// OPTIONAL - Delegated event when AdDeals Ad could not display any ad to end users.
 private static void CacheAdFailed_Event(object sender, DetailedEventArgs e)
     Debug.Log("This ad could not be cached. However, only one can be cached until display so you may call: IsCachedAdAvailable() prior caching a new one.");
     RunInUnityMainThread(() =>
 // OPTIONAL - Delegated event when AdDeals Ad could not display any ad to end users.
 private static void ShowAdFailed_Event(object sender, DetailedEventArgs e)
     Debug.Log("No ad available for this user or there is some issue (network access...).To increase your fill rate worldwide (up to 100%), go to your AdDeals account and create an interstitial campaign.");
     RunInUnityMainThread(() =>