private List <DeckSlot> CreateDeckSlots() { List <DeckSlot> list = new List <DeckSlot>(); God god = PlayerData.instance.god; int id = m_currentWeapon.get_id(); if (RuntimeData.squadDefinitions.TryGetValue(m_currentWeapon.defaultDeck.value, out SquadDefinition value)) { DeckInfo deckInfo = value.ToDeckInfo(); deckInfo.Id = -value.get_id(); list.Add(new DeckSlot(deckInfo.FillEmptySlotsCopy(), preconstructed: true)); } foreach (DeckInfo deck in PlayerData.instance.GetDecks()) { if (deck.God == (int)god && deck.Weapon == id) { list.Add(new DeckSlot(deck.Clone().FillEmptySlotsCopy())); if (list.Count >= 4) { break; } } } int i = list.Count; for (int num = 4; i < num; i++) { DeckInfo deckInfo2 = new DeckInfo().FillEmptySlotsCopy(); deckInfo2.Name = RuntimeData.FormattedText(92537); deckInfo2.God = (int)god; deckInfo2.Weapon = id; list.Add(new DeckSlot(deckInfo2)); } return(list); }
public void TrySave() { if (pClass == "") { errorMessage.text = "Save Failed: Invalid Class"; errorMessage.gameObject.SetActive(true); return; } if (!ValidateCardNums()) { errorMessage.text = "Save Failed: Amount of certain cards is invalid. It can be 0, 1, or 2; and only for listed cards."; errorMessage.gameObject.SetActive(true); return; } string deckSizeStr = GameInfo.deckSize.ToString(); if (cardSum.text != (deckSizeStr + "/" + deckSizeStr)) { errorMessage.text = "Save Failed: Total amount of cards is invalid. It must be " + deckSizeStr; errorMessage.gameObject.SetActive(true); return; } errorMessage.text = "Success! Saved " + pClass + " deck."; errorMessage.gameObject.SetActive(true); DeckInfo deckInfo = new DeckInfo(pClass, GetDeckFromUI()); string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(deckInfo); Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/SaveData"); File.WriteAllText(ClassFileLocation(), json); }
public static DeckInfo EnsureDataConsistency(this DeckInfo deck) { RepeatedField <int> spells = deck.Spells; for (int num = spells.get_Count() - 1; num >= 0; num--) { int key = spells.get_Item(num); if (!RuntimeData.spellDefinitions.TryGetValue(key, out SpellDefinition _)) { spells.RemoveAt(num); } } RepeatedField <int> companions = deck.Companions; for (int num2 = companions.get_Count() - 1; num2 >= 0; num2--) { int key2 = companions.get_Item(num2); if (!RuntimeData.companionDefinitions.TryGetValue(key2, out CompanionDefinition _)) { companions.RemoveAt(num2); } } if (!RuntimeData.weaponDefinitions.TryGetValue(deck.Weapon, out WeaponDefinition _)) { deck.Weapon = 0; } return(deck); }
public static DeckInfo ToDeckInfo(this SquadDefinition definition) { if (!RuntimeData.weaponDefinitions.TryGetValue(definition.weapon.value, out WeaponDefinition value)) { return(null); } DeckInfo deckInfo = new DeckInfo { Name = RuntimeData.FormattedText(63105), God = (int)value.god, Weapon = value.get_id() }; IReadOnlyList <Id <CompanionDefinition> > companions = definition.companions; int i = 0; for (int count = companions.Count; i < count; i++) { if (RuntimeData.companionDefinitions.TryGetValue(companions[i].value, out CompanionDefinition _)) { deckInfo.Companions.Add(companions[i].value); } } IReadOnlyList <Id <SpellDefinition> > spells = definition.spells; int j = 0; for (int count2 = spells.Count; j < count2; j++) { if (RuntimeData.spellDefinitions.TryGetValue(spells[j].value, out SpellDefinition _)) { deckInfo.Spells.Add(spells[j].value); } } return(deckInfo); }
public static int GetLevel(this DeckInfo info, ILevelProvider weaponLevelProvider) { int level = 0; weaponLevelProvider.TryGetLevel(info.Weapon, out level); return(Math.Max(1, level)); }
public string InsertPreconstructedDeckCardsInDb(string url, PreconstructedDeckImporter preconstructedDeckImporter) { string html = _webAccess.GetHtml(url); DeckInfo deckInfo = preconstructedDeckImporter.ParseDeckPage(html); if (deckInfo == null) { return(null); } MagicDatabase.InsertNewPreconstructedDeck(deckInfo.IdEdition, deckInfo.Name, url); IPreconstructedDeck preconstructedDeck = MagicDatabase.GetPreconstructedDeck(deckInfo.IdEdition, deckInfo.Name); foreach (DeckCardInfo deckCardInfo in deckInfo.Cards) { if (deckCardInfo.NeedToCreate) { int idGatherer = MagicDatabase.InsertNewCardEditionWithFakeGathererId(deckCardInfo.IdEdition, deckCardInfo.IdCard, deckCardInfo.IdRarity, deckCardInfo.PictureUrl); MagicDatabase.InsertOrUpdatePreconstructedDeckCardEdition(preconstructedDeck.Id, idGatherer, deckCardInfo.Number); } else { MagicDatabase.InsertOrUpdatePreconstructedDeckCardEdition(preconstructedDeck.Id, deckCardInfo.IdGatherer, deckCardInfo.Number); } } return(null); }
public void SetCurrentDeck(DeckInfo deckInfo) { if (m_decksDropDown != null) { m_decksDropDown.value = m_deckList.IndexOf(deckInfo); } }
private void InitDecks() { m_deckList = new List <DeckInfo>(); m_decksDropDown.ClearOptions(); God god = PlayerData.instance.god; int currentWeapon = PlayerData.instance.GetCurrentWeapon(); if (RuntimeData.weaponDefinitions.TryGetValue(currentWeapon, out WeaponDefinition value)) { if (RuntimeData.squadDefinitions.TryGetValue(value.defaultDeck.value, out SquadDefinition value2)) { DeckInfo deckInfo = value2.ToDeckInfo(); deckInfo.Id = -value2.get_id(); m_deckList.Add(deckInfo); } foreach (DeckInfo deck in PlayerData.instance.GetDecks()) { if (deck.Weapon == currentWeapon) { m_deckList.Add(deck); } } int selectedDeckId = PlayerData.instance.GetSelectedDeckByWeapon(value.get_id()); int num = -1; num = m_deckList.FindIndex((DeckInfo deck) => deck.Id == selectedDeckId); if (m_decksDropDown != null) { m_decksDropDown.AddOptions((from sd in m_deckList select sd.Name).ToList()); m_decksDropDown.value = num; } } }
public void Populate(List <DeckSlot> deckSlots, WeaponDefinition weapon) { m_definition = weapon; int index = 0; int selectedDeckForWeapon = m_modifications.GetSelectedDeckForWeapon(weapon.get_id()); for (int i = 0; i < deckSlots.Count; i++) { m_presets[i].ForceSelect(selected: false); DeckSlot deckSlot = deckSlots[i]; if (deckSlot.DeckInfo != null && deckSlot.DeckInfo.Id.HasValue && deckSlot.DeckInfo.Id.Value == selectedDeckForWeapon) { index = i; } DeckInfo deckInfo = deckSlot.DeckInfo; int num; bool isAvailableEmptyDeckSlot; if (deckInfo == null || !deckInfo.Id.HasValue) { num = 1; } else { isAvailableEmptyDeckSlot = deckSlot.isAvailableEmptyDeckSlot; } m_presets[i].Populate(deckSlot, selectedDeckForWeapon); } m_presets[index].ForceSelect(); }
public static DeckInfo TrimCopy(this DeckInfo info, int defaultValue = -1) { DeckInfo deckInfo = new DeckInfo { Id = info.Id, Name = info.Name, God = info.God, Weapon = info.Weapon }; RepeatedField <int> companions = info.Companions; int i = 0; for (int count = companions.get_Count(); i < count; i++) { if (companions.get_Item(i) != defaultValue) { deckInfo.Companions.Add(companions.get_Item(i)); } } RepeatedField <int> spells = info.Spells; int j = 0; for (int count2 = spells.get_Count(); j < count2; j++) { if (spells.get_Item(j) != defaultValue) { deckInfo.Spells.Add(spells.get_Item(j)); } } return(deckInfo); }
public void DoneButtonHandler() { DeckInfo deckToSave = new DeckInfo(_deckList, DeckName.text, _buildingForCharacter); DecksStorage.Instance.AllDecks.Add(deckToSave); DecksStorage.Instance.SaveDecksIntoPlayerPrefs(); DeckBuildingScreen.Instance.ShowScreenForCollectionBrowsing(); }
public void ApplyLookToIcon(DeckInfo info) { DeckInformation = info; DeckNotCompleteObject.SetActive(!info.IsComplete()); portrait.charAsset = info.Character; portrait.ApplyLookFromAsset(); DeckNameText.text = info.DeckName; }
public void ApplyLockToIcon(DeckInfo info) { DeckInfomation = info; //check if deck is complete DeckNoCompleteObject.SetActive(!info.IsComplete()); DeckNameText.text = info.DeckName; }
public void DoneButtonHandler() { // save current deck list, character and deck name into DecksStorage DeckInfo deckToSave = new DeckInfo(deckList, DeckName.text, buildingForCharacter); DecksStorage.Instance.AllDecks.Add(deckToSave); DecksStorage.Instance.SaveDecksIntoPlayerPrefs(); // the screen with collection and pre-made decks is loaded by calling other methods on this button DeckBuildingScreen.Instance.ShowScreenForCollectionBrowsing(); }
private void OnSaveConfirm() { m_safeExit = true; ExitAfterSave = true; DeckInfo deckInfo = m_selectedSlot.DeckInfo.TrimCopy(); string name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deckInfo.Name) ? RuntimeData.FormattedText(92537) : deckInfo.Name; m_frame.SendSaveSquadRequest(deckInfo.Id, name, (Family)deckInfo.God, deckInfo.Weapon, (IReadOnlyList <int>)deckInfo.Companions, (IReadOnlyList <int>)deckInfo.Spells); m_ui.interactable = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { spriteRef = publicSpriteRef; playerRef = publicPlayerRef; collectionControllerRef = publicCollectionControllerRef; offensiveDeckPartControllerRef = publicOffensiveDeckPartControllerRef; deffensiveDeckPartControllerRef = publicDeffensiveDeckPartControllerRef; supportiveDeckPartControllerRef = publicSupportiveDeckPartControllerRef; deckInfoRef = publicDeckInfoRef; cameraRef = publicCameraRef; }
public void GetDeck() { string json = File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/SaveData/CurrentDeck.txt"); DeckInfo deckInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <DeckInfo>(json); foreach (var card in deckInfo.deck) { playerDeckCards.Add(new Pair <Card, CardInfo>(card, new CardInfo())); } Shuffle(playerDeckCards); }
public void SetCurrentDeck(DeckInfo deckInfo) { m_pvpButton.set_interactable(deckInfo != null); if (deckInfo == null) { m_currentDeckName.SetText(64793); } else { m_currentDeckName.SetText(66030, new IndexedValueProvider(deckInfo.Name)); } }
public void RemoveCurrent(int weapon) { DeckInfo deckInfo = new DeckInfo().FillEmptySlotsCopy(); deckInfo.Name = RuntimeData.FormattedText(92537); deckInfo.God = (int)PlayerData.instance.god; deckInfo.Weapon = weapon; DeckSlot value = m_selectedSlot = new DeckSlot(deckInfo); m_deck.SetValue(value); m_eventController.OnDeckSlotSelectionChange(m_selectedSlot); }
public void SetAllDecks(IEnumerable <DeckInfo> decksInfos) { m_decks.Clear(); foreach (DeckInfo decksInfo in decksInfos) { if (decksInfo.Id.HasValue) { int value = decksInfo.Id.Value; DeckInfo value2 = decksInfo.EnsureDataConsistency(); m_decks.Add(value, value2); } } this.OnDeckListUpdated?.Invoke(); }
public DeckInfo GetAIDeck(DeckInfo userDeckInfo, bool isTutorial) { if (isTutorial) { return(new DeckInfo(userDeckInfo.GuardianId, new int[] { 31001, 31003, 31002, 32002, 32009 })); } // var diceInfos = TableManager.Get().DiceInfo.Values; // var arr = diceInfos.Where(info => info.enableDice).ToArray(); // var shuffled = arr.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); // return shuffled.Take(5).Select(info =>; return(userDeckInfo); }
private void SelectDeckForWeaponDeckForWeapon(DeckSlot slot) { DeckInfo deckInfo = slot.DeckInfo; if (deckInfo != null) { deckInfo = deckInfo.TrimCopy(); int?id = deckInfo.Id; if (id.HasValue && deckInfo.IsValid()) { m_modifications.SetSelectedDeckForWeapon(deckInfo.Weapon, id.Value); } } }
public void DoneButtonHandler() { //save current deck list into DeckStorage DeckInfo deckToSave = new DeckInfo(deckList, DeckName.text); DeckStorage.Instance.AllDecks.Add(deckToSave); DeckStorage.Instance.SaveDecksIntoPlayerPrefs(); //the screen with the collection and pre-made decks is loaded by calling //other functions on this button CCScreen.Instance.ShowScreenForCollectionBrowsing(); //reset card counter CardCount.Instance.count = 0; CardCount.Instance.SetCountText(); }
private bool DeckIsValid() { string json; json = File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/SaveData/" + pClass + "DeckSave.txt"); DeckInfo deckInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <DeckInfo>(json); List <Card> deck = deckInfo.deck; if (deck.Count != GameInfo.deckSize) { return(false); } //probably enough for now.. return(true); }
async UniTask StartFakeGame() { if (TableManager.Get().Loaded == false) { TableManager.Get().Init(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Resources/"); } var server = FindObjectOfType <RWNetworkServer>(true); server.gameObject.SetActive(true); var userInfo = UserInfoManager.Get().GetUserInfo(); var userDeck = userInfo.GetActiveDeck; var diceDeck = userDeck.Take(5).ToArray(); var guadianId = userDeck[5]; if (TutorialManager.isTutorial) { server.serverGameLogic.modeType = PLAY_TYPE.Tutorial; } else { server.serverGameLogic.modeType = playType; } server.serverGameLogic.hostMode = true; var userDeckInfo = new DeckInfo(guadianId, diceDeck); server.MatchData.AddPlayerInfo( userInfo.userID, userInfo.userNickName, 0, 0, userDeckInfo); server.MatchData.AddPlayerInfo( "AI", "AI", 0, 0, GetAIDeck(userDeckInfo, TutorialManager.isTutorial), false); server.authenticator = null; var client = FindObjectOfType <RWNetworkClient>(); client.authenticator = null; client.LocalUserId = userInfo.userID; client.LocalNickName = userInfo.userNickName; server.Listening = false; await server.StartHost(client); }
public static DeckInfo FillEmptySlotsCopy(this DeckInfo clone, int defaultValue = -1) { int i = clone.Companions.get_Count(); for (int num = 4; i < num; i++) { clone.Companions.Add(defaultValue); } int j = clone.Spells.get_Count(); for (int num2 = 8; j < num2; j++) { clone.Spells.Add(defaultValue); } return(clone); }
public DeckInfo ToDeckInfo() { DeckInfo info = new DeckInfo() { Id = ID, CardBack = CardBackID, CardBackOverride = false, DeckType = DeckType, Hero = HeroID, HeroOverride = false, HeroPremium = HeroPremium, Name = Name, LastModified = LastModified.UnixTimeStamp(), Validity = 31 }; return info; }
private void LoadDeck() { if (!File.Exists(ClassFileLocation())) { ResetCardsNum(); return; } string json = File.ReadAllText(ClassFileLocation()); DeckInfo deckInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <DeckInfo>(json); List <Card> deck = deckInfo.deck; if (DeckIsValid(deck)) { SetUIFromDeck(deck); } return; }
private bool ExtractDeckData() { try { _players.Add(ReadString(40)); _players.Add(ReadString(40)); if (Tag) { _players.Add(ReadString(40)); _players.Add(ReadString(40)); } DataReader.ReadInt32(); //lifepoints DataReader.ReadInt32(); //handcount DataReader.ReadInt32(); //drawcount DataReader.ReadInt32(); //other duel settings for (int i = 0; i < _players.Count; i++) { DeckInfo deck = new DeckInfo(); //main deck int count = DataReader.ReadInt32(); for (int main = 0; main < count; main++) { deck.MainDeck.Add(DataReader.ReadInt32().ToString()); } //extra deck count = DataReader.ReadInt32(); for (int extra = 0; extra < count; extra++) { deck.ExtraDeck.Add(DataReader.ReadInt32().ToString()); } _deckData.Add(deck); } } catch (Exception) { //failed invalid data? return(false); } return(true); }
public void SendSaveSquadRequest(int?id, string name, Family god, int weapon, IReadOnlyList <int> companions, IReadOnlyList <int> spells) { DeckInfo deckInfo = new DeckInfo { Id = id, Name = name, Weapon = weapon, God = (int)god }; deckInfo.Companions.AddRange((IEnumerable <int>)companions); deckInfo.Spells.AddRange((IEnumerable <int>)spells); SaveDeckCmd message = new SaveDeckCmd { Info = deckInfo }; m_connection.Write(message); }
public static bool IsValid(this DeckInfo info) { if (info == null) { return(false); } RepeatedField <int> spells = info.Spells; int count = spells.get_Count(); if (count < 8) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (spells.get_Item(i) <= 0) { return(false); } } RepeatedField <int> companions = info.Companions; int count2 = info.Companions.get_Count(); if (count2 < 4) { return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < count2; j++) { if (companions.get_Item(j) <= 0) { return(false); } } int?num = info.Weapon; if (!num.HasValue || !PlayerData.instance.weaponInventory.TryGetLevel(num.Value, out int _)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ExtractDeckData() { try { _players.Add(ReadString(40)); _players.Add(ReadString(40)); if (Tag) { _players.Add(ReadString(40)); _players.Add(ReadString(40)); } DataReader.ReadInt32();//lifepoints DataReader.ReadInt32();//handcount DataReader.ReadInt32();//drawcount DataReader.ReadInt32();//other duel settings for (int i = 0; i < _players.Count; i++) { DeckInfo deck = new DeckInfo(); //main deck int count = DataReader.ReadInt32(); for (int main = 0; main < count; main++) deck.MainDeck.Add(DataReader.ReadInt32().ToString()); //extra deck count = DataReader.ReadInt32(); for (int extra = 0; extra < count; extra++) deck.ExtraDeck.Add(DataReader.ReadInt32().ToString()); _deckData.Add(deck); } } catch(Exception) { //failed invalid data? return false; } return true; }