Ejemplo n.º 1
        private RootDesignerView(IDesignerHost host)
            : base()
            //it's through this that we communicate with JavaScript
            comm = new CommandManager(this);

            //we use the host to get services and designers
            this.host = host as DesignerHost;
            if (this.host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("host");

            //We use this to monitor component changes and update as necessary
            changeService = host.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService;
            if (changeService == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not obtain IComponentChangeService from host");

            //We use this to monitor and set selections
            selectionService = host.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
            if (selectionService == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not obtain ISelectionService from host");

            //This is used to add undo/redo, cut/paste etc commands to menu
            //Also to launch right-click menu
            menuService = host.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as IMenuCommandService;
            //if (menuService == null)
            //	return;

            //Now we've got all services, register our events
            changeService.ComponentChanged    += new ComponentChangedEventHandler(changeService_ComponentChanged);
            selectionService.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(selectionService_SelectionChanged);

            //Register incoming calls from JavaScript
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("Click", new ClrCall(JSClick));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("Activate", new ClrCall(JSActivate));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("ThrowException", new ClrCall(JSException));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("DebugStatement", new ClrCall(JSDebugStatement));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("ResizeControl", new ClrCall(JSResize));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("DocumentReturn", new ClrCall(JSDocumentReturn));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("RemoveControl", new ClrCall(JSRemoveControl));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("DeserializeAndAdd", new ClrCall(JSDeserializeAndAdd));
            comm.RegisterJSHandler("Serialize", new ClrCall(JSSerialize));
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("RootDesignerView created");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void handleToolboxNode(ItemToolboxNode node)
            ToolboxItemToolboxNode tiNode = node as ToolboxItemToolboxNode;

            if (tiNode != null)
                //load the type into this process and get the ToolboxItem
                System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem ti = tiNode.GetToolboxItem();

                //web controls have sample HTML that need to be deserialised, in a ToolboxDataAttribute
                //TODO: Fix WebControlToolboxItem and (mono classlib's use of it) so we don't have to mess around with type lookups and attributes here
                if (ti.AssemblyName != null && ti.TypeName != null)
                    //look up and register the type
                    ITypeResolutionService typeRes = (ITypeResolutionService)designerHost.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
                    Type controlType = typeRes.GetType(ti.TypeName, true);

                    //read the WebControlToolboxItem data from the attribute
                    AttributeCollection atts = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(controlType);

                    System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute tda = (System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)atts [typeof(System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)];

                    //if it's present
                    if (tda != null && tda.Data.Length > 0)
                        //look up the tag's prefix and insert it into the data
                        WebFormReferenceManager webRef = designerHost.GetService(typeof(WebFormReferenceManager)) as WebFormReferenceManager;
                        if (webRef == null)
                            throw new Exception("Host does not provide an IWebFormReferenceManager");
                        string aspText = String.Format(tda.Data, webRef.GetTagPrefix(controlType));
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Toolbox processing ASP.NET item data: " + aspText);

                        //and add it to the document

                //No ToolboxDataAttribute? Get the ToolboxItem to create the components itself
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public DesignTimeParser (DesignerHost host, Document document)
			this.host = host;
			this.document = document;
			refMan = host.GetService(typeof(IWebFormReferenceManager)) as IWebFormReferenceManager;
			if (refMan == null)
				throw new Exception ("Could not get IWebFormReferenceManager from host");
        private IWebApplication GetWebApplication()
            IWebApplication webApplication = (IWebApplication)DesignerHost.GetService(typeof(IWebApplication));

            Assertion.IsNotNull(webApplication, "The 'IServiceProvider' failed to return an 'IWebApplication' service.");

Ejemplo n.º 5
		//TODO: Some way to reset this when host is reset 
		public WebFormReferenceManager (DesignerHost host)
			if (host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("host");
			this.host = host;
			this.typeRes = host.GetService (typeof (ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
			if (typeRes == null)
				throw new Exception ("Could not obtain ITypesResolutionService from host");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public DesignTimeParser(DesignerHost host, Document document)
     this.host     = host;
     this.document = document;
     refMan        = host.GetService(typeof(IWebFormReferenceManager)) as IWebFormReferenceManager;
     if (refMan == null)
         throw new Exception("Could not get IWebFormReferenceManager from host");
Ejemplo n.º 7
		private RootDesignerView (IDesignerHost host)
			: base()
			//it's through this that we communicate with JavaScript
			comm = new CommandManager (this);

			//we use the host to get services and designers
			this.host =  host as DesignerHost;
			if (this.host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("host");

			//We use this to monitor component changes and update as necessary
			changeService = host.GetService (typeof (IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService;
			if (changeService == null)
				throw new Exception ("Could not obtain IComponentChangeService from host");

			//We use this to monitor and set selections
			selectionService = host.GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
			if (selectionService == null)
				throw new Exception ("Could not obtain ISelectionService from host");

			//This is used to add undo/redo, cut/paste etc commands to menu
			//Also to launch right-click menu
			menuService = host.GetService (typeof (IMenuCommandService)) as IMenuCommandService;
			//if (menuService == null)
			//	return;

			//Now we've got all services, register our events
			changeService.ComponentChanged += new ComponentChangedEventHandler (changeService_ComponentChanged);
			selectionService.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler (selectionService_SelectionChanged);
			//Register incoming calls from JavaScript
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("Click", new ClrCall (JSClick));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("Activate", new ClrCall (JSActivate));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("ThrowException", new ClrCall (JSException));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("DebugStatement", new ClrCall (JSDebugStatement));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("ResizeControl", new ClrCall (JSResize));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("DocumentReturn", new ClrCall (JSDocumentReturn));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("RemoveControl", new ClrCall (JSRemoveControl));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("DeserializeAndAdd", new ClrCall (JSDeserializeAndAdd));
			comm.RegisterJSHandler ("Serialize", new ClrCall (JSSerialize));
			System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine ("RootDesignerView created");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <include file='doc\DesignSite.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="DesignSite.GetService"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Retrieves the requested service.
        /// </devdoc>
        public object GetService(Type service)
            if (service == typeof(IDictionaryService))
            else if (service == typeof(IExtenderListService))

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public object GetDesignTimePropertyValue(string propertyName)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("propertyName", propertyName);

                //EnvDTE._DTE environment = (EnvDTE._DTE) ((IServiceProvider)site).GetService (typeof (EnvDTE._DTE));
                Type   _DTEType    = TypeUtility.GetType("EnvDTE._DTE, EnvDTE", true);
                object environment = DesignerHost.GetService(_DTEType);

                if (environment != null)
                    //EnvDTE.Project project = environment.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.ContainingProject;
                    object activeDocument = _DTEType.InvokeMember("ActiveDocument", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, environment, null);
                    object projectItem    = activeDocument.GetType().InvokeMember("ProjectItem", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, activeDocument, null);
                    object project        = projectItem.GetType().InvokeMember("ContainingProject", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, projectItem, null);

                    ////project.Properties uses a 1-based index
                    //foreach (EnvDTE.Property property in project.Properties)
                    object properties = project.GetType().InvokeMember("Properties", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, project, null);
                    foreach (object property in (IEnumerable)properties)
                        //if (property.Name == propertyName)
                        string projectPropertyName = (string)property.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, property, null);
                        if (projectPropertyName == propertyName)
                            //return property.Value;
                            return(property.GetType().InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, property, null));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ServerObjectParsingObject(Type type, Hashtable attributes, string tagid, ParsingObject parent)
            : base(tagid, parent)
            //create the object
            if (type.GetInterface("System.ComponentModel.IComponent") != null)
                //note: this automatically adds to parent's container, as some controls
                //need to be sited e.g. if they use site dictionaries
                //TODO: should this action be passed up the tree so controls can intercept?
                obj = ((AspNetEdit.Editor.ComponentModel.DesignerHost)base.DesignerHost).CreateComponent(type, attributes["ID"] as string, false);
                obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            //and populate it from the attributes
            pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj);
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in attributes)
                if (0 == string.Compare((string)de.Key, "runat"))
                if (0 == string.Compare((string)de.Key, "ID"))
                //use the dash subproperty syntax
                string[]           str = ((string)de.Key).Split('-');
                PropertyDescriptor pd  = pdc.Find(str[0], true);

                //if property not found, try events
                if (str.Length == 1 && pd == null && CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(str[0].ToLower(), "on"))
                    IEventBindingService iebs = (IEventBindingService)DesignerHost.GetService(typeof(IEventBindingService));
                    if (iebs == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not obtain IEventBindingService from host");

                    EventDescriptorCollection edc = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(obj);
                    EventDescriptor           e   = edc.Find(str[0].Remove(0, 2), true);
                    if (e != null)
                        pd = iebs.GetEventProperty(e);
                        throw new Exception("Could not find event " + str[0].Remove(0, 2));

                object loopObj = obj;

                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    if (pd == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find property " + (string)de.Key);

                    if (i == str.Length - 1)
                        pd.SetValue(obj, pd.Converter.ConvertFromString((string)de.Value));

                    loopObj = pd.GetValue(loopObj);
                    pd      = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(loopObj).Find(str[0], true);

            parseAtt = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(obj)[typeof(ParseChildrenAttribute)] as ParseChildrenAttribute;
            //FIXME: fix this in MCS classlib
            if (parseAtt.DefaultProperty.Length == 0)
                parseAtt = null;

            //work out how we're trying to parse the children
            if (parseAtt != null)
                if (parseAtt.DefaultProperty != null)
                    PropertyDescriptor pd = pdc[parseAtt.DefaultProperty];
                    if (pd == null)
                        throw new Exception("Default property does not exist");
                    if (pd.PropertyType.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList") == (typeof(IList)))
                        mode = ParseChildrenMode.DefaultCollectionProperty;
                        mode = ParseChildrenMode.DefaultProperty;
                else if (parseAtt.ChildrenAsProperties)
                    mode = ParseChildrenMode.Properties;
                    mode = ParseChildrenMode.Controls;
                //FIXME: these are actually persistence hints, but ParseChildrenAttribute doesn't always exist.
                //FIXME: logic would be dodgy with bad input
                parseAtt = ParseChildrenAttribute.Default;
                mode     = ParseChildrenMode.Controls;
                foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in pdc)
                    PersistenceModeAttribute modeAttrib = pd.Attributes[typeof(PersistenceModeAttribute)] as PersistenceModeAttribute;
                    if (modeAttrib == null)

                    switch (modeAttrib.Mode)
                    case PersistenceMode.Attribute:

                    case PersistenceMode.EncodedInnerDefaultProperty:
                        parseAtt.DefaultProperty = pd.Name;
                        mode = ParseChildrenMode.DefaultEncodedProperty;

                    case PersistenceMode.InnerDefaultProperty:
                        parseAtt.DefaultProperty = pd.Name;
                        if (pd.PropertyType.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList") == (typeof(IList)))
                            mode = ParseChildrenMode.DefaultCollectionProperty;
                            mode = ParseChildrenMode.DefaultProperty;

                    case PersistenceMode.InnerProperty:
                        mode = ParseChildrenMode.Properties;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected T GetService <T>()
     where T : class
     return(DesignerHost.GetService(typeof(T)) as T);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 Document IDocumentFactory.CreateDocument(DocumentProjectItem projectItem, bool readOnly, DocumentMode mode, DocumentViewType initialView, out DocumentWindow documentWindow, out DesignerHost designerHost)
     if (projectItem == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem");
     if (initialView == DocumentViewType.Default)
         initialView = WebPackage.Instance.WebDefaultView;
         if (initialView == DocumentViewType.Source)
             initialView = DocumentViewType.Composite;
     documentWindow = null;
     AscxDocument document = new AscxDocument(projectItem);
     designerHost = new WebFormsDesignerHost(document);
     Page page = null;
     UserControl child = null;
     if (document.DocumentDirective.Inherits.ToLower().IndexOf("mobile") < 0)
         page = new Page();
         child = new UserControl();
         child.ID = "Page";
         documentWindow = new AscxDocumentWindow(designerHost, document, initialView);
         page.Site = new AscxPageSite(designerHost, page);
         if (!_mobileAssemblyLoadFailed)
             if (_mobileAssembly == null)
                 _mobileAssembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(_mobileAssemblyName);
             if (_mobileAssembly != null)
                 document = new AscxDocument(projectItem);
                 Type type = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage");
                 Type type2 = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileUserControl");
                 Type type3 = _mobileAssembly.GetType("System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Form");
                 page = (Page) Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                 child = (UserControl) Activator.CreateInstance(type2);
                 Control control2 = (Control) Activator.CreateInstance(type3);
                 Type type4 = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile.MobileDesignerHost, Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile");
                 designerHost = (DesignerHost) Activator.CreateInstance(type4, new object[] { document });
                 Type type5 = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile.MobileWebFormsDocumentWindow, Microsoft.Matrix.Packages.Web.Mobile");
                 documentWindow = (DocumentWindow) Activator.CreateInstance(type5, new object[] { designerHost, document, initialView });
                 page.Site = new AscxPageSite(designerHost, page);
                 _mobileAssemblyLoadFailed = true;
         if (_mobileAssemblyLoadFailed)
             Document document2 = new TextDocument(projectItem);
             designerHost = new DesignerHost(document2);
             ((IMxUIService) designerHost.GetService(typeof(IMxUIService))).ReportError("Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit is required for design-time editing of mobile user controls.\r\nPlease visit 'http://www.asp.net/mobile/default.aspx' for more information.\r\nThe user control will be opened in the text editor instead.", "Mobile User Controls are not enabled.", true);
             documentWindow = new TextDocumentWindow(designerHost, document2);
             return document2;
     IDesignerHost host = designerHost;
     host.Container.Add(child, "UserControl");
     return document;