Ejemplo n.º 1

        public static int FileABug(string title, string reproSteps, string expectedResult, string actualResult, string attachmentFolder)
            int               bugID           = 0;
            bool              hasInvalidField = false;
            Directory         psDirectory     = null;
            Product           psProduct       = null;
            Datastore         psDataStore     = null;
            Fields            psFields        = null;
            DatastoreItemList psDataList      = null;
            DatastoreItem     psDataItem      = null;
            Bug               psBug           = null;

            // Specify the product database to use and the domain in which
            // the database is located.
            string strProductName = "Office15";
            string strDomain1     = "fareast.corp.microsoft.com";
            string strDomain2     = "redmond.corp.microsoft.com";
            string strDomain3     = "corp.microsoft.com";

                // Connect to the directory with your current domain under your credentials .
                psDirectory = new Directory();

                    //first try with fareast
                    psDirectory.Connect(strDomain1, "", "");
                catch (Exception e1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Fareast Connect Error: {0}", e1.Message);

                        //if fareast fails, try redmond
                        psDirectory.Connect(strDomain2, "", "");
                    catch (Exception e2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Redmond Connect Error: {0}", e2.Message);

                        //if both fareast & redmond fail, try global domain
                        psDirectory.Connect(strDomain3, "", "");

                psProduct   = psDirectory.GetProductByName(strProductName);
                psDataStore = psProduct.Connect("", "", "");

                // Bind the query and Datastore to our DatastoreItemList.
                psDataList           = new DatastoreItemList();
                psDataList.Datastore = psDataStore;

                // Create a blank bug
                psDataItem = psDataList.DatastoreItems.Add(null, PsApplyRulesMask.psApplyRulesAll);
                psBug      = psDataItem as Bug;

                // Set fields for the new bug
                psFields = psBug.Fields;

                psFields["Title"].Value       = "[LWA]" + title;
                psFields["TreeID"].Value      = TreeIDFromPath(psDataStore.RootNode, "Current\\Lync Client\\Lync Web App");
                psFields["Assigned to"].Value = "Active";
                psFields["Severity"].Value    = 2;
                psFields["Priority"].Value    = 2;
                psFields["Open Build"].Value  = "5.0.0000.0000";
                psFields["Ship Cycle"].Value  = "O15 Main Wave";
                psFields["Fix By"].Value      = "Beta1Refresh";

                psFields["Repro Steps"].Value =
                    "Repro Steps:" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "============" + Environment.NewLine +
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reproSteps) ? "1. Sign in as User A from LWA" : reproSteps) + Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "Actual Results:" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "===============" + Environment.NewLine +
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualResult) ? "1. " : actualResult) + Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "Expected Results:" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "=================" + Environment.NewLine +
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedResult) ? "1. " : expectedResult) + Environment.NewLine;

                //  Let's make sure all fields are valid before saving
                foreach (ProductStudio.Field psField in psBug.Fields)
                    if (psField.Validity != PsFieldStatusEnum.psFieldStatusValid)
                        hasInvalidField = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid Field '{0}': {1}", psField.Name, psField.Validity.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Current Value: '{0}'", psField.Value);

                if (hasInvalidField)
                    throw (new ApplicationException("Invalid Field(s) were found.  Could not create."));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentFolder))
                        string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(attachmentFolder);
                        foreach (string file in files)
                            psBug.Files.Add(file, false);

                    bugID = Convert.ToInt32(psFields["ID"].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("Bug #{0} Successfully Created.", bugID);
            catch (Exception e3)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e3.Message);
                if (null != psDirectory)
                    catch (Exception e4)
                        Console.WriteLine("Disconnect Error: {0}", e4.Message);
