Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Utility method to carry out tasks required for detonation events. These are *received* detonations - that is,
     * they have come into Unity from an external source, so we need to make sure any internal entities (i.e., entities
     * "puppeted" by Unity) are affected appropriately (i.e., damage, appearance etc).
     * @param detonations the data for the detonation events
    private void HandleDetonations( DetonateMunitionData[] detonations )
        foreach( DetonateMunitionData detonateMunitionData in detonations )
            // Log detonation events if necessary...
            if( showLogging )
                LVCPair<LVCGame.EntityData, GameObject> entityDataAndGameObject = this.lvcUnityAmbassador.GameObjectAndEntityDataForLvcId( detonateMunitionData.targeting.firingId );
                if( entityDataAndGameObject != null )
                    EntityData entityData = entityDataAndGameObject.A;
                    Debug.Log( entityData.id.lvcType+"["+entityData.id.marking+"] detonated "+LVCUtils.DisplayFormatted(detonateMunitionData) );
                    Debug.Log( "Indirect fire of "+detonateMunitionData.descriptor.quantity+" rounds of "+detonateMunitionData.targeting.munitionType+"." );

            // handle the detonation event and affect entities as needed
            LVCGame.Vector3 lvcPosition = LVCUtils.llaToLtp( detonateMunitionData.targeting.position );
            UnityEngine.Vector3 unityPosition = LVCUtils.LVCGameCoords_to_UnityCoords( lvcPosition );
            string munitionTypeName = detonateMunitionData.targeting.munitionType;
            GameObject detonationPrefab = null;
            if( munitionDetonationMap.TryGetValue( munitionTypeName, out detonationPrefab ) )
                GameObject prefab = Instantiate( detonationPrefab, unityPosition, Quaternion.identity ) as GameObject;
                // make this the parent of the new prefab - keeps things organised, so we don't get prfeabs popping
                // up in the "root" tree
                prefab.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                // Note that an actual application may wish to ensure that ground based detonation prefabs are ground
                // clamped, but that aerial weapons are not.

                // Work out which entities have been hit by the explosion
                // Note that the damage effect level and effective radius is hard coded. An actual application
                // would probably need to make this dependent on the munition (and possibly the target
                // vulerability to munition). Here we use a very simplistic damage model.
                float maxMunitionDamageEffect = 0.5F;
                float maxEffectRadius = 10.0f;

                LVCPair<BasicLVCEntity, float>[] affectedEntities = lvcUnityAmbassador.GetAffectedEntities( unityPosition, maxEffectRadius );
                foreach( LVCPair<BasicLVCEntity, float> affectedEntity in affectedEntities )
                    BasicLVCEntity basicLvcEntity = affectedEntity.A; // entity affected by detonation
                    float distance = affectedEntity.B; // distance of affected entity from from detonation

                    // decrease damage based on inverse square law of distance of target from detonation location
                    float actualDamageEffect = LVCUtils.SquareDecay( maxMunitionDamageEffect, maxEffectRadius, distance );

                    EntityDataManager entityDataManager = basicLvcEntity.GetEntityDataManager();
                    float damage = LVCUtils.ConstrainValue( entityDataManager.GetDamage()+actualDamageEffect, 0.0F, 1.0F );
                    entityDataManager.SetDamage( damage );
                if( smokeMunitionPrefab != null )
                    string[] nameAndColor = munitionTypeName.Split ('-');
                    if( nameAndColor.Length==2 )
                        Color smokeColor = Color.black;
                        if( smokeMunitionColorMap.TryGetValue(nameAndColor[0], out smokeColor) )
                            GameObject prefab = Instantiate( smokeMunitionPrefab, unityPosition, Quaternion.identity ) as GameObject;
                            // make this the parent of the new prefab - keeps things organised.
                            prefab.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                            // set the smoke color
                            Renderer[] renderers = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
                            foreach( Renderer renderer in renderers )
                                foreach( Material material in renderer.materials )
                                    material.color = smokeColor;
                            // make sure the flare is on the ground, but don't change orientation
                            DoGroundClamping( prefab, false );

        if(showLogging && detonations.Length>0)
            Debug.Log(detonations.Length + " External Detonation Events Handled.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Fires a detonate munition event. This is triggered as a result of an *incoming* LVC update
  * event triggered by an LVC Game external to this one, meaning that the equivalent Unity game
  * object should be detonate a munition.
  * @param data data associated with the event
  * @return true if the event was handled successfully
 public bool DetonateMunition( ref DetonateMunitionData data )
     lock( pendingExternalDetonationLock )
         // Debug.Log("External DETONATEMUNITION event received.");
         // add the data as a pending external deletion. Since this event arrived "outside"
         // Unity's event/threading system, this will eventually be handled by the LVCHelper
         // Monobehaviour during an Update() event.
         pendingExternalDetonations.Add( data );
     return true;