private string GetDatetimeFromFile(string fileName)
            //e-4-3-09 6
            //-4-12-09 7
            //12-12-09 8
            DateTime date;

            fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 12, 8);
            if (fileName[0].Equals('-'))
                fileName = fileName.Remove(0, 1);
                string[] str = fileName.Split("-".ToCharArray());
                if (str[0].Length == 1)
                    date = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName, "M-dd-yy", null);
                    date = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName, "MM-d-yy", null);
            if (fileName[1].Equals('-'))
                fileName = fileName.Remove(0, 1);
                fileName = fileName.Remove(0, 1);

                date = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName, "M-d-yy", null);

            date = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName, "MM-dd-yy", null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected virtual void InitalizeMetaDataParameters(SqlCommand insertCommand,
                                                    SourceDataRowReader <RetrieverDataRow> reader, bool hasBackOffice, Dictionary <string, string> gatewayNameFields)
     insertCommand.Parameters["@Day_Code"].Value        = DayCode.ToDayCode(_requiredDay);
     insertCommand.Parameters["@Downloaded_Date"].Value = DateTime.Now;
     insertCommand.Parameters["@account_ID"].Value      = _accountID;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["Monthly"]))

            DateTime reportDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            if (ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.ContainsKey("ReportDate"))
                reportDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["ReportDate"]);

            //Execute the query to get the measured parameters for the OLTP for all accounts.
            string sql = @"SELECT BO.Account_ID, Account_Name AccountName, sum(BOClicks) AS SumOfClicks,
                            SUM(new_leads) AS SumOfLeads, SUM(new_users) AS SumOfNewUsers,
                            SUM(new_active_users) AS SumOfNewActiveUsers, SUM(active_users) AS SumOfActiveUsers,
                            SUM(new_net_deposits_in_dollars) SumOfNewNetDeposits, SUM(total_net_deposits_in_dollars) SumOfTotalNetDeposits,
                            SUM(clientspecific1) AS SumOfClientSpecific1, SUM(clientspecific2) AS SumOfClientSpecific2,
                            SUM(clientspecific3) AS SumOfClientSpecific3, SUM(clientspecific4) AS SumOfClientSpecific4,
                            SUM(clientspecific5) AS SumOfClientSpecific5
                            FROM easynet_oltp.dbo.BackOffice_Client_Gateway BO,easynet_oltp.dbo.User_GUI_Account ";

            sql += "WHERE day_code =  '" + DayCode.ToDayCode(reportDate) + "' ";
            sql += "AND BO.account_id = User_GUI_Account.Account_ID GROUP BY Account_Name,BO.Account_id,day_code ORDER BY 2";

            DataManager.ConnectionString = ParentWorkflow.Parameters["AdminConnectionString"].ToString();
            DataManager.CommandTimeout   = 0;

            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
                SqlCommand    cmd = DataManager.CreateCommand(sql);
                SqlDataReader dr  = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                //Loop on the results, and build a hash-table per account. We assume that each
                //account only appears ONCE!.
                Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
                while (dr.Read())
                    AccountAllMeasures aam = new AccountAllMeasures(dr, true);
                    ht.Add(aam.AccountID, aam);


                if (!ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.ContainsKey("BOResults"))
                    ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.Add("BOResults", ht);

        // Required for working with SqlBulkCopy
        private DataRow ConvertToDataRow(DeliveryFile file, PpcExampleRow row)
            DataRow data = table.NewRow();

            data["Day_Code"]    = DayCode.ToDayCode(file.TargetDateTime);
            data["AccountID"]   = _delivery.AccountID;
            data["Campaign_GK"] = GKManager.GetCampaignGK(_delivery.AccountID, row.CampaignName);
            data["Adgroup_GK"]  = GKManager.GetAdgroupGK(_delivery.AccountID, row.AdgroupName);
        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            DateTime reportDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            if (ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.ContainsKey("ReportDate"))
                reportDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["ReportDate"]);

            //Execute the query to get the measured parameters for the OLTP for all accounts.
            string sql = @"SELECT Account_Name AccountName,User_GUI_Account.account_id,
                            SUM(impressions) as SumOfImps,SUM(clicks) as SumOfClicks,
                            SUM(cost) SumOfCost,SUM(conv) SumOfConv,SUM(purchases) SumOfPurchase,
                            SUM(leads) SumOfleads,SUM(signups) SumOfSignups
                           FROM easynet_dwh.dbo.Dwh_Fact_PPC_Campaigns, easynet_OLTP.dbo.User_GUI_Account ";

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["Monthly"]))
                string time = reportDate.Year.ToString();
                if (reportDate.Month.ToString().Length < 2)
                    time += "0" + reportDate.Month.ToString();
                    time += reportDate.Month.ToString();

                sql += "WHERE left(day_code,6) = '" + time + "' ";
                sql += "WHERE day_code =  '" + DayCode.ToDayCode(reportDate) + "' ";

            sql += "AND Dwh_Fact_PPC_Campaigns.account_id = User_GUI_Account.account_id " +
                   "AND channel_id = 1 " +
                   "GROUP BY Account_Name,User_GUI_Account.account_id,channel_id " +
                   "ORDER BY 1,2";

            DataManager.ConnectionString = ParentWorkflow.Parameters["AdminConnectionString"].ToString();
            DataManager.CommandTimeout   = 0;

            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
                SqlCommand    cmd = DataManager.CreateCommand(sql);
                SqlDataReader dr  = cmd.ExecuteReader();


Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void makeRankTable(ref DataTable dtRank)
            String se      = Request.QueryString["se"];
            String accntID = Request.QueryString["accntID"];
            String kw      = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["kw"]);
            String profID  = Request.QueryString["profID"];

            _keyword      = kw;
            _searchEngine = se;

            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
                SqlCommand dateCmd = DataManager.CreateCommand("select distinct Day_Code from Rankings_Data where Account_ID = @accountID:Int and ProfileID = @profileID:Int order by day_code desc");
                dateCmd.Parameters["@accountID"].Value = Int32.Parse(accntID);
                dateCmd.Parameters["@profileID"].Value = Int32.Parse(profID);

                using (SqlDataReader reader = dateCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())

            SqlCommand resultsCmd = DataManager.CreateCommand(@"RankingSingleGraphData(@profileID:Int, @fromDate:Int, @toDate:Int, @Se:nvarchar, @Kw:nvarchar)", CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            resultsCmd.Parameters["@profileID"].Value = Int32.Parse(profID);
            resultsCmd.Parameters["@toDate"].Value    = _datesKwByTime[0];
            if (_datesKwByTime[0] - 600 > _datesKwByTime[_datesKwByTime.Count - 1])
                //past a half a year
                resultsCmd.Parameters["@fromDate"].Value = DayCode.ToDayCode(DayCode.GenerateDateTime(_datesKwByTime[0]).AddMonths(-6));
                _fromDate = DayCode.ToDayCode(DayCode.GenerateDateTime(_datesKwByTime[0]).AddMonths(-6));
                resultsCmd.Parameters["@fromDate"].Value = _datesKwByTime[_datesKwByTime.Count - 1];
            resultsCmd.Parameters["@Se"].Value = se;
            resultsCmd.Parameters["@Kw"].Value = kw;

            SqlDataAdapter adpater = new SqlDataAdapter(resultsCmd);

            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
        void RetrieveData(string sortingExpression, bool useSession, AlertType alertType)
            DataView totalsView  = useSession ? Session["TotalsView"] as DataView : null;
            DataView summaryView = useSession ? Session["SummaryView"] as DataView : null;

            // RUN THE COMMANDS

            if (totalsView == null)
                DataSet   dataSet      = new DataSet();
                DataTable totals       = new DataTable();
                DataTable summaryTable = new DataTable();

                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Easynet.Edge.UI.Data.Properties.Settings.Edge2AlertsConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
                    // ............................
                    // SP_Alerts_GetAlertData

                    SqlCommand command = DataManager.CreateCommand("SP_Alerts_GetAlertData(@AlertDate:Char, @accountID:Char, @WFType:Char)", CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                    command.Parameters["@AlertDate"].Value = DayCode.ToDayCode(SessionInputs.FromDate);
                    command.Parameters["@accountID"].Value = this.AccountID;
                    command.Parameters["@WFType"].Value    = SessionInputs.FlowID;
                    command.Connection = connection;

                    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);

                    DataSet tempDataSet = new DataSet();

                    if (tempDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        totals = tempDataSet.Tables[0];

                        if (totals.Rows.Count > 0 && _alertTypeSelector.Items[0].Selected == true)
                            FillSummaryDataGrid(totals, ref summaryTable, AlertType.Campaign);
                            if (summaryTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                                DataRow newDataRow = summaryTable.NewRow();
                                newDataRow[0] = "Campaigns:";
                                summaryTable.Rows.InsertAt(newDataRow, 0);

                    // ............................
                    // SP_Alerts_GetAlertDataAdGroups

                    command.CommandText = "SP_Alerts_GetAlertDataAdGroups";

                DataTable adGroupsResult = dataSet.Tables.Count > 0 ? dataSet.Tables[0] : new DataTable();
                DataTable gatewaysResult = dataSet.Tables.Count > 1 ? dataSet.Tables[1] : new DataTable();
                DataTable keywordResult  = dataSet.Tables.Count > 3 ? dataSet.Tables[3] : new DataTable();
                DataTable adtextsResult  = dataSet.Tables.Count > 2 ? dataSet.Tables[2] : new DataTable();

                FillSummaryOrSomethingLikeThat(adGroupsResult, summaryTable, 1, AlertType.Adgroup, "Ad Groups:");
                FillSummaryOrSomethingLikeThat(keywordResult, summaryTable, 2, AlertType.Keyword, "Keywords:");
                FillSummaryOrSomethingLikeThat(adtextsResult, summaryTable, 3, AlertType.Text, "AdText:");
                FillSummaryOrSomethingLikeThat(gatewaysResult, summaryTable, 4, AlertType.Gateway, "Gateways:");

                //Rename headers for campaigns - [sorta-refactored with guesswork by Doron]
                RenameColumnHeaders(totals, 1, 5);
                RenameColumnHeaders(adGroupsResult, 2, 7);
                RenameColumnHeaders(keywordResult, 5, 9);
                RenameColumnHeaders(adtextsResult, 5, 9);
                RenameColumnHeaders(gatewaysResult, 5, 9);

                RemoveCols(totals, new string[] { "MeasurecolumnNames", "measure_id" });
                RemoveCols(adGroupsResult, new string[] { "MeasurecolumnNames", "measure_id", "group_gk" });
                RemoveCols(keywordResult, new string[] { "MeasurecolumnNames", "measure_id", "group_gk", "Keyword_gk" });
                RemoveCols(adtextsResult, new string[] { "MeasurecolumnNames", "measure_id", "group_gk", "Adtext_gk" });
                RemoveCols(gatewaysResult, new string[] { "MeasurecolumnNames", "measure_id", "group_gk", "Gateway_id" });

                totalsView            = new DataView(totals);
                Session["TotalsView"] = totalsView;

                summaryView            = new DataView(summaryTable);
                Session["SummaryView"] = summaryTable;


            // apply sorting
            if (sortingExpression != null)
                totalsView.Sort = sortingExpression + " desc";

            // Bind view
            _dataGrid.DataSource = totalsView;

            _summaryGrid.DataSource = summaryView;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            DateTime reportDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            if (ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.ContainsKey("ReportDate"))
                reportDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["ReportDate"]);

            //Execute the query to get the measured parameters for the OLTP for all accounts.
            string sql = @"SELECT Account_Name AccountName,Paid_API_AllColumns.account_id,
                            SUM(imps) as SumOfImps,SUM(clicks) as SumOfClicks,Avg(cpc) AVGCPC,
                            SUM(cost) SumOfCost,Avg(pos) AvgPos,SUM(conv) SumOfConv,SUM(purchases) SumOfPurchase,
                            SUM(leads) SumOfleads,SUM(signups) SumOfSignups
                           FROM easynet_OLTP.dbo.Paid_API_AllColumns,easynet_OLTP.dbo.User_GUI_Account ";

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["Monthly"]))
                string time = reportDate.Year.ToString();
                if (reportDate.Month.ToString().Length < 2)
                    time += "0" + reportDate.Month.ToString();
                    time += reportDate.Month.ToString();

                sql += "WHERE left(day_code,6) = '" + time + "' ";
                sql += "WHERE day_code =  '" + DayCode.ToDayCode(reportDate) + "' ";

            sql += "AND Paid_API_AllColumns.account_id= User_GUI_Account.Account_ID " +
                   "AND channel_id = 1 " +
                   "GROUP BY Account_Name,Paid_API_AllColumns.account_id " +
                   "ORDER BY 1";

            DataManager.ConnectionString = ParentWorkflow.Parameters["AdminConnectionString"].ToString();
            DataManager.CommandTimeout   = 0;

            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
                SqlCommand    cmd = DataManager.CreateCommand(sql);
                SqlDataReader dr  = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                //Loop on the results, and build a hash-table per account. We assume that each
                //account only appears ONCE!.
                Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
                while (dr.Read())
                    AccountAllMeasures aam = new AccountAllMeasures(dr);
                    ht.Add(aam.AccountID, aam);


                if (!ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.ContainsKey("OLTPResults"))
                    ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters.Add("OLTPResults", ht);

        protected virtual void WriteResult(MeasuredParameter mp, AlertMeasure am)
            DataManager.ConnectionString = AppSettings.GetAbsolute("Easynet.Edge.Core.Workflow.AlertConnectionString");

            //Create the command.
            using (DataManager.Current.OpenConnection())
                AlertMeasures measures = (AlertMeasures)ParentWorkflow.InternalParameters["AlertMeasures"];

                string sql     = "INSERT INTO AlertResults ";
                string columns = "(wf_id,wf_date,wf_parameters,wf_conditionValues,entity_type,Account_id,Channel_id,Account_name,Current_Day,Compare_Day,measure_id,measure_current_value,measure_compare_value,measure_change_ratio";

                columns += GetColumns(mp);
                sql     += columns + " VALUES(";

                int wfID = ParentWorkflow.WorkflowID;
                if (wfID <= 0)
                    if (ParentWorkflow.Parameters.ContainsKey("WorkflowID"))
                        wfID = Convert.ToInt32(ParentWorkflow.Parameters["WorkflowID"]);

                string values = String.Empty;
                values  = wfID.ToString() + ",'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + ParentWorkflow.GetParametersAsString() + "','" + ParentWorkflow.GetConditionValuesAsString() + "'," + Convert.ToInt32(_entityType).ToString() + ",";
                values += mp.AccountID.ToString() + "," + mp.ChannelID.ToString() + ",'" + mp.AccountName + "'," + DayCode.ToDayCode(mp.CurrentDay).ToString() + "," + DayCode.ToDayCode(mp.CompareDate).ToString() + ",";
                values += mp.GetMeasureParameterSQL(am, measures) + ")";

                sql += values;
                SqlCommand alertResults = DataManager.CreateCommand(sql);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Write("Failed to write alert result to database.", ex);
                    throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Generate(string templateFileName, DateTime date)
            if (templateFileName == String.Empty ||
                templateFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid template file name. Cannot be null or empty");

            if (!File.Exists(templateFileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find templat efile: " + templateFileName);

            if (_source == null ||
                _compare == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid source or compare data. Cannot be null.");

            string reportFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(templateFileName);

            if (!reportFilePath.EndsWith("\\"))
                reportFilePath += "\\";

            string reportFileName = "AdminAlert_" + DayCode.ToDayCode(date).ToString() + ".xlsx";

            reportFileName = reportFilePath + reportFileName;

            FileInfo newFile  = new FileInfo(reportFileName);
            FileInfo template = new FileInfo(templateFileName);

            using (ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(newFile, template))
                ExcelWorkbook ew = ep.Workbook;

                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = ew.Worksheets["AdWords"];

                //Start inserting rows from the begining.
                int row = ADMIN_START_ROW;
                IDictionaryEnumerator ide = _source.GetEnumerator();
                while (ide.MoveNext())
                    AccountAllMeasures csv = (AccountAllMeasures)ide.Value;

                    //First the CSV Row.
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 1).Value  = "Adwords - " + csv.AccountName;
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 2).Value  = csv.ImpsCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 3).Value  = csv.ClicksCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 4).Value  = csv.CPCCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 5).Value  = csv.CostCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 6).Value  = csv.AveragePosition.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 7).Value  = csv.ConversionsCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 8).Value  = csv.PurchasesCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 9).Value  = csv.LeadsCurrent.ToString();
                    worksheet.Cell(row, 10).Value = csv.SignupsCurrent.ToString();

                    //Now - OLTP
                    int id = -1;
                        id = AccountAllMeasures.FromAccountName(csv.AccountName);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    if (_compare.ContainsKey(id))
                        AccountAllMeasures oltp = (AccountAllMeasures)_compare[id];
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 1).Value  = "OLTP - " + oltp.AccountName;
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Value  = oltp.ImpsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 3).Value  = oltp.ClicksCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4).Value  = oltp.CPCCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 5).Value  = oltp.CostCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 6).Value  = oltp.AveragePosition.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 7).Value  = oltp.ConversionsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 8).Value  = oltp.PurchasesCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 9).Value  = oltp.LeadsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 10).Value = oltp.SignupsCurrent.ToString();

                        if (csv.ImpsCurrent != oltp.ImpsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.ClicksCurrent != oltp.ClicksCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 3).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.CPCCurrent != oltp.CPCCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.CostCurrent != oltp.CostCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 5).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.AveragePosition != oltp.AveragePosition)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 6).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.ConversionsCurrent != oltp.ConversionsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 7).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.PurchasesCurrent != oltp.PurchasesCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 8).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.LeadsCurrent != oltp.LeadsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 9).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.SignupsCurrent != oltp.SignupsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 10).Style = "Bad";
                        //Couldn't find it. Put 0 in everyone, and mark them all as "Bad".
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 1).Value  = "OLTP - " + csv.AccountName;
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 3).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 3).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 5).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 5).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 6).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 6).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 7).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 7).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 8).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 8).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 9).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 9).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 10).Value = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 10).Style = "Bad";

                    //Now panorama
                    string accountName = AccountAllMeasures.FromGoogleAccountName(csv.AccountName);
                    if (_bi != null && _bi.ContainsKey(accountName))
                        AccountAllMeasures panorama = (AccountAllMeasures)_bi[accountName];
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 1).Value  = "PANORAMA - " + panorama.AccountName;
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 2).Value  = panorama.ImpsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 3).Value  = panorama.ClicksCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 4).Value  = panorama.CPCCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 5).Value  = panorama.CostCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 6).Value  = panorama.AveragePosition.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 7).Value  = panorama.ConversionsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 8).Value  = panorama.PurchasesCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 9).Value  = panorama.LeadsCurrent.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 10).Value = panorama.SignupsCurrent.ToString();

                        if (csv.ImpsCurrent != panorama.ImpsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 2).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.ClicksCurrent != panorama.ClicksCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 3).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.CPCCurrent != panorama.CPCCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 4).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.CostCurrent != panorama.CostCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 5).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.AveragePosition != panorama.AveragePosition)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 6).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.ConversionsCurrent != panorama.ConversionsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 7).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.PurchasesCurrent != panorama.PurchasesCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 8).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.LeadsCurrent != panorama.LeadsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 9).Style = "Bad";

                        if (csv.SignupsCurrent != panorama.SignupsCurrent)
                            worksheet.Cell(row + 1, 10).Style = "Bad";
                        //Couldn't find it. Put 0 in everyone, and mark them all as "Bad".
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 1).Value  = "PANORAMA - " + csv.AccountName;
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 2).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 2).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 3).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 3).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 4).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 4).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 5).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 5).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 6).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 6).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 7).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 7).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 8).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 8).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 9).Value  = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 9).Style  = "Bad";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 10).Value = "0";
                        worksheet.Cell(row + 2, 10).Style = "Bad";

                    //Advance 3 rows.

                    row += 3;

                worksheet.Cell(ADMIN_START_ROW + 1, 16).Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                worksheet.Cell(ADMIN_START_ROW + 2, 16).Value = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");

                ExcelWorksheet boHistory = ew.Worksheets["BOHistory"];
                ExcelWorksheet bo_ef     = ew.Worksheets["BO_EF"];

                if (_bo != null)
                    //Add the BO sheet.
                    int boRow = ADMIN_START_ROW;
                    IDictionaryEnumerator boe = _bo.GetEnumerator();

                    if (boHistory != null)
                        while (boe.MoveNext())
                            AccountAllMeasures boData = (AccountAllMeasures)boe.Value;

                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 1).Value  = boData.AccountName;
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 2).Value  = boData.ClicksCurrent.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 3).Value  = boData.LeadsCurrent.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 4).Value  = boData.BONewUsersCurrent.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 5).Value  = boData.BONewActivationsCurrent.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 6).Value  = boData.SumOfActiveUsers.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 7).Value  = boData.SumOfNewNetDeposits.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 8).Value  = boData.SumOfTotalNetDeposits.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 9).Value  = boData.SumOfClientSpecific1.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 10).Value = boData.SumOfClientSpecific2.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 11).Value = boData.SumOfClientSpecific3.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 12).Value = boData.SumOfClientSpecific4.ToString();
                            boHistory.Cell(boRow, 13).Value = boData.SumOfClientSpecific5.ToString();



                    boRow = ADMIN_START_ROW;

                    if (bo_ef != null)
                        while (boe.MoveNext())
                            AccountAllMeasures boef = (AccountAllMeasures)boe.Value;

                            //Hack for easy forex only!
                            if (boef.AccountID == 7)
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 2).Value = boef.LeadsCurrent.ToString();
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 3).Value = boef.BONewUsersCurrent.ToString();
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 4).Value = boef.BONewActivationsCurrent.ToString();
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 5).Value = boef.SumOfActiveUsers.ToString();
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 6).Value = boef.SumOfNewNetDeposits.ToString();
                                bo_ef.Cell(boRow, 7).Value = boef.SumOfTotalNetDeposits.ToString();
                    boHistory.Cell(100, 1).Value = "1";
                    bo_ef.Cell(100, 1).Value     = "1";


                _generatedFileName = reportFileName;
        void _submit2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName == "")// empty filename
                    //if 'BO' or 'Bing' and one file already selected
                    if ((_sourceSelector.Text.Equals("BO") || _sourceSelector.Text.Equals("Bing")) &&
                        listboxFiles.Items.Count > 0)
                        //replace the current file

                    string             newFileName      = string.Empty;
                    System.Xml.XmlNode myXML            = (System.Xml.XmlNode)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("convertAccounts");
                    System.Xml.XmlNode SaveFilePathNode = myXML.SelectSingleNode(@"SaveFilePath");
                    string             path             = SaveFilePathNode.InnerText;
                    if (listboxFiles.Items.Count == 0)
                        listOfFilesToUpload            = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        Session["listOfFilesToUpload"] = listOfFilesToUpload;

                        newFileName = fileUpload.FileName;
                        ListItem item = listboxFiles.Items.FindByText(newFileName);
                        if (item != null)//this file already exist in listbox
                            //log or something
                            if (Path.GetExtension(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower().Equals(".tsv") && !_sourceSelector.Text.ToLower().Equals("yahoo"))//copy to '.csv'
                                newFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(path + newFileName, "csv");
                                newFileName = path + newFileName;
                            string originalFileName = fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;

                            listOfFilesToUpload.Add(originalFileName, newFileName);

                                fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(path + fileUpload.FileName);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                saveFilePathTextBox.Text = "FGGG :" + ex.Message;


                                if (Path.GetExtension(originalFileName) != Path.GetExtension(newFileName))//copy to '.csv'
                                    System.IO.File.Copy(Path.ChangeExtension(newFileName, "tsv"), newFileName, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                saveFilePathTextBox.Text = "x :" + ex.Message + ". " + Path.ChangeExtension(newFileName, "tsv") + " ," + newFileName;

                            int count = listboxFiles.Items.Count;
                            if (count > 0)
                                string outputFileName = listboxFiles.Items[count - 1].Text;
                                string name           = Path.GetFileName(outputFileName);
                                string exten          = Path.GetExtension(name);
                                //saveFilePathTextBox.Text = name.Remove(name.Length - exten.Length, exten.Length);
                                saveFilePathTextBox.Text = Request.QueryString["accountID"] + "_" + name.Remove(name.Length - exten.Length, exten.Length) + DayCode.ToDayCode(DateTime.Today) + "_" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours + "_" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes + "_" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Seconds;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    saveFilePathTextBox.Text = "EX :" + ex.Message;
                _submit.Enabled = true;