Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task SellAfternoon(CommandContext ctx, int price)
            await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

            string   response;
            DateTime currentDate = DateTimeOffsetter.ToUSCentralTime(DateTime.Now).DateTime;

                if (_turnipCalculationService.AddOrUpdateSellPriceInDB(Convert.ToInt32(ctx.Member.Discriminator), ctx.Member.DisplayName, price, currentDate.DayOfWeek, false))
                    response = $"Recorded {ctx.Member.DisplayName}'s sell price for {currentDate.DayOfWeek} afternoon as {price} bells.";
                    response = "Couldn't record price. It's probably Owen's fault.";
            catch (Exception)
                response = "Crashed updating your price. What did you do??";

            await ctx.RespondAsync(response);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task SellWithDate(CommandContext ctx, int price, string dayOfWeekString, string timeOfDayString)
            await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

            string[] morningOptions = new string[] { "morning", "m", "morn" };
            string[] eveningOptions = new string[] { "evening", "e", "eve", "afternoon", "a", "after" };
            bool     success;
            string   response;

            DateTime dateOfUpdate = DateTimeOffsetter.ToUSCentralTime(DateTimeOffset.Now).DateTime;

            success = Enum.TryParse(dayOfWeekString, true, out DayOfWeek dayOfWeek);
            if (success)
                if (dayOfWeek > dateOfUpdate.DayOfWeek)
                    success = false;
                    while (dateOfUpdate.DayOfWeek != dayOfWeek) //Keep going back in days until we have the correct day of week
                        dateOfUpdate = dateOfUpdate.AddDays(-1);

            if (success && morningOptions.Any(o => o.Equals(timeOfDayString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) //Morning update
                success = _turnipCalculationService.AddOrUpdateSellPriceInDB(Convert.ToInt32(ctx.Member.Discriminator), ctx.Member.DisplayName, price, dayOfWeek, true);
            else if (success && eveningOptions.Any(o => o.Equals(timeOfDayString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) //Evening update
                success = _turnipCalculationService.AddOrUpdateSellPriceInDB(Convert.ToInt32(ctx.Member.Discriminator), ctx.Member.DisplayName, price, dayOfWeek, false);
                success = false;

            if (success)
                response = $"Successfully updated {dayOfWeek.ToString()} {timeOfDayString}'s price to {price} bells.";
                response = "There was an issue updating the sell price. Try again or blame Owen.";

            await ctx.RespondAsync(response);