Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void BmpTests()
            var bmpFolder = Path.Combine(Helper.GetTestResourcesPath(), "bmp");
            var bmpFile   = Path.Combine(bmpFolder, "test.bmp");
            var dcmFolder = Path.Combine(_tmpFolder, "newdicomfolder");
            var dcmFile   = Path.Combine(dcmFolder, "testdicomfile.dcm");


            // Convert our bmp file to a dcm file.
            DicomFileOps.ConvertBmpToDicom(bmpFile, dcmFile);
            // Check that we can read it as a dicom file.
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(dcmFile), "Could not convert BMP to DCM.");
            try { _ = DicomFileOps.GetDicomTags(dcmFile); }
            catch { Assert.Fail("Could not read output DCM file."); }

            // Same deal, but this time it will convert all files from .bmp to a similarly named file w/ no extension.
            DicomFileOps.ConvertBmpsToDicom(bmpFolder, dcmFolder, SliceType.Axial, dcmFolder);
            // Check that it did that.
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(dcmFolder, "test")), "Could not convert BMP to DCM.");
            try { _ = DicomFileOps.GetDicomTags(Path.Combine(dcmFolder, "test")); }
            catch { Assert.Fail("Could not read output DCM file."); }

            //// Another similar method, but we're doing a single file and using adding existing tags.
            //DicomFileOps.ConvertBmpToDicomAndAddToExistingFolder(bmpFile, dcmFolder, "testdicomfile2.dcm");
            //// Check that it did that.
            //Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(dcmFolder, "testdicomfile2.dcm")), "Could not convert BMP to DCM.");
            //try { _ = DicomFileOps.GetDicomTags(Path.Combine(dcmFolder, "testdicomfile2.dcm")); }
            //catch { Assert.Fail("Could not read output DCM file."); }