('HDI','HIN','FDI') " + CONDITIONS
                         + " UNION ALL "
                         + "SELECT *"
                         + "  FROM VESTADO_CUENTA_DISPERSION"//
                         + " WHERE CVE_SEDE           = '" + sede + "'"
                         + "   AND (FECHA_SOLICITADO <> '' AND FECHA_SOLICITADO IS NOT NULL)"
                         + "   AND (FECHADEPOSITO is null or FECHADEPOSITO = '')"//NUEVO
                         + "   AND PUBLICADO          = 1"
                         + "   AND BLOQUEADO          = 0"
                         + "   AND CVE_TIPODEPAGO    IN ('ADI','AIN') " + CONDITIONS
                         + "   AND (CUENTACLABE IS NULL OR CUENTACLABE = '') AND (NOCUENTA IS NULL OR NOCUENTA    = '')" : ""

                res = db.getTable(sql);
                int count = 1;

                while (res.Next())
                    if (!sinNoCuenta)
                        if (tipodispersion == "B")//transferencia Bancaria (banco)
                            bancariaProf = true;

                            if (res.Get("CVE_BANCO") == banco && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res.Get("NOCUENTA")))
                                instertar = true;
                                instertar = false;
                        else//transferencia interbancaria
                            bancariaProf = false;
                            if (res.Get("CVE_BANCO") != banco && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res.Get("CVE_BANCO")) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res.Get("CUENTACLABE")))
                                instertar = true;
                                instertar = false;
                        instertar = true;

                    if (count == 1)

                    if (instertar)
                        Dictionary <string, string> dic = prepareData(res, true, bancariaProf, usuario);

                        sql = "";
                        sql = "INSERT INTO"
                              + " DISPERSION_TMP (" + string.Join <string>(",", dic.Keys.ToArray <string>()) + ",FECHA_R)"
                              + " VALUES ('" + string.Join <string>("','", dic.Values.ToArray <string>()) + "',GETDATE())";


            catch (Exception e) { }