private IList <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > RunQuery(IHqlQuery query, AggregateMethods aggregation, string propertyPath)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             queryHql     = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            var hql = @"select ticketTable.{0}.Id as GroupKey, COUNT(*) as GroupValue
                        from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as kiv
                        join kiv.ContentItemRecord as ki
                        join ki.TicketPartRecord as ticketTable
                        where (kiv.Published = True) AND kiv.Id in ({1})
                        group by ticketTable.{0}.Id";

            hql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, hql, propertyPath, queryHql);

            var session = this.sessionLocator.Value.For(typeof(ContentItem));
            var result  = session
                          .List <IDictionary>();

            List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > returnValue = new List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> >();

            foreach (var group in result)
                double value = double.Parse(group["GroupValue"].ToString());
                int?   key   = group["GroupKey"] != null ? (int?)int.Parse(group["GroupKey"].ToString()) : null;

                returnValue.Add(new KeyValuePair <int?, double>(key, value));

        public IEnumerable <int> LatestUsersInActivityStreamFilteredByGivenQuery(IHqlQuery contentQuery, int count)
            if (contentQuery == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentQuery");

            contentQuery = this.ApplyContentPermissionFilter(contentQuery);

            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = contentQuery as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             hql          = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            hql = string.Format(@"
                    select u.Id, max(c.Id) as mId from 
                        Orchard.CRM.Core.Models.ActivityStreamRecord as c join c.User as u 
                        WHERE c.RelatedVersion.Id in ({0})
                        group by u.Id ", hql);

            var session = this.transactionManager.GetSession();
            var query   = session
                          .SetMaxResults(count).List <IDictionary>();

            return(query.Select(c => (int)c["0"]).ToList());
        private IEnumerable <ActivityStreamRecord> RunQuery(IHqlQuery[] contentQueries, int pageId, int pageSize, int?userId)
            List <string> queries = new List <string>();

            foreach (var contentQuery in contentQueries)
                DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = contentQuery as DefaultHqlQuery;

            queries = queries.Select(c => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "c.RelatedVersion.Id in ({0})", c)).ToList();

            List <string> finalWhereConditions = new List <string> {
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0})", string.Join(" or ", queries))

            if (userId.HasValue)
                finalWhereConditions.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "c.User.Id = {0}", userId.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

            string condition = string.Join(" and ", finalWhereConditions);
            var    mainHql   = string.Format("select c from Orchard.CRM.Core.Models.ActivityStreamRecord as c WHERE {0} order by c.Id desc", condition);

            var session = this.transactionManager.GetSession();
            var query   = session
                          .SetFirstResult(pageId * pageSize)
                          .SetMaxResults(pageSize).List <IDictionary>();

            return(query.Select(c => (ActivityStreamRecord)c["0"]).ToList());
        private int Count(IHqlQuery[] contentQueries, int?userId)
            List <string> queries = new List <string>();

            foreach (var contentQuery in contentQueries)
                DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = contentQuery as DefaultHqlQuery;

            queries = queries.Select(c => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "c.RelatedVersion.Id in ({0})", c)).ToList();

            List <string> finalWhereConditions = new List <string> {
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0})", string.Join(" or ", queries))

            if (userId.HasValue)
                finalWhereConditions.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "c.User.Id = {0}", userId.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

            string condition = string.Join(" and ", finalWhereConditions);
            var    mainHql   = string.Format("select COUNT(c) from Orchard.CRM.Core.Models.ActivityStreamRecord as c WHERE {0}", condition);

            var session = this.transactionManager.GetSession();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Collection <KeyValuePair <int?, int> > GetCount(IHqlQuery hglQuery, string entityPath, string groupingProperty)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = hglQuery as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             hql          = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            hql = string.Format("select count(*), k.{0} from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as c join c.ContentItemRecord as d join d.{1} as k where c.Id in ({2}) and (c.Published = True) group by k.{0}", groupingProperty, entityPath, hql);
            var session = this.sessionLocator.Value.For(typeof(ContentItem));

            var query = session
                        .List <IDictionary>();

            Collection <KeyValuePair <int?, int> > result = new Collection <KeyValuePair <int?, int> >();

            foreach (var group in query)
                int value = int.Parse(group["0"].ToString());
                int?key   = group["1"] != null ? (int?)int.Parse(group["1"].ToString()) : null;
                result.Add(new KeyValuePair <int?, int>(key, value));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ApplyStatusFilter(SortCriterionContext context, string partName, string propertyName)
            Action <IAliasFactory> alias = null;

            // if it needs a join
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partName))
                alias = x =>
                    x.ContentPartRecord <TicketPartRecord>();
                    DefaultAliasFactory defaultFactory = x as DefaultAliasFactory;

                    // left outer join with the property
                    TicketFieldsSortCriteria.DefaultHqlQueryBindCriteriaByAlias.Invoke(context.Query, new object[] { defaultFactory.Current, partName, partName, "left outer join", null });

                    // it must be recalled again, in order to set the partName as the current Alias
                    x.Property(partName, partName);
                alias = x => x.ContentPartRecord <TicketPartRecord>();

            bool            ascending = (bool)context.State.Sort;
            DefaultHqlQuery query     = context.Query as DefaultHqlQuery;

            context.Query = ascending ?
                            context.Query.OrderBy(alias, x => x.Asc(propertyName)) :
                            context.Query.OrderBy(alias, x => x.Desc(propertyName));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ApplySortCriteria(SortCriterionContext context, string propertyName)
            Action <IAliasFactory> alias = x => x.ContentPartRecord <MilestonePartRecord>();

            bool            ascending = (bool)context.State.Sort;
            DefaultHqlQuery query     = context.Query as DefaultHqlQuery;

            context.Query = ascending ?
                            context.Query.OrderBy(alias, x => x.Asc(propertyName)) :
                            context.Query.OrderBy(alias, x => x.Desc(propertyName));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private IList <IDictionary> RunQuery(IHqlQuery query, string fieldName, string partName, string groupKey, string groupValue, string fieldTableName)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             queryHql     = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            var hql = @"select {0} as GroupKey, {1} as GroupValue
                        from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as kiv
                        join kiv.ContentItemRecord as ki
                        join ki.FieldIndexPartRecord as fieldIndexPartRecord
                        join fieldIndexPartRecord.{5} as field
                        where (field.PropertyName = '{2}.{3}.') AND (kiv.Published = True) AND kiv.Id in ({4})
                        group by {0}";

            hql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, hql, groupKey, groupValue, partName, fieldName, queryHql, fieldTableName);

            var session = this.sessionLocator.Value.For(typeof(ContentItem));

                   .List <IDictionary>());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DefaultAliasFactory(DefaultHqlQuery query)
     this._query = query;
     Current = _query.BindFromPath();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static IList <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > RunGroupByQuery(ITransactionManager transactionManager, IHqlQuery query, AggregateMethods aggregation, string propertyPath, string state, string propertyAlias)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             queryHql     = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            string aggregateMethod = string.Empty;

            switch (aggregation)
            case AggregateMethods.Average:
                aggregateMethod = "AVE";

            case AggregateMethods.Sum:
                aggregateMethod = "SUM";

            case AggregateMethods.Minimum:
                aggregateMethod = "MIN";

            case AggregateMethods.Maximum:
                aggregateMethod = "MAX";

            case AggregateMethods.Count:
                aggregateMethod = "COUNT";

            string aggregateField = "*";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                dynamic stateObj = JObject.Parse(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(state));
                aggregateField = "ki." + stateObj.AggregationField;

            var hql = @"select {4}.Id as GroupKey, {2}({3}) as GroupValue
                        from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as kiv
                        join kiv.ContentItemRecord as ki
                        join ki.{0} as {4}
                        where (kiv.Published = True) AND kiv.Id in ({1})
                        group by {4}.Id";

            hql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, hql, propertyPath, queryHql, aggregateMethod, aggregateField, propertyAlias);

            var session = transactionManager.GetSession();
            var result  = session.CreateQuery(hql)
                          .List <IDictionary>();

            List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > returnValue = new List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> >();

            foreach (var group in result)
                double value = group["GroupValue"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(group["GroupValue"].ToString()) ?
                               double.Parse(group["GroupValue"].ToString()) :

                int?key = group["GroupKey"] != null ? (int?)int.Parse(group["GroupKey"].ToString()) : null;

                returnValue.Add(new KeyValuePair <int?, double>(key, value));
