Ejemplo n.º 1
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        // For more information on how to configure your application, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            var appConfiguration = Configuration.Get <AppConfiguration>();

            var httpClient        = new HttpClient();
            var zWayService       = new ZWayService(httpClient, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <ZWayService>());
            var weatherService    = new WeatherService(httpClient, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <WeatherService>());
            var sunService        = new SunService(httpClient, LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <SunService>());
            var virtualService    = new DeviceGroupService(zWayService);
            var aggregatedService = new AggregatedDeviceService(zWayService, virtualService, weatherService, sunService);
            var statisticsService = new StatisticsService(LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <StatisticsService>(), aggregatedService, appConfiguration.Statistics);


            services.AddSingleton <HttpClient>(new HttpClient());
            services.AddSingleton <IDeviceService>(aggregatedService);
            services.AddSingleton <VersionService>(new VersionService());
            services.AddSingleton <StatisticsService>(statisticsService);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public JsonResult DeviceGroupList(int groupId)
            var myList    = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + groupId);
            var unioaList = DeviceGroupService.GetListAll();

            foreach (var item in unioaList)
                item.GroupId = groupId;
                var source = myList.Where(x => x.IO_SERVER_ID == item.IO_SERVER_ID && x.IO_COMM_ID == item.IO_COMM_ID && x.IO_DEVICE_ID == item.IO_DEVICE_ID);
                if (source.Count() > 0)
                    var sorItem = source.First();
                    item.LAY_CHECKED  = true;
                    item.ALIASNAME    = sorItem.ALIASNAME;
                    item.IOPARAS      = sorItem.IOPARAS;
                    item.IOPARATITLES = sorItem.IOPARATITLES;
                    item.IOPARANAMES  = sorItem.IOPARANAMES;
                    item.SerieType    = sorItem.SerieType;
                    item.UpdateCycle  = sorItem.UpdateCycle;
                    item.ALIASNAME    = item.IODeviceName;
                    item.LAY_CHECKED  = false;
                    item.IOPARAS      = "";
                    item.IOPARATITLES = "";
                    item.IOPARANAMES  = "";
                    item.SerieType    = "";
            var result = new { code = 0, count = unioaList.Count(), data = unioaList };

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public JsonResult GetDeviceColumns(int id)
            DeviceGroupModel model = DeviceGroupService.GetById(id);

            List <GridColumn> columns = new List <GridColumn>();

            if (model != null)
                string[] fields = model.IOPARANAMES.Split(',');
                string[] titles = model.IOPARATITLES.Split(',');
                if (fields.Length == titles.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                        GridColumn _option = new GridColumn
                            field = fields[i],
                            title = titles[i],
                            width = "120"

            columns.Insert(0, new GridColumn()
                field = "DateStampTime",
                title = "采集时间",
                width = "120"
            return(Json(columns, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public JsonResult GetGroupDevicePara(int id, string serverid, string communicateid, string deviceid)
            DeviceGroupModel    deviceModel = DeviceGroupService.GetById(id);
            List <SelectOption> _select     = new List <SelectOption>();

            if (deviceModel != null)
                string[] titles  = deviceModel.IOPARATITLES.Split(',');
                string[] ionames = deviceModel.IOPARANAMES.Split(',');
                string[] ioids   = deviceModel.IOPARAS.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < titles.Length; i++)
                    SelectOption _option = new SelectOption
                        id     = ioids[i],
                        name   = titles[i],
                        value  = ioids[i],
                        value1 = "/" + deviceModel.GroupId + "/" + deviceModel.IO_SERVER_ID + "/" + deviceModel.IO_COMM_ID + "/" + deviceModel.IO_DEVICE_ID + "/" + ioids[i] + "/" + deviceModel.UpdateCycle,

            return(Json(_select, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public JsonResult SaveGroupSet(IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> list, int groupId)
            var result = ErrorTip("失败");

            result = DeviceGroupService.SaveDeviceGroup(list, groupId) > 0 ? SuccessTip("保存成功") : ErrorTip("保存失败");
            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult GeneralAlarm()
            ScadaGreneralAlarmModel model = new ScadaGreneralAlarmModel();

            model.AllDeviceList = DeviceGroupService.GetAll();

            Session["AllDeviceList"] = model.AllDeviceList;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public JsonResult GetGroupDevice(int groupId)
            string idlist = GroupService.GetGroupNodeChildren(groupId);

            IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> Items   = DeviceGroupService.GetListByGroupId(idlist);
            List <SelectOption>            _select = new List <SelectOption>();

            if (Items != null && Items.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in Items)
                    SelectOption _option = new SelectOption
                        id     = item.Id.ToString(),
                        name   = item.ALIASNAME,
                        value  = item.Id.ToString(),
                        value1 = item.IO_DEVICE_ID.ToString(),
                        value2 = item.IO_COMM_ID,
                        value3 = item.IO_SERVER_ID,
                        value4 = item.IOPARANAMES,
                        value5 = item.SerieType,
            string deviceids = "'1'";

            foreach (var item in Items)
                deviceids += ",'" + item.IO_DEVICE_ID + "'";
            var deviceItems = IO_DeviceServer.GetByWhere(" where  IO_DEVICE_ID in (" + deviceids + ")");

            foreach (var item in _select)
                var searchs = deviceItems.Where(x => x.IO_DEVICE_ID.Trim().ToLower() == item.value1.Trim().ToLower());
                if (searchs.Count() > 0)
                    var sItem = searchs.First();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sItem.IO_DEVICE_UPDATECYCLE))
                        item.value6 = "120";
                        item.value6 = sItem.IO_DEVICE_UPDATECYCLE;

            return(Json(_select, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public JsonResult Delete(int id)
            var result = ErrorTip("删除失败");

            if (GroupService.DeleteById(id))
                DeviceGroupService.DeleteByWhere(" where  GroupId=" + id);
                result = SuccessTip("删除成功");
                result = ErrorTip("删除失败");

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public JsonResult SaveGroupDevicePara(IEnumerable <IOParaModel> list, int groupId, string deviceid, string communicateid, string serverid)
            var result = ErrorTip("失败");

            if (list != null && list.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceid) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(communicateid) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverid))
                DeviceGroupModel model = DeviceGroupService.GetModel(groupId, serverid, communicateid, deviceid);
                if (model != null)
                    model.IO_COMM_ID   = communicateid;
                    model.IO_DEVICE_ID = deviceid;
                    model.IO_SERVER_ID = serverid;
                    model.GroupId      = groupId;
                    model.IOPARAS      = "";
                    model.IOPARATITLES = "";
                    model.IOPARANAMES  = "";
                    //      DeviceGroupService.DeleteByWhere(" where  GroupId=" + groupId + " and IO_SERVER_ID='" + serverid + "' and IO_COMM_ID='" + communicateid + "' and IO_DEVICE_ID='" + deviceid + "'");
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.IO_ID))
                            model.IOPARAS     += item.IO_ID + ",";
                            model.IOPARANAMES += item.IO_NAME + ",";
                            if (item.IO_ALIASNAME != "")
                                model.IOPARATITLES += item.IO_ALIASNAME + ",";
                                model.IOPARATITLES += item.IO_LABEL + ",";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.IOPARAS))
                        model.IOPARAS      = model.IOPARAS.Remove(model.IOPARAS.Length - 1, 1);
                        model.IOPARATITLES = model.IOPARATITLES.Remove(model.IOPARATITLES.Length - 1, 1);
                        model.IOPARANAMES  = model.IOPARANAMES.Remove(model.IOPARANAMES.Length - 1, 1);
                    result = DeviceGroupService.UpdateModelByIOPara(model) ? SuccessTip("保存成功") : ErrorTip("保存失败");
            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public JsonResult GetDevicePara(string ServerID, string CommunicateID, string DeviceID, string GroupID)
            var myList = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + GroupID);

            var selectItems = myList.Where(x => x.IO_SERVER_ID == ServerID && x.IO_COMM_ID == CommunicateID && x.IO_DEVICE_ID == DeviceID);
            var myItem      = selectItems.First();

            if (myItem != null)
                List <string> ids    = myItem.IOPARAS.ToString().Split(',').ToList();
                List <string> titles = myItem.IOPARATITLES.ToString().Split(',').ToList();
                var           paras  = ParaService.GetByWhere(" where IO_SERVER_ID='" + ServerID + "' and IO_COMM_ID='" + CommunicateID + "' and IO_DEVICE_ID='" + DeviceID + "'");
                foreach (var item in paras)
                    int index = ids.FindIndex(x => x == item.IO_ID);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        if (index < titles.Count)
                            item.IO_ALIASNAME = titles[index];

                        item.LAY_CHECKED = true;
                        item.IO_ALIASNAME = item.IO_LABEL;
                        item.LAY_CHECKED  = false;
                var result = new { code = 0, count = paras.Count(), data = paras };
                return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public JsonResult GetGroupDevice(int Id)
            var myList = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + Id);
            List <IOTreeSelect> treeSelectList = new List <IOTreeSelect>();

            foreach (var item in myList)
                IOTreeSelect tree = new IOTreeSelect
                    id            = item.IO_DEVICE_ID.ToString(),
                    name          = item.ALIASNAME,
                    CommunicateID = item.IO_COMM_ID,
                    DeviceID      = item.IO_DEVICE_ID,
                    ServerID      = item.IO_SERVER_ID,
                    UpdateCycle   = item.UpdateCycle,
                    value         = item.IO_DEVICE_ID,
                    open          = false

            return(Json(treeSelectList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override ActionResult Index(int?id)
            string para  = Request.QueryString["id"].Split('?')[0];
            string idstr = Request.QueryString["id"].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1];


            var            rowModel   = TableRowService.GetByWhere("where TableId=" + int.Parse(para)).First();
            var            tableUsers = TableUserRoleService.GetByWhere("where TableId=" + int.Parse(para));
            var            tableModel = TableService.GetById(int.Parse(para));
            TableRealModel model      = new TableRealModel();

            model.TableId = int.Parse(para);
            model.Title   = tableModel != null ? tableModel.Title : "";
            model.RowNum  = tableModel != null ? tableModel.RowNum : 100;

            var AllUsers = UserService.GetAll();

            model.AllUserJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AllUsers);//获取当前的所有用户
            List <UserModel> privatemodels = new List <UserModel>();

            foreach (var item in tableUsers)
                var whereItems = AllUsers.Where(x => x.Id == item.UserId);
                if (whereItems.Count() > 0)
                    var extItem = whereItems.First();
            model.PrivateUserJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(privatemodels); //获取当前的所有用户
            List <string> fontwidthmodels = new List <string>();

            if (tableModel != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableModel.ColimnWidths))
                fontwidthmodels = tableModel.ColimnWidths.Split(',').ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)

            model.colwidthmodels = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fontwidthmodels);
            List <string> columntitlemodels = new List <string>();

            if (tableModel != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableModel.ColumnTitles))
                columntitlemodels = tableModel.ColumnTitles.Split(',').ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
            model.coltitlesmodels = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(columntitlemodels);
            model.ScadaTable      = tableModel;
            model.FieldBackColors = rowModel.FieldBackColors;
            model.FieldColors     = rowModel.FieldColors;
            model.FieldFontSizes  = rowModel.FieldFontSizes;
            model.FieldIOPaths    = rowModel.FieldIOPaths;
            model.FieldWeights    = rowModel.FieldWeights;
            JavaScriptSerializer    js              = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //实例化一个能够序列化数据的类
            List <ExcelModel>       excelModels     = js.Deserialize <List <ExcelModel> >(rowModel.FieldIOPaths);
            List <DeviceGroupModel> deviceAllModels = DeviceGroupService.GetAll().ToList();
            List <DeviceGroupModel> deviceModels    = new List <DeviceGroupModel>();

            for (int i = 0; i < excelModels.Count; i++)
                PropertyInfo[] properties = excelModels[i].GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                if (properties.Length <= 0)
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in properties)
                    string name  = item.Name;
                    object value = item.GetValue(excelModels[i], null);
                    if (value != null && value.ToString() != "")
                        if (value.ToString().Split('/').Length >= 8)
                                DeviceGroupModel groupDevice = new DeviceGroupModel();
                                groupDevice.GroupId      = int.Parse(value.ToString().Split('/')[1]);
                                groupDevice.IO_SERVER_ID = value.ToString().Split('/')[2];
                                groupDevice.IO_COMM_ID   = value.ToString().Split('/')[3];
                                groupDevice.IO_DEVICE_ID = value.ToString().Split('/')[4];
                                groupDevice.UpdateCycle  = int.Parse(value.ToString().Split('/')[6]);
                                groupDevice.CurrentIO    = value.ToString().Split('/')[5];//当前的iO
                                DeviceGroupModel exitItem = deviceAllModels.Find(x => x.IO_SERVER_ID == groupDevice.IO_SERVER_ID && x.IO_COMM_ID == groupDevice.IO_COMM_ID && x.IO_DEVICE_ID == groupDevice.IO_DEVICE_ID && x.GroupId == groupDevice.GroupId);
                                if (exitItem != null)
                                    if (!deviceModels.Exists(x => x.IO_SERVER_ID == groupDevice.IO_SERVER_ID && x.IO_COMM_ID == groupDevice.IO_COMM_ID && x.IO_DEVICE_ID == groupDevice.IO_DEVICE_ID && x.GroupId == groupDevice.GroupId))
                                        exitItem.CurrentIO = groupDevice.CurrentIO;
            model.Devices     = deviceModels;
            model.JsonDevices = js.Serialize(deviceModels);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private JsonResult QueryHistorySummaryData(string groupid, string serverid, string communicateid, string deviceid, string period, string method, string fields = "", string series = "", int charttype = 1, string sdate = "", string edate = "", string serieclassify = "", int pagesize = 1000)
            string serieindex = "'" + series.Trim().Replace(",", "','") + "'";

            string[] myfields = fields.Split(',');
            IEnumerable <SerieConfigModel> allItems = SerieServer.GetByWhere(" where SerieName in(" + serieindex + ") and SerieClassify='" + serieclassify + "'");
            List <SerieConfigModel>        Items    = new List <SerieConfigModel>();

            foreach (var item in allItems)
                if (myfields.Contains(item.SerieName))
            DeviceGroupModel pWell = DeviceGroupService.GetById(int.Parse(groupid));
            EChartOption chartOption = new EChartOption();

            chartOption.xAxis              = new Axis[1];
            chartOption.xAxis[0]           = new Axis();
            chartOption.xAxis[0].gridIndex = 1;
            chartOption.xAxis[0].type      = "time";
            chartOption.xAxis[0].name      = "时间";
            List <Axis> yaxis = new List <Axis>();
            int         index = 0;

            string[] legend = new string[Items.Count()];

            foreach (var item in Items)
                yaxis.Add(new Axis()
                    gridIndex = index, name = item.SerieTitle, type = "value"
                legend[index] = item.SerieTitle;
            chartOption.legend.data = legend;
            chartOption.yAxis       = yaxis.ToArray();
            if (sdate == null || sdate == "")
                sdate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            if (edate == null || edate == "")
                edate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            chartOption.series = new Series[Items.Count()];
            string returnFields = "  time";

                foreach (var item in Items)
                    returnFields += "," + method + "(field_" + item.SerieName.Trim().ToLower().ToString() + "_value) as field_" + item.SerieName.Trim().ToLower().ToString() + "_value";
            InfluxDBHistoryResult realResult = mWebInfluxDbManager.DbQuery_HistoryStatics(serverid, communicateid, deviceid, Convert.ToDateTime(sdate), Convert.ToDateTime(edate), pagesize, 1, " DESC ", period, returnFields);
            if (realResult != null)
                var datas = realResult.Seres;
                if (datas != null && datas.Count() > 0)
                    var onedata = datas.First();
                    int sindex  = 0;
                    foreach (var item in Items)
                        chartOption.series[sindex] = new Series();

                        chartOption.series[sindex].name            = item.SerieTitle;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].lineStyle.color = item.SerieColor;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].lineStyle.width = int.Parse(item.SerieWidth);
                        chartOption.series[sindex].itemStyle       = null;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].data            = new double[onedata.Values.Count];
                        chartOption.series[sindex].type            = item.SerieType;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].showSymbol      = item.ShowSymbol == "1" ? true : false;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].symbol          = item.SymbolType;
                        chartOption.series[sindex].symbolSize      = int.Parse(item.SymbolSize);
                    string[] axisData = new string[onedata.Values.Count];
                    int dataindex = onedata.Values.Count() - 1;

                    foreach (var value in onedata.Values)
                        object objx = onedata.Values[dataindex][onedata.Columns.IndexOf("time")];
                        axisData[dataindex] = objx != null?objx.ToString() : "";

                        sindex = 0;
                        foreach (var item in Items)
                                string record      = item.SerieName.ToString().ToLower();
                                int    recordindex = onedata.Columns.IndexOf("field_" + record + "_value");
                                if (recordindex >= 0)
                                    object objy = onedata.Values[dataindex][recordindex];
                                    chartOption.series[sindex].data[dataindex] = Convert.ToDouble(objy);
                                    chartOption.series[sindex].id = item.SerieName;

                    chartOption.xAxis[0].data = axisData;//设置x轴数据,time格式的数据必须在Axis轴上进行设置

            return(Json(chartOption, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public JsonResult GetAllDevices()
            IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> Items = DeviceGroupService.GetAll();

            return(Json(Items.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取通用历史报警
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GeneralQueryHistoryAlarm(GeneralHistoryAlarmFormModel model, PageInfo pageInfo)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.DeviceID))
                model.DeviceID = "";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ServerID))
                model.ServerID = "";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.CommunicateID))
                model.ServerID = "";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Fields))
                model.Fields = "";

            var deviceModel = DeviceGroupService.GetModel(model.GroupID, model.ServerID, model.CommunicateID, model.DeviceID);

            List <ScadaGreneralAlarmModel> alarms     = new List <ScadaGreneralAlarmModel>();
            InfluxDBHistoryResult          realResult = null;

            realResult = mWebInfluxDbManager.DbQuery_Alarms(model.ServerID, model.CommunicateID, model.DeviceID, Convert.ToDateTime(model.StartDate), Convert.ToDateTime(model.EndDate), model.IO_ALARM_TYPE, model.IO_ALARM_LEVEL, pageInfo.limit, pageInfo.page);

            if (realResult != null && realResult.Seres.Count() > 0)
                var s = realResult.Seres.First();
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Values.Count; i++)
                    ScadaGreneralAlarmModel mymodel = new ScadaGreneralAlarmModel();

                    int index = s.Columns.IndexOf("time");

                    object time = s.Values[i][index];
                    mymodel.time = time != null?time.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_date");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DATE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_disposalidea");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DISPOSALIDEA = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_disposaluser");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DISPOSALUSER = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_level");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_LEVEL = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_type");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_TYPE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_value");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_VALUE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_name");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_NAME = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_did");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_DEVICE_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_cid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_COMMUNICATE_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_sid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_SERVER_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_ioid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";
                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_device_name");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.DEVICE_NAME = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_label");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        if (deviceModel != null)
                            string[]      titles    = deviceModel.IOPARATITLES.Split(',');
                            List <string> ioids     = deviceModel.IOPARAS.Split(',').ToList();
                            int           nameindex = ioids.FindIndex(x => x == mymodel.IO_ID);
                            if (nameindex >= 0)
                                mymodel.IO_LABEL = titles[nameindex];


            var result = Pager.Paging(alarms, realResult.RecordCount);

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取自定义表历史报警
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult ScadaTableHistoryAlarm(ScadaTableAlarmSearchForm model, PageInfo pageInfo)
            var result = Pager.Paging(null, 0);

            if (model.AlarmIOPath.Trim() == "")
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            string[] paras = model.AlarmIOPath.Split('/');
            if (paras.Length < 4)
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            model.ServerID      = paras[1];
            model.CommunicateID = paras[2];
            model.DeviceID      = paras[3];
            model.GroupId       = int.Parse(paras[0]);
            IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> groupdevices = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + model.GroupId + " and  IO_SERVER_ID='" + model.ServerID + "' and IO_COMM_ID='" + model.CommunicateID + "' and IO_DEVICE_ID='" + model.DeviceID + "'");
            DeviceGroupModel deviceModel = null;

            if (groupdevices.Count() > 0)
                deviceModel = groupdevices.First();
            string[]      columns = deviceModel.IOPARANAMES.Split(',');
            string[]      titles  = deviceModel.IOPARATITLES.Split(',');
            List <string> ioids   = deviceModel.IOPARAS.Split(',').ToList();
            List <ScadaGreneralAlarmModel> alarms     = new List <ScadaGreneralAlarmModel>();
            InfluxDBHistoryResult          realResult = null;

            realResult = mWebInfluxDbManager.DbQuery_Alarms(model.ServerID, model.CommunicateID, model.DeviceID, Convert.ToDateTime(model.AlarmStartDate), Convert.ToDateTime(model.AlarmEndDate), "", "", pageInfo.limit, pageInfo.page);

            if (realResult != null && realResult.Seres.Count() > 0)
                var s = realResult.Seres.First();
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Values.Count; i++)
                    ScadaGreneralAlarmModel mymodel = new ScadaGreneralAlarmModel();

                    int index = s.Columns.IndexOf("time");

                    object time = s.Values[i][index];
                    mymodel.time = time != null?time.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_date");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DATE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_disposalidea");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DISPOSALIDEA = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_disposaluser");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_DISPOSALUSER = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_level");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_LEVEL = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_type");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_TYPE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_alarm_value");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ALARM_VALUE = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_name");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_NAME = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_did");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_DEVICE_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_cid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_COMMUNICATE_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_sid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_SERVER_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_ioid");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.IO_ID = v != null?v.ToString() : "";
                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("tag_device_name");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        object v = s.Values[i][index];
                        mymodel.DEVICE_NAME = v != null?v.ToString() : "";

                    index = -1;
                    index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_io_label");
                    if (index >= 0)
                        if (deviceModel != null)
                            int nameindex = ioids.FindIndex(x => x == mymodel.IO_ID);
                            if (nameindex >= 0)
                                mymodel.IO_LABEL = titles[nameindex];


            result = Pager.Paging(alarms, realResult.RecordCount);
            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public JsonResult ScadaTableHistory(ScadaTableSearchForm model, PageInfo pageInfo)
            if (model.IOPath.Trim() == "")
                var result = Pager.Paging2(null, 0);
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            string[] paras = model.IOPath.Split('/');
            if (paras.Length < 4)
                var result = Pager.Paging2(null, 0);
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            model.ServerID      = paras[1];
            model.CommunicateID = paras[2];
            model.DeviceID      = paras[3];
            model.GroupId       = int.Parse(paras[0]);
            IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> groupdevices = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + model.GroupId + " and  IO_SERVER_ID='" + model.ServerID + "' and IO_COMM_ID='" + model.CommunicateID + "' and IO_DEVICE_ID='" + model.DeviceID + "'");
            DeviceGroupModel pItem = null;

            if (groupdevices.Count() > 0)
                pItem = groupdevices.First();

            string items = "[";

            string[] columns = pItem.IOPARANAMES.Split(',');
            string[] titles  = pItem.IOPARATITLES.Split(',');
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.DeviceID))
                string sdate = model.StartDate;
                string edate = model.EndDate;
                InfluxDBHistoryResult realResult = mWebInfluxDbManager.DbQuery_History(model.ServerID, model.CommunicateID, model.DeviceID, Convert.ToDateTime(sdate), Convert.ToDateTime(edate), pageInfo.limit, pageInfo.page, " DESC ");
                foreach (var s in realResult.Seres)
                    List <int> indexs = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < s.Values.Count; i++)
                        string jsonrow = "";
                        int    index   = s.Columns.IndexOf("time");
                        object time    = s.Values[i][index];
                        jsonrow += "{";
                        jsonrow += "\"DateStampTime\":\"" + (time != null ? time.ToString() : "") + "\"";

                        foreach (string str in columns)
                                index = -1;
                                index = s.Columns.IndexOf("field_" + str.Trim().ToLower().ToString() + "_value");
                                if (index >= 0)
                                    object v = s.Values[i][index];

                                    jsonrow += ",\"" + str + "\":\"" + (v != null ? v.ToString() : "") + "\"";
                        jsonrow += "},";

                        items += jsonrow;
                items += "]";
                var result = Pager.Paging2(items, realResult.RecordCount);
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                var result = Pager.Paging2("", 0);
                return(Json(result, "application/text", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public JsonResult QueryDefaultSeriesData(string groupid, string serverid, string communicateid, string deviceid, string paraid)
            string sdate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string edate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            IEnumerable <DeviceGroupModel> groupdevices = DeviceGroupService.GetByWhere(" where GroupId=" + groupid + " and  IO_SERVER_ID='" + serverid + "' and IO_COMM_ID='" + communicateid + "' and IO_DEVICE_ID='" + deviceid + "'");
            DeviceGroupModel pWell = null;

            if (groupdevices.Count() > 0)
                pWell = groupdevices.First();

            if (pWell == null)
                return(Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            List <string> ioids     = pWell.IOPARAS.Split(',').ToList();
            List <string> names     = pWell.IOPARANAMES.Split(',').ToList();
            List <string> titles    = pWell.IOPARATITLES.Split(',').ToList();
            int           index     = ioids.FindIndex(X => X == paraid.Trim());
            string        seriename = "";

            if (index >= 0)
                seriename = names[index];
            IEnumerable <SerieConfigModel> allItems = SerieServer.GetByWhere(" where SerieName='" + seriename + "' and SerieClassify='" + pWell.SerieType + "'");
            SerieConfigModel serieConfig            = new SerieConfigModel();

            if (allItems.Count() > 0)
                serieConfig = allItems.First();
                serieConfig.SerieTitle = titles[index];
                serieConfig.SerieName  = seriename;
                serieConfig.SerieType  = "line";
            EChartOption chartOption = new EChartOption();

            chartOption.xAxis              = new Axis[1];
            chartOption.xAxis[0]           = new Axis();
            chartOption.xAxis[0].gridIndex = 1;
            chartOption.xAxis[0].type      = "time";
            chartOption.xAxis[0].name      = "时间";
            chartOption.name = serieConfig.SerieTitle;
            List <Axis> yaxis = new List <Axis>();

            string legend = serieConfig.SerieTitle;

            yaxis.Add(new Axis()
                gridIndex = 0, name = serieConfig.SerieTitle, type = "value"
            chartOption.legend.data = new string[1] {
            chartOption.yAxis = yaxis.ToArray();
            if (sdate == null || sdate == "")
                sdate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            if (edate == null || edate == "")
                edate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            chartOption.series = new Series[1];

            InfluxDBHistoryResult realResult = mWebInfluxDbManager.DbQuery_History(serverid, communicateid, deviceid, Convert.ToDateTime(sdate), Convert.ToDateTime(edate), 10000, 1, " ASC ");

            if (realResult != null)
                var datas = realResult.Seres;
                if (datas != null && datas.Count() > 0)
                    var onedata = datas.First();

                    if (onedata != null)
                        chartOption.series[0]                 = new Series();
                        chartOption.series[0].name            = serieConfig.SerieTitle;
                        chartOption.series[0].lineStyle.color = serieConfig.SerieColor;
                        chartOption.series[0].lineStyle.width = int.Parse(serieConfig.SerieWidth);
                        chartOption.series[0].itemStyle       = null;
                        chartOption.series[0].data            = new double[onedata.Values.Count];
                        chartOption.series[0].type            = serieConfig.SerieType;
                        chartOption.series[0].showSymbol      = serieConfig.ShowSymbol == "1" ? true : false;
                        chartOption.series[0].symbol          = serieConfig.SymbolType;
                        chartOption.series[0].symbolSize      = int.Parse(serieConfig.SymbolSize);

                        string[] axisData = new string[onedata.Values.Count];
                        int dataindex = onedata.Values.Count() - 1;

                        foreach (var value in onedata.Values)
                            object objx = onedata.Values[dataindex][onedata.Columns.IndexOf("time")];
                            axisData[dataindex] = objx != null?objx.ToString() : "";

                                int recordindex = onedata.Columns.IndexOf("field_" + serieConfig.SerieName.Trim().ToLower() + "_value");
                                if (recordindex >= 0)
                                    object objy = onedata.Values[dataindex][recordindex];
                                    chartOption.series[0].data[dataindex] = Convert.ToDouble(objy);
                                    chartOption.series[0].id = serieConfig.SerieName;
                        chartOption.xAxis[0].data = axisData;//设置x轴数据,time格式的数据必须在Axis轴上进行设置

            return(Json(chartOption, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));