Ejemplo n.º 1
        // set clip to make sure child shapes will not overlap parent shape
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            ShapeElement parentShape = this.ParentShape;

            if (parentShape == null || (parentShape is Diagram))

            RectangleD thisRect = this.AbsoluteBoundingBox;

            thisRect.Inflate(new SizeD(this.OutlinePenWidth, this.OutlinePenWidth));
            while (parentShape != null && !(parentShape is Diagram))
                RectangleD clipRect = parentShape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
                clipRect.Inflate(new SizeD(-parentShape.OutlinePenWidth, -parentShape.OutlinePenWidth));


                parentShape = parentShape.ParentShape;

            Region clip = e.Graphics.Clip;

            e.Graphics.SetClip(RectangleD.ToRectangleF(thisRect), CombineMode.Intersect);
            e.Graphics.Clip = clip;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Methods
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            base.DoPaint(e, parentShape);
            Font   font            = this.GetFont(e.View);
            string summrytxt       = this.GetSummrytxt(parentShape);
            string perentSummrytxt = this.GetPerentSummrytxt(parentShape);

            summrytxt       = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(summrytxt);
            perentSummrytxt = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(summrytxt);
            bool flag = false;

            this.Overrideheight = 0.15f;
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(this.summeryx, this.summeryy, ((float)parentShape.BoundingBox.Width) - (this.summeryx * 2f), this.Overrideheight);

            //RectangleF rect =RectangleD.ToRectangleF(parentShape.BoundingBox);
            rect.X = 0.03f;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perentSummrytxt))
                flag = true;
                this.Overrideheight += this.Overrideheight;
                rect = new RectangleF(this.summeryx, this.summeryy, ((float)parentShape.BoundingBox.Width) - (this.summeryx * 2f), this.Overrideheight);
            LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.FromArgb(0xd4, 0xdd, 0xef), Color.White, 0f);

            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Àà:" + summrytxt, font, this.SumerBrush, this.summeryx + 0.05f, this.summeryy + 0.03f);
            if (flag)
                Font font2 = this.GetFont(e.View);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(perentSummrytxt, font2, this.PerentBrush, this.perentx + 0.05f, this.perenty + 0.03f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // set clip to make sure child shapes will not overlap parent's parent shape
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            if (this.ParentShape != null &&
                this.ParentShape.ParentShape != null &&
                !(this.ParentShape.ParentShape is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram))
                RectangleD clipRect = this.ParentShape.ParentShape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
                clipRect.Inflate(new SizeD(-this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth, -this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth));

                RectangleD thisRect = this.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
                thisRect.Inflate(new SizeD(this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth, this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth));


                Region clip = e.Graphics.Clip;
                e.Graphics.SetClip(RectangleD.ToRectangleF(clipRect), CombineMode.Intersect);


                e.Graphics.Clip = clip;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected static new void DrawDecorator(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, float rotation, PointD centerRight, LinkDecorator decorator)
            SizeD size = LinkShapeGeometry.SizeDecorator;
            double offsetBy = 0d;
            bool   doOffset = false;
            ILinkDecoratorSettings settings = decorator as ILinkDecoratorSettings;
            if (settings != null)
                size     = settings.DecoratorSize;
                offsetBy = settings.OffsetBy;
                doOffset = !VGConstants.FuzzZero(offsetBy, VGConstants.FuzzDistance);
            Graphics   g              = e.Graphics;
            RectangleD boundingRect   = new RectangleD(centerRight.X - size.Width, centerRight.Y - (size.Height / 2), size.Width, size.Height);
            Matrix     rotationMatrix = g.Transform;
            float      offsetX        = 0f;
            float      offsetY        = 0f;
            if (doOffset)
                double rotationRadians = rotation * Math.PI / 180;
                offsetX = (float)(offsetBy * Math.Cos(rotationRadians));
                offsetY = (float)(offsetBy * Math.Sin(rotationRadians));
                rotationMatrix.Translate(offsetX, offsetY);
            rotationMatrix.RotateAt(rotation, PointD.ToPointF(centerRight));
            g.Transform = rotationMatrix;
            decorator.DoPaintShape(boundingRect, geometryHost, e);
            rotationMatrix.RotateAt(-rotation, PointD.ToPointF(centerRight));
            if (doOffset)
                rotationMatrix.Translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
            g.Transform = rotationMatrix;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Measure text size. If text contains complex script, we will be using TextRenderer.DrawText API to calc the size.
 /// </summary>
 internal static void Render(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, string text, Font textFont, Brush brush, RectangleF rect, StringFormat format)
     if (ScriptIsComplex(text))
         Graphics   g         = e.Graphics;
         SolidBrush brush2    = brush as SolidBrush;
         Color      foreColor = (brush2 != null) ? brush2.Color : SystemColors.HighlightText;
         Rectangle  bounds    = new Rectangle((int)(((rect.X + g.Transform.OffsetX) * g.DpiX) * g.PageScale), (int)(((rect.Y + g.Transform.OffsetY) * g.DpiY) * g.PageScale), (int)((rect.Width * g.DpiX) * g.PageScale), (int)((rect.Height * g.DpiY) * g.PageScale));
         using (Font font = new Font(textFont.Name, textFont.Size * g.PageScale, textFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Inch, textFont.GdiCharSet, textFont.GdiVerticalFont))
             TextFormatFlags textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat = GetTextFormatFlagsFromStringFormat(format);
             Font            font2 = null;
             if (e.IsPrinting)
                 font2 = ScaleFont(g, font);
             TextRenderingHint textRenderingHint = g.TextRenderingHint;
             g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
             TextRenderer.DrawText(g, text, (font2 != null) ? font2 : font, bounds, foreColor, textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat);
             g.TextRenderingHint = textRenderingHint;
             if (font2 != null)
     e.Graphics.DrawString(text, textFont, brush, rect, format);
Ejemplo n.º 6
            /// <summary>
            /// Initialize paint settings. This is initialized after the base shape
            /// has been painted.
            /// </summary>
            public PaintHelper(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ExternalConstraintShape constraintShape)
                StyleSet           styleSet = constraintShape.StyleSet;
                StyleSetResourceId penId    = constraintShape.OutlinePenId;
                Pen        pen          = styleSet.GetPen(penId);
                Brush      brush        = styleSet.GetBrush(ExternalConstraintBrush);
                SolidBrush coloredBrush = brush as SolidBrush;

                // Keep the pen color in sync with the color being used for highlighting
                Color startColor = constraintShape.UpdateDynamicColor(constraintShape.OutlinePenId, pen);

                if (startColor.IsEmpty)
                    startColor = constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                    constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                myPenStartColor = startColor;
                Color newColor = pen.Color;

                if (coloredBrush != null)
                    myBrushStartColor  = coloredBrush.Color;
                    coloredBrush.Color = newColor;
                    myBrushStartColor = Color.Empty;
                myBrush = brush;
                myPen   = pen;
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            //Grab the dpi values here because we need them to resize the image correctly in GetImage()
            dpiX = e.Graphics.DpiX;
            dpiY = e.Graphics.DpiY;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Paint emphasis for selected shape, but first check if we need to update colors.
 /// </summary>
 public override void OnPaintEmphasis(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
     if (!IsColorThemeSet)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 // Methods
 public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
     base.DoPaint(e, parentShape);
     if (parentShape.ParentShape is AssociationShape)
         AssociationShape shape = parentShape.ParentShape as AssociationShape;
         Font             font  = this.GetFont(e.View);
         e.Graphics.FillRectangle(this.BackBrush, 0.18f, 0f, ((float)parentShape.BoundingBox.Width) - 0.18f, (float)parentShape.BoundingBox.Height);
         e.Graphics.DrawString(shape.Member.DocSummary, font, this.SumerBrush, (float)0.19f, (float)0.02f);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the various constraint types
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper paintHelper)
            base.OnPaintShape(e, ref paintHelper);
            RectangleD   bounds       = AbsoluteBounds;
            Graphics     g            = e.Graphics;
            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            Font font = StyleSet.GetFont(FrequencyConstraintTextResource);

            g.DrawString(GetFrequencyString(), font, paintHelper.Brush, RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds), stringFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //Do our own painting to support arbitrary socket orientations and different socket states (normal, highlighted, connected)
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            var socket = this.ModelElement as SocketBase;

            if (socket == null || socket.Definition == null)
                Log.WriteWarning("Socket or socket definition not found for socket shape");

            var g = e.Graphics;

            //Important to save and restore because otherwise we disturb the dc for all other shapes
            var state = g.Save();

            g.TranslateTransform((float)(AbsoluteBoundingBox.Left + Size.Width / 2), (float)(AbsoluteBoundingBox.Top + Size.Height / 2));
            g.RotateTransform((float)socket.Definition.Orientation * -1);

            var points = new PointF[] {
                new PointF(rectW / 2, -rectH / 8),
                new PointF(rectW / 2, -rectH / 2),
                new PointF(-rectW / 2, -rectH / 2),
                new PointF(-rectW / 2, rectH / 2),
                new PointF(rectW / 2, rectH / 2),
                new PointF(rectW / 2, rectH / 8)

            var pen = UnconnectedSocketPen;

            if (highlight)
                g.FillRectangle(CanConnectSocketFeedbackFill, -rectW / 2, -rectH / 2, rectW, rectH);
                pen = CanConnectSocketFeedbackPen;
            else if (socket.IsConnected)
                g.FillRectangle(ConnectedSocketFill, -rectW / 2, -rectH / 2, rectW, rectH);
                pen = ConnectedSocketPen;

            g.DrawLines(pen, points);

            //See save above

            ////For debugging ...
            //var b = this.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
            //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Blue, 0.01f), (float)b.X, (float)b.Y, (float)b.Width, (float)b.Height);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Methods
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            base.DoPaint(e, parentShape);
            Font   font      = this.GetFont(e.View);
            string summrytxt = this.GetSummrytxt(parentShape);

            summrytxt           = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(summrytxt);
            this.Overrideheight = 0.15f;
            RectangleF          rect  = new RectangleF(this.summeryx, this.summeryy, ((float)parentShape.BoundingBox.Width) - (this.summeryx * 2f), this.Overrideheight);
            LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.FromArgb(0xe7, 240, 220), Color.White, 0f);

            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
            e.Graphics.DrawString(summrytxt, font, this.SumerBrush, this.summeryx + 0.05f, this.summeryy);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Paint the composite shape decorators.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bounds">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
 /// <param name="shape">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
 /// <param name="e">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
 public override void DoPaintShape(RectangleD bounds, IGeometryHost shape, DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
     if (myDecorators == null)
         myDecorators = DecoratorCollection;
         if (myDecorators == null)
             myDecorators = new LinkDecorator[] {};
     for (int i = myDecorators.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
         myDecorators[i].DoPaintShape(bounds, shape, e);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the composite shape decorators. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bounds">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
		/// <param name="shape">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
		/// <param name="e">Forwarded to composite decorators</param>
		public override void DoPaintShape(RectangleD bounds, IGeometryHost shape, DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
			if (myDecorators == null)
				myDecorators = DecoratorCollection;
				if (myDecorators == null)
					myDecorators = new LinkDecorator[]{};
			for (int i = myDecorators.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				myDecorators[i].DoPaintShape(bounds, shape, e);
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            // Have we adjusted the other colors in the shape for this fill color?
            if (!_isAdjustedForFillColor)


            if (e.View != null)
                // If the shape is in the EmphasizedShapes list, draw the emphasis shape around the shape.
                if (Diagram.EmphasizedShapes.Contains(new DiagramItem(this)))
                    ShapeGeometry.DoPaintEmphasis(e, this);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the various constraint types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">DiagramPaintEventArgs</param>
        public sealed override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            if (null == Utility.ValidateStore(Store))

            PaintHelper helper = new PaintHelper(e, this);

                OnPaintShape(e, ref helper);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            // Have we adjusted the other colors in the shape for this fill color?
            if (!_isAdjustedForFillColor)

            // DoPaintEmphasis requires some information from canvas (for example: zoom factor),
            // so we need to skip drawing shapes' emphasis if they are drawn outside of diagram canvas (for example: in thumbnail view).
            if (e.View != null)
                // If the shape is in the EmphasizedShapes list, draw the emphasis shape around the shape.
                if (Diagram.EmphasizedShapes.Contains(new DiagramItem(this)))
                    ShapeGeometry.DoPaintEmphasis(e, this);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            // Check if we have to override colors.
            if (!IsColorThemeSet)


            if (e.View != null)
                // If the shape is in the EmphasizedShapes list, draw the emphasis shape around the shape.
                var diagram = Diagram as ConfigurationSectionDesignerDiagram;
                if (diagram.EmphasizedShapes.Contains(new DiagramItem(this)))
                    ShapeGeometry.DoPaintEmphasis(e, this);
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            // Check if we have to override colors.
            if (!IsColorThemeSet)


            // DoPaintEmphasis requires some information from canvas (for example: canvas's zoom factor), 
            // so we need to skip drawing shapes' emphasis if they are drawn outside of diagram canvas (for example: in thumbnail view).
            if (e.View != null)
                // If the shape is in the EmphasizedShapes list, draw the emphasis shape around the shape.
                var entityDesignerDiagram = Diagram as EntityDesignerDiagram;
                if (entityDesignerDiagram.EmphasizedShapes.Contains(new DiagramItem(this)))
                    ShapeGeometry.DoPaintEmphasis(e, this);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            // Check if we have to override colors.
            if (!IsColorThemeSet)


            // DoPaintEmphasis requires some information from canvas (for example: canvas's zoom factor),
            // so we need to skip drawing shapes' emphasis if they are drawn outside of diagram canvas (for example: in thumbnail view).
            if (e.View != null)
                // If the shape is in the EmphasizedShapes list, draw the emphasis shape around the shape.
                var entityDesignerDiagram = Diagram as EntityDesignerDiagram;
                if (entityDesignerDiagram.EmphasizedShapes.Contains(new DiagramItem(this)))
                    ShapeGeometry.DoPaintEmphasis(e, this);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // set clip to make sure child shapes will not overlap parent's parent shape
        public override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
            if (this.ParentShape != null
                && this.ParentShape.ParentShape != null
                && !(this.ParentShape.ParentShape is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram))
                RectangleD clipRect = this.ParentShape.ParentShape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
                clipRect.Inflate(new SizeD(-this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth, -this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth));

                RectangleD thisRect = this.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
                thisRect.Inflate(new SizeD(this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth, this.ParentShape.OutlinePenWidth));


                Region clip = e.Graphics.Clip;
                e.Graphics.SetClip(RectangleD.ToRectangleF(clipRect), CombineMode.Intersect);


                e.Graphics.Clip = clip;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Replacement for BinaryLinkShapeGeometry.DoPaintGeometry
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
            LinkShape            linkShape;
            IJumpFreeLinkShape   jumpFreeShape;
            VGObjectLineJumpCode expectedJumpCode;

            if (null != (jumpFreeShape = geometryHost as IJumpFreeLinkShape) &&
                null != (linkShape = geometryHost as LinkShape) &&
                linkShape.RouteJumpType != (expectedJumpCode = (jumpFreeShape.IsJumpFree ? VGObjectLineJumpCode.VGObjectJumpCodeNever : VGObjectLineJumpCode.VGObjectJumpCodePage)))
                // Backup plan, sometimes we can't set this during configuration, and
                // it tends to revert in undo/redo scenarios when the backing graph
                // wrapper is not preserved.
                linkShape.RouteJumpType = expectedJumpCode;
            Graphics           g     = e.Graphics;
            GraphicsPath       path  = this.GetPath(geometryHost);
            StyleSetResourceId penId = GetOutlinePenId(geometryHost);
            Pen pen = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(penId);

            if ((path != null) && (pen != null))
                IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
                if (this.HasOutline(geometryHost))
                    Color restoreColor;
                    if (null == (dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost) ||
                        (restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(penId, pen)).IsEmpty)
                        restoreColor = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                        geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                    GeometryUtility.SafeDrawPath(g, pen, path);
                    pen.Color = restoreColor;
                IBinaryLinkGeometryData hostData;
                EdgePointCollection     edgePoints;
                int edgePointCount;
                if (null != (hostData = geometryHost as IBinaryLinkGeometryData) &&
                    null != (edgePoints = hostData.GeometryEdgePoints) &&
                    1 < (edgePointCount = edgePoints.Count))
                    float         rotationAngle = 0f;
                    LinkDecorator decorator;
                    if (null != (decorator = hostData.GeometryDecoratorFrom))
                        rotationAngle = CalculateRotationAngle(edgePoints[0].Point, edgePoints[1].Point);
                        DrawDecorator(e, geometryHost, rotationAngle, edgePoints[0].Point, decorator
                                      , hostData.GeometryDecoratorFromSize
                    if (null != (decorator = hostData.GeometryDecoratorTo))
                        rotationAngle = CalculateRotationAngle(edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 2].Point);
                        DrawDecorator(e, geometryHost, rotationAngle, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point, decorator
                                      , hostData.GeometryDecoratorToSize
Ejemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw the various constraint types
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">DiagramPaintEventArgs</param>
		public sealed override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
			if (null == Utility.ValidateStore(Store))

			PaintHelper helper = new PaintHelper(e, this);
				OnPaintShape(e, ref helper);
Ejemplo n.º 24
			/// <summary>
			/// Paint the solid crowsfoot on the end of an optional line
			/// </summary>
			protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
				EntityRelationshipBinaryMultiplicityDisplay displaySetting = OptionsPage.CurrentEntityRelationshipBinaryMultiplicityDisplay;
				RolePlayerLink connector;
				EdgePointCollection edgePoints;
				int edgePointCount;
				Pen pen;
				ShapeElement shapeHost;
				IOffsetBorderPoint offsetPointProvider;
				if (displaySetting == EntityRelationshipBinaryMultiplicityDisplay.Barker &&
					RoleMultiplicity.ZeroToMany == (connector = (RolePlayerLink)geometryHost).GetDisplayRoleMultiplicity(displaySetting) &&
					null != (edgePoints = connector.EdgePoints) &&
					1 < (edgePointCount = edgePoints.Count) &&
					null != (shapeHost = connector.ToShape) &&
					null != (offsetPointProvider = shapeHost.ShapeGeometry as IOffsetBorderPoint) &&
					null != (pen = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine)))
					Color restoreColor = pen.Color;
					pen.Color = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
					PointD pointOnBorder = edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point;
					double angle = GeometryUtility.CalculateRadiansRotationAngle(edgePoints[0].Point, pointOnBorder);
					PointD vertexPoint = pointOnBorder;
					vertexPoint.Offset(CrowsFootHeight * Math.Cos(angle), CrowsFootHeight * Math.Sin(angle));
					e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(pointOnBorder));
					PointD? offsetBorderPoint = offsetPointProvider.OffsetBorderPoint(shapeHost, pointOnBorder, vertexPoint, CrowsFootHalfWidth, CrowsFootParallelMode);
					if (offsetBorderPoint.HasValue)
						e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(offsetBorderPoint.Value));
					offsetBorderPoint = offsetPointProvider.OffsetBorderPoint(shapeHost, pointOnBorder, vertexPoint, -CrowsFootHalfWidth, CrowsFootParallelMode);
					if (offsetBorderPoint.HasValue)
						e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(offsetBorderPoint.Value));
					pen.Color = restoreColor;
				base.DoPaintGeometry(e, geometryHost);
 /// <summary>
 /// Override DoPaintFeedback in order to stop connect line from drawing when mouse
 /// is over invalid object. We won't do anything.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 public override void DoPaintFeedback(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the shape's shadow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The shadow is replaced with a glow.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void DoPaintShadow(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
            Guard.NotNull(() => geometryHost, geometryHost);
            Guard.NotNull(() => e, e);

            Graphics graphics = e.Graphics;
            GraphicsState state = graphics.Save();
            SizeD shadowOffset = this.ShadowOffset;
                GraphicsPath shapePath = this.GetPath(geometryHost);
                RectangleF shapeRectangle = shapePath.GetBounds();

                // Create shadow path
                GraphicsPath shadowPath = shapePath.Clone() as GraphicsPath;

                // Enlarge the shadow (by fixed magnifier amount)
                using (Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix())
                        (ShadowMagnifier / shapeRectangle.Width) + 1,
                        (ShadowMagnifier / shapeRectangle.Height) + 1);

                    // Center shadow back on the shape
                    RectangleF shadowRectangle = shadowPath.GetBounds();
                        -((shadowRectangle.X + (shadowRectangle.Width / 2)) - (shapeRectangle.X + (shapeRectangle.Width / 2))),
                        -((shadowRectangle.Y + (shadowRectangle.Height / 2)) - (shapeRectangle.Y + (shapeRectangle.Height / 2))));

                // Set the clip region (on the shape)
                using (Region clip = graphics.Clip)

                    // Offset the shadow path (move diagonally down-right) from shape
                    using (Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix())
                        translateMatrix.Translate((float)shadowOffset.Width, (float)shadowOffset.Height);

                    // Mask-off the shadow from the original shape
                    graphics.SetClip(shadowPath, CombineMode.Complement);
                    graphics.SetClip(clip, CombineMode.Intersect);

                    // Fill the shadow
                    using (PathGradientBrush shadowBrush = new PathGradientBrush(shadowPath))
                        shadowBrush.CenterColor = Color.FromArgb(ShadowColorOpacity, ShadowColor);
                        shadowBrush.SurroundColors = new Color[] { Color.Transparent };
                        shadowBrush.FocusScales = new PointF(ShadowGradientFocalPoint, ShadowGradientFocalPoint);
                        graphics.FillPath(shadowBrush, shadowPath);
		/// <summary>
		/// Replacement for BinaryLinkShapeGeometry.DoPaintGeometry
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
			LinkShape linkShape = geometryHost as LinkShape;
			if (linkShape != null &&
				linkShape.RouteJumpType != VGObjectLineJumpCode.VGObjectJumpCodeNever)
				// Backup plan, sometimes we can't set this during configuration, and
				// it tends to revert in undo/redo scenarios when the backing graph
				// wrapper is not preserved.
				linkShape.RouteJumpType = VGObjectLineJumpCode.VGObjectJumpCodeNever;
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			GraphicsPath path = this.GetPath(geometryHost);
			StyleSetResourceId penId = GetOutlinePenId(geometryHost);
			Pen pen = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(penId);
			if ((path != null) && (pen != null))
				IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
				if (this.HasOutline(geometryHost))
					Color restoreColor;
					if (null == (dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost) ||
						(restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(penId, pen)).IsEmpty)
						restoreColor = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
						geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
					GeometryUtility.SafeDrawPath(g, pen, path);
					pen.Color = restoreColor;
				IBinaryLinkGeometryData hostData;
				EdgePointCollection edgePoints;
				int edgePointCount;
				if (null != (hostData = geometryHost as IBinaryLinkGeometryData) &&
					null != (edgePoints = hostData.GeometryEdgePoints) &&
					1 < (edgePointCount = edgePoints.Count))
					float rotationAngle = 0f;
					LinkDecorator decorator;
					if (null != (decorator = hostData.GeometryDecoratorFrom))
						rotationAngle = CalculateRotationAngle(edgePoints[0].Point, edgePoints[1].Point);
						DrawDecorator(e, geometryHost, rotationAngle, edgePoints[0].Point, decorator
							, hostData.GeometryDecoratorFromSize
					if (null != (decorator = hostData.GeometryDecoratorTo))
						rotationAngle = CalculateRotationAngle(edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 2].Point);
						DrawDecorator(e, geometryHost, rotationAngle, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point, decorator
							, hostData.GeometryDecoratorToSize
Ejemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the background and outline of a <see cref="IGeometryHost"/> using
		/// dynamic colors provided by the <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/> interface.
		/// This is a helper method designed to be called by an override of the <see cref="NodeShapeGeometry.DoPaintGeometry"/> method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">The <see cref="DiagramPaintEventArgs"/> passed to DoPaintGeometry</param>
		/// <param name="geometryHost">The <see cref="IGeometryHost"/> passed to DoPaintGeometry</param>
		/// <param name="dynamicColors">The <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/> retrieved from the <paramref name="geometryHost"/></param>
		/// <param name="shapeGeometry">The <see cref="ShapeGeometry"/> this is a helper for.</param>
		/// <param name="hasFilledBackground">The result of the <see cref="ShapeGeometry.HasFilledBackground"/> method</param>
		/// <param name="hasOutline">The result of the <see cref="ShapeGeometry.HasOutline"/> method</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The DoPaintGeometry override should look similar to
		/// <code>
		/// protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
		/// {
		///     IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
		///     if (dynamicColors != null)
		///     {
		///         GeometryUtility.PaintDynamicColorGeometry(e, geometryHost, dynamicColors, this, this.HasFilledBackground(geometryHost), this.HasOutline(geometryHost));
		///     }
		///     else
		///     {
		///         base.DoPaintGeometry(e, geometryHost);
		///     }
		/// }
		/// </code>
		/// </remarks>
		public static void PaintDynamicColorGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors, ShapeGeometry shapeGeometry, bool hasFilledBackground, bool hasOutline)
			if (hasFilledBackground || hasOutline)
				StyleSet geometryStyleSet = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet;
				GraphicsPath path;
				StyleSetResourceId penId = null;
				Pen pen = null;
				StyleSetResourceId brushId = null;
				Brush brush = null;
				if (null != (path = shapeGeometry.GetPath(geometryHost)) &&
					(!hasFilledBackground || null != (brush = geometryStyleSet.GetBrush(brushId = shapeGeometry.GetBackgroundBrushId(geometryHost)))) &&
					(!hasOutline || null != (pen = geometryStyleSet.GetPen(penId = shapeGeometry.GetOutlinePenId(geometryHost)))))
					Graphics g = e.Graphics;
					DiagramClientView clientView = e.View;
					Color restoreColor;
					if (brush != null)
						restoreColor = Color.Empty;
						if (dynamicColors == null ||
							(restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(brushId, brush)).IsEmpty)
							if (clientView != null)
								restoreColor = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, brush);
						else if (clientView != null)
							geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, brush);
						g.FillPath(brush, path);
						SolidBrush solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush;
						if (!restoreColor.IsEmpty &&
							null != (solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush))
							solidBrush.Color = restoreColor;
					if (pen != null)
						restoreColor = Color.Empty;
						if (dynamicColors == null ||
							(restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(penId, pen)).IsEmpty)
							if (clientView != null)
								restoreColor = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, pen);
						else if (clientView != null)
							geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, pen);
						SafeDrawPath(g, pen, path);
						if (!restoreColor.IsEmpty)
							pen.Color = restoreColor;
		/// <summary>
		/// Override DoPaintFeedback in order to stop connect line from drawing when mouse
		/// is over invalid object. We won't do anything.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		public override void DoPaintFeedback(DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
Ejemplo n.º 30
            /// <summary>
            /// Paint the solid crowsfoot on the end of an optional line
            /// </summary>
            protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
                AssociationConnector connector = (AssociationConnector)geometryHost;
                BarkerErModelContainsBinaryAssociation link = connector.ModelElement as BarkerErModelContainsBinaryAssociation;

                EdgePointCollection edgePoints;
                int edgePointCount;
                BinaryAssociation association;
                LinkedElementCollection <Barker.Role> roles;

                if (null != (edgePoints = connector.EdgePoints) &&
                    1 < (edgePointCount = edgePoints.Count) &&
                    null != (association = link.BinaryAssociation) &&
                    2 == (roles = association.RoleCollection).Count)
                    PointD p1   = edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point;
                    PointD p2   = edgePoints[0].Point;
                    PointD midP = new PointD((p1.X + p2.X) / 2, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2);

                    #region find correct roles
                    EntityType  fromEntity = connector.FromShape.ModelElement as EntityType;
                    EntityType  toEntity = connector.ToShape.ModelElement as EntityType;
                    Barker.Role fromRole = null, toRole = null;
                    if (fromEntity == roles[0].EntityType)
                        fromRole = roles[0];
                    else if (fromEntity == roles[1].EntityType)
                        fromRole = roles[1];
                    if (toEntity == roles[0].EntityType)
                        toRole = roles[0];
                    else if (toEntity == roles[1].EntityType)
                        toRole = roles[1];

                    if (fromRole != null && toRole != null)
                        bool fromOptional = !fromRole.IsMandatory;
                        bool toOptional   = !toRole.IsMandatory;
                        bool bothOptional = fromOptional && toOptional;

                        PointF?v1 = null, v2 = null;
                            e, geometryHost, connector.FromShape, p2, midP, fromRole.IsMultiValued, fromOptional, fromRole.IsPrimaryIdComponent,
                            fromRole.PredicateText, ref v1, bothOptional);
                            e, geometryHost, connector.ToShape, p1, midP, toRole.IsMultiValued, toOptional, toRole.IsPrimaryIdComponent,
                            toRole.PredicateText, ref v2, bothOptional);

                        if (bothOptional && v1.HasValue && v2.HasValue)
                            Pen pen = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine);
                            pen             = (Pen)pen.Clone();
                            pen.DashPattern = DashPattern;
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, v1.Value, v2.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        // Methods
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            base.DoPaint(e, parentShape);
            Font          font        = this.GetFont(e.View);
            CDCompartment compartment = parentShape as CDCompartment;

            if (compartment != null)
                ListField listField = null;
                foreach (ShapeField field2 in compartment.ShapeFields)
                    if (field2 is ListField)
                        listField = field2 as ListField;
                float MemberLineHeight  = (float)listField.GetItemHeight(parentShape);
                float MemberStartMargin = 0f;
                float stringMargin      = 0.02f;
                if (listField != null)
                    int itemCount = compartment.GetItemCount(listField);
                    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                        ItemDrawInfo itemDrawInfo = new ItemDrawInfo();
                        MemberStartMargin = (float)listField.GetItemRectangle(parentShape, i, 0).Y;
                        compartment.GetItemDrawInfo(listField, i, itemDrawInfo);
                        if (itemDrawInfo.Disabled)
                        string[] strArray = itemDrawInfo.Text.Split(new char[] { ':', '(', '{', '<' });

                        Member menberByName = this.GetMenberByName(parentShape.ParentShape, strArray[0].Trim());
                        if ((menberByName == null))
                        string docSummary      = menberByName.DocSummary;
                        string genericTypeName = "";

                        genericTypeName = menberByName.MemberTypeShortName;

                        BackBrush.Color     = Color.White;
                        VarBrush.Color      = Color.Blue;
                        ModifierBrush.Color = Color.Blue;
                        NameBrush.Color     = Color.Black;
                        SummaryBrush.Color  = Color.Green;
                        SelectedShapesCollection seleShapes = this._FromAddin.SelectedShapes;
                        if (seleShapes != null)
                            foreach (DiagramItem item in seleShapes)
                                if (((item.Shape == compartment) && (item.Field == listField)) && (item.SubField.SubFieldHashCode == i))
                                    this.BackBrush.Color = SystemColors.Highlight;
                                    VarBrush.Color       = Color.White;
                                    NameBrush.Color      = Color.White;
                                    SummaryBrush.Color   = Color.White;
                                    ModifierBrush.Color  = Color.White;

                        float      recX  = (float)itemDrawInfo.ImageMargin;//0.16435f
                        RectangleD bound = parentShape.BoundingBox;

                        float width = (float)bound.Width;
                        //float MemberStartMargin = 0.26f;

                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(this.BackBrush, VSConfigManager.CurConfig.MemberMarginX,
                                                 MemberStartMargin, width,

                        float curX = VSConfigManager.CurConfig.MemberMarginX;

                        string memberTypeName = menberByName.MemberTypeName.TrimEnd('?', '[', ']');
                        if (BackBrush.Color == Color.White)//非选中状态
                            if ((memberTypeName != "void") && (menberByName.MemberTypeLookupName == memberTypeName))
                                VarBrush.Color = Color.DodgerBlue;
                            //if (!menberByName.IsSpecialName)
                            //    VarBrush.Color = Color.DodgerBlue;
                        string curStr = null;

                        if (EnumUnit.ContainerValue((int)_summaryShowInfo, (int)SummaryShowItem.TypeName))
                            if (menberByName.IsStatic)
                                curStr = "static";
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, ModifierBrush, curX,
                                                      MemberStartMargin + stringMargin);
                                curX += e.Graphics.MeasureString(curStr, font).Width;

                            curStr = genericTypeName + " ";
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, this.VarBrush, curX,
                                                  MemberStartMargin + stringMargin);
                            curX += e.Graphics.MeasureString(curStr, font).Width;
                        if (EnumUnit.ContainerValue((int)_summaryShowInfo, (int)SummaryShowItem.MemberName))
                            curStr = menberByName.Name;
                            if (menberByName is ClrMethod)
                                curStr += "()";

                            e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, this.NameBrush, curX,
                                                  MemberStartMargin + stringMargin);
                            curX += e.Graphics.MeasureString(curStr, font).Width;
                        if (EnumUnit.ContainerValue((int)_summaryShowInfo, (int)SummaryShowItem.Summary))
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curStr))
                                curStr = ":";
                                curStr = "";
                            curStr += HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(docSummary);
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, this.SummaryBrush, curX,
                                                  MemberStartMargin + stringMargin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy of <see cref="TextField.DoPaint"/> modified to support the
        /// <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/> on the parent shape.
        /// </summary>
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            DiagramClientView clientView = e.View;

            if (!HasPendingEdit(parentShape, clientView))
                if (GetVisible(parentShape))
                    string     text     = GetDisplayText(parentShape);
                    StyleSet   styleSet = parentShape.StyleSet;
                    Graphics   g        = e.Graphics;
                    RectangleF clip     = g.ClipBounds;
                    clip.Inflate(InflateFocus, InflateFocus);
                    clip.Height -= InflateFocus;
                    RectangleD shapeBounds    = GetBounds(parentShape);
                    RectangleF shapeRect      = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(shapeBounds);
                    Matrix     startTransform = null;
                    if (!DefaultIsHorizontal)
                        PointF point = PointD.ToPointF(shapeBounds.Center);
                        startTransform = g.Transform;
                        Matrix verticalTransform = g.Transform;
                        verticalTransform.RotateAt(-90f, point);
                        verticalTransform.Translate(0f, (-point.X / 2f) - shapeRect.X);
                        g.Transform = verticalTransform;
                    if (parentShape.ClipWhenDrawingFields)
                        RectangleD parentBounds = parentShape.BoundingBox;
                        shapeRect.Intersect(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)parentBounds.Width, (float)parentBounds.Height));
                    if (FillBackground)
                        Color startColor = Color.White;
                        Brush brush      = GetBackgroundBrush(clientView, parentShape, ref startColor);
                        g.FillRectangle(brush, shapeRect);
                        SolidBrush solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush;
                        if (solidBrush != null)
                            solidBrush.Color = startColor;
                    if (DrawBorder)
                        Color oldColor = Color.White;
                        Pen   pen      = GetPen(clientView, parentShape, ref oldColor);
                        GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, pen, shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
                        pen.Color = oldColor;
                    if (text.Length > 0x0)
                        using (Font font = GetFont(parentShape))
                            // Note that this ignores the base GetTextBrush, which is trivial
                            // and has no overrides. Note that we follow the convention used with
                            // the base and do not update luminosity on the text.
                            StyleSetResourceId textBrushId = GetTextBrushId(clientView, parentShape);
                            Brush textBrush        = styleSet.GetBrush(textBrushId);
                            Color restoreTextColor = Color.Empty;
                            IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = parentShape as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
                            if (dynamicColors != null)
                                restoreTextColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(textBrushId, textBrush);
                            g.DrawString(text, font, textBrush, shapeRect, GetStringFormat(parentShape));
                            SolidBrush solidTextBrush;
                            if (!restoreTextColor.IsEmpty &&
                                null != (solidTextBrush = textBrush as SolidBrush))
                                solidTextBrush.Color = restoreTextColor;
                    if (HasFocusedAppearance(parentShape, clientView))
                        // Note that the base makes a copy of shapeRect and
                        // assymetrically modifies the focus rectangle. I don't
                        // think this adds anything and gives focus floating shapes a
                        // focus rectangle that arbitrarily overlaps nearby shapes.
                        //RectangleF focusRect = shapeRect;
                        //focusRect.Inflate(0f, InflateFocus);
                        //focusRect.Height -= InflateFocus;
                        //GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicatorBackground), focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);
                        //GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicator), focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);
                        // UNDONE: The bottom line is drawing clipped. The original code has the same problem
                        // with both the top and bottom lines. This appears to be an issue with the Center
                        // alignment on the default focus indicator pens.
                        shapeRect.Inflate(0f, TextFocusTopPadding);
                        shapeRect.Height -= TextFocusTopPadding - TextFocusBottomPadding;
                        GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicatorBackground), shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
                        GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicator), shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
                    if (startTransform != null)
                        g.Transform = startTransform;
Ejemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw all ring constraint types
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper helper)
			base.OnPaintShape(e, ref helper);
			RingConstraint ringConstraint = this.AssociatedRingConstraint;
			RectangleF boundsF = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(this.AbsoluteBounds);
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			RingConstraintType ringType = ringConstraint.RingType;
			RectangleF innerBounds;
			Pen pen = helper.Pen;
			Brush brush = helper.Brush;

			switch (ringType)
				case RingConstraintType.Undefined:
				case RingConstraintType.Reflexive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
				case RingConstraintType.PurelyReflexive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
						float height = boundsF.Height;
						float left = boundsF.Left + boundsF.Width / 2;
						DashStyle originalDashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
						pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
						g.DrawLine(pen, left, boundsF.Top + height * (.5f - SMALL_LENGTH_FACTOR / 2), left, boundsF.Top + height * (.5f + SMALL_LENGTH_FACTOR / 2));
						pen.DashStyle = originalDashStyle;
				case RingConstraintType.Irreflexive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightLine(g, boundsF, pen, 1f);
				case RingConstraintType.Asymmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.Antisymmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.Transitive:
					DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);
				case RingConstraintType.Intransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.StronglyIntransitive:
					DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.StronglyIntransitive);
					DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.Acyclic:
					DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.AcyclicTransitive:
					DrawTriangle(g, boundsF, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen, .6f);
				case RingConstraintType.AcyclicIntransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.AcyclicStronglyIntransitive:
					DrawTriangle(g, boundsF, pen);
					DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.AcyclicStronglyIntransitive);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.TransitiveAsymmetric:
				case RingConstraintType.TransitiveAntisymmetric:
				case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricIntransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, ringType != RingConstraintType.TransitiveAntisymmetric);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
					innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
					DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive);
					switch (ringType)
						case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricIntransitive:
						case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
							DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, innerBounds, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveTransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.TransitiveIrreflexive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					if (ringType == RingConstraintType.TransitiveIrreflexive)
						DrawRightLine(g, boundsF, pen, .75f);
					innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
					DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, false);
				case RingConstraintType.Symmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
				case RingConstraintType.SymmetricTransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.SymmetricIntransitive:
				case RingConstraintType.SymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
					innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
					DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.SymmetricStronglyIntransitive);
					if (ringType != RingConstraintType.SymmetricTransitive)
						DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, innerBounds, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.SymmetricIrreflexive:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
					innerBounds = GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF);
					DrawEllipse(g, innerBounds, pen);
					DrawRightLine(g, innerBounds, pen, 1f);
				case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveSymmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
					DrawEllipse(g, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), pen);
				case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveAntisymmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
					DrawEllipse(g, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), pen);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
				case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveTransitiveAntisymmetric:
					DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
					DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
					DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
					innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
					DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
					DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, false);
					g.DrawArc(pen, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), 27, 300); // Angles determined empirically to stop on triangle, not worth calculating
Ejemplo n.º 34
        // Methods
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            base.DoPaint(e, parentShape);
            Font          font        = this.GetFont(e.View);
            CDCompartment compartment = parentShape as CDCompartment;

            if (compartment != null)
                ListField listField = null;
                foreach (ShapeField field2 in compartment.ShapeFields)
                    if (field2 is ListField)
                        listField = field2 as ListField;
                float MemberLineHeight = (float)listField.GetItemHeight(parentShape);
                if (listField != null)
                    int itemCount = compartment.GetItemCount(listField);
                    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                        ItemDrawInfo itemDrawInfo = new ItemDrawInfo();
                        compartment.GetItemDrawInfo(listField, i, itemDrawInfo);
                        if (!itemDrawInfo.Disabled)
                            string[] strArray     = itemDrawInfo.Text.Split(new char[] { ':', '(', '{' });
                            Member   menberByName = this.GetMenberByName(parentShape.ParentShape, strArray[0].Trim());
                            if ((menberByName != null))
                                string docSummary = menberByName.DocSummary;
                                this.BackBrush.Color    = Color.White;
                                this.SummaryBrush.Color = Color.Green;
                                this.NameBrush.Color    = Color.Black;
                                SelectedShapesCollection seleShapes = this._FromAddin.SelectedShapes;
                                if (seleShapes != null)
                                    foreach (DiagramItem item in seleShapes)
                                        if (((item.Shape == compartment) && (item.Field == listField)) && (item.SubField.SubFieldHashCode == i))
                                            this.BackBrush.Color    = SystemColors.Highlight;
                                            this.SummaryBrush.Color = Color.White;
                                            this.NameBrush.Color    = Color.White;
                                float      height = 0.19f;
                                float      recX   = (float)itemDrawInfo.ImageMargin;//0.16435f
                                RectangleD bound  = parentShape.BoundingBox;
                                float      width  = (float)bound.Width;

                                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(this.BackBrush, 0f,
                                                         (0f + MemberLineHeight * (float)i),
                                                         width, MemberLineHeight);

                                DBConfigInfo dbInfo = DBConfigInfo.LoadInfo(_FromAddin.GetDesignerInfo());

                                string curStr = null;
                                float  curX   = 0f;
                                if (EnumUnit.ContainerValue((int)_summaryShowInfo, (int)SummaryShowItem.MemberName))
                                    curStr = menberByName.Name;

                                    e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, this.NameBrush, curX,
                                                          (0f + MemberLineHeight * (float)i + 0.02f));
                                    curX += e.Graphics.MeasureString(curStr, font).Width;
                                if (EnumUnit.ContainerValue((int)_summaryShowInfo, (int)SummaryShowItem.Summary))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curStr))
                                        curStr = ":";
                                        curStr = "";
                                    curStr += HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(menberByName.DocSummary);
                                    e.Graphics.DrawString(curStr, font, this.SummaryBrush, curX,
                                                          (0f + MemberLineHeight * (float)i + 0.02f));
Ejemplo n.º 35
		/// <summary>
		/// Overrideable shape painting for use after the paint helper is initialized
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
		/// <param name="helper">The initialized pain helper.</param>
		protected virtual void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper helper)
			IConstraint constraint = AssociatedConstraint;
			RectangleD bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
			RectangleF boundsF = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds);
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			const double cos45 = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;

			Pen pen = helper.Pen;
			Brush brush = helper.Brush;

			switch (constraint.ConstraintType)
				#region Frequency
				case ConstraintType.Frequency:
				#region Ring
				case ConstraintType.Ring:
					// Note: goto default here restores the frowny face. However,
					// with the error feedback, we already have UI indicating there
					// is a problem.
				#region Equality
				case ConstraintType.Equality:
						double xOffset = bounds.Width * .3;
						float xLeft = (float)(bounds.Left + xOffset);
						float xRight = (float)(bounds.Right - xOffset);
						double yCenter = bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2;
						double yOffset = (double)pen.Width * 1.0;
						float y = (float)(yCenter - yOffset);
						g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
						y = (float)(yCenter + yOffset);
						g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
				#region Mandatory
				case ConstraintType.DisjunctiveMandatory:
						// Draw the dot
						RectangleF shrinkBounds = boundsF;
						shrinkBounds.Inflate(-boundsF.Width * .22f, -boundsF.Height * .22f);
						g.FillEllipse(brush, shrinkBounds);
						if (null != ExclusiveOrConstraintCoupler.GetExclusiveOrExclusionConstraint((MandatoryConstraint)constraint))
							goto case ConstraintType.Exclusion;
				#region Exclusion
				case ConstraintType.Exclusion:
						// Draw the X
						double offset = (bounds.Width + pen.Width) * (1 - cos45) / 2;
						float leftX = (float)(bounds.Left + offset);
						float rightX = (float)(bounds.Right - offset);
						float topY = (float)(bounds.Top + offset);
						float bottomY = (float)(bounds.Bottom - offset);
						g.DrawLine(pen, leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY);
						g.DrawLine(pen, leftX, bottomY, rightX, topY);
				#region Uniqueness
				case ConstraintType.ExternalUniqueness:
						// Draw a single line for a uniqueness constraint and a double
						// line for preferred uniqueness
						UniquenessConstraint euc = constraint as UniquenessConstraint;
						double widthAdjust = (double)pen.Width / 2;
						float xLeft = (float)(bounds.Left + widthAdjust);
						float xRight = (float)(bounds.Right - widthAdjust);
						if (euc.IsPreferred)
							double yCenter = bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2;
							double yOffset = (double)pen.Width * .7;
							float y = (float)(yCenter - yOffset);
							g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
							y = (float)(yCenter + yOffset);
							g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
							float y = (float)(bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
							g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
				#region Subset
				case ConstraintType.Subset:
						RectangleD arcBounds = bounds;
						double shrinkBy = -bounds.Height * .35;
						double yOffset = pen.Width * .7;
						double xOffset = shrinkBy * .35;
						arcBounds.Inflate(shrinkBy, shrinkBy);
						arcBounds.Offset(xOffset, -yOffset);
						g.DrawArc(pen, RectangleD.ToRectangleF(arcBounds), 90, 180);
						float xLeft = (float)arcBounds.Center.X;
						float xRight = (float)(bounds.Right + shrinkBy - xOffset);
						float y = (float)arcBounds.Top;
						g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
						y = (float)arcBounds.Bottom;
						g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
						y = (float)(arcBounds.Bottom + yOffset + yOffset);
						g.DrawLine(pen, (float)arcBounds.Left, y, xRight, y);
				#region Fallback (default)
						// Draws a frowny face
						float eyeY = boundsF.Y + (boundsF.Height / 3);
						PointF leftEyeStart = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.3f), eyeY);
						PointF leftEyeEnd = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.4f), eyeY);
						PointF rightEyeStart = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.6f), eyeY);
						PointF rightEyeEnd = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.7f), eyeY);
						g.DrawLine(pen, leftEyeStart, leftEyeEnd);
						g.DrawLine(pen, rightEyeStart, rightEyeEnd);

						float mouthLeft = boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.25f);
						float mouthTop = boundsF.Y + (boundsF.Height * 0.55f);
						RectangleF mouthRectangle = new RectangleF(mouthLeft, mouthTop, boundsF.Width * 0.5f, boundsF.Height * 0.25f);
						g.DrawArc(pen, mouthRectangle, 180, 180);

			if (constraint.Modality == ConstraintModality.Deontic && constraint.ConstraintType != ConstraintType.Ring)
				float startPenWidth = pen.Width;
				pen.Width = startPenWidth * .70f;
				float boxSide = (float)((1 - cos45) * bounds.Width);
				g.FillEllipse(this.StyleSet.GetBrush(DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground), (float)bounds.Left, (float)bounds.Top, boxSide, boxSide);
				g.DrawArc(pen, (float)bounds.Left, (float)bounds.Top, boxSide, boxSide, 0, 360);
				pen.Width = startPenWidth;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Replacement for LinkShapeGeometry.DrawDecorator
        /// </summary>
        protected static new void DrawDecorator(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, float rotation, PointD centerRight, LinkDecorator decorator, SizeD size)
Ejemplo n.º 37
            private static void DrawAssociationEnd(
                DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost,
                NodeShape node, PointD pointOnBorder, PointD endPoint,
                bool many, bool optional, bool id, string predicateText, ref PointF?lineEnd, bool bothOptional)
                Pen                pen;
                ShapeElement       shapeHost;
                IOffsetBorderPoint offsetPointProvider;
                Font               font;
                Brush              brush;
                Graphics           g = e.Graphics;

                if (null != (shapeHost = node) &&
                    null != (offsetPointProvider = shapeHost.ShapeGeometry as IOffsetBorderPoint) &&
                    null != (pen = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine)) &&
                    null != (font = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetFont(DiagramFonts.ConnectionLine)) &&
                    null != (brush = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetBrush(DiagramBrushes.ConnectionLineText)))
                    Color restoreColor = pen.Color;
                    pen.Color = geometryHost.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
                    double angle       = GeometryUtility.CalculateRadiansRotationAngle(endPoint, pointOnBorder);
                    PointD vertexPoint = pointOnBorder;
                    vertexPoint.Offset(CrowsFootHeight * Math.Cos(angle), CrowsFootHeight * Math.Sin(angle));

                    #region draw the main line

                    Pen mainLinePen = (Pen)pen.Clone();
                    if (optional)
                        mainLinePen.DashPattern = DashPattern;
                        mainLinePen.DashOffset  = DashPattern[0];
                    if (many & optional)
                        if (!bothOptional)
                            g.DrawLine(mainLinePen, PointD.ToPointF(endPoint), PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint));
                            lineEnd = PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(pointOnBorder));
                        if (!bothOptional)
                            g.DrawLine(mainLinePen, PointD.ToPointF(endPoint), PointD.ToPointF(pointOnBorder));
                            lineEnd = PointD.ToPointF(pointOnBorder);
                    #region draw crow's foot if necessary
                    if (many)
                        PointD?offsetBorderPoint = offsetPointProvider.OffsetBorderPoint(shapeHost, pointOnBorder, vertexPoint, CrowsFootHalfWidth, CrowsFootParallelMode);
                        if (offsetBorderPoint.HasValue)
                            g.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(offsetBorderPoint.Value));
                        offsetBorderPoint = offsetPointProvider.OffsetBorderPoint(shapeHost, pointOnBorder, vertexPoint, -CrowsFootHalfWidth, CrowsFootParallelMode);
                        if (offsetBorderPoint.HasValue)
                            g.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(vertexPoint), PointD.ToPointF(offsetBorderPoint.Value));
                    #region draw tick mark if necessary
                    if (id)
                        PointD oneMarkLeft = vertexPoint;
                        double cosAngle    = Math.Cos(angle);
                        double sinAngle    = Math.Sin(angle);

                        oneMarkLeft.Offset(InfEngInnerOneMarkOffset * cosAngle, InfEngInnerOneMarkOffset * sinAngle);
                        PointD oneMarkRight = oneMarkLeft;
                        oneMarkLeft.Offset(-InfEngMarkerHalfWidth * sinAngle, InfEngMarkerHalfWidth * cosAngle);
                        oneMarkRight.Offset(InfEngMarkerHalfWidth * sinAngle, -InfEngMarkerHalfWidth * cosAngle);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, PointD.ToPointF(oneMarkLeft), PointD.ToPointF(oneMarkRight));
                    #region draw text

                    //determine the line's properties
                    double         edgeX = pointOnBorder.X;
                    double         edgeY = pointOnBorder.Y;
                    EntitySideType whichSideShapeIsOn = EntitySide.FindWhichSide(pointOnBorder, shapeHost.GeometryBoundingBox);
                    double         w = 0;            //, y = 0;
                    angle = Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(endPoint.Y - edgeY), Math.Abs(endPoint.X - edgeX));
                    double inDegrees = angle * 180 / Math.PI;
                    if (inDegrees < 0)
                        inDegrees += 360;

                    SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString(predicateText, font);
                    w = textSize.Width;
                    //y = Math.Abs(w * Math.Tan(angle));

                    //determine what to offset
                    double textX      = edgeX;
                    double textY      = edgeY;
                    double h          = textSize.Height;
                    bool   lessThan45 = inDegrees < 45;

                    switch (whichSideShapeIsOn)
                    case EntitySideType.OnBottom:
                        textY -= TextPaddingY + h;
                        if (lessThan45)
                            textX += TextPaddingX;
                            textX -= TextPaddingX + w;

                    case EntitySideType.OnTop:
                        textY += TextPaddingY;
                        if (lessThan45)
                            textX -= TextPaddingX + w;
                            textX += TextPaddingX;

                    case EntitySideType.OnLeft:
                        textX += TextPaddingX;
                        if (lessThan45)
                            textY -= TextPaddingY + h;
                            textY += TextPaddingY;

                    case EntitySideType.OnRight:
                        textX -= TextPaddingX + w;
                        if (lessThan45)
                            textY += TextPaddingY;
                            textY -= TextPaddingY + h;

                    //perform the drawing
                    g.DrawString(predicateText, font, brush, new PointF((float)textX, (float)textY));


                    pen.Color = restoreColor;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
            if (this.HasPendingEdit(parentShape, e.View)) return;
            if (!this.GetVisible(parentShape)) return;

            float magicNum = 0.04166667f;

            RectangleF clipBounds = e.Graphics.ClipBounds;
            clipBounds.Inflate(magicNum, magicNum);
            clipBounds.Height -= magicNum;

            RectangleD fieldBounds = this.GetBounds(parentShape);
            RectangleF fieldRect = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(fieldBounds);

            // drawing vertically
            Matrix prevTransform = null;
            if (!this.DefaultIsHorizontal)
                PointF point = PointD.ToPointF(fieldBounds.Center);
                prevTransform = e.Graphics.Transform;
                Matrix matrix = e.Graphics.Transform;
                matrix.RotateAt(-90f, point);
                matrix.Translate(0f, (-point.X / 2f) - fieldRect.X);
                e.Graphics.Transform = matrix;

            // clip the field bound
            if (parentShape.ClipWhenDrawingFields)
                RectangleD boundingBox = parentShape.BoundingBox;
                fieldRect.Intersect(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)boundingBox.Width, (float)boundingBox.Height));

            // fill background
            if (this.FillBackground)
                Color oldColor = Color.White;
                Brush brush = this.GetBackgroundBrush(e.View, parentShape, ref oldColor);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, fieldRect);

                // restore old color
                SolidBrush brush2 = brush as SolidBrush;
                if (brush2 != null)
                    brush2.Color = oldColor;

            // border
            if (this.DrawBorder)
                Color oldColor = Color.White;
                Pen pen = this.GetPen(e.View, parentShape, ref oldColor);
                DrawHelper.SafeDrawRectangle(e.Graphics, pen, fieldRect.X, fieldRect.Y, fieldRect.Width, fieldRect.Height);
                pen.Color = oldColor;

            // display text
            string displayText = this.GetDisplayText(parentShape);
            if (displayText.Length > 0)
                using (Font font = this.GetFont(parentShape))
                    // line number
                    int linecount = 1;
                    linecount = displayText.Split('\r').Length;
                    StringBuilder lineNums = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= linecount; i++) lineNums.Append(i).Append(Environment.NewLine);

                    SizeF lineNumSize = DiagramRenderTextHelper.Measure(e.Graphics, linecount.ToString(), font);
                    lineNumSize.Width += magicNum;

                    RectangleF lineNumRect = new RectangleF(fieldRect.X, fieldRect.Y, lineNumSize.Width, fieldRect.Height);
                    RectangleF dispTxtRect = new RectangleF(lineNumRect.Right, fieldRect.Y, fieldRect.Width - lineNumSize.Width, fieldRect.Height);

                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightSeaGreen))
                        // draw line numbers
                        DiagramRenderTextHelper.Render(e, lineNums.ToString(), font, brush, lineNumRect, this.GetStringFormat(parentShape));

                    // draw display text
                    DiagramRenderTextHelper.Render(e, displayText, font, this.GetTextBrush(e.View, parentShape), dispTxtRect, this.GetStringFormat(parentShape));

            // draw focus
            if (base.HasFocusedAppearance(parentShape, e.View))
                RectangleF focusRect = fieldRect;
                //focusRect.Inflate(0f, magicNum);
                //focusRect.Height -= magicNum;
                Pen pen = parentShape.StyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicator);
                Pen bkgPen = parentShape.StyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicatorBackground);
                DrawHelper.SafeDrawRectangle(e.Graphics, bkgPen, focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);
                DrawHelper.SafeDrawRectangle(e.Graphics, pen, focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);

            // restore the transform matrix
            if (prevTransform != null)
                e.Graphics.Transform = prevTransform;
 public override void DrawResizeFeedback(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, RectangleD bounds)
     base.DrawResizeFeedback(e, bounds);
Ejemplo n.º 40
		/// <summary>
		/// Replacement for <see cref="NodeShapeGeometry.DoPaintGeometry"/> that supports
		/// dynamic background and outline colors.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void DoPaintGeometry(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost)
			IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = geometryHost as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
			if (dynamicColors != null)
				GeometryUtility.PaintDynamicColorGeometry(e, geometryHost, dynamicColors, this, this.HasFilledBackground(geometryHost), this.HasOutline(geometryHost));
				base.DoPaintGeometry(e, geometryHost);
Ejemplo n.º 41
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw the various constraint types
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper paintHelper)
			base.OnPaintShape(e, ref paintHelper);
			RectangleD bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
			stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			Font font = StyleSet.GetFont(FrequencyConstraintTextResource);
			g.DrawString(GetFrequencyString(), font, paintHelper.Brush, RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds), stringFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrideable shape painting for use after the paint helper is initialized
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        /// <param name="helper">The initialized pain helper.</param>
        protected virtual void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper helper)
            IConstraint  constraint = AssociatedConstraint;
            RectangleD   bounds     = AbsoluteBounds;
            RectangleF   boundsF    = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds);
            Graphics     g          = e.Graphics;
            const double cos45      = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;

            Pen   pen          = helper.Pen;
            Brush brush        = helper.Brush;
            bool  noDeonticDot = false;

            switch (constraint.ConstraintType)
                #region Frequency
            case ConstraintType.Frequency:

                #region Ring
            case ConstraintType.Ring:
                // Note: goto default here restores the frowny face. However,
                // with the error feedback, we already have UI indicating there
                // is a problem.
                noDeonticDot = true;

                #region ValueComparison
            case ConstraintType.ValueComparison:
                noDeonticDot = true;

                #endregion                 // ValueComparison
                #region Equality
            case ConstraintType.Equality:
                double xOffset = bounds.Width * .3;
                float  xLeft   = (float)(bounds.Left + xOffset);
                float  xRight  = (float)(bounds.Right - xOffset);
                double yCenter = bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2;
                double yOffset = (double)pen.Width * 1.0;
                float  y       = (float)(yCenter - yOffset);
                g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
                y = (float)(yCenter + yOffset);
                g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);

                #region Mandatory
            case ConstraintType.DisjunctiveMandatory:
                // Draw the dot
                RectangleF shrinkBounds = boundsF;
                shrinkBounds.Inflate(-boundsF.Width * .22f, -boundsF.Height * .22f);
                g.FillEllipse(brush, shrinkBounds);
                if (null != ExclusiveOrConstraintCoupler.GetExclusiveOrExclusionConstraint((MandatoryConstraint)constraint))
                    goto case ConstraintType.Exclusion;

                #region Exclusion
            case ConstraintType.Exclusion:
                // Draw the X
                double offset  = (bounds.Width + pen.Width) * (1 - cos45) / 2;
                float  leftX   = (float)(bounds.Left + offset);
                float  rightX  = (float)(bounds.Right - offset);
                float  topY    = (float)(bounds.Top + offset);
                float  bottomY = (float)(bounds.Bottom - offset);
                g.DrawLine(pen, leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY);
                g.DrawLine(pen, leftX, bottomY, rightX, topY);

                #region Uniqueness
            case ConstraintType.ExternalUniqueness:
                // Draw a single line for a uniqueness constraint and a double
                // line for preferred uniqueness
                UniquenessConstraint euc = constraint as UniquenessConstraint;
                double widthAdjust       = (double)pen.Width / 2;
                float  xLeft             = (float)(bounds.Left + widthAdjust);
                float  xRight            = (float)(bounds.Right - widthAdjust);
                if (euc.IsPreferred)
                    double yCenter = bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2;
                    double yOffset = (double)pen.Width * .7;
                    float  y       = (float)(yCenter - yOffset);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
                    y = (float)(yCenter + yOffset);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
                    float y = (float)(bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);

                #region Subset
            case ConstraintType.Subset:
                RectangleD arcBounds = bounds;
                double     shrinkBy  = -bounds.Height * .35;
                double     yOffset   = pen.Width * .7;
                double     xOffset   = shrinkBy * .35;
                arcBounds.Inflate(shrinkBy, shrinkBy);
                arcBounds.Offset(xOffset, -yOffset);
                g.DrawArc(pen, RectangleD.ToRectangleF(arcBounds), 90, 180);
                float xLeft  = (float)arcBounds.Center.X;
                float xRight = (float)(bounds.Right + shrinkBy - xOffset);
                float y      = (float)arcBounds.Top;
                g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
                y = (float)arcBounds.Bottom;
                g.DrawLine(pen, xLeft, y, xRight, y);
                y = (float)(arcBounds.Bottom + yOffset + yOffset);
                g.DrawLine(pen, (float)arcBounds.Left, y, xRight, y);

                #region Fallback (default)
                // Draws a frowny face
                float  eyeY          = boundsF.Y + (boundsF.Height / 3);
                PointF leftEyeStart  = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.3f), eyeY);
                PointF leftEyeEnd    = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.4f), eyeY);
                PointF rightEyeStart = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.6f), eyeY);
                PointF rightEyeEnd   = new PointF(boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.7f), eyeY);
                g.DrawLine(pen, leftEyeStart, leftEyeEnd);
                g.DrawLine(pen, rightEyeStart, rightEyeEnd);

                float      mouthLeft      = boundsF.X + (boundsF.Width * 0.25f);
                float      mouthTop       = boundsF.Y + (boundsF.Height * 0.55f);
                RectangleF mouthRectangle = new RectangleF(mouthLeft, mouthTop, boundsF.Width * 0.5f, boundsF.Height * 0.25f);
                g.DrawArc(pen, mouthRectangle, 180, 180);

            if (!noDeonticDot && constraint.Modality == ConstraintModality.Deontic)
                float startPenWidth = pen.Width;
                pen.Width = startPenWidth * .70f;
                float boxSide = (float)((1 - cos45) * bounds.Width);
                g.FillEllipse(this.StyleSet.GetBrush(DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground), (float)bounds.Left, (float)bounds.Top, boxSide, boxSide);
                g.DrawArc(pen, (float)bounds.Left, (float)bounds.Top, boxSide, boxSide, 0, 360);
                pen.Width = startPenWidth;
 /// <summary>
 /// Measure text size. If text contains complex script, we will be using TextRenderer.DrawText API to calc the size.
 /// </summary>
 internal static void Render(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, string text, Font textFont, Brush brush, RectangleF rect, StringFormat format)
     if (ScriptIsComplex(text))
         Graphics g = e.Graphics;
         SolidBrush brush2 = brush as SolidBrush;
         Color foreColor = (brush2 != null) ? brush2.Color : SystemColors.HighlightText;
         Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((int)(((rect.X + g.Transform.OffsetX) * g.DpiX) * g.PageScale), (int)(((rect.Y + g.Transform.OffsetY) * g.DpiY) * g.PageScale), (int)((rect.Width * g.DpiX) * g.PageScale), (int)((rect.Height * g.DpiY) * g.PageScale));
         using (Font font = new Font(textFont.Name, textFont.Size * g.PageScale, textFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Inch, textFont.GdiCharSet, textFont.GdiVerticalFont))
             TextFormatFlags textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat = GetTextFormatFlagsFromStringFormat(format);
             Font font2 = null;
             if (e.IsPrinting)
                 font2 = ScaleFont(g, font);
             TextRenderingHint textRenderingHint = g.TextRenderingHint;
             g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
             TextRenderer.DrawText(g, text, (font2 != null) ? font2 : font, bounds, foreColor, textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat);
             g.TextRenderingHint = textRenderingHint;
             if (font2 != null)
     e.Graphics.DrawString(text, textFont, brush, rect, format);
Ejemplo n.º 44
		/// <summary>
		/// Reimplementation of <see cref="LinkDecorator.DoPaintShape"/> that
		/// recognizes <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/>
		/// </summary>
		public override void DoPaintShape(RectangleD bounds, IGeometryHost shape, DiagramPaintEventArgs e)
			StyleSet styleSet = shape.GeometryStyleSet;
			GraphicsPath decoratorPath = GetPath(bounds);
			StyleSetResourceId penId = PenId;
			Pen pen = styleSet.GetPen(penId);
			StyleSetResourceId brushId = BrushId;
			Brush brush = styleSet.GetBrush(brushId);
			if (((decoratorPath != null) && (pen != null)) && (brush != null))
				DiagramClientView clientView = e.View;
				IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = shape as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
				Graphics g = e.Graphics;
				Color restoreColor;
				if (FillDecorator)
					restoreColor = Color.Empty;
					if (dynamicColors == null ||
						(restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(brushId, brush)).IsEmpty)
						if (clientView != null)
							restoreColor = shape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, brush);
					else if (clientView != null)
						shape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, brush);
					g.FillPath(brush, decoratorPath);
					SolidBrush solidBrush;
					if (!restoreColor.IsEmpty &&
						null != (solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush))
						solidBrush.Color = restoreColor;
				restoreColor = Color.Empty;
				if (dynamicColors == null ||
					(restoreColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(penId, pen)).IsEmpty)
					if (clientView != null)
						restoreColor = shape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, pen);
				else if (clientView != null)
					shape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(clientView, pen);
				GeometryUtility.SafeDrawPath(e.Graphics, pen, decoratorPath);
				if (!restoreColor.IsEmpty)
					pen.Color = restoreColor;
		/// <summary>
		/// Replacement for LinkShapeGeometry.DrawDecorator
		/// </summary>
		protected static new void DrawDecorator(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, float rotation, PointD centerRight, LinkDecorator decorator, SizeD size)
Ejemplo n.º 46
		/// <summary>
		/// Copy of <see cref="TextField.DoPaint"/> modified to support the
		/// <see cref="IDynamicColorGeometryHost"/> on the parent shape.
		/// </summary>
		public override void DoPaint(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ShapeElement parentShape)
			DiagramClientView clientView = e.View;
			if (!HasPendingEdit(parentShape, clientView))
				if (GetVisible(parentShape))
					string text = GetDisplayText(parentShape);
					StyleSet styleSet = parentShape.StyleSet;
					Graphics g = e.Graphics;
					RectangleF clip = g.ClipBounds;
					clip.Inflate(InflateFocus, InflateFocus);
					clip.Height -= InflateFocus;
					RectangleD shapeBounds = GetBounds(parentShape);
					RectangleF shapeRect = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(shapeBounds);
					Matrix startTransform = null;
					if (!DefaultIsHorizontal)
						PointF point = PointD.ToPointF(shapeBounds.Center);
						startTransform = g.Transform;
						Matrix verticalTransform = g.Transform;
						verticalTransform.RotateAt(-90f, point);
						verticalTransform.Translate(0f, (-point.X / 2f) - shapeRect.X);
						g.Transform = verticalTransform;
					if (parentShape.ClipWhenDrawingFields)
						RectangleD parentBounds = parentShape.BoundingBox;
						shapeRect.Intersect(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)parentBounds.Width, (float)parentBounds.Height));
					if (FillBackground)
						Color startColor = Color.White;
						Brush brush = GetBackgroundBrush(clientView, parentShape, ref startColor);
						g.FillRectangle(brush, shapeRect);
						SolidBrush solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush;
						if (solidBrush != null)
							solidBrush.Color = startColor;
					if (DrawBorder)
						Color oldColor = Color.White;
						Pen pen = GetPen(clientView, parentShape, ref oldColor);
						GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, pen, shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
						pen.Color = oldColor;
					if (text.Length > 0x0)
						using (Font font = GetFont(parentShape))
							// Note that this ignores the base GetTextBrush, which is trivial
							// and has no overrides. Note that we follow the convention used with
							// the base and do not update luminosity on the text.
							StyleSetResourceId textBrushId = GetTextBrushId(clientView, parentShape);
							Brush textBrush = styleSet.GetBrush(textBrushId);
							Color restoreTextColor = Color.Empty;
							IDynamicColorGeometryHost dynamicColors = parentShape as IDynamicColorGeometryHost;
							if (dynamicColors != null)
								restoreTextColor = dynamicColors.UpdateDynamicColor(textBrushId, textBrush);
							g.DrawString(text, font, textBrush, shapeRect, GetStringFormat(parentShape));
							SolidBrush solidTextBrush;
							if (!restoreTextColor.IsEmpty &&
								null != (solidTextBrush = textBrush as SolidBrush))
								solidTextBrush.Color = restoreTextColor;
					if (HasFocusedAppearance(parentShape, clientView))
						// Note that the base makes a copy of shapeRect and
						// assymetrically modifies the focus rectangle. I don't
						// think this adds anything and gives focus floating shapes a
						// focus rectangle that arbitrarily overlaps nearby shapes.
						//RectangleF focusRect = shapeRect;
						//focusRect.Inflate(0f, InflateFocus);
						//focusRect.Height -= InflateFocus;
						//GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicatorBackground), focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);
						//GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicator), focusRect.X, focusRect.Y, focusRect.Width, focusRect.Height);
						// UNDONE: The bottom line is drawing clipped. The original code has the same problem
						// with both the top and bottom lines. This appears to be an issue with the Center
						// alignment on the default focus indicator pens.
						shapeRect.Inflate(0f, TextFocusTopPadding);
						shapeRect.Height -= TextFocusTopPadding - TextFocusBottomPadding;
						GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicatorBackground), shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
						GeometryUtility.SafeDrawRectangle(g, styleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.FocusIndicator), shapeRect.X, shapeRect.Y, shapeRect.Width, shapeRect.Height);
					if (startTransform != null)
						g.Transform = startTransform;
Ejemplo n.º 47
			/// <summary>
			/// Initialize paint settings. This is initialized after the base shape
			/// has been painted.
			/// </summary>
			public PaintHelper(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ExternalConstraintShape constraintShape)
				StyleSet styleSet = constraintShape.StyleSet;
				StyleSetResourceId penId = constraintShape.OutlinePenId;
				Pen pen = styleSet.GetPen(penId);
				Brush brush = styleSet.GetBrush(ExternalConstraintBrush);
				SolidBrush coloredBrush = brush as SolidBrush;

				// Keep the pen color in sync with the color being used for highlighting
				Color startColor = constraintShape.UpdateDynamicColor(constraintShape.OutlinePenId, pen);
				if (startColor.IsEmpty)
					startColor = constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
					constraintShape.UpdateGeometryLuminosity(e.View, pen);
				myPenStartColor = startColor;
				Color newColor = pen.Color;
				if (coloredBrush != null)
					myBrushStartColor = coloredBrush.Color;
					coloredBrush.Color = newColor;
					myBrushStartColor = Color.Empty;
				myBrush = brush;
				myPen = pen;
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public override void DrawResizeFeedback(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, RectangleD bounds)
     base.DrawResizeFeedback(e, bounds);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw all ring constraint types
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper helper)
            base.OnPaintShape(e, ref helper);
            RingConstraint     ringConstraint = this.AssociatedRingConstraint;
            RectangleF         boundsF        = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(this.AbsoluteBounds);
            Graphics           g        = e.Graphics;
            RingConstraintType ringType = ringConstraint.RingType;
            RectangleF         innerBounds;
            Pen   pen   = helper.Pen;
            Brush brush = helper.Brush;

            switch (ringType)
            case RingConstraintType.Undefined:

            case RingConstraintType.Reflexive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);

            case RingConstraintType.PurelyReflexive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                    float     height            = boundsF.Height;
                    float     left              = boundsF.Left + boundsF.Width / 2;
                    DashStyle originalDashStyle = pen.DashStyle;
                    pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                    g.DrawLine(pen, left, boundsF.Top + height * (.5f - SMALL_LENGTH_FACTOR / 2), left, boundsF.Top + height * (.5f + SMALL_LENGTH_FACTOR / 2));
                    pen.DashStyle = originalDashStyle;

            case RingConstraintType.Irreflexive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightLine(g, boundsF, pen, 1f);

            case RingConstraintType.Asymmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.Antisymmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.Transitive:
                DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);

            case RingConstraintType.Intransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.StronglyIntransitive:
                DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.StronglyIntransitive);
                DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.Acyclic:
                DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.AcyclicTransitive:
                DrawTriangle(g, boundsF, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, false);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen, .6f);

            case RingConstraintType.AcyclicIntransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.AcyclicStronglyIntransitive:
                DrawTriangle(g, boundsF, pen);
                DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, boundsF, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.AcyclicStronglyIntransitive);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.TransitiveAsymmetric:
            case RingConstraintType.TransitiveAntisymmetric:
            case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricIntransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, ringType != RingConstraintType.TransitiveAntisymmetric);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
                innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
                DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive);
                switch (ringType)
                case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricIntransitive:
                case RingConstraintType.AsymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
                    DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, innerBounds, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveTransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.TransitiveIrreflexive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                if (ringType == RingConstraintType.TransitiveIrreflexive)
                    DrawRightLine(g, boundsF, pen, .75f);
                innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
                DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, false);

            case RingConstraintType.Symmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);

            case RingConstraintType.SymmetricTransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.SymmetricIntransitive:
            case RingConstraintType.SymmetricStronglyIntransitive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
                innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
                DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, ringType == RingConstraintType.SymmetricStronglyIntransitive);
                if (ringType != RingConstraintType.SymmetricTransitive)
                    DrawTriangleBottomLine(g, innerBounds, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.SymmetricIrreflexive:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
                innerBounds = GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF);
                DrawEllipse(g, innerBounds, pen);
                DrawRightLine(g, innerBounds, pen, 1f);

            case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveSymmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, true);
                DrawEllipse(g, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), pen);

            case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveAntisymmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
                DrawEllipse(g, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), pen);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);

            case RingConstraintType.ReflexiveTransitiveAntisymmetric:
                DrawLeftDot(g, boundsF, brush);
                DrawRightDot(g, boundsF, pen, brush, false);
                DrawBottomLine(g, boundsF, pen);
                innerBounds = GetInnerBounds(boundsF);
                DrawTriangle(g, innerBounds, pen);
                DrawTriangleDots(g, innerBounds, brush, false);
                g.DrawArc(pen, GetReflexiveInSymmetricBounds(boundsF), 27, 300);                         // Angles determined empirically to stop on triangle, not worth calculating
Ejemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the shape contents based on the operator type.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaintShape(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, ref PaintHelper helper)
            base.OnPaintShape(e, ref helper);
            ValueComparisonConstraint comparisonConstraint = this.AssociatedValueComparisonConstraint;
            RectangleD bounds  = this.AbsoluteBounds;
            RectangleF boundsF = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds);
            Graphics   g       = e.Graphics;
            ValueComparisonOperator comparisonOperator = comparisonConstraint.Operator;
            Brush brush = helper.Brush;

            // Draw the left and right comparison dots
            float heightF     = boundsF.Height;
            float dotDiameter = heightF * DOT_FACTOR;
            float dotRadius   = dotDiameter / 2;
            float dotTop      = boundsF.Top + heightF / 2 - dotRadius;

            g.FillEllipse(brush, boundsF.Left - dotRadius, dotTop, dotDiameter, dotDiameter);
            g.FillEllipse(brush, boundsF.Right - dotRadius, dotTop, dotDiameter, dotDiameter);

            if (comparisonOperator != ValueComparisonOperator.Undefined)             // Undefined just draws the error state
                // Draw the operator using a different pen.
                Pen pen = StyleSet.GetPen(OperatorResource);

                // Get the correct pen color from the provided outline pen
                Color startColor = pen.Color;
                Color shapeColor = helper.Pen.Color;                 // The paint helper has already updated the color, just use it.
                bool  updateColor;
                if (updateColor = (startColor != shapeColor))
                    pen.Color = shapeColor;

                // Get a clipping rectangle we can draw inside of. This
                // gives us a nice vertical clip on the open side of the
                // comparator, as well as a region safely inside the shape
                // outline.
                const double inscribedRectAngle    = 1d / 3 * Math.PI; // 60 degrees from center point of shape to shape border.
                const float  equalsOffsetFactor    = .8f;
                const double noEqualityPiDivisor   = 6d;               // 30 degree angle on comparator line
                const double withEqualityPiDivisor = 7.5d;             // 24 degree angle on comparator line
                double       inscribedCos          = Math.Cos(inscribedRectAngle);
                double       inscribedSin          = Math.Sin(inscribedRectAngle);
                double       width  = bounds.Width;
                double       height = bounds.Height;
                bounds = new RectangleD(
                    bounds.Left + (1 - inscribedCos) * width / 2,
                    bounds.Top + (1 - inscribedSin) * height / 2,
                    inscribedCos * width,
                    inscribedSin * height);
                //width = bounds.Width; // not used below
                height  = bounds.Height;
                boundsF = RectangleD.ToRectangleF(bounds);
                bool drawComparator = true;
                bool drawEquality   = false;
                bool slashEquality  = false;

                float penWidth    = pen.Width;
                float openSideX   = 0f;
                float closedSideX = 0f;
                switch (comparisonOperator)
                case ValueComparisonOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
                    drawEquality = true;
                    goto case ValueComparisonOperator.LessThan;

                case ValueComparisonOperator.LessThan:
                    openSideX   = boundsF.Right;
                    closedSideX = boundsF.Left + penWidth / 2;

                case ValueComparisonOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    drawEquality = true;
                    goto case ValueComparisonOperator.GreaterThan;

                case ValueComparisonOperator.GreaterThan:
                    openSideX   = boundsF.Left;
                    closedSideX = boundsF.Right - penWidth / 2;

                case ValueComparisonOperator.Equal:
                    drawComparator = false;
                    drawEquality   = true;

                case ValueComparisonOperator.NotEqual:
                    drawComparator = false;
                    drawEquality   = true;
                    slashEquality  = true;

                double halfHeight = height / 2;
                double top        = bounds.Top;
                float  middle     = (float)(top + halfHeight);
                float  topTip;
                float  bottomTip;
                if (drawComparator)
                    // Use a path so that we get a clean join between the top and bottom lines.
                    float  equalsOffset = drawEquality ? penWidth * equalsOffsetFactor : 0f;
                    double offsetSin    = Math.Sin(Math.PI / (drawEquality ? withEqualityPiDivisor : noEqualityPiDivisor));
                    topTip    = (float)(top + halfHeight * (1d - offsetSin));
                    bottomTip = (float)(top + halfHeight * (1d + offsetSin));
                    using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
                        path.AddLines(new PointF[] {
                            new PointF(openSideX, topTip - equalsOffset),
                            new PointF(closedSideX, middle - equalsOffset),
                            new PointF(openSideX, bottomTip - equalsOffset)
                        g.DrawPath(pen, path);

                    if (drawEquality)
                        bottomTip += equalsOffset;
                else if (drawEquality)
                    openSideX   = boundsF.Left;                   // Convenient variables, used for left and right
                    closedSideX = boundsF.Right;
                    float equalsOffset = 1.5f * penWidth;
                    topTip    = middle - equalsOffset;
                    bottomTip = middle + equalsOffset;
                    g.DrawLine(pen, openSideX, topTip, closedSideX, topTip);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, openSideX, bottomTip, closedSideX, bottomTip);
                    if (slashEquality)
                        // Clip tighter so that the top and bottom of the lines
                        // are clipped horizontally and don't touch the edge lines.
                        boundsF.Inflate(0f, -penWidth * 1.25f);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, openSideX + penWidth, boundsF.Bottom, closedSideX - penWidth, boundsF.Top);

                // Restore the pen color
                if (updateColor)
                    pen.Color = startColor;
		protected static new void DrawDecorator(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, float rotation, PointD centerRight, LinkDecorator decorator)
			SizeD size = LinkShapeGeometry.SizeDecorator;
			double offsetBy = 0d;
			bool doOffset = false;
			ILinkDecoratorSettings settings = decorator as ILinkDecoratorSettings;
			if (settings != null)
				size = settings.DecoratorSize;
				offsetBy = settings.OffsetBy;
				doOffset = !VGConstants.FuzzZero(offsetBy, VGConstants.FuzzDistance);
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			RectangleD boundingRect = new RectangleD(centerRight.X - size.Width, centerRight.Y - (size.Height / 2), size.Width, size.Height);
			Matrix rotationMatrix = g.Transform;
			float offsetX = 0f;
			float offsetY = 0f;
			if (doOffset)
				double rotationRadians = rotation * Math.PI / 180;
				offsetX = (float)(offsetBy * Math.Cos(rotationRadians));
				offsetY = (float)(offsetBy * Math.Sin(rotationRadians));
				rotationMatrix.Translate(offsetX, offsetY);
			rotationMatrix.RotateAt(rotation, PointD.ToPointF(centerRight));
			g.Transform = rotationMatrix;
			decorator.DoPaintShape(boundingRect, geometryHost, e);
			rotationMatrix.RotateAt(-rotation, PointD.ToPointF(centerRight));
			if (doOffset)
				rotationMatrix.Translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
			g.Transform = rotationMatrix;