void FinalVideo_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs) { video = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone(); if (radioButton1.Checked == true) { } if (radioButton2.Checked == true) { detectionLvl = Detector1.ProcessFrame(video); } if (radioButton3.Checked == true) { detectionLvl = Detector2.ProcessFrame(video); } if (radioButton4.Checked == true) { detectionLvl = Detector3.ProcessFrame(video); } pictureBox1.Image = video; if (record) { film.Add(video); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SEGUNDA DOS VENTANAS A LA DERECHA////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void videoSourcePlayer3_NewFrame(object sender, ref Bitmap image) { EuclideanColorFiltering F_verde_up = new EuclideanColorFiltering(); //TENDENCIA 1/1 // set center colol and radius F_verde_up.CenterColor = new RGB(127, 0, 255); F_verde_up.Radius = 100; //apply the filter F_verde_up.ApplyInPlace(image); NiveldeDeteccion2 = Detector2.ProcessFrame(image); }