Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void ProcessSystemVerbs(ILanguage language)
            Assembly           commandsAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(CommandParameterAttribute));
            IEnumerable <Type> loadedCommands   = commandsAssembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ICommand)));

            foreach (Type comm in loadedCommands)
                IEnumerable <string> commandVerbs = comm.GetCustomAttributes <CommandKeywordAttribute>().Where(att => !att.PreventBecomingAVerb).Select(att => att.Keyword);

                foreach (string verb in commandVerbs)
                    Dictata newVerb = new Dictata()
                        Name        = verb,
                        Determinant = false,
                        Feminine    = false,
                        Plural      = false,
                        Positional  = LexicalPosition.None,
                        Perspective = NarrativePerspective.None,
                        Possessive  = false,
                        Tense       = LexicalTense.Present,
                        Semantics   = new HashSet <string>()
                        WordType = LexicalType.Verb,
                        Language = language

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IDictata GetExistingMeaning(string word, LexicalType wordType = LexicalType.Noun)
            List <string> allContext = new List <string>();

            //Get all local nouns
            allContext.AddRange(_currentPlace.GetContents <IInanimate>().SelectMany(thing => thing.Keywords));
            allContext.AddRange(_currentPlace.GetContents <IMobile>().SelectMany(thing => thing.Keywords));

            IDictata existingMeaning = null;

            //It's a thing we can see
            if (allContext.Contains(word))
                existingMeaning = new Dictata()
                    Name = word, WordType = LexicalType.ProperNoun
                //TODO: We need to discriminate based on lexical type as well, we could have multiple of the same word with different types
                if (_currentDictionary.Any(dict => dict.Name.Equals(word, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    existingMeaning = _currentDictionary.FirstOrDefault(dict => dict.Name.Equals(word, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))?.GetForm(wordType);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Dictionary <string, IDictata> BrandWords(IList <Tuple <string, bool> > words)
            Dictionary <string, IDictata> brandedWords = new Dictionary <string, IDictata>();

            //Brand all the words with their current meaning. Continues are in there because the listword inflation might cause collision
            foreach (Tuple <string, bool> word in words.Distinct())
                if (brandedWords.ContainsKey(word.Item1))

                //We have a comma/and list
                if (word.Item2)
                    string[] listWords = word.Item1.Split(new string[] { "and", ",", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    IDictata listMeaning = null;
                    foreach (string listWord in listWords)
                        if (listMeaning != null)

                        if (brandedWords.ContainsKey(listWord))
                            listMeaning = brandedWords[listWord];

                        if (listMeaning == null)
                            listMeaning = GetExistingMeaning(listWord);

                    foreach (string listWord in listWords)
                        if (brandedWords.ContainsKey(listWord))

                        Dictata meaning = new Dictata()
                            Name     = listWord,
                            WordType = listMeaning.WordType

                        brandedWords.Add(listWord, meaning);


                brandedWords.Add(word.Item1, GetExistingMeaning(word.Item1));

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public AddEditDictataViewModel(ILexeme parent)
     ParentObject   = (Lexeme)parent;
     ValidLanguages = ConfigDataCache.GetAll <ILanguage>();
     DataObject     = new Dictata();
     ValidWords     = ConfigDataCache.GetAll <ILexeme>().Where(lex => lex.Language == parent.Language && lex != parent).SelectMany(lex => lex.WordForms).OrderBy(form => form.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult AddRelatedWord(string lexemeId, string id, AddEditDictataViewModel vModel)
            ApplicationUser authedUser = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            ILexeme lex = ConfigDataCache.Get<ILexeme>(new ConfigDataCacheKey(typeof(ILexeme), lexemeId, ConfigDataType.Dictionary));
            if (lex == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = "That does not exist" });

            IDictata dict = lex.WordForms.FirstOrDefault(form => form.UniqueKey == id);
            if (dict == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = "That does not exist" });

            Lexeme relatedLex = new Lexeme
                Name = vModel.Word,
                Language = lex.Language

            Dictata relatedWord = new Dictata()
                Name = vModel.Word,
                Severity = dict.Severity + vModel.Severity,
                Quality = dict.Quality + vModel.Quality,
                Elegance = dict.Elegance + vModel.Elegance,
                Tense = dict.Tense,
                Language = dict.Language,
                WordType = dict.WordType,
                Feminine = dict.Feminine,
                Possessive = dict.Possessive,
                Plural = dict.Plural,
                Determinant = dict.Determinant,
                Positional = dict.Positional,
                Perspective = dict.Perspective,
                Semantics = dict.Semantics

            HashSet<IDictata> synonyms = dict.Synonyms;

            if (vModel.Synonym)
                relatedWord.Synonyms = synonyms;
                relatedWord.Antonyms = dict.Antonyms;
                relatedWord.PhraseSynonyms = dict.PhraseSynonyms;
                relatedWord.PhraseAntonyms = dict.PhraseAntonyms;
                relatedWord.Synonyms = dict.Antonyms;
                relatedWord.Antonyms = synonyms;
                relatedWord.PhraseSynonyms = dict.PhraseAntonyms;
                relatedWord.PhraseAntonyms = dict.PhraseSynonyms;


            string message;
            if (relatedLex.Save(authedUser.GameAccount, authedUser.GetStaffRank(User)))
                if (vModel.Synonym)
                    HashSet<IDictata> mySynonyms = dict.Synonyms;

                    dict.Synonyms = mySynonyms;
                    HashSet<IDictata> antonyms = dict.Antonyms;

                    dict.Antonyms = antonyms;

                lex.Save(authedUser.GameAccount, authedUser.GetStaffRank(User));
                relatedLex.Save(authedUser.GameAccount, authedUser.GetStaffRank(User));

                LoggingUtility.LogAdminCommandUsage("*WEB* - EditLexeme[" + lex.UniqueKey + "]", authedUser.GameAccount.GlobalIdentityHandle);
                message = "Edit Successful.";
                message = "Error; Edit failed.";

            return RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = message });
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * TODO: Wow this is inefficient, maybe clean up how many loops we do
        private IEnumerable <IDictata> ParseAction(IList <Tuple <string, bool> > words, bool push, IDictata lastSubject)
             * I kick the can
             * kick the can
             * kicks the can
             * kick the red can
             * kick the large red can
            List <IDictata> returnList = new List <IDictata>();

            Dictionary <string, IDictata> brandedWords = BrandWords(words);

            IDictata currentVerb = null;

            //Find unknown nouns potentially with conjunctions
            foreach ((KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> value, int i)item in brandedWords.Where(ctx => ctx.Value == null).Select((value, i) => (value, i)).OrderByDescending(keypair => keypair.i))
                KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> value = item.value;
                int index = item.i;

                if (index < brandedWords.Count() - 1 && index > 0)
                    IDictata wordAfter  = brandedWords.ElementAt(index + 1).Value;
                    IDictata wordBefore = brandedWords.ElementAt(index - 1).Value;

                    if (wordBefore != null && wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Adverb && wordAfter != null && wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Verb)
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Adverb

                    if ((wordBefore != null && (wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Adjective) || wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Article) &&
                        (wordAfter != null && (wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Noun) || wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.ProperNoun))
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Adjective


                if (index < brandedWords.Count() - 1)
                    IDictata wordAfter = brandedWords.ElementAt(index + 1).Value;

                    if (wordAfter != null && wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Noun)
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Adjective

                    if (wordAfter != null && wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Verb)
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Adverb

                if (index > 0)
                    IDictata wordBefore = brandedWords.ElementAt(index - 1).Value;

                    if (wordBefore != null && (wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Article || wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Adjective))
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Noun

                    if (wordBefore != null && wordBefore.WordType == LexicalType.Adverb)
                        brandedWords[value.Key] = new Dictata()
                            Name = value.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Verb

            //No verb?
            if (!brandedWords.Any(ctx => ctx.Value != null && ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Verb))
                string verbWord = brandedWords.First(ctx => ctx.Value == null).Key;

                currentVerb = new Dictata()
                    Name = verbWord, WordType = LexicalType.Verb
                brandedWords[verbWord] = currentVerb;
                currentVerb = brandedWords.FirstOrDefault(ctx => ctx.Value != null && ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Verb).Value;

            //We might have nouns already
            if (!brandedWords.Any(ctx => ctx.Value == null || (ctx.Value != null &&
                                                               (ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Noun || ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.ProperNoun))))
                bool lastSubjectReplaced = false;
                if (lastSubject != null)
                    List <string> keyList = new List <string>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> word in brandedWords.Where(ctx => ctx.Value != null && ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Pronoun))
                        lastSubjectReplaced = true;

                    foreach (string key in keyList)
                        brandedWords[key] = (IDictata)lastSubject.Clone();

                if (!lastSubjectReplaced)
                    string targetWord = string.Empty;

                    //No valid nouns to make the target? Pick the last one
                    if (!brandedWords.Any(ctx => ctx.Value == null))
                        targetWord = brandedWords.LastOrDefault().Key;
                        targetWord = brandedWords.LastOrDefault(ctx => ctx.Value == null).Key;

                    brandedWords[targetWord] = new Dictata()
                        Name = targetWord, WordType = LexicalType.Noun

            List <IDictata> descriptors = new List <IDictata>();

            foreach ((KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> value, int i)item in brandedWords.Where(ctx => ctx.Value == null).Select((value, i) => (value, i)))
                KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> value = item.value;
                int index = item.i;

                LexicalType wordType = LexicalType.Adjective;
                if (index == brandedWords.Count() - 1)
                    IDictata wordAfter = brandedWords.ElementAt(index + 1).Value;

                    if (wordAfter != null)
                        if (wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Verb)
                            wordType = LexicalType.Adverb;

                        if (wordAfter.WordType == LexicalType.Pronoun)
                            wordType = LexicalType.Article;

                descriptors.Add(new Dictata()
                    Name = value.Key, WordType = wordType

            //Add the nonadjectives and the adjectives
            returnList.AddRange(brandedWords.Where(bws => bws.Value != null).Select(bws => bws.Value));
            returnList.AddRange(descriptors.Select(desc => desc));

            if (push)
                foreach (IDictata item in returnList)
