Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void ResizeDepthStencilBuffer(int width, int height, PixelFormat format)
            var newTextureDescrition = DepthStencilBuffer.Description;

            newTextureDescrition.Width  = width;
            newTextureDescrition.Height = height;

            // Manually update the texture

            // Put it in our back buffer texture
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void ResizeDepthStencilBuffer(int width, int height, PixelFormat format)
            var newTextureDescription = DepthStencilBuffer.Description;

            newTextureDescription.Width  = width;
            newTextureDescription.Height = height;

            // Manually update the texture

            // Manually update all children textures
            var fastList = DestroyChildrenTextures(DepthStencilBuffer);

            // Put it in our back buffer texture

            foreach (var texture in fastList)
                texture.InitializeFrom(DepthStencilBuffer, texture.ViewDescription);
        private unsafe void CreateSwapChain()
            // we are destroying the swap chain now, because it causes lots of other things to be reset too (like all commandbufferpools)
            // normally we pass the old swapchain to the create new swapchain Vulkan call... but I haven't figured out a stable way of
            // preserving the old swap chain to be passed during the new swapchain creation, and then destroying just the old swapchain parts.
            // might have to reset the command buffers and pipeline stuff after swapchain handoff... for another day e.g. TODO

            var formats = new[] { PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm_SRgb, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb, PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm };

            foreach (var format in formats)
                var nativeFromat = VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(format);

                FormatProperties formatProperties;
                GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetFormatProperties(nativeFromat, out formatProperties);

                if ((formatProperties.OptimalTilingFeatures & FormatFeatureFlags.ColorAttachment) != 0)
                    Description.BackBufferFormat = format;

            // Queue
            // TODO VULKAN: Queue family is needed when creating the Device, so here we can just do a sanity check?
            var queueNodeIndex = GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.QueueFamilyProperties.
                                 Where((properties, index) => (properties.QueueFlags & QueueFlags.Graphics) != 0 && GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetSurfaceSupport((uint)index, surface)).
                                 Select((properties, index) => index).First();

            // Surface format
            var backBufferFormat = VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(Description.BackBufferFormat);

            var surfaceFormats = GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetSurfaceFormats(surface);

            if ((surfaceFormats.Length != 1 || surfaceFormats[0].Format != Format.Undefined) &&
                !surfaceFormats.Any(x => x.Format == backBufferFormat))
                backBufferFormat = surfaceFormats[0].Format;

            // Create swapchain
            SurfaceCapabilities surfaceCapabilities;

            GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetSurfaceCapabilities(surface, out surfaceCapabilities);

            // Buffer count
            uint desiredImageCount = Math.Max(surfaceCapabilities.MinImageCount, 4);

            if (surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount > 0 && desiredImageCount > surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount)
                desiredImageCount = surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount;

            // Transform
            SurfaceTransformFlags preTransform;

            if ((surfaceCapabilities.SupportedTransforms & SurfaceTransformFlags.Identity) != 0)
                preTransform = SurfaceTransformFlags.Identity;
                preTransform = surfaceCapabilities.CurrentTransform;

            // Find present mode
            var swapChainPresentMode = PresentMode.Fifo; // Always supported, but slow

            if (Description.PresentationInterval == PresentInterval.Immediate)
                var presentModes = GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice.GetSurfacePresentModes(surface);
                if (presentModes.Contains(PresentMode.Mailbox))
                    swapChainPresentMode = PresentMode.Mailbox;

            // Create swapchain
            var swapchainCreateInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfo
                StructureType    = StructureType.SwapchainCreateInfo,
                Surface          = surface,
                ImageArrayLayers = 1,
                ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,
                ImageExtent      = new Extent2D((uint)Description.BackBufferWidth, (uint)Description.BackBufferHeight),
                ImageFormat      = backBufferFormat,
                ImageColorSpace  = Description.ColorSpace == ColorSpace.Gamma ? SharpVulkan.ColorSpace.SRgbNonlinear : 0,
                ImageUsage       = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment | ImageUsageFlags.TransferDestination | (surfaceCapabilities.SupportedUsageFlags & ImageUsageFlags.TransferSource), // TODO VULKAN: Use off-screen buffer to emulate
                PresentMode      = swapChainPresentMode,
                CompositeAlpha   = CompositeAlphaFlags.Opaque,
                MinImageCount    = desiredImageCount,
                PreTransform     = preTransform,
                OldSwapchain     = Swapchain.Null,
                Clipped          = true

            swapChain = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateSwapchain(ref swapchainCreateInfo);


            // resize/create stencil buffers
            var newTextureDescription = DepthStencilBuffer.Description;

            newTextureDescription.Width  = Description.BackBufferWidth;
            newTextureDescription.Height = Description.BackBufferHeight;

            // Manually update the texture

            // Put it in our back buffer texture

            // start new presentation thread
            runPresenter    = true;
            presenterThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PresenterThread));
            presenterThread.IsBackground = true;
            presenterThread.Name         = "Vulkan Presentation Thread";
            presenterThread.Priority     = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private unsafe void CreateSwapChain()
            // we are destroying the swap chain now, because it causes lots of other things to be reset too (like all commandbufferpools)
            // normally we pass the old swapchain to the create new swapchain Vulkan call... but I haven't figured out a stable way of
            // preserving the old swap chain to be passed during the new swapchain creation, and then destroying just the old swapchain parts.
            // might have to reset the command buffers and pipeline stuff after swapchain handoff... for another day e.g. TODO

            var formats = new[] { PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm_SRgb, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb, PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm };

            foreach (var format in formats)
                var nativeFromat = VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(format);

                vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice, nativeFromat, out var formatProperties);

                if ((formatProperties.optimalTilingFeatures & VkFormatFeatureFlags.ColorAttachment) != 0)
                    Description.BackBufferFormat = format;

            // Queue
            // TODO VULKAN: Queue family is needed when creating the Device, so here we can just do a sanity check?
            var queueNodeIndex = vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice).ToArray().
                                 Where((properties, index) => (properties.queueFlags & VkQueueFlags.Graphics) != 0 && vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice, (uint)index, surface, out var supported) == VkResult.Success && supported == Vortice.Vulkan.VkBool32.True).
                                 Select((properties, index) => index).First();

            // Surface format
            var backBufferFormat = VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(Description.BackBufferFormat);

            var surfaceFormats = vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice, surface).ToArray();

            if ((surfaceFormats.Length != 1 || surfaceFormats[0].format != VkFormat.Undefined) &&
                !surfaceFormats.Any(x => x.format == backBufferFormat))
                backBufferFormat = surfaceFormats[0].format;

            // Create swapchain
            vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice, surface, out var surfaceCapabilities);

            // Buffer count
            uint desiredImageCount = Math.Max(surfaceCapabilities.minImageCount, 6);

            if (surfaceCapabilities.maxImageCount > 0 && desiredImageCount > surfaceCapabilities.maxImageCount)
                desiredImageCount = surfaceCapabilities.maxImageCount;

            // Transform
            VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR preTransform;

            if ((surfaceCapabilities.supportedTransforms & VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR.Identity) != 0)
                preTransform = VkSurfaceTransformFlagsKHR.Identity;
                preTransform = surfaceCapabilities.currentTransform;

            // Find present mode
            var swapChainPresentMode = VkPresentModeKHR.Fifo; // Always supported, but slow

            if (Description.PresentationInterval == PresentInterval.Immediate)
                var presentModes = vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(GraphicsDevice.NativePhysicalDevice, surface);
                foreach (var pm in presentModes)
                    if (pm == VkPresentModeKHR.Mailbox)
                        swapChainPresentMode = VkPresentModeKHR.Mailbox;

            // Create swapchain
            var swapchainCreateInfo = new VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR
                sType            = VkStructureType.SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
                surface          = surface,
                imageArrayLayers = 1,
                imageSharingMode = VkSharingMode.Exclusive,
                imageExtent      = new Vortice.Vulkan.VkExtent2D(Description.BackBufferWidth, Description.BackBufferHeight),
                imageFormat      = backBufferFormat,
                imageColorSpace  = Description.ColorSpace == ColorSpace.Gamma ? VkColorSpaceKHR.SrgbNonLinear : 0,
                imageUsage       = VkImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment | VkImageUsageFlags.TransferDst | (surfaceCapabilities.supportedUsageFlags & VkImageUsageFlags.TransferSrc), // TODO VULKAN: Use off-screen buffer to emulate
                presentMode      = swapChainPresentMode,
                compositeAlpha   = VkCompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.Opaque,
                minImageCount    = desiredImageCount,
                preTransform     = preTransform,
                oldSwapchain     = swapChain,
                clipped          = Vortice.Vulkan.VkBool32.True

            vkCreateSwapchainKHR(GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice, &swapchainCreateInfo, null, out swapChain);


            // resize/create stencil buffers
            var newTextureDescription = DepthStencilBuffer.Description;

            newTextureDescription.Width  = Description.BackBufferWidth;
            newTextureDescription.Height = Description.BackBufferHeight;

            // Manually update the texture

            // Put it in our back buffer texture