Ejemplo n.º 1
    /**A function to spawn in whatever is needed for the quest; to be called from the quest giver on giving the quest.*/

    public void SpawnInQuestObjects(Quest quest)
        switch ((int)quest.m_QuestType)
        case (int)QuestType.KILL_EVERYTHING:
            //for each enemy type (though I'm not really sure this would work for more than one enemy type)
            for (int enemy_type = 0; enemy_type < quest.m_RequisitePrefabs.Count; enemy_type++)
                //get the default enemy component and get
                DefaultEnemy enemy_component = quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[enemy_type].GetComponentInChildren <DefaultEnemy>();
                Debug.Log("Enemy component? " + (enemy_component != null) + " Name: " + enemy_component.m_EnemyName);

                quest.m_KillEverything.SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(this.m_Spawner, quest.m_QuestObjectivePosition, enemy_component.m_EnemyName,
            }     //end for
        }         //end case kill everything

        case (int)QuestType.FETCH:
            //for each item type (though I'm not really sure this would work for more than one item type)
            for (int item_type = 0; item_type < quest.m_RequisitePrefabs.Count; item_type++)
                //get the default enemy component and get
                quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[item_type].GetComponent <QuestItemPickup>().m_QuestItem = new QuestItem();
                QuestItem quest_item = quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[item_type].GetComponent <QuestItemPickup>().m_QuestItem;
                //					Debug.Log ("Quest item exists? " + (quest_item != null));
                quest.m_Fetch.SpawnQuestItemsAtPosition(this.m_Spawner, quest.m_QuestObjectivePosition, quest_item.m_QuestItemName,
            }     //end for
        }         //end case fetch
        } //end switch
    } //end f'n void SpawnInQuestObjects(Quest)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    }     //end f'n void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Vector3, GameObject, int)

    /**A function to spawn the given enemy [prefab] at the given position; if there are more */
    public void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Spawner enemy_spawner, Vector3 position, EnemyName enemy_name, int number_of_enemies)
//		Debug.Log ("Do we make it this far, at least? Enemy name: " + enemy_name.ToString());
        if (this.m_EnemyContainer == null)
            this.m_EnemyContainer      = new GameObject();
            this.m_EnemyContainer.name = enemy_name.ToString() + "Container";
        //For consistency, though the empty's position really doesn't matter.
        this.m_EnemyContainer.transform.position = position;
        //for however many enemies are needed...
        for (int index = 0; index < number_of_enemies; index++)
            //Spawn the enemy
//			GameObject enemy_obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, this.m_EnemyContainer.transform);
            GameObject enemy_obj = enemy_spawner.SpawnEnemy(enemy_name, this.m_EnemyContainer.transform);
            //Position the enemy
            enemy_obj.transform.position = position;
            //			this.m_EnemyContainer.transform.enemy_obj
            //Adjust position with respect to number of enemies

            //Then extract the Enemy component and store it in the target list, to be checked later
            DefaultEnemy enemy = enemy_obj.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
            //if the enemy component isn't in the object, it's in one of the children
            if (enemy == null)
                enemy           = enemy_obj.GetComponentInChildren <DefaultEnemy> ();
                enemy.m_Spawner = this.m_EnemyLootSpawner;

        } //end for
    }     //end f'n void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Spawner, Vector3, EnemyName, int)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.tag == "Enemy")
         enemy         = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
         enemy.Health -= damage;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /**A function to apply AOE spells effects to all nearby enemies in a given radius.*/
    private void ApplyAOEToAllInRange(Vector3 position)
        //Kind of a cool effect?
        //		GameObject test = GameObject.Instantiate (this.m_SpellCube);
        //		test.transform.position = position;
        //		GameObject.Destroy (test, 2.0f);

        //Get all nearby collisions in a sphere at the specified position, in a radius [this.AOE_Radius]
        Collider[] all_hit = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 4.0f);
        foreach (Collider hit in all_hit)
            bool caster_hit = (hit.gameObject == this.gameObject);

            //if we hit a boxcollider
            //AND the hit collider belongs to a thing that can be damaged by magic
            //AND whatever was hit was not the enemy who cast the spell
            if (hit.gameObject.GetComponent <ICanBeDamagedByMagic> () != null &&
                Debug.Log("Applying spell damage to " + hit.gameObject.name);
                ICanBeDamagedByMagic target_hit = hit.gameObject.GetComponent <ICanBeDamagedByMagic> ();
                //if the target hit is already affected by magic...
                if (target_hit.IsAffectedByMagic())
                    //...and if the spell affecting the target is NOT the same as the one we're casting now...
                    if (target_hit.SpellAffectingCharacter() != this.m_SpellToCast)
                        //...then apply spell effects
                    //else if it's the same spell, only apply half damage
                        Player       player_component = hit.gameObject.GetComponent <Player> ();
                        DefaultEnemy enemy_component  = hit.gameObject.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy> ();
                        if (player_component != null)
                            player_component.AffectHealth(this.m_SpellToCast.m_SpellDamage / 2.0f);
                        else if (enemy_component != null)
                            enemy_component.AffectHealth(this.m_SpellToCast.m_SpellDamage / 2.0f);
                //else if the target is not already affected by magic
                    //just apply spell effects
                    hit.gameObject.GetComponent <ICanBeDamagedByMagic> ().ApplySpellEffect(this.m_SpellToCast);
        } //end foreach
    }     //end f'n void ApplyAOEToEnemies(Vector3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected virtual void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
     if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
         DefaultEnemy enemy = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
         if (enemy)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
         DefaultEnemy enemy = collision.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
         if (enemy)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected virtual void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
            DefaultEnemy enemy = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
            if (enemy)

Ejemplo n.º 8
 virtual protected void spawn()
     DefaultEnemy.createRandomEnemy(m_sizeMin, m_sizeMax, m_speedMin, m_speedMax, m_rotationSpeedMin, m_rotationSpeedMax);
     if (m_spawnInterval > 2f)
         m_spawnInterval *= 0.97f;
     if (m_speedMax < 50.0f)
         m_speedMin *= 1.0375f;
         m_speedMax *= 1.0375f;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public EnemyMovingState(DefaultEnemy _owner)
     owner = _owner;
 public EnemyIdleState(DefaultEnemy _owner)
     owner = _owner;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public EnemyAttackState(DefaultEnemy _owner)
     owner = _owner;