Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //TestSwitchCaseCondition("@Test", 1);

            TestSwitchCaseCondition("% 10 = 2 or (1 and < 1)", 1);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("% 10 = 2 or (1 and < 1)", 12);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("% 10 = 2 or 5, 6, 7, 8, 9", 7);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("% 10 = 2 or 5, 6, 7, 8, 9", 15);

            TestSwitchCaseCondition(" +1 % 10 = 1", 10);

            TestSwitchCaseCondition(" + 1 % 10 = 1", 10);

            TestSwitchCaseCondition("%10=1", 1);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("%10=1", 10);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("%10=1", 25);
            TestSwitchCaseCondition("%10=1", 11);

            var dialect = new DefaultDialect();
            var manager = new DummyManager();

            var test = "Hej {P1: Format spec} <F1:   {Moo:tahr}> {Abe:kat} #Fisso{1:  Foo 10 #Nested{Boo:Hawrh!} | 10} #Moo{{ab}} #Foo{|?Gok}";

            var p = new DefaultExpressionParser();
            var e = p.Parse(test, null);

            e.Accept(new Printer());

            var eval = new PatternEvaluator(e);


            Console.Out.WriteLine("Custom expression part");
            var customTest = "Hej {Name}";

            e = p.Parse(customTest, null);
            e.Parts.Add(new TestPart());
            e.Accept(new PatternDecorator(manager, dialect));

            eval = new PatternEvaluator(e);

            e.Accept(new Printer());
                                      CreateContext(null, manager.CurrentLanguage, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Name", "John" }

            var ptest = @"The values are {Name} and <Bold: <Bold:{Test}> <Bold:{Test}>><Bold: {Number:N2} (roman: {Number:roman})>. #Number{1: Singularis: 1 ({#}) | Pluralis\: n ({#})}.
                Boolean Expression: #Number{2 or 5: Yes | No}

                ModuloTest: #Number{% 2 = 0: Yes | No}
                {Name} has {Name.Length:N2} characters

                Let's enumerate 
                Enum test 1: #EnumTest1{0:{#}|, {#}|-1:"" and {#}""}
                Enum test 2: #EnumTest2{0:{#}|, {#}|-1:"" and {#}""}";


            var evaluator = dialect.GetEvaluator(ptest, manager);

                                      CreateContext(null, manager.CurrentLanguage, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Name", "John Doe" },
                { "Number", 5 },
                { "Bold", "<b>{#}</b>" },
                { "EnumTest1", new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D" } },
                { "EnumTest2", new string[] { "A" } },
                { "EnumTest3", new string[] { "A", "B" } },
                { "Test", true }

            var texts = new List <LocalizedText>
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "LookupCondition", Pattern = "% 10 <= 2", Language = "en-US", PatternDialect = "Text"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Plural1", Pattern = "1", Language = "en-US", PatternDialect = "Text"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Plural2", Pattern = "<20", Language = "en-US", PatternDialect = "Text"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "ShortPlural", Pattern = "The number is #Plural(Number){Not plural|Plural|More plural}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "PluralFun", Pattern = "The number is #Number{@LookupCondition: Plural|Not plural}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Arithmetic", Pattern = "Test #Number{% 10 = 1: Module | + 1 * 2 > 10: Combined}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Text one", Pattern = "Test one", Language = "en-US"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Text two", Pattern = "Hello {UserName}", Language = "en-US"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Text two", Pattern = "Hej {UserName}", Language = "da-DK"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Enum", Pattern = @"#0{0: {#Index:roman}: {#}|, {#Index:roman}\: {#}|-1: "" {1} {#Index:roman}\: {#}""}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Reffed", Pattern = "Test {0} String literal {1}", Language = "en-US"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Ref test 1", Pattern = "Ref 1: {@Reffed} and Another namespace {@Another__Reffed}", Language = "en-US"
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Ref test 2", Pattern = @"Ref 2: {@Reffed(UserName, ""Moo"")}", Language = "en-US"
                //This one makes sense, and shows why pattern references are neat
                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Ref test 3", Pattern = @"You have selected {@Enum(List, 'and')}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Ref test 3", Namespace = "Another", Pattern = "Test one {@Reffed} and {@__Reffed}", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "Reffed", Namespace = "Another", Pattern = "I'm another", Language = "en-US"

                new LocalizedText {
                    Key = "FormattedSwitch", Pattern = "Two decimals #Count:N2{1: One - ({#}) | More - {#}}", Language = "en-US"

            var xml = new XmlTextSource();

            xml.Put(texts.Select(x => new LocalizedTextState {
                Text = x, Status = LocalizedTextStatus.Unchanged
            }), TextMergeOptions.KeepUnused);


            xml          = new XmlTextSource();
            xml.Document = XDocument.Load("Texts.xml");

            manager.Texts.Sources.Add(new PrioritizedTextSource(xml));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("PluralFun", new { Number = 1 }));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("ShortPlural", new { Number = 30 }));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Text two", new { UserName = "******" }));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Text two", new { UserName = "******" }, debug: true));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("FormattedSwitch", new { Count = 7 }));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Ref test 1", new { UserName = "******" }));
            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Ref test 2", new { UserName = "******" }));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Ref test 3", new { List = new[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 7", "Item 17" } }));
            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Ref test 3", new { UserName = "******" }, ns: "Another"));

            string a = "Key";   /* @L10n @da-DK Foo @en-US Bar */
            string b = "Key 2"; // @L10n @da-DK Foo 2

            string.Format("Key 3" /* @L10n @da-DK Foo 3 */);

            string g = "Key"; /* @L10n @da-DK */

            string m = "Key" /* @L10n @en-US Goo */;

            //var extractor = new CStyleLanguageTextExtractor();
            //extractor.SourceFiles =
            //    new SourceFileList(@"C:\Users\niels.kuhnel\Stuff\Rebel\Rebel 5\I18n\i18n\Sandboxes\Localization\Sandbox.Localization.Tryout",
            //        new[] { "cs" }, new[] { "obj" }).GetFiles();

            //xml.Document = null;
            //xml.Put(extractor.Get().Select(x => new LocalizedTextState { Text = x }), TextMergeOptions.KeepUnused);

            Console.Out.WriteLine(manager.Get("Arithmetic", new { Number = 11 }));
