public void DictionaryTupleDeserializeFromJSON(DictionaryTupleTestData inTestData)
            var obj = Fixture.Serializer.Deserialize <(string k1, Dictionary <string, double> dict)>(inTestData.SerializedTestData);

            obj.Should().BeOfType(typeof((string k1, Dictionary <string, double> dict)));
            // ToDo: add a helper method to Collections that will compare two dictionaries (including case) for equality
            // ToDo: extend test to compare every element of the two dictionaries
            //(string k1, Dictionary<string, double> term1) r = InputMethodsForDealingWithJSONFormattedStrings.DeSerializeDictionaryTuple(inTestData);
            //var x = (k1: "k1", term1: new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "c1", 10.0 } });
            //bool passed = (r.k1 == x.k1) && (r.term1.Count == x.term1.Count);
            // ToDo: figure out a link query that will produce "false" if the keys and values of both dictionaries are not the same
            // bool t = r.Item2.Where(d => x.Item2.ContainsKey(r.Item2.Key) &&
 public void DictionaryTupleSerializeToJSON(DictionaryTupleTestData inTestData)