Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every time a new frame shows up from the camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void provider_ImageTransaction(object sender, ImageReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (stopping || e == null || e.PixelData == null)

            if (Monitor.TryEnter(this))

                if (calibrating)
                    // compute a running mean of each pixel
                    worker.Launch(RunningMean_Kernel, lp, e.Width, imgGPU.Ptr, meanImg.Ptr, numCalibrationSamples);

                    // compute the mean over the full mean image, using a reduction operation
                    addReduce.Reduce(meanImg.Ptr, scalarOutput.Ptr, numPixels);
                    var mean = scalarOutput.GatherScalar();
                    mean /= numPixels;

                    // update the correction factor for each pixel
                    worker.Launch(UpdateCorrectionFactor_Kernel, lp, e.Width, meanImg.Ptr, correctionFactor.Ptr, mean);

                if (correctBrightness)
                    worker.Launch(ApplyCorrectionFactor_Kernel, lp, e.Width, correctionFactor.Ptr, imgGPU.Ptr);

                img.Bytes = e.PixelData; // note: have to do this last, because if you set it earlier but then modify the bytes it won't update the image

                // trigger a new frame event
                OnFrameAvailable(new VideoFrame {
                    Image = img, ImageGPU = imgGPU, Timestamp = e.TimeStamp
