// preparing to perform Kruscal method private void PrepareForMethod() { foreach (var ed in cruscalEdgesList) { ed.condition = Condition.Waiting; } cruscalVertsList = new List <List <Verticle> >(); for (var i = 0; i < Verticles.Count(); i++) { var newlist = new List <Verticle> { Verticles[i] }; cruscalVertsList.Add(newlist); } currentEdge = 0; next_btn.Enabled = curMode == DemoMode.Manual; start_btn.Enabled = curMode != DemoMode.Manual; curState = DemoState.NotStarted; log_tb.Clear(); firstPart = true; start_btn.Text = "Начать"; RefreshSets(); drawing_panel.Refresh(); }
private void FadeOut(float duration) { m_DemoState = DemoState.FadingOut; App.Instance.SetDesiredState(App.AppState.Reset); m_SecondsRemainingInState = duration; ViewpointScript.m_Instance.FadeToColor(Color.black, 1.0f / duration); }
//start + pause + continue button private void start_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (curState) { case DemoState.NotStarted: //start curState = DemoState.Going; start_btn.Text = "Пауза"; if (curMode != DemoMode.Manual) { timer1.Start(); } break; case DemoState.Going: //pause timer1.Stop(); curState = DemoState.Paused; start_btn.Text = "Продолжить"; break; case DemoState.Paused: //continue start_btn.Text = "Пауза"; curState = DemoState.Going; if (curMode != DemoMode.Manual) { timer1.Start(); } break; case DemoState.End: //ended already break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public ServerMode() { InitializeComponent(); stateNoData = new NoDataState(this); stateLinq2Sql = new Linq2SqlState(this); State = stateNoData; }
/// Called on start, and after any reset has completed. private void OnSessionStart() { m_DemoState = ShouldUseCountdownTimer ? DemoState.WaitingForFirstStroke : DemoState.Standard; if (ShouldUseCountdownTimer) { m_SecondsRemainingInState = App.UserConfig.Demo.Duration.Value; } ViewpointScript.m_Instance.FadeToScene(1.0f / m_FadeInDuration); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); // TODO: Add your initialization logic here DemoState = new DemoState(); PausedState = new PausedState(); PlayingState = new PlayingState(); GameOverState = new GameOverState(); GameStateManager.PushState(DemoState); }
public StateViewModel(string stateName, StateMachine <DemoState> machine, ILog logger) : base(logger) { _myState = (DemoState)Enum.Parse(typeof(DemoState), stateName); Model = machine[_myState]; (Model as IStateBehavior).EntryInitiated += HandleEnteringState; // Check for initial state. if (Model.IsCurrentState) { Select(); } }
void Update() { if (!DemoModeEnabled) { return; } switch (m_DemoState) { case DemoState.WaitingForFirstStroke: if (PointerManager.m_Instance.IsMainPointerCreatingStroke()) { m_DemoState = DemoState.Standard; } break; case DemoState.Standard: if (ShouldUseCountdownTimer) { m_SecondsRemainingInState -= Time.deltaTime; // If the timer is up, immediately lock the sketch and start a slow fade out. if (m_SecondsRemainingInState <= 0.0f) { FadeOut(m_TimesUpFadeOutDuration); } } break; case DemoState.FadingOut: m_SecondsRemainingInState -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_SecondsRemainingInState <= 0.0f) { m_SecondsRemainingInState = 0.0f; App.Instance.SetDesiredState(App.AppState.Standard); OnSessionStart(); } break; } UpdateKeyboardCommands(); // Update on-screen counter. m_DemoGui.m_CountdownTimerUI.SetActive(ShouldUseCountdownTimer); if (ShouldUseCountdownTimer) { m_DemoGui.m_TimeRemainingText.text = TimeRemaining; } }
void RunDBGenerator(DemoState nextState) { WindowDatabaseGenerator windowDBGenerator = new WindowDatabaseGenerator(this, State.DBGeneratorString); if (windowDBGenerator.ShowDialog() == true) { if (State == nextState) { pivotGrid.ReloadDataAsync(); } else { State = nextState; } } }
private void PivotGridDemoModule_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IsLoad = true; State = stateLinq2Sql; IsLoad = false; }
private void onButtonPress(object sender, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { switch (state) { case DemoState.AddingPoints: addedPoints [numPointsAdded] = new PointD (args.Event.X, args.Event.Y); numPointsAdded++; if (2 == numPointsAdded) { lineSegments.Add (new LineSegment (addedPoints [0], addedPoints [1])); numPointsAdded = 0; state = DemoState.Walking; } break; case DemoState.Walking: Logger.Log ("Walk on walker!"); player.setTarget (new PointD(args.Event.X,args.Event.Y)); break; default: break; } Logger.Log("in the button press : " + args.Event.X); }
private void enterAddingPointsState() { numPointsAdded = 0; state = DemoState.AddingPoints; }
public void TransitorTo(DemoState state) { _state = state; _state.SetContext(this); }
public DemoContext(DemoState state) { _state = state; }
private void OnGUI() { GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 40; GUI.skin.button.fontSize = 30; buttonWidth = Screen.width / 2; buttonHeight = buttonWidth / 4; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, 10f, 200f, 100f), "BACK")) { currentState = DemoState.Init; } GUI.Label(new Rect(250f, 35f, Screen.width - 260, 45f), "AATKit Unity " + version); if (currentState == DemoState.Init) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, 140f, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Init AATKit") && !initialized) { AATKitConfiguration configuration = new AATKitConfiguration { TestModeAccountId = 74, DetailedConsent = AATKitConfiguration.DetailedConsentTypes.ManagedConsent, ManagedConsentLanguages = new List <AATKitConfiguration.ManagedConsentLanguage> { AATKitConfiguration.ManagedConsentLanguage.ENGLISH, AATKitConfiguration.ManagedConsentLanguage.GERMAN } }; AATKitBinding.Init(base.gameObject.name, configuration); AATKitBinding.SetDebugEnabled(); Vector2 vector = AATKitBinding.CreatePlacement("BannerPlacement", AATKitBinding.PlacementSize.BannerAuto); Vector2 vector2 = AATKitBinding.CreatePlacement("FullscreenPlacement", AATKitBinding.PlacementSize.Fullscreen); AATKitBinding.CreatePlacement("MultiSizePlacement", AATKitBinding.PlacementSize.MultiSizeBanner); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Banner size: " + vector.x + " x " + vector.y); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Fullscreen size: " + vector2.x + " x " + vector2.y); initialized = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight + 150, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Enable Debug Log") && initialized) { AATKitBinding.SetDebugEnabled(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 2 + 160, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), shakeText) && initialized) { if (shakeEnabled) { AATKitBinding.SetDebugShakeEnabled(enabled: false); shakeEnabled = false; shakeText = "Enable Debug Shake"; } else { AATKitBinding.SetDebugShakeEnabled(enabled: true); shakeEnabled = true; shakeText = "Disable Debug Shake"; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 3 + 200, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "BANNER")) { currentState = DemoState.Banner; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 4 + 220, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "FULLSCREEN")) { currentState = DemoState.Fullscreen; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 5 + 230, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "MULTISIZE")) { currentState = DemoState.Multisize; } } if (currentState == DemoState.Banner) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, 140f, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Reload Banner") && initialized) { AATKitBinding.ReloadPlacement("BannerPlacement"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight + 150, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), autoreloadBannerText) && initialized) { if (bannerAutoreload) { AATKitBinding.StopPlacementAutoReload("BannerPlacement"); bannerAutoreload = false; autoreloadBannerText = "Enable Banner Autoreload"; } else { AATKitBinding.StartPlacementAutoReload("BannerPlacement"); bannerAutoreload = true; autoreloadBannerText = "Disable Banner Autoreload"; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 2 + 160, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Change Banner Alignment") && initialized) { bannerAlignment = GetNewAlignment(bannerAlignment); AATKitBinding.SetPlacementAlignment("BannerPlacement", bannerAlignment); } } if (currentState == DemoState.Fullscreen) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, 140f, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Reload Interstitial") && initialized) { AATKitBinding.ReloadPlacement("FullscreenPlacement"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight + 150, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), autoreloadInterstitialText) && initialized) { if (interstitialAutoreload) { AATKitBinding.StopPlacementAutoReload("FullscreenPlacement"); interstitialAutoreload = false; autoreloadInterstitialText = "Enable Interstitial Autoreload"; } else { AATKitBinding.StartPlacementAutoReload("FullscreenPlacement"); interstitialAutoreload = true; autoreloadInterstitialText = "Disable Interstitial Autoreload"; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 2 + 160, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Show Interstitial") && initialized) { AATKitBinding.ShowPlacement("FullscreenPlacement"); } } if (currentState != DemoState.Multisize) { return; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, 140f, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Reload MultiSize") && initialized) { AATKitBinding.ReloadPlacement("MultiSizePlacement"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight + 150, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), autoreloadMultiSizeText) && initialized) { if (multiSizeAutoreload) { AATKitBinding.StopPlacementAutoReload("MultiSizePlacement"); multiSizeAutoreload = false; autoreloadMultiSizeText = "Enable Multi Size Banner Autoreload"; } else { AATKitBinding.StartPlacementAutoReload("MultiSizePlacement"); multiSizeAutoreload = true; autoreloadMultiSizeText = "Disable Multi Size Banner Autoreload"; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth / 2, buttonHeight * 2 + 160, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Change MultiSize Alignment") && initialized) { multiSizeBannerAlignment = GetNewAlignment(multiSizeBannerAlignment); AATKitBinding.SetMultiSizeAlignment("MultiSizePlacement", multiSizeBannerAlignment); } }
//Tick. Every tick performing its part of algorithm private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Checking if (firstPart) { cruscalEdgesList[currentEdge].condition = Condition.Checking; log_tb.AppendText(cruscalEdgesList[currentEdge] + Environment.NewLine); if (curMode != DemoMode.NoAnime) { drawing_panel.Refresh(); } currentEdgeApproved = CruscalIterations(cruscalEdgesList[currentEdge]); firstPart = !firstPart; } else { // Checking result if (currentEdgeApproved) { cruscalEdgesList[currentEdge].condition = Condition.Accept; log_tb.Text += "Подходит" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; log_tb.SelectionStart = log_tb.Text.Length; log_tb.ScrollToCaret(); } else { log_tb.Text += "Не подходит" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; cruscalEdgesList[currentEdge].condition = Condition.Waiting; log_tb.SelectionStart = log_tb.Text.Length; log_tb.ScrollToCaret(); } if (curMode != DemoMode.NoAnime) { drawing_panel.Invalidate(); } RefreshSets(); if (cruscalVertsList.Count() == 1) { timer1.Stop(); curState = DemoState.End; next_btn.Enabled = false; start_btn.Text = "Начать"; start_btn.Enabled = false; if (currentEdge < Edges.Count() - 1) { log_tb.Text += "Остальные ребра не подходят" + Environment.NewLine; } else { log_tb.Text += "Конец списка рёбер" + Environment.NewLine; } log_tb.SelectionStart = log_tb.Text.Length; log_tb.ScrollToCaret(); if (curMode != DemoMode.NoAnime) { MessageBox.Show("Метод завершил свою работу, все вершины присоединены.", "Готово!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } drawing_panel.Invalidate(); } firstPart = !firstPart; ++currentEdge; } }