Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增职员。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto">待新增职员的信息。</param>
        /// <returns>新增是否成功的标示。(1:成功;-2:登录Id重复)</returns>
        public static string InsertStaff(StaffDTO dto)
            string hql = "select count(*) from Staff s where s.LoginId = :loginId";
            IQuery q   = Db.Session.CreateQuery(hql);

            q.SetString("loginId", dto.LoginId);
            object o = q.UniqueResult();

            if (int.Parse(o.ToString()) > 0)

            Staff s = new Staff();

            s.LoginId                = dto.LoginId;
            s.Password               = StringSecurity.StringToSHA1Hash(dto.Password);
            s.Name                   = dto.Name;
            s.Disabled               = dto.Disabled;
            s.OrderId                = dto.OrderId;
            s.IdCard                 = dto.IdCard;
            s.Code                   = dto.Code;
            s.OfficePhone            = dto.OfficePhone;
            s.ExtNumber              = dto.ExtNumber;
            s.CellPhone              = dto.CellPhone;
            s.FamilyPhone            = dto.FamilyPhone;
            s.Email                  = dto.Email;
            s.ZipCode                = dto.ZipCode;
            s.Remark                 = dto.Remark;
            s.Address                = dto.Address;
            s.DegreeTag              = dto.DegreeTag;
            s.Sex                    = dto.Sex;
            s.PoliticalAppearanceTag = dto.PoliticalAppearanceTag;
            s.Married                = dto.Married;
            s.Birthday               = dto.Birthday;
            s.CountryTag             = dto.CountryTag;
            s.EntersDay              = dto.EntersDay;
            s.NationTag              = dto.NationTag;
            s.LeavesDay              = dto.LeavesDay;
            s.PositionTag            = dto.PositionTag;
            s.TitleTag               = dto.TitleTag;

            s.IsInnerUser = 0;

            Department d = Db.Session.Load(typeof(Department), dto.DepartmentId) as Department;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SaveBtnClick()
            if (viewCompany.EmployeeSelected == null)

            viewCompany.EmployeeSelected.EmployeeName = viewEmployee.EmplName;
            viewCompany.EmployeeSelected.Position     = viewEmployee.PositionSelected;

            if (double.TryParse(viewEmployee.Salary, out double result))
                viewCompany.EmployeeSelected.Salary = result;

            Department depTemp = viewEmployee.DepartmentSelected;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //first create the four new departments.
            Department MthDepartment = new Department();
            Department EngDepartment = new Department();
            Department GeoDepartment = new Department();
            Department CSDepartment  = new Department();

            //add people to them
            MthDepartment.AddStaff("James", 70000, "Administrator");
            MthDepartment.AddStaff("Matt", 80000, "dean");
            MthDepartment.AddStaff("Clark", 75000, "Researcher");
            MthDepartment.AddStaff("Jill", 75000, "Professor");

            EngDepartment.AddStaff("Mark", 70000, "Administrator");
            EngDepartment.AddStaff("Kaitlyn", 80000, "dean");
            EngDepartment.AddStaff("John", 75000, "Researcher");
            EngDepartment.AddStaff("Bob", 75000, "Professor");

            GeoDepartment.AddStaff("Joe", 70000, "Administrator");
            GeoDepartment.AddStaff("Cathy", 80000, "dean");
            GeoDepartment.AddStaff("Annette", 75000, "Researcher");
            GeoDepartment.AddStaff("Chester", 75000, "Professor");
            //should have used a database...
            CSDepartment.AddStaff("Cortney", 70000, "Administrator");
            CSDepartment.AddStaff("Joesph", 80000, "dean");
            CSDepartment.AddStaff("Jackelyn", 75000, "Researcher");
            CSDepartment.AddStaff("Gregg", 75000, "Professor");

            //now add all the departments to the university.
            University newUni = new University(new List <Department> {
                MthDepartment, EngDepartment, GeoDepartment, CSDepartment

            //for each department
            for (int z = 0; z < newUni.DepartmentList.Count(); z++)
                //and each staff member in that department.
                for (int i = 0; i < newUni.DepartmentList[0].departmentStaff.Count(); i++)
                    //print out the staff list.
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Makes ${1}", newUni.DepartmentList[z].departmentStaff[i].Name, newUni.DepartmentList[0].departmentStaff[i].Salary);

                    //if the specific person can teach or research, cast the object to the specific type (interface or class type) and execute their unique method.
                    if (newUni.DepartmentList[z].departmentStaff[i] is Researcher)
                    if (newUni.DepartmentList[z].departmentStaff[i] is ITeachable)
                    if (newUni.DepartmentList[z].departmentStaff[i] is IAdmin)