Ejemplo n.º 1
        void DrawBoxTransformationHandles(DecalProjector decalProjector)
            using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fullColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position, decalProjector.transform.rotation, Vector3.one)))
                Vector3 centerStart = decalProjector.pivot;
                boxHandle.center = centerStart;
                boxHandle.size   = decalProjector.size;

                Vector3 boundsSizePreviousOS = boxHandle.size;
                Vector3 boundsMinPreviousOS  = boxHandle.size * -0.5f + boxHandle.center;

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    // Adjust decal transform if handle changed.
                    Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector, "Decal Projector Change");

                    decalProjector.size   = boxHandle.size;
                    decalProjector.pivot += boxHandle.center - centerStart;

                    Vector3 boundsSizeCurrentOS = boxHandle.size;
                    Vector3 boundsMinCurrentOS  = boxHandle.size * -0.5f + boxHandle.center;

                    if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV)
                        // Treat decal projector bounds as a crop tool, rather than a scale tool.
                        // Compute a new uv scale and bias terms to pin decal projection pixels in world space, irrespective of projector bounds.
                        Vector2 uvScale = decalProjector.uvScale;
                        uvScale.x *= Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizePreviousOS.x);
                        uvScale.y *= Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizePreviousOS.y);
                        decalProjector.uvScale = uvScale;

                        Vector2 uvBias = decalProjector.uvBias;
                        uvBias.x += (boundsMinCurrentOS.x - boundsMinPreviousOS.x) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) * decalProjector.uvScale.x;
                        uvBias.y += (boundsMinCurrentOS.y - boundsMinPreviousOS.y) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) * decalProjector.uvScale.y;
                        decalProjector.uvBias = uvBias;

                    if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(decalProjector))

                    // Smoothly update the decal image projected
                    DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedData(decalProjector.Handle, decalProjector.GetCachedDecalData());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void DrawHandles()
            //Note: each target need to be handled individually to allow multi edition
            DecalProjector decalProjector = target as DecalProjector;

            if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV || editMode == k_EditShapeWithoutPreservingUV)
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Color.white, Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position, decalProjector.transform.rotation, Vector3.one)))
                    bool needToRefreshDecalProjector = false;

                    handle.center = decalProjector.offset;
                    handle.size   = decalProjector.size;

                    Vector3 boundsSizePreviousOS = handle.size;
                    Vector3 boundsMinPreviousOS  = handle.size * -0.5f + handle.center;

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        needToRefreshDecalProjector = true;

                        // Adjust decal transform if handle changed.
                        Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector, "Decal Projector Change");

                        decalProjector.size   = handle.size;
                        decalProjector.offset = handle.center;

                        Vector3 boundsSizeCurrentOS = handle.size;
                        Vector3 boundsMinCurrentOS  = handle.size * -0.5f + handle.center;

                        if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV)
                            // Treat decal projector bounds as a crop tool, rather than a scale tool.
                            // Compute a new uv scale and bias terms to pin decal projection pixels in world space, irrespective of projector bounds.
                            Vector2 uvScale = decalProjector.uvScale;
                            uvScale.x *= Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizePreviousOS.x);
                            uvScale.y *= Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizePreviousOS.y);
                            decalProjector.uvScale = uvScale;

                            Vector2 uvBias = decalProjector.uvBias;
                            uvBias.x += (boundsMinCurrentOS.x - boundsMinPreviousOS.x) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) * decalProjector.uvScale.x;
                            uvBias.y += (boundsMinCurrentOS.y - boundsMinPreviousOS.y) / Mathf.Max(1e-5f, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) * decalProjector.uvScale.y;
                            decalProjector.uvBias = uvBias;

                        if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(decalProjector))

                    // Automatically recenter our transform component if necessary.
                    // In order to correctly handle world-space snapping, we only perform this recentering when the user is no longer interacting with the gizmo.
                    if ((GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) && (decalProjector.offset != Vector3.zero))
                        needToRefreshDecalProjector = true;

                        // Both the DecalProjectorComponent, and the transform will be modified.
                        // The undo system will automatically group all RecordObject() calls here into a single action.
                        Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector.transform, "Decal Projector Change");

                        // Re-center the transform to the center of the decal projector bounds,
                        // while maintaining the world-space coordinates of the decal projector boundings vertices.
                        // Center of the decal projector is not the same of the HierarchicalBox as we want it to be on the z face as lights
                        decalProjector.transform.Translate(decalProjector.offset + new Vector3(0f, 0f, handle.size.z * -0.5f), Space.Self);

                        decalProjector.offset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, handle.size.z * 0.5f);
                        if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(decalProjector))

                    if (needToRefreshDecalProjector)
                        // Smoothly update the decal image projected
                        DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedData(decalProjector.Handle, decalProjector.GetCachedDecalData());

            //[TODO: add editable pivot. Uncomment this when ready]
            //else if (editMode == k_EditUV)
            //    //here should be handles code to manipulate the pivot without changing the UV
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void DrawBoxTransformationHandles(DecalProjector decalProjector)
            Vector3 scale = decalProjector.effectiveScale;

            using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fullColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(decalProjector.transform.position, decalProjector.transform.rotation, scale)))
                Vector3 centerStart = decalProjector.pivot;
                boxHandle.center = centerStart;
                boxHandle.size   = decalProjector.size;

                Vector3 boundsSizePreviousOS = boxHandle.size;
                Vector3 boundsMinPreviousOS  = boxHandle.size * -0.5f + boxHandle.center;

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    // Adjust decal transform if handle changed.
                    Undo.RecordObject(decalProjector, "Decal Projector Change");

                    bool xChangeIsValid = scale.x != 0f;
                    bool yChangeIsValid = scale.y != 0f;
                    bool zChangeIsValid = scale.z != 0f;

                    // Preserve serialized state for axes with scale 0.
                    decalProjector.size = new Vector3(
                        xChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.x : decalProjector.size.x,
                        yChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.y : decalProjector.size.y,
                        zChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.size.z : decalProjector.size.z);
                    decalProjector.pivot = new Vector3(
                        xChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.center.x : decalProjector.pivot.x,
                        yChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.center.y : decalProjector.pivot.y,
                        zChangeIsValid ? boxHandle.center.z : decalProjector.pivot.z);

                    Vector3 boundsSizeCurrentOS = boxHandle.size;
                    Vector3 boundsMinCurrentOS  = boxHandle.size * -0.5f + boxHandle.center;

                    if (editMode == k_EditShapePreservingUV)
                        // Treat decal projector bounds as a crop tool, rather than a scale tool.
                        // Compute a new uv scale and bias terms to pin decal projection pixels in world space, irrespective of projector bounds.
                        // Preserve serialized state for axes with scale 0.
                        Vector2 uvScale = decalProjector.uvScale;
                        Vector2 uvBias  = decalProjector.uvBias;
                        if (xChangeIsValid)
                            uvScale.x *= Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizePreviousOS.x);
                            uvBias.x  += (boundsMinCurrentOS.x - boundsMinPreviousOS.x) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.x) * uvScale.x;
                        if (yChangeIsValid)
                            uvScale.y *= Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizePreviousOS.y);
                            uvBias.y  += (boundsMinCurrentOS.y - boundsMinPreviousOS.y) / Mathf.Max(k_LimitInv, boundsSizeCurrentOS.y) * uvScale.y;
                        decalProjector.uvScale = uvScale;
                        decalProjector.uvBias  = uvBias;

                    if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(decalProjector))

                    // Smoothly update the decal image projected
                    DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedData(decalProjector.Handle, decalProjector.GetCachedDecalData());