Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes a generic letter on School letterhead.  PDF protection options are set via the boolean properties of this object.
        /// Document is digitally signed using a certificate generated by the local certificate authority in the dublinschool.org domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodyHtml">Body of the letter.</param>
        /// <param name="signerId">Employee id of the Faculty who will put their signature on the document.  (automatically adds the signature image to the end of the document.</param>
        public Document PublishGenericLetter(String bodyHtml, bool digitallySign = false, int signerId = -1)
            String   html     = Template.Replace("{content}", bodyHtml).Replace("{signature}", signerId == -1? "" : SignatureImage(signerId));
            Document document = PdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(html, BaseURL, BaseURL);

            if (digitallySign)
                    /// digitally sign the document.
                    HtmlElementMapping dsMap = PdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");
                    if (dsMap != null)
                        PdfPage    page      = dsMap.PdfRectangles.Last().PdfPage;
                        RectangleF rectangle = dsMap.PdfRectangles.Last().Rectangle;

                        DigitalCertificate cert = DocumentSigningCertificate;

                        DigitalSignatureElement dse = new DigitalSignatureElement(rectangle, cert);
                        dse.Reason      = "Ensure Document Integrity and Protect from unwanted changes.";
                        dse.ContactInfo = "Contact Email:  [email protected]";
                        dse.Location    = "Issuing Web Server";
                catch (Exception e)
                    //WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Failed to Apply digital signature to document...{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a PDF document
            Document pdfDocument = new Document(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                pdfDocument.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            pdfDocument.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Add a page to PDF document
            PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage();

            string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
            string baseUrl = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

            // Add a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to PDF document
            HtmlToPdfElement htmlToPdfElement = new HtmlToPdfElement(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);


            string certificateFilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx");

            // Create the digital signature
            DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(certificateFilePath, "evopdf", 0);

            signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
            signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
            signature.Location    = "Development server";

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Digital_Signatures.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
        public ActionResult CreatePdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a PDF document
            Document pdfDocument = new Document();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            pdfDocument.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Add a page to PDF document
            PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage();

                string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = collection["htmlStringTextBox"];
                string baseUrl = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];

                // Add a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to PDF document
                HtmlToPdfElement htmlToPdfElement = new HtmlToPdfElement(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);

                // Make the HTML element with 'digital_signature_element' mapping ID a link to digital signature properties
                HtmlElementMapping digitalSignatureMapping = htmlToPdfElement.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");
                if (digitalSignatureMapping != null)
                    PdfPage    digitalSignaturePage      = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PdfPage;
                    RectangleF digitalSignatureRectangle = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                    string certificateFilePath = m_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "/wwwroot" + "/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx";

                    // Get the certificate from password protected PFX file
                    DigitalCertificatesCollection certificates = DigitalCertificatesStore.GetCertificates(certificateFilePath, "evopdf");
                    DigitalCertificate            certificate  = certificates[0];

                    // Create the digital signature
                    DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(digitalSignatureRectangle, certificate);
                    signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
                    signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
                    signature.Location    = "Development server";

                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF file to browser
                FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");
                fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Digital_Signatures.pdf";

                // Close the PDF document
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void btnCreatePdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // create a PDF document
            Document document = new Document();

            // set the license key
            document.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            // add a page to the PDF document
            PdfPage firstPage = document.AddPage();

            string logoImagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\img\evologo-250.png");
            string certificateFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\certificates\evopdf.pfx");

            PdfFont pdfFont = document.Fonts.Add(new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point));
            TextElement descriptionTextElement = new TextElement(0, 0,
                "A digital signature was applied on the logo image below. Click on the image to see the signature details", pdfFont);
            AddElementResult addResult = firstPage.AddElement(descriptionTextElement);

            // create the area where the digital signature will be displayed in the PDF document
            // in this sample the area is a logo image but it could be anything else
            ImageElement logoElement = new ImageElement(0, addResult.EndPageBounds.Bottom + 10, 100, logoImagePath);
            addResult = firstPage.AddElement(logoElement);

            //get the #PKCS 12 certificate from file
            DigitalCertificatesCollection certificates = DigitalCertificatesStore.GetCertificates(certificateFilePath, "evopdf");
            DigitalCertificate certificate = certificates[0];

            // create the digital signature over the logo image element
            DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(addResult.EndPageBounds, certificate);
            signature.Reason = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
            signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
            signature.Location = "Development server";

            string outFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "DigitalSignature.pdf");

            // save the PDF document to disk

            // close the PDF document to release the resources

            DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Open the saved file in an external viewer?", "Open Rendered File", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                catch (Exception ex)
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a PDF document
            Document pdfDocument = new Document();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            pdfDocument.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Add a page to PDF document
            PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage();

                string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Add a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to PDF document
                HtmlToPdfElement htmlToPdfElement = new HtmlToPdfElement(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);

                // Make the HTML element with 'digital_signature_element' mapping ID a link to digital signature properties
                HtmlElementMapping digitalSignatureMapping = htmlToPdfElement.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");
                if (digitalSignatureMapping != null)
                    PdfPage    digitalSignaturePage      = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PdfPage;
                    RectangleF digitalSignatureRectangle = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                    string certificateFilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx");

                    // Get the certificate from password protected PFX file
                    DigitalCertificatesCollection certificates = DigitalCertificatesStore.GetCertificates(certificateFilePath, "evopdf");
                    DigitalCertificate            certificate  = certificates[0];

                    // Create the digital signature
                    DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(digitalSignatureRectangle, certificate);
                    signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
                    signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
                    signature.Location    = "Development server";

                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF as response to browser

                // Set response content type
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

                // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Digital_Signatures.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

                // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

                // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
                // Close the PDF document
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            Document pdfDocument = null;

                string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = collection["htmlStringTextBox"];
                string baseUrl = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];

                // Convert a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to a PDF document object
                pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);

                // Make the HTML element with 'digital_signature_element' mapping ID a link to digital signature properties
                HtmlElementMapping digitalSignatureMapping = htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");
                if (digitalSignatureMapping != null)
                    PdfPage    digitalSignaturePage      = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PdfPage;
                    RectangleF digitalSignatureRectangle = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                    string certificateFilePath = m_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "/wwwroot" + "/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx";

                    // Get the certificate from password protected PFX file
                    DigitalCertificatesCollection certificates = DigitalCertificatesStore.GetCertificates(certificateFilePath, "evopdf");
                    DigitalCertificate            certificate  = certificates[0];

                    // Create the digital signature
                    DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(digitalSignatureRectangle, certificate);
                    signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
                    signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
                    signature.Location    = "Development server";

                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF file to browser
                FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");
                fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Digital_Signatures.pdf";

                // Close the PDF document
                if (pdfDocument != null)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
            string baseUrl = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

            // Convert a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to a PDF document object
            Document pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);

            // Make the HTML element with 'digital_signature_element' mapping ID a link to digital signature properties
            HtmlElementMapping digitalSignatureMapping = htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");

            if (digitalSignatureMapping != null)
                PdfPage        digitalSignaturePage      = pdfDocument.GetPage(digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PageIndex);
                RectangleFloat digitalSignatureRectangle = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                string certificateFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx");

                // Create the digital signature
                DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(digitalSignatureRectangle, certificateFilePath, "evopdf", 0);
                signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
                signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
                signature.Location    = "Development server";

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Digital_Signatures.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing