Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void AddSurfaceToNewTabPage(DesignSurfaceUView surface, string pageName)
            var view = surface.GetView();

            TabPage newPage = new TabPage(pageName);

            newPage.Name = pageName;
            view.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;
            view.Parent = newPage; //- Note this assignment
            //- select the TabPage created
            this.tbCtrlpDesigner.SelectedIndex = this.tbCtrlpDesigner.TabPages.Count - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void RemoveDesignSurface(DesignSurfaceUView surfaceToErase)
                //- remove the TabPage which has the same name of
                //- the RootComponent host by DesignSurface "surfaceToErase"
                //- Note:
                //-     DesignSurfaceManager continues to reference the DesignSurface erased
                //-     that Designsurface continue to exist but it is no more reachable
                //-     this fact is usefull when generate new names for Designsurfaces just created
                //-     avoiding name clashing
                var     designHost          = surfaceToErase.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                string  dsRootComponentName = designHost?.RootComponent.Site.Name;
                TabPage tpToRemove          = null;
                foreach (TabPage tp in this.tbCtrlpDesigner.TabPages)
                    if (tp.Name == dsRootComponentName)
                        tpToRemove = tp;
                if (null != tpToRemove)

                //- now remove the DesignSurface

                //- finally the DesignSurfaceManager remove the DesignSurface
                //- AND set as active DesignSurface the last one
                //- therefore we set as active the last TabPage
                this.tbCtrlpDesigner.SelectedIndex = this.tbCtrlpDesigner.TabPages.Count - 1;
            catch (Exception exx)
                if (null != exx.InnerException)

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool InitSurfaceText(DesignSurfaceUView surface, Control rootComponent, string text)
            Control view = surface.GetView();

            if (null == view)
            PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(view);
            //- Sets a PropertyDescriptor to the specific property
            PropertyDescriptor pdS = pdc.Find("Text", false);

            if (null != pdS)
                pdS.SetValue(rootComponent, text);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //- Create the DesignSurface and the rootComponent (a .NET Control)
        //- using IDesignSurfaceBase.CreateRootComponent()
        //- if the alignmentMode doesn't use the GRID, then the gridSize param is ignored
        //- Note:
        //-     the generics param is used to know which type of control to use as RootComponent
        //-     TT is requested to be derived from .NET Control class
        public DesignSurfaceUView AddDesignSurface <TT>(int width, int height, Interface.AlignmentModeEnum alignmentMode)
            where TT : Control
            const string _signature_ = _name + @"::AddDesignSurface<>()";

            if (!this)
                throw new Exception(_signature_ + " - Exception: " + _name + " is not initialized! Please set the Property: IUDesigner::Toolbox before calling any methods!");

            //- step.0
            //- create a DesignSurface
            DesignSurfaceUView surface = DesignSurfaceManager.CreateDesignSurfaceEx() as DesignSurfaceUView;

            this.DesignSurfaceManager.ActiveDesignSurface = surface;

            //- step.1
            //- choose an alignment mode...

            //- step.2
            //- enable the UndoEngine
            (surface.GetService(typeof(UndoEngine)) as UndoEngine).Enabled = true;

            //- step.3
            //- Select the service IToolboxService
            //- and hook it to our ListBox
            var tbox = surface.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService)) as ToolboxServiceImp;

            //- we don't check if Toolbox is null because the very first check: if(!this)...
            if (null != tbox)
                tbox.CtrlToolbox = this.CtrlToolbox;

            //- step.4
            //- create the Root compoment, in these cases a Form
            Control rootComponent = null;

            //- cast to .NET Control because the TT object
            //- has a constraint: to be a ".NET Control"
            rootComponent = surface.CreateRootComponent(typeof(TT), DesignSurfaceManager.GetValidName(typeof(TT).Name), new Size(width, height)) as Control;
            //- rename the Sited component
            //- (because the user may add more then one Form
            //- and every new Form will be called "Form1"
            //- if we don't set its Name)
            //rootComponent.Site.Name = this.DesignSurfaceManager.GetValidName(typeof(TT).Name);

            //- step.5
            //- enable the Drag&Drop on RootComponent

            //- step.6
            //- IComponentChangeService is marked as Non replaceable service
            IComponentChangeService componentChangeService = (IComponentChangeService)(surface.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)));

            if (null != componentChangeService)
                //- the Type "ComponentEventHandler Delegate" Represents the method that will
                //- handle the ComponentAdding, ComponentAdded, ComponentRemoving, and ComponentRemoved
                //- events raised for component-level events
                componentChangeService.ComponentChanged += (Object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs e) =>
                    // do nothing
                componentChangeService.ComponentAdded += (Object sender, ComponentEventArgs e) =>
                componentChangeService.ComponentRemoved += (Object sender, ComponentEventArgs e) =>

            //- step.7
            //- now set the Form::Text Property
            //- (because it will be an empty string
            //- if we don't set it)
            if (!InitSurfaceText(surface, rootComponent, rootComponent.Site.Name + " (design mode)"))

            //- step.8
            //- display the DesignSurface
            AddSurfaceToNewTabPage(surface, rootComponent.Site.Name);

            //- step.9
            //- finally return the DesignSurface created to let it be modified again by user