public void ParallelValueStoredGetsPropagatedTest() { VirtualProtocol vp1 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualProtocol vp2 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualStorage store1 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage store2 = new VirtualStorage(); // Ensures that all nodes are closer, because ID.Max ^ n < ID.Max when n > 0. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Max, vp1, new ParallelRouter(), store1, store1, new VirtualStorage()); vp1.Node = dht.Router.Node; ID contactID = ID.Mid; // a closer contact. Contact otherContact = new Contact(vp2, contactID); Node otherNode = new Node(otherContact, store2); vp2.Node = otherNode; // Add this other contact to our peer list. dht.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(otherContact); // We want an integer distance, not an XOR distance. ID key = ID.Zero; string val = "Test"; Assert.IsFalse(store1.Contains(key), "Obviously we don't have the key-value yet."); Assert.IsFalse(store2.Contains(key), "And equally obvious, the other peer doesn't have the key-value yet either."); dht.Store(key, val); Assert.IsTrue(store1.Contains(key), "Expected our peer to have stored the key-value."); Assert.IsTrue(store2.Contains(key), "Expected the other peer to have stored the key-value."); }
/// <summary> /// Ask the next peer the question. /// </summary> async Task AskAsync(int taskId) { int pass = 0; int waits = 20; while (!runningQuery.IsCancellationRequested && waits > 0) { // Get the nearest peer that has not been visited. var peer = Dht.RoutingTable .NearestPeers(QueryKey) .Where(p => !visited.Contains(p)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (peer == null) { --waits; await Task.Delay(100); continue; } ++pass; visited.Add(peer); // Ask the nearest peer. await askCount.WaitAsync(runningQuery.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); var start = DateTime.Now; log.Debug($"Q{Id}.{taskId}.{pass} ask {peer}"); try { using (var timeout = new CancellationTokenSource(askTime)) using (var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeout.Token, runningQuery.Token)) using (var stream = await Dht.Swarm.DialAsync(peer, Dht.ToString(), cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false)) { // Send the KAD query and get a response. ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(stream, queryMessage, PrefixStyle.Base128); await stream.FlushAsync(cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); var response = await ProtoBufHelper.ReadMessageAsync <DhtMessage>(stream, cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); // Process answer ProcessProviders(response.ProviderPeers); ProcessCloserPeers(response.CloserPeers); } var time = DateTime.Now - start; log.Debug($"Q{Id}.{taskId}.{pass} ok {peer} ({time.TotalMilliseconds} ms)"); } catch (Exception e) { Interlocked.Increment(ref failedConnects); var time = DateTime.Now - start; log.Warn($"Q{Id}.{taskId}.{pass} failed ({time.TotalMilliseconds} ms) - {e.Message}"); // eat it } finally { askCount.Release(); } } }
public void Init() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://" + (base_port + i))); } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Address addr = (Address) new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode((AHAddress)addr, brunet_namespace); nodes.Add(addr, node); node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i)); node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; tables[addr] = new TableServer(node); (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start(); // if(i < network_size / ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).DEGREE) { // ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).debug = true; // } } default_dht = new Dht((Node)nodes.GetByIndex(0), degree); }
protected void InitializeDhts() { dhts = new List<Dht>(); dhtPos = new List<Rectangle>(); peerColor = new Dictionary<BigInteger, Color>(); NUM_DHT.ForEach((n) => { #if USE_TCP_SUBNET_PROTOCOL IProtocol protocol = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, n); #else IProtocol protocol = new VirtualProtocol(); #endif Dht dht = new Dht(ID.RandomID, protocol, () => new VirtualStorage(), new Router()); peerColor[dht.ID.Value] = Color.Green; #if USE_TCP_SUBNET_PROTOCOL server.RegisterProtocol(n, dht.Node); #else ((VirtualProtocol)protocol).Node = dht.Node; #endif dhts.Add(dht); dhtPos.Add(new Rectangle(XOFFSET + rnd.Next(-JITTER, JITTER) + (n % ITEMS_PER_ROW) * XSPACING, YOFFSET + rnd.Next(-JITTER, JITTER) + (n / ITEMS_PER_ROW) * YSPACING, SIZE, SIZE)); }); }
protected void BootstrapWithAPeer(int peerBootstrappingIdx) { Dht dht = dhts[peerBootstrappingIdx]; var peerList = knownPeers.ExceptBy(dht, c => c.ID).ToList(); Dht bootstrapWith = peerList[rnd.Next(peerList.Count)]; dht.Bootstrap(bootstrapWith.Contact); }
public ControlPanel(Dht dht) { this.dht = dht; InitializeComponent(); tbOurPeerUrl.Text = dht.Protocol.Url; tbOurPeerPort.Text = dht.Protocol.Port.ToString(); // tbOurPeerSubnet.Text = dht.Protocol.Subnet.ToString(); nodePeers = tvPeerState.Nodes.Add("Peers"); nodePendingPeers = tvPeerState.Nodes.Add("Pending Peers"); TreeNode storageNode = tvPeerState.Nodes.Add("Storage"); nodeLocalStore = storageNode.Nodes.Add("Local Store"); nodeRepublishStore = storageNode.Nodes.Add("Republish Store"); nodeCacheStore = storageNode.Nodes.Add("Cache Store"); tvPeerState.ExpandAll(); PopulatePeerNodes(); PopulateStorageNodes(); Text = "Peer " + dht.Protocol.Port.ToString(); FormClosing += (sndr, args) => SaveDht(); dht.PendingContactAdded += (sndr, args) => PendingContactAdded(args.Contact); dht.PendingContactRemoved += (sndr, args) => PendingContactRemoved(args.Contact); dht.ContactAdded += (sndr, args) => ContactAdded(args.Contact); dht.ContactRemoved += (sndr, args) => ContactRemoved(args.Contact); dht.OriginatorStoreAdded += (sndr, args) => OriginatorStoreAdded(args.Key); dht.RepublishStoreAdded += (sndr, args) => RepublishStoreAdded(args.Key); dht.RepublishStoreRemoved += (sndr, args) => RepublishStoreRemoved(args.Key); dht.CacheStoreAdded += (sndr, args) => CacheStoreAdded(args.Key); dht.CacheStoreRemoved += (sndr, args) => CacheStoreRemoved(args.Key); }
/// <summary> /// Method that runs the kademlia layer /// </summary> /// <param name="single">if true indicates that the kademlia layer have to do a single start</param> /// <param name="btpNode">if indicated, it represents the node suggested to do bootstrap</param> /// <param name="svcHost">a service host object where is stored newly initalized host.</param> private void runKademliaLayer(bool single, string btpNode, ref ServiceHost svcHost) { log.Info("Running Kademlia layer."); KademliaNode node = new KademliaNode(new EndpointAddress(kademliaAddress), new EndpointAddress(transportAddress)); ServiceHost kadHost = new ServiceHost(node, kademliaAddress); try { kadHost.Open(); } catch (AddressAlreadyInUseException aaiue) { log.Error("Unable to Connect as a Server because there is already one on this machine", aaiue); throw aaiue; } try { this.kademliaLayer = new Dht(node, single, btpNode); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { log.Error("Unable to load nodes file (nodes.xml)", fnfe); throw fnfe; } List <TrackModel.Track> list = new List <TrackModel.Track>(); log.Debug("GetAll Response : " + this.trackRep.GetAll(list)); Parallel.ForEach(list, t => { this.kademliaLayer.Put(t.Filename); }); svcHost = kadHost; }
public void NonRespondingContactDelayedEvictionTest() { // Create a DHT so we have an eviction handler. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Zero, new VirtualProtocol(), () => null, new Router()); //Contact dummyContact = new Contact(new VirtualProtocol(), ID.Zero); //((VirtualProtocol)dummyContact.Protocol).Node = new Node(dummyContact, new VirtualStorage()); IBucketList bucketList = SetupSplitFailure(dht.Node.BucketList); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets.Count == 2, "Bucket split should have occurred."); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[0].Contacts.Count == 1, "Expected 1 contact in bucket 0."); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts.Count == 20, "Expected 20 contacts in bucket 1."); // The bucket is now full. Pick the first contact, as it is last seen (they are added in chronological order.) Contact nonRespondingContact = bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts[0]; // Since the protocols are shared, we need to assign a unique protocol for this node for testing. VirtualProtocol vpUnresponding = new VirtualProtocol(((VirtualProtocol)nonRespondingContact.Protocol).Node, false); nonRespondingContact.Protocol = vpUnresponding; // Setup the next new contact (it can respond.) Contact nextNewContact = new Contact(dht.Contact.Protocol, ID.Zero.SetBit(159)); bucketList.AddContact(nextNewContact); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts.Count == 20, "Expected 20 contacts in bucket 1."); // Verify CanSplit -> Evict happened. Assert.IsTrue(dht.PendingContacts.Count == 1, "Expected one pending contact."); Assert.IsTrue(dht.PendingContacts.Contains(nextNewContact), "Expected pending contact to be the 21st contact."); Assert.IsTrue(dht.EvictionCount.Count == 1, "Expected one contact to be pending eviction."); }
public void DhtSerializationTest() { TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, 1); TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, 2); VirtualStorage store1 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage store2 = new VirtualStorage(); // Ensures that all nodes are closer, because ID.Max ^ n < ID.Max when n > 0. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Max, p1, new Router(), store1, store1, new VirtualStorage()); ID contactID = ID.Mid; // a closer contact. Contact otherContact = new Contact(p2, contactID); Node otherNode = new Node(otherContact, store2); // Add this other contact to our peer list. dht.Node.BucketList.AddContact(otherContact); string json = dht.Save(); Dht newDht = Dht.Load(json); Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Node.BucketList.Buckets.Sum(b => b.Contacts.Count) == 1, "Expected our node to have 1 contact."); Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Node.BucketList.ContactExists(otherContact), "Expected our contact to have the other contact."); Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Router.Node == newDht.Node, "Router node not initialized."); }
override public void Start() { Channel returns = new Channel(); returns.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) { while (returns.Count > 0) { Hashtable result = null; try { result = returns.Dequeue() as Hashtable; } catch { continue; } byte[] res = result["value"] as byte[]; if (res != null) { Results.Enqueue(MemBlock.Reference(res)); } } if (_enqueue != null) { _enqueue(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }; returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) { Finished(); }; Dht dht = new Dht(Node, 3, 20); dht.AsyncGet(Key, returns); }
public void ParallelBootstrapOutsideBootstrappingBucketTest() { // We need 32 virtual protocols. One for the bootstrap peer, // 20 for the nodes the bootstrap peer knows about, 10 for the nodes // one of those nodes knows about, and one for us to rule them all. VirtualProtocol[] vp = new VirtualProtocol[32]; 32.ForEach((i) => vp[i] = new VirtualProtocol()); // Us, ID doesn't matter. Dht dhtUs = new Dht(ID.RandomID, vp[0], () => new VirtualStorage(), new ParallelRouter()); vp[0].Node = dhtUs.Router.Node; // Our bootstrap peer // All ID's are < 2^159 Dht dhtBootstrap = new Dht(ID.Zero.RandomizeBeyond(Constants.ID_LENGTH_BITS - 1), vp[1], () => new VirtualStorage(), new ParallelRouter()); vp[1].Node = dhtBootstrap.Router.Node; Node n = null; // Our boostrapper knows 20 contacts 20.ForEach((i) => { ID id; // All ID's are < 2^159 except the last one, which is >= 2^159 // which will force a bucket split for _us_ if (i < 19) { id = ID.Zero.RandomizeBeyond(Constants.ID_LENGTH_BITS - 1); } else { id = ID.Max; } Contact c = new Contact(vp[i + 2], id); n = new Node(c, new VirtualStorage()); vp[i + 2].Node = n; dhtBootstrap.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(c); }); // One of those nodes, in this case specifically the last one we added to our bootstrapper // so that it isn't in the bucket of our bootstrapper, we add 10 contacts. The ID's of // those contacts don't matter. 10.ForEach((i) => { Contact c = new Contact(vp[i + 22], ID.RandomID); Node n2 = new Node(c, new VirtualStorage()); vp[i + 22].Node = n; n.BucketList.AddContact(c); // Note we're adding these contacts to the 10th node. }); dhtUs.Bootstrap(dhtBootstrap.Router.Node.OurContact); Assert.IsTrue(dhtUs.Router.Node.BucketList.Buckets.Sum(c => c.Contacts.Count) == 31, "Expected our peer to have 31 contacts."); }
public SocialNetworkProvider(Dht dht, SocialUser user) { _local_user = user; _dht = dht; _provider = _drupal; _network = _drupal; _drupal = new DrupalNetwork(user); _online = false; }
public IActionResult GetTemperature() { if (!_dhtOptions.Enabled) { return(StatusCode(501, "Датчик отключен в настройках.")); } var temperature = Dht.GetTemperature(_dhtOptions.PinNumber, _dhtOptions.PinNumberingScheme); return(Ok($"Температура: {temperature}°C.")); }
/// <summary> /// Color the originator with yellow /// the immediate peer we're storing the value to in blue /// and the peers to which the value is republished in orange: /// </summary> private void btnPublish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { firstContacts = new List<Dht>(); storeKey = ID.RandomID; originatorDht = dhts[(int)nudPeerNumber.Value]; originatorDht.Store(storeKey, "Test"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); dhts.Where(d => d.RepublishStorage.Contains(storeKey)).ForEach(d => firstContacts.Add(d)); UpdatePeerColors(); DrawDhts(); }
public IActionResult GetHumidity() { if (!_dhtOptions.Enabled) { return(StatusCode(501, "Датчик отключен в настройках.")); } var humidity = Dht.GetHumidity(_dhtOptions.PinNumber, _dhtOptions.PinNumberingScheme); return(Ok($"Влажность воздуха: {humidity}%.")); }
public void ParallelGetValuePropagatesToCloserNodeTest() { VirtualProtocol vp1 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualProtocol vp2 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualProtocol vp3 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualStorage store1 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage store2 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage store3 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage cache3 = new VirtualStorage(); // Ensures that all nodes are closer, because ID.Max ^ n < ID.Max when n > 0. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Max, vp1, new ParallelRouter(), store1, store1, new VirtualStorage()); vp1.Node = dht.Router.Node; // Setup node 2: ID contactID2 = ID.Mid; // a closer contact. Contact otherContact2 = new Contact(vp2, contactID2); Node otherNode2 = new Node(otherContact2, store2); vp2.Node = otherNode2; // Add the second contact to our peer list. dht.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(otherContact2); // Node 2 has the value. // We want an integer distance, not an XOR distance. ID key = ID.Zero; string val = "Test"; otherNode2.Storage.Set(key, val); // Setup node 3: ID contactID3 = ID.Zero.SetBit(158); // 01000.... -- a farther contact. Contact otherContact3 = new Contact(vp3, contactID3); Node otherNode3 = new Node(otherContact3, store3, cache3); vp3.Node = otherNode3; // Add the third contact to our peer list. dht.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(otherContact3); Assert.IsFalse(store1.Contains(key), "Obviously we don't have the key-value yet."); Assert.IsFalse(store3.Contains(key), "And equally obvious, the third peer doesn't have the key-value yet either."); var ret = dht.FindValue(key); Assert.IsTrue(ret.found, "Expected value to be found."); Assert.IsFalse(store3.Contains(key), "Key should not be in the republish store."); Assert.IsTrue(cache3.Contains(key), "Key should be in the cache store."); Assert.IsTrue(cache3.GetExpirationTimeSec(key.Value) == Constants.EXPIRATION_TIME_SECONDS / 2, "Expected 12 hour expiration."); }
public IActionResult GetData() { if (!_dhtOptions.Enabled) { return(StatusCode(501, "Датчик отключен в настройках.")); } var data = Dht.GetData(_dhtOptions.PinNumber, _dhtOptions.PinNumberingScheme); return(Ok($"Температура: {data.temperature}°C.\n" + $"Влажность воздуха: {data.humidity}%.")); }
protected void InitializeKnownPeers() { knownPeers = new List<Dht>(); List<Dht> workingList = new List<Dht>(dhts); NUM_KNOWN_PEERS.ForEach(() => { Dht knownPeer = workingList[rnd.Next(workingList.Count)]; peerColor[knownPeer.ID.Value] = Color.Red; knownPeers.Add(knownPeer); workingList.Remove(knownPeer); }); }
/// <summary> /// Ask the next peer the question. /// </summary> async Task AskAsync(int taskId) { int pass = 0; while (!runningQuery.IsCancellationRequested) { ++pass; // Get the nearest peer that has not been visited. var peer = Dht.RoutingTable .NearestPeers(QueryKey) .Where(p => !visited.Contains(p)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (peer == null) { return; } visited.Add(peer); // Ask the nearest peer. try { await askCount.WaitAsync(runningQuery.Token); log.Debug($"Q{Id}.{taskId}.{pass} ask {peer}"); using (var timeout = new CancellationTokenSource(askTime)) using (var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeout.Token, runningQuery.Token)) using (var stream = await Dht.Swarm.DialAsync(peer, Dht.ToString(), cts.Token)) { // Send the KAD query and get a response. ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(stream, queryMessage, PrefixStyle.Base128); await stream.FlushAsync(cts.Token); var response = await ProtoBufHelper.ReadMessageAsync <DhtMessage>(stream, cts.Token); // Process answer ProcessProviders(response.ProviderPeers); ProcessCloserPeers(response.CloserPeers); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Warn($"Q{Id}.{taskId}.{pass} ask failed {e.Message}"); // eat it } finally { askCount.Release(); } } }
public void ParallelLocalStoreFoundValueTest() { VirtualProtocol vp = new VirtualProtocol(); Dht dht = new Dht(ID.RandomID, vp, () => new VirtualStorage(), new ParallelRouter()); vp.Node = dht.Router.Node; ID key = ID.RandomID; string val = "Test"; dht.Store(key, val); string retval = dht.FindValue(key).val; Assert.IsTrue(retval == val, "Expected to get back what we stored"); }
override public void Start() { Channel returns = new Channel(); returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) { try { bool success = (bool)returns.Dequeue(); _result = new DhtPutResult(success, null); } catch (Exception e) { _result = new DhtPutResult(false, e); } finally { Finished(); } }; Dht dht = new Dht(Node, 3, 20); dht.AsyncPut(Key, Value, Ttl, returns); }
public void ParallelBootstrapWithinBootstrappingBucketTest() { // We need 22 virtual protocols. One for the bootstrap peer, // 10 for the nodes the bootstrap peer knows about, and 10 for the nodes // one of those nodes knows about, and one for us to rule them all. VirtualProtocol[] vp = new VirtualProtocol[22]; 22.ForEach((i) => vp[i] = new VirtualProtocol()); // Us Dht dhtUs = new Dht(ID.RandomID, vp[0], () => new VirtualStorage(), new ParallelRouter()); vp[0].Node = dhtUs.Router.Node; // Our bootstrap peer Dht dhtBootstrap = new Dht(ID.RandomID, vp[1], () => new VirtualStorage(), new ParallelRouter()); vp[1].Node = dhtBootstrap.Router.Node; Node n = null; // Our boostrapper knows 10 contacts 10.ForEach((i) => { Contact c = new Contact(vp[i + 2], ID.RandomID); n = new Node(c, new VirtualStorage()); vp[i + 2].Node = n; dhtBootstrap.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(c); }); // One of those nodes, in this case the last one we added to our bootstrapper // for convenience, knows about 10 other contacts. 10.ForEach((i) => { Contact c = new Contact(vp[i + 12], ID.RandomID); Node n2 = new Node(c, new VirtualStorage()); vp[i + 12].Node = n; n.BucketList.AddContact(c); // Note we're adding these contacts to the 10th node. }); dhtUs.Bootstrap(dhtBootstrap.Router.Node.OurContact); Assert.IsTrue(dhtUs.Router.Node.BucketList.Buckets.Sum(c => c.Contacts.Count) == 11, "Expected our peer to get 11 contacts."); }
public void Start() { Channel returns = new Channel(); returns.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs ea) { try { _successful = (bool)returns.Dequeue(); } catch { } _done = true; if (_callback != null) { _callback(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }; Dht dht = new Dht(_node, 3, 20); dht.AsyncPut(_key, _value, _ttl, returns); }
private static void InitializeKademlia() { ID id = new ID(peerID); if (File.Exists(DHT_FILENAME)) { dht = Dht.Load(File.ReadAllText(DHT_FILENAME)); ((DBreezeStore)dht.OriginatorStorage).Open(fnLocalStore); ((DBreezeStore)dht.RepublishStorage).Open(fnRepublishStore); localStore = dht.OriginatorStorage; republishStore = dht.RepublishStorage; cacheStore = new VirtualStorage(); dht.CacheStorage = cacheStore; dht.FinishLoad(); } else { localStore = new DBreezeStore(fnLocalStore); republishStore = new DBreezeStore(fnRepublishStore); cacheStore = new VirtualStorage(); dht = new Dht(id, new TcpProtocol(url, port), new ParallelRouter(), localStore, republishStore, cacheStore); } }
public void ParallelValueStoredInFartherNodeTest() { VirtualProtocol vp1 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualProtocol vp2 = new VirtualProtocol(); VirtualStorage store1 = new VirtualStorage(); VirtualStorage store2 = new VirtualStorage(); // Ensures that all nodes are closer, because ID.Max ^ n < ID.Max when n > 0. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Zero, vp1, new ParallelRouter(), store1, store1, new VirtualStorage()); vp1.Node = dht.Router.Node; ID contactID = ID.Max; // a farther contact. Contact otherContact = new Contact(vp2, contactID); Node otherNode = new Node(otherContact, store2); vp2.Node = otherNode; // Add this other contact to our peer list. dht.Router.Node.BucketList.AddContact(otherContact); // We want an integer distance, not an XOR distance. ID key = ID.One; // Set the value in the other node, to be discovered by the lookup process. string val = "Test"; otherNode.SimpleStore(key, val); Assert.IsFalse(store1.Contains(key), "Expected our peer to NOT have cached the key-value."); Assert.IsTrue(store2.Contains(key), "Expected other node to HAVE cached the key-value."); // Try and find the value, given our Dht knows about the other contact. string retval = dht.FindValue(key).val; Assert.IsTrue(retval == val, "Expected to get back what we stored"); }
public void NonRespondingContactEvictedTest() { // Create a DHT so we have an eviction handler. Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Zero, new VirtualProtocol(), () => null, new Router()); //Contact dummyContact = new Contact(new VirtualProtocol(), ID.Zero); //((VirtualProtocol)dummyContact.Protocol).Node = new Node(dummyContact, new VirtualStorage()); IBucketList bucketList = SetupSplitFailure(dht.Node.BucketList); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets.Count == 2, "Bucket split should have occurred."); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[0].Contacts.Count == 1, "Expected 1 contact in bucket 0."); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts.Count == 20, "Expected 20 contacts in bucket 1."); // The bucket is now full. Pick the first contact, as it is last seen (they are added in chronological order.) Contact nonRespondingContact = bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts[0]; // Since the protocols are shared, we need to assign a unique protocol for this node for testing. VirtualProtocol vpUnresponding = new VirtualProtocol(((VirtualProtocol)nonRespondingContact.Protocol).Node, false); nonRespondingContact.Protocol = vpUnresponding; // Setup the next new contact (it can respond.) Contact nextNewContact = new Contact(dht.Contact.Protocol, ID.Zero.SetBit(159)); // Hit the non-responding contact EVICTION_LIMIT times, which will trigger the eviction algorithm. Constants.EVICTION_LIMIT.ForEach(() => bucketList.AddContact(nextNewContact)); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets[1].Contacts.Count == 20, "Expected 20 contacts in bucket 1."); // Verify CanSplit -> Pending eviction happened. Assert.IsTrue(dht.PendingContacts.Count == 0, "Pending contact list should now be empty."); Assert.IsFalse(bucketList.Buckets.SelectMany(b => b.Contacts).Contains(nonRespondingContact), "Expected bucket to NOT contain non-responding contact."); Assert.IsTrue(bucketList.Buckets.SelectMany(b => b.Contacts).Contains(nextNewContact), "Expected bucket to contain new contact."); Assert.IsTrue(dht.EvictionCount.Count == 0, "Expected no contacts to be pending eviction."); }
public void Test14(ref int op) { Console.WriteLine("Test 14: Testing 1000 puts and 1 get with 1000 " + "results with the same key. Then we remove the main owner of the " + "key."); RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] key = new byte[10]; byte[] value = new byte[value_size]; rng.GetBytes(key); ArrayList al_results = new ArrayList(); int count = 60; BlockingQueue[] results_queue = new BlockingQueue[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { value = new byte[value_size]; rng.GetBytes(value); al_results.Add(value); results_queue[i] = new BlockingQueue(); default_dht.AsyncPut(key, value, 3000, results_queue[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { bool res = (bool)results_queue[i].Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine("success in put : " + i); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Failure in put : " + i); } } Console.WriteLine("Insertion done..."); Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting nodes..."); MemBlock[] b = default_dht.MapToRing(key); BigInteger[] baddrs = new BigInteger[default_dht.DEGREE]; BigInteger[] addrs = new BigInteger[default_dht.DEGREE]; bool first_run = true; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in nodes) { Address addr = (Address)de.Key; for (int j = 0; j < b.Length; j++) { if (first_run) { addrs[j] = addr.ToBigInteger(); baddrs[j] = (new AHAddress(b[j])).ToBigInteger(); } else { BigInteger caddr = addr.ToBigInteger(); BigInteger new_diff = baddrs[j] - caddr; if (new_diff < 0) { new_diff *= -1; } BigInteger c_diff = baddrs[j] - addrs[j]; if (c_diff < 0) { c_diff *= -1; } if (c_diff > new_diff) { addrs[j] = caddr; } } } first_run = false; } for (int i = 0; i < addrs.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(new AHAddress(baddrs[i]) + " " + new AHAddress(addrs[i])); Address laddr = new AHAddress(addrs[i]); Node node = (Node)nodes[laddr]; node.Disconnect(); nodes.Remove(laddr); tables.Remove(laddr); network_size--; } default_dht = new Dht((Node)nodes.GetByIndex(0), degree); // Checking the ring every 5 seconds.. do { Thread.Sleep(5000); }while(!CheckAllConnections()); Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep now..."); Thread.Sleep(15000); Console.WriteLine("Timeout done.... now attempting gets"); this.SerialAsyncGet(key, (byte[][])al_results.ToArray(typeof(byte[])), op++); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("This checks to make sure our follow up Puts succeeded"); this.SerialAsyncGet(key, (byte[][])al_results.ToArray(typeof(byte[])), op++); Console.WriteLine("If no error messages successful up to: " + (op - 1)); foreach (TableServer ts in tables.Values) { Console.WriteLine("Count ... " + ts.Count); } }
/// <summary>Creates an ApplicationNode and prepares it for connection to /// the overlay. For historical reasons it is linked to _node, _dht, /// _rpc_dht, and _bso.</summary> public virtual ApplicationNode CreateNode(NodeConfig node_config) { // Get a Node ID for the new Node AHAddress address = null; try { address = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(node_config.NodeAddress); } catch { address = Utils.GenerateAHAddress(); } // Create the Node state StructuredNode node = new StructuredNode(address, node_config.BrunetNamespace); _shutdown.OnExit += node.Disconnect; IEnumerable addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(node_config.DevicesToBind); SecurityOverlord so = null; // Enable Security if requested if (node_config.Security.Enabled) { if (node_config.Security.SelfSignedCertificates) { SecurityPolicy.SetDefaultSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy.DefaultEncryptor, SecurityPolicy.DefaultAuthenticator, true); } byte[] blob = null; using (FileStream fs = File.Open(node_config.Security.KeyPath, FileMode.Open)) { blob = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(blob, 0, blob.Length); } RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_private = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_private.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateHandler ch = null; if (node_config.Security.Dtls) { ch = new OpenSslCertificateHandler(node_config.Security.CertificatePath, address.ToString()); } else { ch = new CertificateHandler(node_config.Security.CertificatePath, address.ToString()); } if (node_config.Security.SecureEdges) { node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName; } // A hack to enable a test for security that doesn't require each peer // to exchange certificates if (node_config.Security.TestEnable) { blob = rsa_private.ExportCspBlob(false); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_pub = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_pub.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, "brunet:node:abcdefghijklmnopqrs"); Certificate cacert = cm.Sign(cm, rsa_private); cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(cacert, rsa_private); ch.AddCACertificate(cacert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); } if (node_config.Security.Dtls) { OpenSslCertificateHandler ssl_ch = ch as OpenSslCertificateHandler; so = new DtlsOverlord(rsa_private, ssl_ch, new PType(20)); node.GetTypeSource(new PType(20)).Subscribe(so, null); } else { so = new SymphonySecurityOverlord(node, rsa_private, ch, node.Rrm); node.GetTypeSource(PeerSecOverlord.Security).Subscribe(so, null); } so.Subscribe(node, null); } // Add Dht new TableServer(node); IDht dht = new Dht(node, 3, 20); RpcDhtProxy dht_proxy = new RpcDhtProxy(dht, node); // Setup Vivaldi if requested IRelayOverlap ito = null; NCService ncservice = null; if (node_config.NCService.Enabled) { ncservice = new NCService(node, node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { node.Ssco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice); } ito = new NCRelayOverlap(ncservice); } else { ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); } // Create the ApplicationNode ApplicationNode app_node = new ApplicationNode(node, dht, dht_proxy, ncservice, so); // Add Edge listeners EdgeListener el = null; foreach (NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in node_config.EdgeListeners) { el = CreateEdgeListener(item, app_node, addresses); if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, so); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); } // Create the tunnel and potentially wrap it in a SecureEL el = new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node, ito); if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, so); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); List <TransportAddress> RemoteTAs = null; if (node_config.RemoteTAs != null) { RemoteTAs = new List <TransportAddress>(); foreach (String ta in node_config.RemoteTAs) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } // Add XmlRpc if (node_config.XmlRpcManager.Enabled) { if (_xrm == null) { _xrm = new XmlRpcManagerServer(node_config.XmlRpcManager.Port); } _xrm.Add(node, GetXmlRpcUri(app_node)); new RpcDht(dht, node); } if (node_config.PrivateNodeConfig != null && node_config.PrivateNodeConfig.Enabled) { CreatePrivateNode(app_node, NodeConfig.GetPrivateNodeConfig(node_config)); } return(app_node); }
public static List <Image> Decode(Stream stream) { var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); var images = new List <Image>(); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var imgInfo = new ImgInfo(); for (long length = stream.Length; ;) { int markerId; do { if (stream.Position == length) { goto end; } } while (reader.ReadByte() != 0xff); markerId = reader.ReadByte(); switch ((Markers)markerId) { case Markers.App0: App0.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.App14: App14.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Dqt: Dqt.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sof0: Sof0.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sof2: Sof2.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Dht: Dht.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sos: images.Add(Sos.Read(reader, imgInfo)); break; case Markers.Soi: //Logger.Write("Start of Image " + image); //Logger.WriteLine(" at: " + (reader.BaseStream.Position - 2).ToString("X")); imgInfo = new ImgInfo { startOfImageFound = true }; break; case Markers.Dri: Dri.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Eoi: //Logger.Write("End of Image " + image); //Logger.WriteLine(" at: " + (reader.BaseStream.Position - 2).ToString("X")); //eof = true; break; // Unknown markers, or markers used outside of their specified area default: Default.Read(reader, imgInfo, (Markers)markerId); break; } } end: reader.Dispose(); return(images); }
public static List <Bitmap> Decode(MemoryStream stream) { var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); var images = new List <Bitmap>(); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); bool eof = false; for (int image = 1; ; image++) { try { var imgInfo = new ImgInfo(); while (true) { while (reader.ReadByte() != 0xff) { ; } int markerId = reader.ReadByte(); switch ((Markers)markerId) { case Markers.App0: App0.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.App14: App14.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Dqt: Dqt.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sof0: Sof0.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sof2: Sof2.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Dht: Dht.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Sos: images.Add(Sos.Read(reader, imgInfo)); break; case Markers.Soi: imgInfo = new ImgInfo(); //Logger.Write("Start of Image " + image); //Logger.WriteLine(" at: " + (reader.BaseStream.Position - 2).ToString("X")); imgInfo.startOfImageFound = true; break; case Markers.Dri: Dri.Read(reader, imgInfo); break; case Markers.Eoi: //Logger.Write("End of Image " + image); //Logger.WriteLine(" at: " + (reader.BaseStream.Position - 2).ToString("X")); eof = true; break; // Unknown markers, or markers used outside of their specified area default: Default.Read(reader, imgInfo, (Markers)markerId); break; } if (eof) { eof = false; break; } } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } reader.Close(); //Logger.Flush(); return(images); }