Ejemplo n.º 1
 public DiscordSink(params Tuple <ulong, string>[] webhooks)
     _webhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient();
     foreach (var webhook in webhooks)
         _webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync(webhook.Item1, webhook.Item2).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _client.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += DebugLogger_LogMessageReceived;
            _client.ChannelPinsUpdated             += Client_ChannelPinsUpdated;
            _commands.CommandExecuted += Commands_CommandExecuted;
            _commands.CommandErrored  += Commands_CommandErrored;
            _commands.RegisterCommands <PinsCommands>();

            await _client.ConnectAsync();

            var db = _services.GetService <PinsDbContext>();
            await db.Database.MigrateAsync();

            _logger.LogInformation("Loading Guild webhooks");

            var info = db.Guilds
                       .Include(p => p.PinnedMessages);
            await info.LoadAsync();

            var failedGuilds = new List <GuildInfo>();

            foreach (var guild in info)
                    var server = await _client.GetGuildAsync((ulong)guild.Id);

                    var hook = await _webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync((ulong)guild.WebhookId, guild.WebhookToken);

                    _logger.LogInformation("Got Webhook! Guild: {0} Hook: {1}", server.Name, hook.Name);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "Unable to get Webhook for Guild {0}!", guild.Id);

            foreach (var guild in failedGuilds)

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            _logger.LogInformation("Loaded {0} Webhooks for {1} guilds with {2} errors!", _webhookClient.Webhooks.Count, await db.Guilds.CountAsync(), failedGuilds.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task Bug(CommandContext ctx, [Description("The bug explained in detail.")][RemainingText] string bug)
            var client  = new DiscordWebhookClient();
            var webhook = await client.AddWebhookAsync(new Uri("https://discord.com/api/webhooks/852610216922054716/-n7TPmqRYjY_iok0hyHte8AkK4luspZwAZcvunS9yHdzIiXrfEE6PdPou4ypRO_B03Kb"));

            await new DiscordWebhookBuilder().AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                Title       = "🐛 Bug",
                Description = string.Join(" ", bug),
                Author      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedAuthor()
                    IconUrl = ctx.User.AvatarUrl,
                    Name    = ctx.User.Username + "#" + ctx.User.Discriminator
                Color = DiscordColor.Green
            await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(MessageUtils.BuildSuccess("Sent the bug !\nAny abuse will be punished..."));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises and starts the Discord bot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The task representing the bot's execution status.</returns>
        public async Task RunBotAsync()
            this.Running          = true;
            stopClientTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var json = "";

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("botconfig.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();

            this.botConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BotConfig>(json);

            this.UseServerLogo = this.botConfig.UseServerLogo;
            this.StreamRole    = this.botConfig.StreamRole;
            this.AdminRole     = this.botConfig.AdminRole;
            this.StreamName    = this.botConfig.StreamName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.botConfig.ShortServerName))
                ShortServerName = this.botConfig.ShortServerName;

            var cfg = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token     = this.botConfig.Token,
                TokenType = TokenType.Bot,

                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug

            MessageHandler = new MessageHandler(new MessageHandlerConfig
                ApiUrl    = this.botConfig.ApiUrl,
                ChannelId = this.botConfig.ChannelId,
                HmacKey   = this.botConfig.HmacKey,
                // Login token generator
                TokenKey      = this.botConfig.TokenKey,
                TokenPassword = this.botConfig.TokenPassword,
                StreamRole    = this.botConfig.StreamRole,
                // Reference to this
                Client = this

            Uri.TryCreate(this.botConfig.WebhookUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri WebhookUri);
            GuildId   = this.botConfig.GuildId;
            ChannelId = this.botConfig.ChannelId;

            this.discordClient = new DiscordClient(cfg);

            this.discordClient.Ready            += this.Client_Ready;
            this.discordClient.GuildAvailable   += this.Client_GuildAvailable;
            this.discordClient.GuildUnavailable += this.Client_GuildUnavailable;
            this.discordClient.ClientErrored    += this.Client_ClientError;

            this.discordClient.ChannelUpdated += this.Client_ChannelUpdated;

            this.discordClient.MessageCreated += MessageHandler.Created;
            this.discordClient.MessageUpdated += MessageHandler.Edited;
            this.discordClient.MessageDeleted += MessageHandler.Deleted;
            this.discordClient.TypingStarted  += MessageHandler.Typing;

            webhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient();
            await webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync(WebhookUri);

            foreach (DiscordWebhook webhook in webhookClient.Webhooks)
                if (webhook.ChannelId == botConfig.ChannelId)
                    WebhookChannelMatch = true;

            await this.discordClient.ConnectAsync();

                await Task.Delay(-1, stopClientTokenSource.Token);
                // Cancellation requested or the client crashed, perform cleanup.
                this.Ready = false;

                this.Running = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task SetupAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                     [Description("Channel to direct pinned messages to")] DiscordChannel channel,
                                     [Description("The URL of the webhook to use, including a token (optional)")] Uri webhookUrl = null)
            if (!ctx.Guild.Channels.ContainsKey(channel.Id))
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Are you trying to migrate pins across servers?? That ain't gonna fly, kid.");


            var info = await _database.FindAsync <GuildInfo>((long)ctx.Guild.Id);

            if (info != null)
                // TODO: prompt to reconfigure/setup
                _logger.LogError("Unable to setup pins in {0} because it is already setup.", ctx.Guild);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Pinned message redireciton is already enabled in this server!");


            var perms = channel.PermissionsFor(ctx.Guild.CurrentMember);

            if (!perms.HasPermission(Permissions.ManageWebhooks) && webhookUrl == null)
                _logger.LogError("Unable to setup pins in {0} due to lack of permissions.", ctx.Guild);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("I can't setup pins without a Webhook URL or permission to manage webhooks! Sorry!");


            DiscordWebhook hook;

            if (webhookUrl != null)
                    hook = await _webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync(webhookUrl);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to fetch webhook from URL.");
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("The Webhook URL you specified was invalid!");

                hook = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync("GAiA Pins", reason : $"Pinned Message redirection setup by @{ctx.User.Username}#{ctx.User.Discriminator} ({ctx.User.Id})");


            var guild = new GuildInfo()
                Id = (long)ctx.Guild.Id, WebhookId = (long)hook.Id, WebhookToken = hook.Token, PinsChannelId = (long)channel.Id


            await _database.SaveChangesAsync();

            await ctx.RespondAsync(
                "Pinned messages are now setup for this server!\n" +
                "To migrate pins, use `p;migrate`, and to configure further, use `p;configure`.\n" +
                "Disable at any time with `p;disable`.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public DiscordSink(ulong id, string token)
     _webhookClient = new DiscordWebhookClient();
     _webhookClient.AddWebhookAsync(id, token).Wait();