Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void DoExport(object objConfiguration)
                var conf = objConfiguration as ExportConfiguration;

                HccRequestContext.Current = conf.HccRequestContext;
                Factory.HttpContext = conf.HttpContext;
                CultureSwitch.SetCulture(HccApp.CurrentStore, conf.DnnPortalSettings);

                var products = HccApp.CatalogServices.Products.FindByCriteria(conf.Criteria, 1, int.MaxValue,
                                                                              ref RowCount, false);

                var export   = new CatalogExport(HccApp);
                var fileName = string.Format("Hotcakes_Products_{0}_{1:yyyyMMddhhMMss}.xlsx", HccApp.CurrentCustomerId,
                var filePath = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataPhysicalPath(HccApp.CurrentStore.Id, "Exports/" + fileName);
                export.ExportToExcel(products, filePath);

                var pageLink    = DiskStorage.GetHccAdminUrl(HccApp, "catalog/default.aspx", false);
                var mailMessage = new MailMessage(conf.DnnPortalSettings.Email, HccApp.CurrentCustomer.Email);
                mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
                mailMessage.Body       = Localization.GetFormattedString("ExportProductsMailBody", pageLink);
                mailMessage.Subject    = Localization.GetString("ExportProductsMailSubject");
                MailServices.SendMail(mailMessage, HccApp.CurrentStore);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // GET: /AdminContent/FileManager/
        public ActionResult Index()
            var path      = Request.QueryString["path"] ?? string.Empty;
            var cleanPath = DiskStorage.FileManagerCleanPath(path);

            var model = new FileManagerViewModel(cleanPath)
                Directories    = DiskStorage.FileManagerListDirectories(HccApp.CurrentStore.Id, cleanPath),
                Files          = DiskStorage.FileManagerListFiles(HccApp.CurrentStore.Id, cleanPath),
                BreadCrumbs    = BuildBreadCrumbs(cleanPath),
                BasePreviewUrl = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataPhysicalPath(HccApp.CurrentStore.Id)

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void LoadExistingExports()
            var folderPath      = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataPhysicalPath(HccApp.CurrentStore.Id, "Exports");
            var fileNamePattern = string.Format("Hotcakes_Products_{0}_*.xlsx", HccApp.CurrentCustomerId);
            var files           = PathHelper.ListFiles(folderPath, new[] { fileNamePattern }, new string[] {});
            var exportsExists   = files.Count > 0;

            pnlExports.Visible = exportsExists;

            var fileInfos = files.Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).ToList();

            rptExportedFiles.DataSource = fileInfos;
        protected override object HandleAction(HttpContext context, HotcakesApplication hccApp)
            var optUniqueId   = context.Request.Params["optUniqueId"];
            var productChoice = hccApp.CatalogServices.ProductOptions.Find(optUniqueId);

            if (productChoice == null || productChoice.OptionType != OptionTypes.FileUpload)
                // not found
                context.Response.StatusCode = 404;

            if (context.Request.Files.Count <= 0)

                var file     = context.Request.Files[0];
                var fileName = context.Request.Params["filename"];

                var prePath          = GetInitialPathOfUploadFolder(hccApp);
                var orderProductPath = string.Concat(prePath, "\\", optUniqueId);

                var subPath      = string.Format(UPLOAD_PATH_FORMAT, orderProductPath, Path.GetFileName(Text.CleanFileName(fileName)));
                var fullFilePath = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataPhysicalPath(hccApp.CurrentStore.Id, subPath);

                //check if path directory exists
                var dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilePath);
                if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))

                var downloadPath =
                    VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(DiskStorage.GetStoreDataVirtualPath(hccApp.CurrentStore.Id, subPath));

                var extension = Path.GetExtension(fullFilePath);
                // TODO: Update this DNN API call to check the User File list instead, after upgrading the minimum version to DNN 9.5/9.6
                if (Host.AllowedExtensionWhitelist.IsAllowedExtension(extension) == false)
                    return(new UploadResponse
                        StatusCode = 413,
                        Message = "Invalid File Extension"

                //Check if file is sent in chunks and chunk is present in request
                var totalChunks = context.Request["chunks"] ?? string.Empty;
                var chunks      = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(totalChunks, out chunks))
                    chunks = -1;

                var chunkNo = context.Request["chunk"] ?? string.Empty;
                var chunk   = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(chunkNo, out chunk))
                    chunk = -1;

                //If there are no chunks sent then the file is sent as one
                //Indicates Plain HTML4 Upload & 1 single file
                if (chunks == -1)
                    if (MaxUploadSize == 0 || context.Request.ContentLength <= MaxUploadSize)
                        if (OnUploadChunk(file.InputStream, 0, 1, fullFilePath) == false)
                            return(new UploadResponse
                                StatusCode = 500,
                                Message = "Unable to write file"
                        return(new UploadResponse
                            StatusCode = 413,
                            Message = "Uploaded file is too large"

                    //Return the final virtual path of uploaded file
                    return(new UploadResponse
                        StatusCode = 200,
                        Message = downloadPath
                //File is sent in chunk, so full size of file & chunk is unknown
                if (chunk == 0 && MaxUploadSize > 0 && context.Request.ContentLength * (chunks - 1) > MaxUploadSize)
                    return(new UploadResponse
                        StatusCode = 413,
                        Message = "Uploaded file is too large"

                //First Chunk
                if (chunk == 0)
                    // TODO: Delete old file on re-uploading of same file again with 0th chunk
                    if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
                        File.SetAttributes(fullFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);

                //n'th  chunk
                if (OnUploadChunk(file.InputStream, chunk, chunks, fullFilePath) == false)
                    return(new UploadResponse
                        StatusCode = 500,
                        Message = "Unable to write file"

                //last chunk
                if (chunk == chunks - 1)
                    //return the file's virtual download path
                    return(new UploadResponse
                        StatusCode = 200,
                        Message = downloadPath

                //If no response is sent yet send the success response
                return(new UploadResponse
                    StatusCode = 200,
                    Message = downloadPath
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new UploadResponse
                    StatusCode = 500,
                    Message = "Unable to write file"
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method will iterate through the specified swatches and emit the requisite HTML for each
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Product - an instance of the product to find swatches for</param>
        /// <param name="app">HotcakesApplicateion - an instance of the current store application object</param>
        /// <returns>String - the HTML to be used for rendering the swatches</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     If the swatch doesn't match an available swatch file, it will not be included in the HTML. Also, all swatch
        ///     images must be PNG or GIF.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GenerateSwatchHtmlForProduct(Product p, HotcakesApplication app)
            var result = string.Empty;

            if (app.CurrentStore.Settings.ProductEnableSwatches == false)

            if (p.Options.Count > 0)
                var found = false;

                var swatchBase = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataUrl(app, app.IsCurrentRequestSecure());
                swatchBase += "swatches";
                if (p.SwatchPath.Length > 0)
                    swatchBase += "/" + p.SwatchPath;

                var swatchPhysicalBase = DiskStorage.GetStoreDataPhysicalPath(app.CurrentStore.Id);
                swatchPhysicalBase += "swatches\\";
                if (p.SwatchPath.Length > 0)
                    swatchPhysicalBase += p.SwatchPath + "\\";

                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("<div class=\"productswatches\">");
                foreach (var opt in p.Options)
                    if (opt.IsColorSwatch)
                        found = true;
                        foreach (var oi in opt.Items)
                            if (oi.IsLabel)

                            var prefix = CleanSwatchName(oi.Name);

                            if (File.Exists(swatchPhysicalBase + prefix + ".png"))
                                sb.Append("<img width=\"18\" height=\"18\" src=\"" + swatchBase + "/" + prefix +
                                          ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + prefix + "\" />");
                                sb.Append("<img width=\"18\" height=\"18\" src=\"" + swatchBase + "/" + prefix +
                                          ".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" + prefix + "\" />");

                if (found)
                    result = sb.ToString();
