Ejemplo n.º 1
        bool Execute(DirectoryAssemblyResolver res)
            // Put every assembly we'll need in the resolver
            foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)

            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(res.ToResolverCache());

            // Set up for linking
            var options = new LinkerOptions();

            options.MainAssembly     = res.GetAssembly(MainAssembly);
            options.OutputDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(OutputDirectory);
            options.LinkSdkOnly      = string.Compare(LinkMode, "SdkOnly", true) == 0;
            options.LinkNone         = false;
            options.Resolver         = resolver;
            options.LinkDescriptions = LinkDescriptions.Select(item => Path.GetFullPath(item.ItemSpec)).ToArray();
            options.I18nAssemblies   = Linker.ParseI18nAssemblies(I18nAssemblies);
            if (!options.LinkSdkOnly)
                options.RetainAssemblies = GetRetainAssemblies(res);
            options.DumpDependencies          = DumpDependencies;
            options.HttpClientHandlerType     = HttpClientHandlerType;
            options.TlsProvider               = TlsProvider;
            options.AddKeepAlives             = AddKeepAlives;
            options.PreserveJniMarshalMethods = PreserveJniMarshalMethods;
            options.DeterministicOutput       = Deterministic;
            options.LinkResources             = LinkResources;

            var skiplist = new List <string> ();

            // Add LinkSkip options
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkSkip))
                skiplist.AddRange(LinkSkip.Split(',', ';'));

            options.SkippedAssemblies = skiplist;

            if (EnableProguard)
                options.ProguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration;

            // Link!
            try {
                LinkContext link_context;
                Linker.Process(options, this, out link_context);

                foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)
                    var copysrc             = assembly.ItemSpec;
                    var filename            = Path.GetFileName(assembly.ItemSpec);
                    var assemblyDestination = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, filename);

                    if (!MonoAndroidHelper.IsForceRetainedAssembly(filename))

                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyAssemblyAndSymbols(copysrc, assemblyDestination);
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                Diagnostic.Error(2006, ex, Properties.Resources.XA2006, ex.Member, ex.Member.Module.Assembly, ex.Scope);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        bool Execute(DirectoryAssemblyResolver res)
            // Put every assembly we'll need in the resolver
            foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)

            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(res.ToResolverCache());

            // Set up for linking
            var options = new LinkerOptions();

            options.MainAssembly     = res.GetAssembly(MainAssembly);
            options.OutputDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(OutputDirectory);
            options.LinkSdkOnly      = string.Compare(LinkMode, "SdkOnly", true) == 0;
            options.LinkNone         = string.Compare(LinkMode, "None", true) == 0;
            options.Resolver         = resolver;
            options.LinkDescriptions = LinkDescriptions.Select(item => Path.GetFullPath(item.ItemSpec)).ToArray();
            options.I18nAssemblies   = Linker.ParseI18nAssemblies(I18nAssemblies);
            if (!options.LinkSdkOnly)
                options.RetainAssemblies = GetRetainAssemblies(res);
            options.DumpDependencies          = DumpDependencies;
            options.HttpClientHandlerType     = HttpClientHandlerType;
            options.TlsProvider               = TlsProvider;
            options.PreserveJniMarshalMethods = PreserveJniMarshalMethods;

            var skiplist = new List <string> ();

            if (string.Compare(UseSharedRuntime, "true", true) == 0)
                skiplist.AddRange(Profile.SharedRuntimeAssemblies.Where(a => a.EndsWith(".dll")).Select(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkOnlyNewerThan) && File.Exists(LinkOnlyNewerThan))
                var newerThan   = File.GetLastWriteTime(LinkOnlyNewerThan);
                var skipOldOnes = ResolvedAssemblies.Where(a => File.GetLastWriteTime(a.ItemSpec) < newerThan);
                foreach (var old in skipOldOnes)
                    Log.LogMessage(MBF.MessageImportance.Low, "  Skip linking unchanged file: " + old.ItemSpec);
                skiplist = skipOldOnes.Select(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a.ItemSpec)).Concat(skiplist).ToList();

            // Add LinkSkip options
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkSkip))
                foreach (var assembly in LinkSkip.Split(',', ';'))

            options.SkippedAssemblies = skiplist;

            if (EnableProguard)
                options.ProguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration;

            // Link!
            try {
                LinkContext link_context;
                Linker.Process(options, this, out link_context);

                var copydst = OptionalDestinationDirectory ?? OutputDirectory;

                foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)
                    var copysrc             = assembly.ItemSpec;
                    var filename            = Path.GetFileName(assembly.ItemSpec);
                    var assemblyDestination = Path.Combine(copydst, filename);

                    if (options.LinkNone)
                        if (skiplist.Any(s => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) == s))
                            // For skipped assemblies, skip if there is existing file in the destination.
                            // We cannot just copy the linker output from *current* run output, because
                            // it always renew the assemblies, in *different* binary values, whereas
                            // the dll in the OptionalDestinationDirectory must retain old and unchanged.
                            if (File.Exists(assemblyDestination))
                                MonoAndroidHelper.SetLastAccessAndWriteTimeUtc(assemblyDestination, DateTime.UtcNow, Log);
                            // Prefer fixup assemblies if exists, otherwise just copy the original.
                            copysrc = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, filename);
                            copysrc = File.Exists(copysrc) ? copysrc : assembly.ItemSpec;
                    else if (!MonoAndroidHelper.IsForceRetainedAssembly(filename))

                    if (MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged(copysrc, assemblyDestination))
                        MonoAndroidHelper.SetLastAccessAndWriteTimeUtc(assemblyDestination, DateTime.UtcNow, Log);
                    try {
                        var mdbDestination = assemblyDestination + ".mdb";
                        if (MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged(assembly.ItemSpec + ".mdb", mdbDestination))
                            MonoAndroidHelper.SetLastAccessAndWriteTimeUtc(mdbDestination, DateTime.UtcNow, Log);
                    } catch (Exception) {                     // skip it, mdb sometimes fails to read and it's optional
                    var pdb = Path.ChangeExtension(copysrc, "pdb");
                    if (File.Exists(pdb) && Files.IsPortablePdb(pdb))
                        var pdbDestination = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(copydst, filename), "pdb");
                        if (MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged(pdb, pdbDestination))
                            MonoAndroidHelper.SetLastAccessAndWriteTimeUtc(pdbDestination, DateTime.UtcNow, Log);
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                Diagnostic.Error(2006, ex, "Could not resolve reference to '{0}' (defined in assembly '{1}') with scope '{2}'. When the scope is different from the defining assembly, it usually means that the type is forwarded.", ex.Member, ex.Member.Module.Assembly, ex.Scope);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool Execute()
            Log.LogDebugMessage("LinkAssemblies Task");
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  UseSharedRuntime: {0}", UseSharedRuntime);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  MainAssembly: {0}", MainAssembly);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  OutputDirectory: {0}", OutputDirectory);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  OptionalDestinationDirectory: {0}", OptionalDestinationDirectory);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  I18nAssemblies: {0}", I18nAssemblies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  LinkMode: {0}", LinkMode);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  LinkSkip: {0}", LinkSkip);
            Log.LogDebugTaskItems("  LinkDescriptions:", LinkDescriptions);
            Log.LogDebugTaskItems("  ResolvedAssemblies:", ResolvedAssemblies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  EnableProguard: {0}", EnableProguard);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  ProguardConfiguration: {0}", ProguardConfiguration);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  DumpDependencies: {0}", DumpDependencies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage("  LinkOnlyNewerThan: {0}", LinkOnlyNewerThan);

            var res = new DirectoryAssemblyResolver(Log.LogWarning, loadDebugSymbols: false);

            // Put every assembly we'll need in the resolver
            foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)

            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(res.ToResolverCache());

            // Set up for linking
            var options = new LinkerOptions();

            options.MainAssembly     = res.GetAssembly(MainAssembly);
            options.OutputDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(OutputDirectory);
            options.LinkSdkOnly      = string.Compare(LinkMode, "SdkOnly", true) == 0;
            options.LinkNone         = string.Compare(LinkMode, "None", true) == 0;
            options.Resolver         = resolver;
            options.LinkDescriptions = LinkDescriptions.Select(item => Path.GetFullPath(item.ItemSpec)).ToArray();
            options.I18nAssemblies   = Linker.ParseI18nAssemblies(I18nAssemblies);
            if (!options.LinkSdkOnly)
                options.RetainAssemblies = GetRetainAssemblies(res);
            options.DumpDependencies = DumpDependencies;

            var skiplist = new List <string> ();

            if (string.Compare(UseSharedRuntime, "true", true) == 0)
                skiplist.AddRange(Profile.SharedRuntimeAssemblies.Where(a => a.EndsWith(".dll")).Select(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkOnlyNewerThan) && File.Exists(LinkOnlyNewerThan))
                var newerThan   = File.GetLastWriteTime(LinkOnlyNewerThan);
                var skipOldOnes = ResolvedAssemblies.Where(a => File.GetLastWriteTime(a.ItemSpec) < newerThan);
                foreach (var old in skipOldOnes)
                    Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "  Skip linking unchanged file: " + old.ItemSpec);
                skiplist = skipOldOnes.Select(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a.ItemSpec)).Concat(skiplist).ToList();

            // Add LinkSkip options
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkSkip))
                foreach (var assembly in LinkSkip.Split(',', ';'))

            options.SkippedAssemblies = skiplist;

            if (EnableProguard)
                options.ProguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration;

            // Link!
            try {
                LinkContext link_context;
                Linker.Process(options, out link_context);

                var copydst = OptionalDestinationDirectory ?? OutputDirectory;

                foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)
                    var copysrc  = assembly.ItemSpec;
                    var filename = Path.GetFileName(assembly.ItemSpec);

                    if (options.LinkNone)
                        if (skiplist.Any(s => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) == s))
                            // For skipped assemblies, skip if there is existing file in the destination.
                            // We cannot just copy the linker output from *current* run output, because
                            // it always renew the assemblies, in *different* binary values, whereas
                            // the dll in the OptionalDestinationDirectory must retain old and unchanged.
                            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(copydst, filename)))
                            copysrc = assembly.ItemSpec;
                            // Prefer fixup assemblies if exists, otherwise just copy the original.
                            copysrc = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, filename);
                            copysrc = File.Exists(copysrc) ? copysrc : assembly.ItemSpec;
                    else if (!MonoAndroidHelper.IsForceRetainedAssembly(filename))

                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged(copysrc, Path.Combine(copydst, filename));
                    try {
                        MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged(assembly.ItemSpec + ".mdb", Path.Combine(copydst, filename + ".mdb"));
                    } catch (Exception) {                     // skip it, mdb sometimes fails to read and it's optional
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                Diagnostic.Error(2006, ex, "Reference to metadata item '{0}' (defined in '{1}') from '{1}' could not be resolved.", ex.Member, ex.Member.Module.Assembly, ex.Scope);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override bool Execute()
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("LinkAssemblies Task");
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  UseSharedRuntime: {0}", UseSharedRuntime);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  MainAssembly: {0}", MainAssembly);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  OutputDirectory: {0}", OutputDirectory);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  OptionalDestinationDirectory: {0}", OptionalDestinationDirectory);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  I18nAssemblies: {0}", I18nAssemblies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  LinkMode: {0}", LinkMode);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  LinkSkip: {0}", LinkSkip);
            Log.LogDebugTaskItems ("  LinkDescriptions:", LinkDescriptions);
            Log.LogDebugTaskItems ("  ResolvedAssemblies:", ResolvedAssemblies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  EnableProguard: {0}", EnableProguard);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  ProguardConfiguration: {0}", ProguardConfiguration);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  DumpDependencies: {0}", DumpDependencies);
            Log.LogDebugMessage ("  LinkOnlyNewerThan: {0}", LinkOnlyNewerThan);

            var res = new DirectoryAssemblyResolver (Log.LogWarning, loadDebugSymbols: false);

            // Put every assembly we'll need in the resolver
            foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies) {
                res.Load (Path.GetFullPath (assembly.ItemSpec));

            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver (res.ToResolverCache ());

            // Set up for linking
            var options = new LinkerOptions ();
            options.MainAssembly = res.GetAssembly (MainAssembly);
            options.OutputDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (OutputDirectory);
            options.LinkSdkOnly = string.Compare (LinkMode, "SdkOnly", true) == 0;
            options.LinkNone = string.Compare (LinkMode, "None", true) == 0;
            options.Resolver = resolver;
            options.LinkDescriptions = LinkDescriptions.Select (item => Path.GetFullPath (item.ItemSpec)).ToArray ();
            options.I18nAssemblies = Linker.ParseI18nAssemblies (I18nAssemblies);
            if (!options.LinkSdkOnly)
                options.RetainAssemblies = GetRetainAssemblies (res);
            options.DumpDependencies = DumpDependencies;

            var skiplist = new List<string> ();

            if (string.Compare (UseSharedRuntime, "true", true) == 0)
                skiplist.AddRange (Profile.SharedRuntimeAssemblies.Where (a => a.EndsWith (".dll")).Select (a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (a)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (LinkOnlyNewerThan) && File.Exists (LinkOnlyNewerThan)) {
                var newerThan = File.GetLastWriteTime (LinkOnlyNewerThan);
                var skipOldOnes = ResolvedAssemblies.Where (a => File.GetLastWriteTime (a.ItemSpec) < newerThan);
                foreach (var old in skipOldOnes)
                    Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "  Skip linking unchanged file: " + old.ItemSpec);
                skiplist = skipOldOnes.Select (a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (a.ItemSpec)).Concat (skiplist).ToList ();

            // Add LinkSkip options
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (LinkSkip))
                foreach (var assembly in LinkSkip.Split (',', ';'))
                    skiplist.Add (assembly);

            options.SkippedAssemblies = skiplist;

            if (EnableProguard)
                options.ProguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration;

            // Link!
            try {
                LinkContext link_context;
                Linker.Process (options, out link_context);

                var copydst = OptionalDestinationDirectory ?? OutputDirectory;

                foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies) {
                    var copysrc = assembly.ItemSpec;
                    var filename = Path.GetFileName (assembly.ItemSpec);

                    if (options.LinkNone) {
                        if (skiplist.Any (s => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (filename) == s)) {
                            // For skipped assemblies, skip if there is existing file in the destination.
                            // We cannot just copy the linker output from *current* run output, because
                            // it always renew the assemblies, in *different* binary values, whereas
                            // the dll in the OptionalDestinationDirectory must retain old and unchanged.
                            if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (copydst, filename)))
                            copysrc = assembly.ItemSpec;
                        } else {
                            // Prefer fixup assemblies if exists, otherwise just copy the original.
                            copysrc = Path.Combine (OutputDirectory, filename);
                            copysrc = File.Exists (copysrc) ? copysrc : assembly.ItemSpec;
                    else if (!MonoAndroidHelper.IsForceRetainedAssembly (filename))

                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged (copysrc, Path.Combine (copydst, filename));
                    try {
                        MonoAndroidHelper.CopyIfChanged (assembly.ItemSpec + ".mdb", Path.Combine (copydst, filename + ".mdb"));
                    } catch (Exception) { // skip it, mdb sometimes fails to read and it's optional
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                Diagnostic.Error (2006, ex, "Reference to metadata item '{0}' (defined in '{1}') from '{1}' could not be resolved.", ex.Member, ex.Member.Module.Assembly, ex.Scope);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        bool Execute(DirectoryAssemblyResolver res)
            // Put every assembly we'll need in the resolver
            foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)

            var resolver = new AssemblyResolver(res.ToResolverCache());

            // Set up for linking
            var options = new LinkerOptions();

            options.MainAssembly     = res.GetAssembly(MainAssembly);
            options.OutputDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(OutputDirectory);
            options.LinkSdkOnly      = string.Compare(LinkMode, "SdkOnly", true) == 0;
            options.LinkNone         = false;
            options.Resolver         = resolver;
            options.LinkDescriptions = LinkDescriptions.Select(item => Path.GetFullPath(item.ItemSpec)).ToArray();
            options.I18nAssemblies   = Linker.ParseI18nAssemblies(I18nAssemblies);
            if (!options.LinkSdkOnly)
                options.RetainAssemblies = GetRetainAssemblies(res);
            options.DumpDependencies          = DumpDependencies;
            options.HttpClientHandlerType     = HttpClientHandlerType;
            options.TlsProvider               = TlsProvider;
            options.PreserveJniMarshalMethods = PreserveJniMarshalMethods;
            options.DeterministicOutput       = Deterministic;

            var skiplist = new List <string> ();

            if (string.Compare(UseSharedRuntime, "true", true) == 0)
                skiplist.AddRange(Profile.SharedRuntimeAssemblies.Where(a => a.EndsWith(".dll")).Select(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a)));

            // Add LinkSkip options
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkSkip))
                skiplist.AddRange(LinkSkip.Split(',', ';'));

            options.SkippedAssemblies = skiplist;

            if (EnableProguard)
                options.ProguardConfiguration = ProguardConfiguration;

            // Link!
            try {
                LinkContext link_context;
                Linker.Process(options, this, out link_context);

                foreach (var assembly in ResolvedAssemblies)
                    var copysrc             = assembly.ItemSpec;
                    var filename            = Path.GetFileName(assembly.ItemSpec);
                    var assemblyDestination = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, filename);

                    if (!MonoAndroidHelper.IsForceRetainedAssembly(filename))

                    MonoAndroidHelper.CopyAssemblyAndSymbols(copysrc, assemblyDestination);
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                Diagnostic.Error(2006, ex, "Could not resolve reference to '{0}' (defined in assembly '{1}') with scope '{2}'. When the scope is different from the defining assembly, it usually means that the type is forwarded.", ex.Member, ex.Member.Module.Assembly, ex.Scope);
