Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerable <IRunnable> Tasks(AppConfig config)
            // List of tasks to run
            var tasks = new List <IRunnable>(new IRunnable[] {
                // Initialization task
                new InitTask(),

                // Initialize Table; creates table if it doesn't already exist
                new InitializeStorageTask(new TableStorage(config.TableName, config.ConnectionString)),

                // Initialize Container; creates container if it doesn't already exist
                new InitializeStorageTask(new Container(config.ContainerName, config.ConnectionString)),

                // Initialize Container; creates container if it doesn't already exist
                new InitializeStorageTask(new StorageQueue(config.GenericQueueName, config.ConnectionString)),

                //basic task
                new Recurring(),

                //Task once daily on the (specified/current) hour
                new OnceDaily(config.ConnectionString),

                //Backoff task
                new Backoff(),

                //Self governing task
                new Adaptive(),

                //Dequeue task, Backoff behavior
                new BackoffRunner(new CompanyDequeuer(config.GenericQueueName, config.ConnectionString)),

                //Dequeue task, Adaptive behavior
                new AdaptiveRunner(new CompanyDequeuer(config.GenericQueueName, config.ConnectionString)),

                //Dequeue task, Recurring behavior
                new RecurringRunner(new CompanyDequeuer(config.GenericQueueName, config.ConnectionString)),

                //Auto Scaling Task
                new DynamicScaler(config),

            ///Dequeue examples
            var f = new DequeueFactory(config.ConnectionString);

            tasks.AddRange(f.Dequeue <CompanyProcessor, CompanyModel>(config.SlowQueueName));
            tasks.AddRange(f.Dequeue <CompanyProcessor, CompanyModel>(config.ModerateQueueName, QueuePriority.Medium));
            tasks.AddRange(f.Dequeue <CompanyProcessor, CompanyModel>(config.FastQueueName, QueuePriority.High));
            tasks.AddRange(f.Shards <CompanyProcessor, CompanyModel>(config.ShardQueueName, 10));

            //Cordinated Tasks between Instances
            var coordinated = new Coordinated(config.ConnectionString);

            // Add once to ensure that Table is created for Instances to communicate with
            // Add your coordinated task

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ShardsZeroCount()
            var f     = new DequeueFactory(ConnectionString);
            var tasks = f.Shards <HelpP, object>("testing", 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(2 * 2, tasks.Count());

            var t = (from n in tasks
                     where n.GetType() == typeof(InitializeStorageTask)
                     select true).FirstOrDefault();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ShardsNameNull()
            var f = new DequeueFactory(ConnectionString);

            Assert.That(() => f.Shards <HelpP, object>(null), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentException>());