Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Get command lines for module from Library file that corresponds to given dictionary entry.
        // The dictionary object holds the full name and path to the file.
        private libStatus GetModuleFromLibrary(DcDictionary dictionary, DictionaryEntry entry, ref String moduleData)
            String str;

            if (!File.Exists(dictionary.fileName))
                str = String.Format("{0}\r\nFile may have been moved or deleted" +
                                    "since dictionaries were loaded.", libraryFileName);
                str += "  Dictionaries will be automatically reloaded from specified library folder location.";
                MessageBox.Show(str, "Library File Not Found");

            FileStream inFile = new FileStream(dictionary.fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            inFile.Position = entry.recordOffset;

            String line = "";

            moduleData = "";
            //bool first = true;

            while (inFile.Position < entry.recordOffset + entry.elementSize)
                line = ReadASCIILine(inFile, inFile.Position);
                if (line == ((char)0x1A).ToString())
                moduleData += line + "\r\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private int GetDictionary(FileStream inFile, DcDictionary dictionary)
            Byte[] buffer            = new Byte[100];
            String str               = "";
            int    entryCount        = 0;
            int    recordStartOffset = 0;
            int    recordSizeInBytes = 0;


            inFile.Read(buffer, 0, 32);

            // Assumes that two-byte binary values in the dictionary portion of the library are 16-bit and little endian.
            // All records in the library start and end on 128-byte boundaries, including the dictionary itself.
            // buffer[14] and [15] are the file offset (in multiples of 128 bytes) to the NEXT record in the library.
            // The first occurrence of the offset thus corresponds to the amount of space taken by the dictionary itself.
            int recordsStart = 128 * Convert.ToInt16(buffer[14] + buffer[15] * 256);

            for (int i = 32; i < recordsStart; i += 32)
                DictionaryEntry entry   = new DictionaryEntry();
                long            filePos = inFile.Position;
                inFile.Read(buffer, 0, 32);
                if (buffer[0] == 0xFF)
                    break;                    // no more dictionary entries
                str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 1, 11);
                recordStartOffset = 128 * Convert.ToInt16(buffer[12] + buffer[13] * 256);
                recordSizeInBytes = 128 * Convert.ToInt16(buffer[14] + buffer[15] * 256);

                entry.name      = str;
                entry.extension = str.Substring(8, 3).TrimEnd(' '); // extension is last 3 alphanumeric characters, if any.

                entry.recordOffset = recordStartOffset;
                entry.elementSize  = recordSizeInBytes;
                entry.filePos      = filePos;

            dictionary.fileName   = inFile.Name;
            dictionary.size       = recordsStart;
            dictionary.entryCount = entryCount;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Module FindModuleInLibraries(string moduleName, MatchType matchType)
            int             index       = -1;
            string          libFileName = "";
            string          moduleData  = "";
            DictionaryEntry entry       = new DictionaryEntry();
            Module          module      = new Module();

            foreach (string libraryFileName in libraryFiles)
                if (File.Exists(libraryFileName))
                    libFileName = libraryFileName;
                    FileStream   inFile     = new FileStream(libFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    DcDictionary dictionary = new DcDictionary();
                    GetDictionary(inFile, dictionary);
                    index = FindModuleInDictionary(dictionary, moduleName, 0, matchType);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        entry = dictionary.entries[index];
                        libStatus status = GetModuleFromLibrary(dictionary, entry, ref moduleData);
            if (index >= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Found. Index = " + index + " in library file " + libFileName);
                module.processed = false;
                module.found     = true;
                module.inLibrary = true;
                module.fName     = libFileName;
                module.index     = index;
                module.name      = entry.name;
                module.data      = moduleData;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // search dictionary entries for name starting from startIndex and return
        // index of entry if match found. Return -1 if match not found.
        // Using startIndex supports finding multiple matches. Setting startIndex to 0 will
        // return index of first match.
        private int FindModuleInDictionary(DcDictionary dictionary, String moduleName, int startIndex, MatchType matchType)
            int  index;
            bool found = false;

            for (index = startIndex; index < dictionary.entries.Count; index++)
                if (matchType == MatchType.full && dictionary.entries[index].name == moduleName)
                    found = true;
                else if (matchType == MatchType.partial && dictionary.entries[index].name.Contains(moduleName))
                    found = true;
            if (!found)