Ejemplo n.º 1
	public void OnTargetFound(DiceId found){
		if (OnGlobalTargetFoundCallback != null) {
			OnGlobalTargetFoundCallback (found);
		Debug.Log ("OnTargetFound "+found.ToString());

		//if we already tracking the dice (compare markers to determine the best match [i.e. the marker on top])
		if (currentlyTracking.ContainsKey (found.diceIdx)) {
			//yes we do a quick search every time we find a new marker already in the system (we could optimize this search by caching or passing in the refs)
			DefaultTrackableEventHandler newlyFoundMarkerObj = FindMarkerObject (found.diceIdx);
			DefaultTrackableEventHandler alreadyCachedMarkerObj = FindMarkerObject (currentlyTracking [found.diceIdx].markerId);

			if(newlyFoundMarkerObj.MarkerID == alreadyCachedMarkerObj.MarkerID){
				Debug.LogError ("We are treating a marker we already found and cached as a new marker never seen before... ERROR. This is a sanity check.");
			} else {

				//udpate the found image we are tracking for a give die
				currentlyTracking[found.diceIdx] = found;
				Debug.Log ("Update die[" + found.diceIdx + "] w/ "+found.type);
		//if we are not tracking the die yet just ad it to the tracking dictionary
		} else {
			currentlyTracking.Add (found.diceIdx, found);

			UpdateDebugText ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
	public void OnTargetLost(DiceId lost){
		if (OnGlobalTargetLostCallback != null) {
			OnGlobalTargetLostCallback (lost);
		Debug.Log ("OnTargetLost "+lost.ToString());

		if (currentlyTracking.ContainsKey (lost.diceIdx)) {
			currentlyTracking.Remove (lost.diceIdx);
		} else {
			Debug.LogWarning ("weirdly doesnt contain  "+lost.ToString()+" as a tracked marker");


			UpdateDebugText ();
        private void OnTrackingLost()
            Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(true);
            Collider[] colliderComponents = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>(true);

            // Disable rendering:
            foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents)
				//if (component.gameObject.layer == InteractionLayerIndex) {
					Debug.Log ("Shut off "+component.gameObject.name);
					component.enabled = false;

            // Disable colliders:
            foreach (Collider component in colliderComponents)
				//if (component.gameObject.layer == InteractionLayerIndex) {
					component.enabled = false;

            Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " lost");

			if (TargetLostCallback != null) {
				DiceId diceId = new DiceId(){
					type = CurrentDiceImage,
					diceIdx = Marker.Marker.MarkerID / 6,
					markerId = Marker.Marker.MarkerID,
				TargetLostCallback (diceId);

        private void OnTrackingFound()
            Renderer[] rendererComponents = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(true);
            Collider[] colliderComponents = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>(true);

            // Enable rendering:
            foreach (Renderer component in rendererComponents)
               	component.enabled = true;

            // Enable colliders:
            foreach (Collider component in colliderComponents)
                component.enabled = true;

            Debug.Log("Trackable " + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + " found");

			if(TargetFoundCallback != null){
				DiceId diceId = new DiceId(){
					type = CurrentDiceImage,
					diceIdx = Marker.Marker.MarkerID / 6,
					markerId = Marker.Marker.MarkerID,
				TargetFoundCallback (diceId);