Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Report()
            _degreeMapper = new JHSchool.Evaluation.Mapping.DegreeMapper();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ScoreWriter()
            _config               = new ReportConfiguration(Global.ReportName);
            _printPeriod          = _config.GetBoolean("列印節數", true);
            _printCredit          = _config.GetBoolean("列印權數", false);
            _printLearnDomain     = _config.GetBoolean("列印學習領域總成績", true);
            _domainsWithoutDetail = new List <string>();
            _degreeMapper         = new DegreeMapper();
            _warned               = false;
            _domainText           = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string printScore = _config.GetString("領域科目設定", "Domain");

            if (printScore == "Domain")
                List <string> list = Global.GetDomainList();

                if (Global.Params["Mode"] == "HsinChu") //新竹市,語文跟彈性科目分列
                    if (list.Contains("語文"))

                if (list.Contains("彈性課程"))
                //_domainsWithoutDetail.AddRange(new string[] { "數學", "社會", "藝術與人文", "自然與生活科技", "健康與體育", "綜合活動" });
        public Report()
            _degreeMapper = new JHSchool.Evaluation.Mapping.DegreeMapper();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Report(Options _options)
            Options       = _options;
            Config        = new ReportConfiguration(Global.ReportName);
            _degreeMapper = new DegreeMapper();

        private string GetDegree(string p)
            decimal d;

            if (decimal.TryParse(p, out d))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// 物件初始化
 /// </summary>
 private static void Initialize()
     if (_A == null)
         _A = new AccessHelper();
     if (_Q == null)
         _Q = new QueryHelper();
     if (_degreeMapper == null)
         _degreeMapper = new DegreeMapper();
        /// <summary>
        /// 寫入領域 Rows
        /// </summary>
        private void FillDomainRows()
            Cell  cell        = _cell;
            Row   row         = _cell.ParentRow;
            Table table       = row.ParentTable;
            int   deleteIndex = table.IndexOf(row);
            int   rowIndex    = table.IndexOf(row);
            int   SubjCount   = 0;

            foreach (DomainRow domainRow in _manager.DomainRows)
                SubjCount = 0;
                // 透過對照表查詢領域是否需要展開
                bool display = DomainSubjectExpand.展開;
                if (_domains.ContainsKey(domainRow.Domain))
                    display = _domains[domainRow.Domain];

                // 不展開,列印領域
                if (display == DomainSubjectExpand.展開)
                    if (domainRow.Scores.Count <= 0)

                    Row tempRow = table.LastRow;
                    WordHelper.MergeHorizontalCell(tempRow.Cells[0], 2);
                    WordHelper.Write(tempRow.Cells[0], (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainRow.Domain) ? "彈性課程" : domainRow.Domain), _builder);
                    WriteDomain(tempRow.Cells[1], domainRow);
                // 展開,列印科目
                    int subjectCount = 0;
                    foreach (string subject in domainRow.SubjectScores.Keys)

                        Row tempRow = table.LastRow;

                        WordHelper.Write(tempRow.Cells[1], subject, _builder);
                        WriteSubject(tempRow.Cells[1], domainRow.SubjectScores[subject]);
                    SubjCount = subjectCount;

                    // 當只有領域成績沒有科目成績時
                    if (subjectCount > 0)
                        Row startRow = table.Rows[table.Rows.Count - subjectCount];
                        WordHelper.Write(startRow.Cells[0], (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainRow.Domain) ? "彈性課程" : domainRow.Domain), _builder);
                        if (subjectCount > 1)
                            WordHelper.MergeVerticalCell(startRow.Cells[0], subjectCount);

                // 畢業成績
                if (_StudGradScore.Domains.ContainsKey(domainRow.Domain))
                    Row tmpRow = table.Rows[table.Rows.Count - SubjCount];

                    // 當科目數 >=1
                    if (SubjCount >= 1)
                        WordHelper.MergeVerticalCell(tmpRow.Cells[20], SubjCount);
                        WordHelper.MergeVerticalCell(tmpRow.Cells[21], SubjCount);
                        tmpRow = table.LastRow;

                    //Row tmpRow = table.LastRow;
                    if (_StudGradScore.Domains[domainRow.Domain].Score.HasValue)
                        // 分數
                        WordHelper.Write(tmpRow.Cells[20], _StudGradScore.Domains[domainRow.Domain].Score.Value.ToString(), _builder);
                        // 等第
                        WordHelper.Write(tmpRow.Cells[21], DegreeMapper.GetDegreeByScore(_StudGradScore.Domains[domainRow.Domain].Score.Value), _builder);


            // 畫底出線
            foreach (Cell c in table.LastRow.Cells)
                c.CellFormat.Borders.Bottom.LineWidth = 1.5;

            //bool hasScore = false;

            //Cell cell = _cell;
            //Cell gradCell1 = GetMoveRightCell(cell, GraduateShift);
            //Cell gradCell2 = GetMoveRightCell(cell, GraduateShift + 1);

            //int first_row_index = _cell.ParentRow.ParentTable.IndexOf(_cell.ParentRow);

            //foreach (DomainRow row in _manager.DomainRows)
            //    // 透過對照表查詢領域是否需要展開
            //    bool display = DomainSubjectExpand.展開;
            //    if (_domains.ContainsKey(row.Domain))
            //        display = _domains[row.Domain];

            //    hasScore = true;
            //    //int count = row.Count;

            //    Write(cell, string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Domain) ? "彈性課程" : row.Domain);

            //    // 不展開,列印領域
            //    if (display == DomainSubjectExpand.不展開)
            //    {
            //        MergeVerticalCell(cell, count);
            //        MergeVerticalCell(gradCell1, count);
            //        MergeVerticalCell(gradCell2, count);
            //    }
            //    // 展開,列印科目
            //    else
            //    {

            //        Cell subjectCell = GetMoveRightCell(cell, 1);
            //        foreach (SubjectRow subjectRow in row.SubjectRows)
            //        {
            //            WriteSubject(subjectCell, subjectRow);
            //            subjectCell = GetMoveDownCell(subjectCell, 1);
            //            if (subjectCell == null) break;
            //        }

            //    }

            //    cell = GetMoveDownCell(cell, count);
            //    gradCell1 = GetMoveDownCell(gradCell1, count);
            //    gradCell2 = GetMoveDownCell(gradCell2, count);

            //    if (cell == null) break;

            //if (hasScore)
            //    do
            //    {
            //        cell.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = CellMerge.Previous;
            //        cell = GetMoveDownCell(cell, 1);

            //        gradCell1.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = CellMerge.Previous;
            //        gradCell1 = GetMoveDownCell(gradCell1, 1);

            //        gradCell2.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = CellMerge.Previous;
            //        gradCell2 = GetMoveDownCell(gradCell2, 1);
            //    }
            //    while (cell != null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void Worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // 處理等第
            DegreeMapper dm = new DegreeMapper();

            _worker.ReportProgress(0, "開始列印 ESL報表...");

            #region 取得課程成績單 設定樣板
            _eslCouseList = new List <K12.Data.CourseRecord>();

            _eslCouseList = K12.Data.Course.SelectByIDs(_courseIDList);

            _refAssessmentSetupIDList = new List <string>();

            foreach (K12.Data.CourseRecord courseRecord in _eslCouseList)
                if (!_refAssessmentSetupIDList.Contains("'" + courseRecord.RefAssessmentSetupID + "'"))
                    _refAssessmentSetupIDList.Add("'" + courseRecord.RefAssessmentSetupID + "'");

                if (!_courseIDPairDict.ContainsKey(courseRecord.ID))
                    _courseIDPairDict.Add(courseRecord.ID, courseRecord.RefAssessmentSetupID);

                if (!_assessmentSetupIDPairDict.ContainsKey(courseRecord.RefAssessmentSetupID))
                    _assessmentSetupIDPairDict.Add(courseRecord.RefAssessmentSetupID, courseRecord.ID);

            string assessmentSetupIDs = string.Join(",", _refAssessmentSetupIDList);

            FISCA.UDT.AccessHelper _AccessHelper = new FISCA.UDT.AccessHelper();

            _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得課程成績單設定樣板...");

            string qry = "ref_exam_template_id IN (" + assessmentSetupIDs + ") and schoolyear='" + K12.Data.School.DefaultSchoolYear + "' and semester ='" + K12.Data.School.DefaultSemester + "' and exam ='" + _examType + "'";

            List <UDT_ReportTemplate> configures = _AccessHelper.Select <UDT_ReportTemplate>(qry);

            _documentDict = new Dictionary <string, Document>();

            foreach (UDT_ReportTemplate templateconfig in configures)
                if (!_documentDict.ContainsKey(templateconfig.Ref_exam_Template_ID))
                    Document _doc = new Document();

                    templateconfig.Decode(); // 將 stream 轉成 Word

                    _doc = templateconfig.Template;

                    _documentDict.Add(templateconfig.Ref_exam_Template_ID, _doc);

            #region 取得修課學生、 並做整理
            List <K12.Data.SCAttendRecord> scList = K12.Data.SCAttend.SelectByCourseIDs(_courseIDList);

            List <string> studentIDList = new List <string>();

            foreach (K12.Data.SCAttendRecord scr in scList)

                // 建立成績整理 Dict ,[studentID_courseID,[scoreKey,scoreID]]
                _scoreDict.Add(scr.Student.ID + "_" + scr.Course.ID, new Dictionary <string, string>());

            // 建立功能變數對照

            #region 取得、整理ESL成績
            _worker.ReportProgress(20, "取得ESL課程成績");

            int     progress = 80;
            decimal per      = (decimal)(100 - progress) / scList.Count;
            int     count    = 0;

            string course_ids = string.Join("','", _courseIDList);

            string student_ids = string.Join("','", studentIDList);

            string sql = "SELECT * FROM $esl.gradebook_assessment_score WHERE ref_course_id IN ('" + course_ids + "') AND ref_student_id IN ('" + student_ids + "') ORDER BY last_update "; // 2018/6/21 通通都抓了,因為一張成績單上資訊,不只Final的

            QueryHelper qh = new QueryHelper();
            DataTable   dt = qh.Select(sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                string termWord       = "" + row["term"];
                string subjectWord    = "" + row["subject"];
                string assessmentWord = "" + row["assessment"];

                string id = "" + row["ref_student_id"] + "_" + row["ref_course_id"];

                // 有教師自訂的子項目成績就跳掉 不處理
                if ("" + row["custom_assessment"] != "")

                // 要設計一個模式 處理 三種成績

                // 項目都有,為assessment 成績
                if (termWord != "" && "" + subjectWord != "" && "" + assessmentWord != "")
                    if (_scoreDict.ContainsKey(id))
                        // 指標型成績
                        if (_indicatorList.Contains("" + row["ref_course_id"] + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + assessmentWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_')))
                            string key = "評量" + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + assessmentWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + "指標";
                            if (_scoreDict[id].ContainsKey(key))
                                _scoreDict[id][key] = "" + row["value"]; //重覆項目,後來時間的蓋過前面
                                _scoreDict[id].Add(key, "" + row["value"]);
                        // 評語型成績
                        else if (_commentList.Contains("" + row["ref_course_id"] + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + assessmentWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_')))
                            string key = "評量" + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + assessmentWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + "評語";
                            if (_scoreDict[id].ContainsKey(key))
                                _scoreDict[id][key] = "" + row["value"]; //重覆項目,後來時間的蓋過前面
                                _scoreDict[id].Add(key, "" + row["value"]);
                        // 分數型成績
                            string key = "評量" + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + assessmentWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + "分數";
                            if (_scoreDict[id].ContainsKey(key))
                                _scoreDict[id][key] = "" + row["value"]; //重覆項目,後來時間的蓋過前面
                                _scoreDict[id].Add(key, "" + row["value"]);

                // 沒有assessment,為subject 成績
                if (termWord != "" && "" + subjectWord != "" && "" + assessmentWord == "")
                    if (_scoreDict.ContainsKey(id))
                        _scoreDict[id].Add("評量" + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "/" + subjectWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + "分數", "" + row["value"]);
                // 沒有assessment、subject,為term 成績
                if (termWord != "" && "" + subjectWord == "" && "" + assessmentWord == "")
                    if (_scoreDict.ContainsKey(id))
                        _scoreDict[id].Add("評量" + "_" + termWord.Trim().Replace(' ', '_').Replace('"', '_') + "_" + "分數", "" + row["value"]);

            // 課程學期成績
            string sqlSemesterCourseScore = @"SELECT
FROM sc_attend
LEFT JOIN course ON course.id = sc_attend.ref_course_id
LEFT JOIN exam_template ON exam_template.id =course.ref_exam_template_id
WHERE course.id IN ('" + course_ids + "') " +
                                            "AND sc_attend.ref_student_id IN ('" + student_ids + "')" +
                                            "ORDER BY ref_student_id,domain,subject";

            DataTable dtSemesterCourseScore = qh.Select(sqlSemesterCourseScore);

            foreach (DataRow row in dtSemesterCourseScore.Rows)
                string id = "" + row["ref_student_id"] + "_" + row["ref_course_id"];

                string templateWord = "" + row["name"];
                string domainWord   = "" + row["domain"];
                string subjectWord  = "" + row["subject"];

                string score = "" + row["score"]; // 課程學期成績

                if (_scoreDict.ContainsKey(id))
                    #region 跟樣板的功能變數
                    // 理論上一學期上 一個學生 只會有一個ESL評分樣版的課程成績 , 不會有同一個ESL 評分樣版 有不同的課程成績
                    if (!_scoreDict[id].ContainsKey("課程學期成績分數"))
                        _scoreDict[id].Add("課程學期成績分數", score);
                    if (!_scoreDict[id].ContainsKey("課程學期成績等第"))
                        decimal score_d;
                        if (decimal.TryParse(score, out score_d))
                            _scoreDict[id].Add("課程學期成績等第", dm.GetDegreeByScore(score_d));



            foreach (K12.Data.SCAttendRecord scar in scList)
                string id = scar.RefStudentID + "_" + scar.RefCourseID;

                string assessmentSetID = _courseIDPairDict[scar.RefCourseID];

                DataTable data = _assessmentSetupDataTableDict[assessmentSetID];

                DataRow row = data.NewRow();
                row["電子報表辨識編號"] = "系統編號{" + scar.Student.ID + "}"; // 學生系統編號

                row["學年度"]    = scar.Course.SchoolYear;
                row["學期"]     = scar.Course.Semester;
                row["學號"]     = scar.Student.StudentNumber;
                row["年級"]     = scar.Student.Class != null ? "" + scar.Student.Class.GradeYear : "";
                row["英文課程名稱"] = scar.Course.Name;
                row["原班級名稱"]  = scar.Student.Class != null ? "" + scar.Student.Class.Name : "";
                row["學生英文姓名"] = scar.Student.EnglishName;
                row["學生中文姓名"] = scar.Student.Name;
                row["教師一"]    = scar.Course.Teachers.Count > 0 ? scar.Course.Teachers.Find(x => x.Sequence == 1).TeacherName : ""; // 新寫法 直接找list 內教師條件
                row["教師二"]    = scar.Course.Teachers.Count > 1 ? scar.Course.Teachers.Find(x => x.Sequence == 2).TeacherName : "";
                row["教師三"]    = scar.Course.Teachers.Count > 2 ? scar.Course.Teachers.Find(x => x.Sequence == 3).TeacherName : "";

                if (_itemDict.ContainsKey(scar.RefCourseID))
                    foreach (string mergeKey in _itemDict[scar.RefCourseID].Keys)
                        if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(mergeKey))
                            row[mergeKey] = _itemDict[scar.RefCourseID][mergeKey];

                if (_scoreDict.ContainsKey(id))
                    foreach (string mergeKey  in _scoreDict[id].Keys)
                        if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(mergeKey))
                            row[mergeKey] = _scoreDict[id][mergeKey];


                progress += (int)(count * per);

            Document docFinal = new Document();

            foreach (string assessmentSetupID in _assessmentSetupDataTableDict.Keys)
                Document doc = _documentDict[assessmentSetupID];

                DataTable data = _assessmentSetupDataTableDict[assessmentSetupID];


                docFinal.AppendDocument(doc, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);

            docFinal.Sections[0].Remove();// 把第一頁刪掉

            e.Result = docFinal;

            _worker.ReportProgress(100, "ESL 報表列印完成。");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void _worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            double total = AllStudentID.Count;
            double count = 0;

            Dictionary <string, HistoryUtil> utilCache = GetStudentHistories();
            Dictionary <string, StudentScores> scoreCache = GetStudentScores(utilCache);
            Dictionary <string, ContactInfo> contactCache = GetStudentContactInfos();

            DegreeMapper degreeMapper = new DegreeMapper();

            Workbook book = new Workbook();

            book.Open(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.五專集體報名成績匯入檔));
            Worksheet ws = book.Worksheets[0];

            int rowIndex = 2;

            foreach (JHStudentRecord stu in JHStudent.SelectByIDs(AllStudentID))

                int colIndex = 3; //前面三個欄位不用管,直接跳過。

                #region 基本資料
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue((stu.Class != null) ? stu.Class.Name : "");
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(stu.StudentNumber);
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(stu.Name);
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(stu.IDNumber);
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue((stu.Gender == "男") ? "1" : "2");
                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(Global.GetFormatedBirthday(stu.Birthday));

                #region 聯絡資訊
                if (contactCache.ContainsKey(stu.ID))
                    ContactInfo contact = contactCache[stu.ID];
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(contact.PhoneNumber);
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(contact.ZipCode);
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(contact.Address);
                    colIndex += 3; //沒有聯絡資訊直接跳過三個欄位

                #region 學期成績
                if (utilCache.ContainsKey(stu.ID) && scoreCache.ContainsKey(stu.ID))
                    #region 領域成績
                    int           scoreStartColIndex = 12;
                    HistoryUtil   util         = utilCache[stu.ID];
                    StudentScores studentScore = scoreCache[stu.ID];

                    SemesterData indexSem = new SemesterData(0, 0, 2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < FiveSemester; i++)
                        colIndex = scoreStartColIndex + i * Global.GetDomains().Count;

                        indexSem = indexSem.NextSemester();
                        if (util.ExistByGradeYear(indexSem.GradeYear, indexSem.Semester) == false)

                        foreach (decimal?score in studentScore.GetScoreList(util.SemesterData))
                            string value = score.HasValue ? degreeMapper.GetDegreeByScore(score.Value) : "";
                            if (ScoreMode) //如果是 ScoreMode,則印出分數
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue("" + score);
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(value);

                    #region 總平均
                    colIndex = scoreStartColIndex + FiveSemester * Global.GetDomains().Count;
                    decimal?averageScore = studentScore.GetAverage(util.AllSemesterData);
                    string  averageValue = averageScore.HasValue ? degreeMapper.GetDegreeByScore(averageScore.Value) : "";
                    if (ScoreMode) //如果是 ScoreMode,則印出分數
                        ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue("" + averageScore);
                        ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(averageValue);

                _worker.ReportProgress((int)(count * 100 / total));

            e.Result = book;