Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// align2 transform calculation, todo to seperate scale parameter in each dimension
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tuple <Matrix <double>, Vector <double>, Vector <double> > Align2(List <Vector <double> > origin, List <Vector <double> > target)
            //convert to m x n matrix, m - dimension, n - points count
            var x = DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(origin);
            var y = DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(target);

            var mx = x.RowSums() / x.ColumnCount;
            var my = y.RowSums() / y.ColumnCount;

            //centered matrix
            var xc = x - DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(Enumerable.Repeat(mx, x.ColumnCount));
            var yc = y - DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(Enumerable.Repeat(my, x.ColumnCount));

            var sx = (xc.PointwisePower(2)).RowNorms(1) / xc.ColumnCount;
            var sy = (yc.PointwisePower(2)).RowNorms(1) / yc.ColumnCount;

            var Sxy = yc * xc.Transpose() / xc.ColumnCount;

            var svd = Sxy.Svd();
            var U   = svd.U;
            var D   = svd.W;
            var VT  = svd.VT;

            var rankSxy = Sxy.Rank();
            var detSxy  = Sxy.Determinant();
            var S       = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(x.RowCount);

            if (rankSxy > x.ColumnCount - 1)
                if (detSxy < 0)
                    S[x.RowCount, x.RowCount] = -1;
                else if (rankSxy == x.RowCount - 1)
                    if (U.Determinant() * VT.Determinant() < 0)
                        S[x.RowCount, x.RowCount] = -1;
                    var r = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(2);
                    var c = DenseVector.OfArray(new[] { 1d, 1d });
                    var t = DenseVector.OfArray(new[] { 0d, 0d });

                    return(new Tuple <Matrix <double>, Vector <double>, Vector <double> >(r, c, t));

            var R    = U * S * VT;
            var C    = (D.Diagonal() * S) / sx;
            var Cinv = (D.Diagonal() * S) / sy;
            var T    = my - C * R * mx;

            return(new Tuple <Matrix <double>, Vector <double>, Vector <double> >(R, C, T));
 public void DiagonalDenseMatrixMultiplication_IssueCP5706()
     Matrix <double> diagonal = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(3);
     Matrix <double> dense    = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
         { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 }
     var test  = diagonal * dense;
     var test2 = dense * diagonal;
        public void CanCreateIdentity()
            var matrix = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(5);

            for (var i = 0; i < matrix.RowCount; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < matrix.ColumnCount; j++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(i == j ? Complex.One : Complex.Zero, matrix[i, j]);
 public void IdentityWithWrongOrderThrowsArgumentOutOfRangeException(int order)
     Assert.That(() => DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(order), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///  calc transform for single scale parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tuple <Matrix <double>, double, Vector <double>, List <double> > Align(List <Vector <double> > origin, List <Vector <double> > target)
            var x = DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(origin);
            var y = DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(target);

            var mx = x.RowSums() / x.ColumnCount;
            var my = y.RowSums() / y.ColumnCount;

            var xc = x - DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(Enumerable.Repeat(mx, x.ColumnCount));
            var yc = y - DenseMatrix.OfColumnVectors(Enumerable.Repeat(my, x.ColumnCount));

            var sx = (xc.PointwisePower(2)).RowNorms(1).Sum() / xc.ColumnCount;
            var sy = (yc.PointwisePower(2)).RowNorms(1).Sum() / yc.ColumnCount;

            var Sxy = yc * xc.Transpose() / xc.ColumnCount;

            var svd = Sxy.Svd();
            var U   = svd.U;
            var D   = svd.W;
            var VT  = svd.VT;

            var rankSxy = Sxy.Rank();
            var detSxy  = Sxy.Determinant();
            var S       = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(x.RowCount);

            if (rankSxy > x.ColumnCount - 1)
                if (detSxy < 0)
                    S[x.RowCount, x.RowCount] = -1;
                else if (rankSxy == x.RowCount - 1)
                    if (U.Determinant() * VT.Determinant() < 0)
                        S[x.RowCount, x.RowCount] = -1;
                    var r = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(2);
                    var c = 1;
                    var t = DenseVector.OfArray(new[] { 0d, 0d });

                    return(new Tuple <Matrix <double>, double, Vector <double>, List <double> >(r, c, t, new List <double>()

            var R = U * S * VT;
            var C = (D * S).Trace() / sx;
            var T = my - C * R * mx;

            //calculate errors
            List <double> errors = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < origin.Count; i++)
                errors.Add((target[i] - (C * R * origin[i] + T)).PointwisePower(2).Norm(1));

            return(new Tuple <Matrix <double>, double, Vector <double>, List <double> >(R, C, T, errors));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Matrix a = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                { 2, 4, 4, 2 },
                { 8, 6, 4, 1 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 1 }

            RayTracerLib.Tuple t  = new RayTracerLib.Tuple(1, 2, 3);
            RayTracerLib.Tuple r  = new RayTracerLib.Tuple(18, 24, 33);
            RayTracerLib.Tuple at = MatrixOps.MatrixXTuple(a, t);
            if (at.Equals(r))
                System.Console.WriteLine("All is good");
                System.Console.WriteLine("not so boss");

            Matrix a2 = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 1, 2, 6 },
                { -5, 8, -4 },
                { 2, 6, 4 }
            Matrix a3 = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { -2, -8, 3, 5 },
                { -3, 1, 7, 3 },
                { 1, 2, -9, 6 },
                { -6, 7, 7, -9 }
            Matrix ai = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { -5, 2, 6, -8 },
                { 1, -5, 1, 8 },
                { 7, 7, -6, -7 },
                { 1, -3, 7, 4 }
            Matrix ia = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 0.21805, 0.45113, 0.24060, -0.04511 },
                { -0.80827, -1.45677, -0.44361, 0.52068 },
                { -0.07895, -0.22368, -0.05263, 0.19737 },
                { -0.52256, -0.81391, -0.30075, 0.30639 }

            Console.WriteLine(MatrixOps.Cofactor(a3, 0, 3));

            Matrix a4 = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 3, -9, 7, 3 },
                { 3, -8, 2, -9 },
                { -4, 4, 4, 1 },
                { -6, 5, -1, 1 }
            Matrix b4 = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 8, 2, 2, 2 },
                { 3, -1, 7, 0 },
                { 7, 0, 5, 4 },
                { 6, -2, 0, 5 }
            Matrix c4 = (Matrix)(a4 * b4);

            Matrix d4 = (Matrix)b4.Inverse();

            Matrix e4 = (Matrix)(c4 * b4.Inverse());


            Matrix i = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(4);

            Console.WriteLine((b4 * d4).ToString());
            Console.Write("Press Enter to finish ... ");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public MinimizationOutput FindMinimum(IObjectiveFunction objective, Vector <double> lower_bound, Vector <double> upper_bound, Vector <double> initial_guess)
            if (!objective.GradientSupported)
                throw new IncompatibleObjectiveException("Gradient not supported in objective function, but required for BFGS minimization.");

            if (!(objective is ObjectiveChecker))
                objective = new ObjectiveChecker(objective, this.ValidateObjective, this.ValidateGradient, null);

            // Check that dimensions match
            if (lower_bound.Count != upper_bound.Count || lower_bound.Count != initial_guess.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("Dimensions of bounds and/or initial guess do not match.");

            // Check that initial guess is feasible
            for (int ii = 0; ii < initial_guess.Count; ++ii)
                if (initial_guess[ii] < lower_bound[ii] || initial_guess[ii] > upper_bound[ii])
                    throw new ArgumentException("Initial guess is not in the feasible region");

            IEvaluation initial_eval = objective.Evaluate(initial_guess);

            // Check that we're not already done
            ExitCondition current_exit_condition = this.ExitCriteriaSatisfied(initial_eval, null, lower_bound, upper_bound, 0);

            if (current_exit_condition != ExitCondition.None)
                return(new MinimizationOutput(initial_eval, 0, current_exit_condition));

            // Set up line search algorithm
            var line_searcher = new StrongWolfeLineSearch(1e-4, 0.9, Math.Max(this.ParameterTolerance, 1e-5), max_iterations: 1000);

            // Declare state variables
            IEvaluation     candidate_point, previous_point;
            double          step_size;
            Vector <double> gradient, step, line_search_direction, reduced_solution1, reduced_gradient, reduced_initial_point, reduced_cauchy_point, solution1;
            Matrix <double> pseudo_hessian, reduced_hessian;
            List <int>      reduced_map;

            // First step
            pseudo_hessian = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(initial_guess.Count);

            // Determine active set
            var gradient_projection_result = QuadraticGradientProjectionSearch.search(initial_eval.Point, initial_eval.Gradient, pseudo_hessian, lower_bound, upper_bound);
            var cauchy_point = gradient_projection_result.Item1;
            var fixed_count  = gradient_projection_result.Item2;
            var is_fixed     = gradient_projection_result.Item3;
            var free_count   = lower_bound.Count - fixed_count;

            if (free_count > 0)
                reduced_gradient      = new DenseVector(free_count);
                reduced_hessian       = new DenseMatrix(free_count, free_count);
                reduced_map           = new List <int>(free_count);
                reduced_initial_point = new DenseVector(free_count);
                reduced_cauchy_point  = new DenseVector(free_count);

                CreateReducedData(initial_eval.Point, cauchy_point, is_fixed, lower_bound, upper_bound, initial_eval.Gradient, pseudo_hessian, reduced_initial_point, reduced_cauchy_point, reduced_gradient, reduced_hessian, reduced_map);

                // Determine search direction and maximum step size
                reduced_solution1 = reduced_initial_point + reduced_hessian.Cholesky().Solve(-reduced_gradient);

                solution1 = reduced_to_full(reduced_map, reduced_solution1, cauchy_point);
                solution1 = cauchy_point;

            var direction_from_cauchy      = solution1 - cauchy_point;
            var max_step_from_cauchy_point = FindMaxStep(cauchy_point, direction_from_cauchy, lower_bound, upper_bound);

            var solution2 = cauchy_point + Math.Min(max_step_from_cauchy_point, 1.0) * direction_from_cauchy;

            line_search_direction = solution2 - initial_eval.Point;
            var max_line_search_step = FindMaxStep(initial_eval.Point, line_search_direction, lower_bound, upper_bound);
            var est_step_size        = -initial_eval.Gradient * line_search_direction / (line_search_direction * pseudo_hessian * line_search_direction);

            var starting_step_size = Math.Min(Math.Max(est_step_size, 1.0), max_line_search_step);

            // Line search
            LineSearchOutput result;

                result = line_searcher.FindConformingStep(objective, initial_eval, line_search_direction, starting_step_size, upper_bound: max_line_search_step);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InnerOptimizationException("Line search failed.", e);

            previous_point  = initial_eval;
            candidate_point = result.FunctionInfoAtMinimum;
            gradient        = candidate_point.Gradient;
            step            = candidate_point.Point - initial_guess;
            step_size       = result.FinalStep;

            // Subsequent steps
            int iterations;
            int total_line_search_steps = result.Iterations;
            int iterations_with_nontrivial_line_search = result.Iterations > 0 ? 0 : 1;
            int steepest_descent_resets = 0;

            for (iterations = 1; iterations < this.MaximumIterations; ++iterations)
                // Do BFGS update
                var y = candidate_point.Gradient - previous_point.Gradient;

                double sy = step * y;
                if (sy > 0.0) // only do update if it will create a positive definite matrix
                    double sts = step * step;
                    //inverse_pseudo_hessian = inverse_pseudo_hessian + ((sy + y * inverse_pseudo_hessian * y) / Math.Pow(sy, 2.0)) * step.OuterProduct(step) - ((inverse_pseudo_hessian * y.ToColumnMatrix()) * step.ToRowMatrix() + step.ToColumnMatrix() * (y.ToRowMatrix() * inverse_pseudo_hessian)) * (1.0 / sy);
                    var Hs  = pseudo_hessian * step;
                    var sHs = step * pseudo_hessian * step;
                    pseudo_hessian = pseudo_hessian + y.OuterProduct(y) * (1.0 / sy) - Hs.OuterProduct(Hs) * (1.0 / sHs);
                    steepest_descent_resets += 1;
                    //pseudo_hessian = LinearAlgebra.Double.DiagonalMatrix.Identity(initial_guess.Count);

                // Determine active set
                gradient_projection_result = QuadraticGradientProjectionSearch.search(candidate_point.Point, candidate_point.Gradient, pseudo_hessian, lower_bound, upper_bound);
                cauchy_point = gradient_projection_result.Item1;
                fixed_count  = gradient_projection_result.Item2;
                is_fixed     = gradient_projection_result.Item3;
                free_count   = lower_bound.Count - fixed_count;

                if (free_count > 0)
                    reduced_gradient      = new DenseVector(free_count);
                    reduced_hessian       = new DenseMatrix(free_count, free_count);
                    reduced_map           = new List <int>(free_count);
                    reduced_initial_point = new DenseVector(free_count);
                    reduced_cauchy_point  = new DenseVector(free_count);

                    CreateReducedData(candidate_point.Point, cauchy_point, is_fixed, lower_bound, upper_bound, candidate_point.Gradient, pseudo_hessian, reduced_initial_point, reduced_cauchy_point, reduced_gradient, reduced_hessian, reduced_map);

                    // Determine search direction and maximum step size
                    reduced_solution1 = reduced_initial_point + reduced_hessian.Cholesky().Solve(-reduced_gradient);

                    solution1 = reduced_to_full(reduced_map, reduced_solution1, cauchy_point);
                    solution1 = cauchy_point;

                direction_from_cauchy      = solution1 - cauchy_point;
                max_step_from_cauchy_point = FindMaxStep(cauchy_point, direction_from_cauchy, lower_bound, upper_bound);
                //var cauchy_eval = objective.Evaluate(cauchy_point);

                solution2 = cauchy_point + Math.Min(max_step_from_cauchy_point, 1.0) * direction_from_cauchy;

                line_search_direction = solution2 - candidate_point.Point;
                max_line_search_step  = FindMaxStep(candidate_point.Point, line_search_direction, lower_bound, upper_bound);

                //line_search_direction = solution1 - candidate_point.Point;
                //max_line_search_step = FindMaxStep(candidate_point.Point, line_search_direction, lower_bound, upper_bound);

                if (max_line_search_step == 0.0)
                    line_search_direction = cauchy_point - candidate_point.Point;
                    max_line_search_step  = FindMaxStep(candidate_point.Point, line_search_direction, lower_bound, upper_bound);

                est_step_size = -candidate_point.Gradient * line_search_direction / (line_search_direction * pseudo_hessian * line_search_direction);

                starting_step_size = Math.Min(Math.Max(est_step_size, 1.0), max_line_search_step);

                // Line search
                    result = line_searcher.FindConformingStep(objective, candidate_point, line_search_direction, starting_step_size, upper_bound: max_line_search_step);
                    //result = line_searcher.FindConformingStep(objective, cauchy_eval, direction_from_cauchy, Math.Min(1.0, max_step_from_cauchy_point), upper_bound: max_step_from_cauchy_point);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new InnerOptimizationException("Line search failed.", e);

                iterations_with_nontrivial_line_search += result.Iterations > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                total_line_search_steps += result.Iterations;

                step_size       = result.FinalStep;
                step            = result.FunctionInfoAtMinimum.Point - candidate_point.Point;
                previous_point  = candidate_point;
                candidate_point = result.FunctionInfoAtMinimum;

                current_exit_condition = this.ExitCriteriaSatisfied(candidate_point, previous_point, lower_bound, upper_bound, iterations);
                if (current_exit_condition != ExitCondition.None)

            if (iterations == this.MaximumIterations && current_exit_condition == ExitCondition.None)
                throw new MaximumIterationsException(String.Format("Maximum iterations ({0}) reached.", this.MaximumIterations));

            return(new MinimizationWithLineSearchOutput(candidate_point, iterations, current_exit_condition, total_line_search_steps, iterations_with_nontrivial_line_search));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected override void ComputeMappingMatrix()
     InternalMappingMatrix = DiagonalMatrix.CreateIdentity(DomainGaSpaceDimension);