Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void SetUp()
     _value       = new DateTime(2001, 01, 01);
     _includeNull = true;
     _column      = new ColumnBuilder().Build();
     _filter      = new DateTimeFilter(_column, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, _includeNull);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IEnumerable <NoteModel> > GetNotes(int studentId)
            const string sql = @"
                SELECT      n.Id AS StudentId, u.Id AS Id, u.FirstName AS CreatedByFirstName,
                            u.LastName AS CreatedByLastName, [EntryDate], [Note],
                            u.Id AS CreatedById
                FROM        [dbo].[StudentNotes] n
                INNER JOIN  [dbo].[Users] u ON
                            [CreatedBy] = u.[Id]
                WHERE       n.StudentId = @StudentId
                ORDER BY    [EntryDate] DESC";

            List <NoteModel> notes = new List <NoteModel>();

                notes = (await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <NoteModel>(sql, new { StudentId = studentId })).ToList();
                notes.ForEach(x => x.EntryDate = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal(x.EntryDate));
            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["SQL"] = e;
                ErrorStore.LogException(e, HttpContext.Current);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PromoViewModel> > GetPromos()
            List <PromoViewModel> promos = new List <PromoViewModel>();

            const string sql = @"
                SELECT      p.Id AS Id,
                            u.FirstName AS CreatedByFirstName,
                            u.LastName AS CreatedByLastName,
                            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [StudentPromoLog] WHERE [PromoId] = p.Id) AS TotalStudents
                FROM        [dbo].[UserPromo] p
                INNER JOIN  [dbo].[Users] u ON
                            [CreatedBy] = u.id
                ORDER BY    [Description]";

                promos = (await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <PromoViewModel>(sql)).ToList();
                promos.ForEach(x => x.Created = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal(x.Created));
            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["SQL"] = sql;
                ErrorStore.LogException(e, HttpContext.Current);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hashCode = -566134060;

            if (StateFilter != null)
                hashCode += StateFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (DateTimeFilter != null)
                hashCode += DateTimeFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (FulfillmentFilter != null)
                hashCode += FulfillmentFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (SourceFilter != null)
                hashCode += SourceFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (CustomerFilter != null)
                hashCode += CustomerFilter.GetHashCode();

        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hashCode = 1266972041;

            if (LoyaltyAccountFilter != null)
                hashCode += LoyaltyAccountFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (TypeFilter != null)
                hashCode += TypeFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (DateTimeFilter != null)
                hashCode += DateTimeFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (LocationFilter != null)
                hashCode += LocationFilter.GetHashCode();

            if (OrderFilter != null)
                hashCode += OrderFilter.GetHashCode();

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public UserFilter(int?id = null, StringFilter name = null, DateTimeFilter created = null, CredentialFilter credential = null)
     Id         = id;
     Name       = name;
     Created    = created;
     Credential = credential;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private IEnumerable <ActivityLogModel> ProcessRows(IEnumerable <dynamic> rows)
            ICollection <ActivityLogModel> logs = new List <ActivityLogModel>();

            foreach (IDictionary <string, object> row in rows)
                logs.Add(new ActivityLogModel()
                    Id         = (int)row["Id"],
                    Created    = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["Created"]),
                    CreatedBy  = (int)row["CreatedBy"],
                    Title      = row["Title"] as string,
                    Title2     = row["Title2"] as string,
                    Title3     = row["Title3"] as string,
                    Location   = row["Location"] as string,
                    StartDate  = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["StartDate"]),
                    EndDate    = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["EndDate"]),
                    Organizers = row["Organizers"] as string,
                    OnCampus   = row["OnCampus"] as bool?,
                    WebSite    = row["WebSite"] as string,
                    Notes      = row["Notes"] as string

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void when_requesting_at_datetime_returns_correct_sql_string()
            var datetime = new DateTime(2018, 04, 16, 13, 24, 32);
            var filter   = new DateTimeFilter("timestamp", datetime, DateTimeFilterMode.At);
            var result   = filter.GetMySqlString();

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("timestamp = '20180416 13:24:32'"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ProductFilter(IntegerFilter id = null, CategoryFilter category = null, StringFilter name = null, DecimalFilter price = null, DateTimeFilter created = null)
     this.Id       = id;
     this.Category = category;
     this.Name     = name;
     this.Price    = price;
     this.Created  = created;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestCreateShouldCreateDateRangeFilter()
            var filter = new DateTimeFilter(null, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, true);
            var result = _factory.Create(filter);

            Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf <DateRangeFilterViewModel>());
            Assert.That(result.Filter, Is.EqualTo(filter));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Do date time search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="items"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IQueryable <T> WithDateTimeSearch <T>(this IQueryable <T> items,
                                                            Expression <Func <T, DateTime?> > property,
                                                            DateTimeFilter filter)
            if (filter == null || property == null)

            var memberExpression = property.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (!(memberExpression?.Member is PropertyInfo))
                throw new ArgumentException("Property expected", nameof(property));

            // Value is invalid. No filter is applied.
            if (filter.Value == null)

            var              left       = property.Body;
            Expression       right      = Expression.Constant(filter.Value, typeof(DateTime?));
            BinaryExpression expression = null;

            switch (filter.Operator)
            case DateTimeComparisonOperators.Equal:
                expression = Expression.Equal(left, right);

            case DateTimeComparisonOperators.SmallerThan:
                expression = Expression.LessThan(left, right);

            case DateTimeComparisonOperators.SmallerThanEqualTo:
                expression = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(left, right);

            case DateTimeComparisonOperators.GreaterThanEqualTo:
                expression = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right);


            case DateTimeComparisonOperators.GreaterThan:
                expression = Expression.GreaterThan(left, right);

                throw new ArgumentException("Not supported operator", nameof(filter.Operator));

            var lambda =
                Expression.Lambda <Func <T, bool> >(expression, property.Parameters.Single());

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TestCreatePredicateShouldReturnNullableBooleanPredicate()
            var column = new ColumnBuilder().WithNulls().Build();

            _filter = new DateTimeFilter(column, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, true);
            var result = _filter.CreatePredicate();

            Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public PropertyFilter(int?id = null, ObjectFilter @object = null, MemberFilter member = null, IntegerFilter integerValue = null, DecimalFilter decimalValue = null, LocalizationFilter stringValue = null, DateTimeFilter dateTimeValue = null)
     Id            = id;
     Object        = @object;
     Member        = member;
     IntegerValue  = integerValue;
     DecimalValue  = decimalValue;
     StringValue   = stringValue;
     DateTimeValue = dateTimeValue;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestSerializeShouldSerializeDateTimeFilters()
            var filter  = new DateTimeFilter(_column, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, true);
            var xFilter = new XElement("datetime-filter");

            _mockDateTimeSerializer.Setup(p => p.Serialize(filter)).Returns(xFilter);
            var result = _serializer.Serialize(filter);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(xFilter));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Rule IsDateTime(string errorMsg = "非法日期")
            var filter = new DateTimeFilter()
                ErrorMsg = errorMsg


Ejemplo n.º 16
        public DateTimeFilterTests()
            items = new[]
                new GridModel { Date = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01), NDate = null },
                new GridModel { Date = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01) },
                new GridModel { Date = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01) }

            nDateExpression = (model) => model.NDate;
            dateExpression = (model) => model.Date;
            filter = new DateTimeFilter();
        public void SetUp()
            _value  = new DateTime(2001, 01, 01);
            _column = new ColumnBuilder()
            _filter = new DateTimeFilter(_column, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, false);

            _mockCommandBus = new Mock <ICommandBus>();

            _viewModel = new DateRangeFilterViewModel(
                _mockCommandBus.Object, _filter);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public OrderFilter(int?id = null, OrderStateFilter orderState = null, DeliveryMethodFilter deliveryMethod = null, PaymentMethodFilter paymentMethod = null, StringFilter customerFirstName = null, StringFilter customerLastName = null, StringFilter customerPhone = null, StringFilter customerEmail = null, StringFilter customerAddress = null, StringFilter note = null, DateTimeFilter created = null)
     Id                = id;
     OrderState        = orderState;
     DeliveryMethod    = deliveryMethod;
     PaymentMethod     = paymentMethod;
     CustomerFirstName = customerFirstName;
     CustomerLastName  = customerLastName;
     CustomerPhone     = customerPhone;
     CustomerEmail     = customerEmail;
     CustomerAddress   = customerAddress;
     Note              = note;
     Created           = created;
        public XElement Serialize(DateTimeFilter filter)
            var xFilter = new XElement(FilterTag);

            AddColumn(xFilter, ColumnIdTag, filter.Column);

            AddProperty(xFilter, LowerValueTag, filter.LowerValue);

            AddProperty(xFilter, UpperValueTag, filter.UpperValue);

            AddProperty(xFilter, IncludeNullTag, filter.IncludeNull);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        private IEnumerable <StudyAbroadViewModel> ProcessRecords(IEnumerable <dynamic> rows)
            ICollection <StudyAbroadViewModel> studyAbroad = new List <StudyAbroadViewModel>();

            foreach (IDictionary <string, object> row in rows)
                StudyAbroadViewModel study = new StudyAbroadViewModel()
                    Id            = (int)row["Id"],
                    StudentId     = (int)row["StudentId"],
                    Semester      = (int)row["Semester"],
                    Year          = (int)row["Year"],
                    CreditBearing = (bool)row["CreditBearing"],
                    Internship    = (bool)row["Internship"],
                    CountryId     = (int)row["CountryId"],
                    ProgramId     = (int)row["ProgramId"],
                    City          = row["City"] as string

                if (row.ContainsKey("StartDate") && row["StartDate"] != null)
                    study.StartDate = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["StartDate"]);

                if (row.ContainsKey("EndDate") && row["EndDate"] != null)
                    study.EndDate = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["EndDate"]);

                if (row.ContainsKey("ProgramTypeIds") && row["ProgramTypeIds"] != null)
                    study.ProgramTypes = Array.ConvertAll(((string)row["ProgramTypeIds"]).Split(','), int.Parse);

                study.Student = new StudentModel()
                    FirstName  = (string)row["FirstName"],
                    MiddleName = row["MiddleName"] as string,
                    LastName   = (string)row["LastName"]


Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void SetUp()
            _column  = new ColumnBuilder().WithId(1).Build();
            _columns = new List <Column> {

            _filter = new DateTimeFilter(_column, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, true);

            _xFilter = new XElement("datetime-filter",
                                    new XElement("column-id", _column.Id),
                                    new XElement("lower-value", DateTime.MinValue),
                                    new XElement("upper-value", DateTime.MaxValue),
                                    new XElement("include-null", true));

            _serializer = new DateTimeFilterSerializer(
                new PropertySerializer(null));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task <IEnumerable <UserModel> > GetUsers(string username = null)
            List <UserModel> users = new List <UserModel>();

            string sql = @"
                SELECT  [Id], [FirstName], [LastName],
                        [Created], [LastLogin], [Email],
                        [Admin] AS IsAdmin, [Active] AS IsActive, [Login],
                FROM    [dbo].[Users] ";

            if (username != null)
                sql += "WHERE [Login] = @Username";

                if (username != null)
                    users = (await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <UserModel>(sql, new { Username = username })).ToList();
                    users = (await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <UserModel>(sql)).ToList();

                users.ForEach(x =>
                    x.Created   = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal(x.Created);
                    x.LastLogin = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal(x.LastLogin);

                // TODO: LastLogin may need to be changed to a nullable type.
            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["SQL"] = sql;
                ErrorStore.LogException(e, HttpContext.Current);
                throw e;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            if (obj == this)

            return(obj is LoyaltyEventFilter other &&
                   ((LoyaltyAccountFilter == null && other.LoyaltyAccountFilter == null) || (LoyaltyAccountFilter?.Equals(other.LoyaltyAccountFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((TypeFilter == null && other.TypeFilter == null) || (TypeFilter?.Equals(other.TypeFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((DateTimeFilter == null && other.DateTimeFilter == null) || (DateTimeFilter?.Equals(other.DateTimeFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((LocationFilter == null && other.LocationFilter == null) || (LocationFilter?.Equals(other.LocationFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((OrderFilter == null && other.OrderFilter == null) || (OrderFilter?.Equals(other.OrderFilter) == true)));
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            if (obj == this)

            return(obj is SearchOrdersFilter other &&
                   ((StateFilter == null && other.StateFilter == null) || (StateFilter?.Equals(other.StateFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((DateTimeFilter == null && other.DateTimeFilter == null) || (DateTimeFilter?.Equals(other.DateTimeFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((FulfillmentFilter == null && other.FulfillmentFilter == null) || (FulfillmentFilter?.Equals(other.FulfillmentFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((SourceFilter == null && other.SourceFilter == null) || (SourceFilter?.Equals(other.SourceFilter) == true)) &&
                   ((CustomerFilter == null && other.CustomerFilter == null) || (CustomerFilter?.Equals(other.CustomerFilter) == true)));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public DateTimeFilterTests()
            items = new[]
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01), NDate = null
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01)
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01)

            nDateExpression = (model) => model.NDate;
            dateExpression  = (model) => model.Date;
            filter          = new DateTimeFilter();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static ISqlFilter SqlDateTimeFilter(UserFilterProviderColumn columnFilter)
            string   column      = "timestamp";
            DateTime?filterValue = null;

            while (!filterValue.HasValue)
                Console.WriteLine(" Inserisci la data in formato standard:");
                var str = Console.ReadLine();
                if (DateTime.TryParse(str, out var value))
                    filterValue = value;
            DateTimeFilterMode?mode = null; //non è più un enum ma un oggetto che ha un enum ma che può essere nullo

            while (mode == null)
                Console.WriteLine("1. prima");
                Console.WriteLine("2. ora esatta");
                Console.WriteLine("3. dopo");
                var key = Console.ReadKey();
                switch (key.KeyChar)
                case '1':
                    mode = DateTimeFilterMode.Before;

                case '2':
                    mode = DateTimeFilterMode.At;

                case '3':
                    mode = DateTimeFilterMode.After;

            var filter = new DateTimeFilter(column, filterValue.Value, mode.Value);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void SetUp()
            models = new[]
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2013, 01, 01), NDate = null
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2014, 01, 01)
                new GridModel {
                    Date = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01), NDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 01)

            Expression <Func <GridModel, DateTime> > expression = (model) => model.Date;

            filter = new DateTimeFilter <GridModel>();
            filter.FilteredExpression = expression;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void InvalidDateTimeFilterTests(string submitValue, string filterFieldValue, string operatorType)
            var expectedValue = new SubmissionMetaDataModel()
                DisplayName = nameof(String),
                Name        = nameof(String),
                Type        = nameof(String),
                Value       = submitValue

            var filterValue = new SearchTermModel()
                FieldName        = FilterConstants.FilterFieldTypes.StringType,
                FieldType        = FilterConstants.FilterFieldTypes.DateType,
                FieldValue       = filterFieldValue,
                OperatorProperty = operatorType

            Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => DateTimeFilter.MatchesFilter(expectedValue, filterValue));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void ValidDateTimeFilterTests(string submitValue, string filterFieldValue, string operatorType, bool expectedResult)
            var expectedValue = new SubmissionMetaDataModel()
                DisplayName = nameof(String),
                Name        = nameof(String),
                Type        = nameof(String),
                Value       = submitValue

            var filterValue = new SearchTermModel()
                FieldName        = FilterConstants.FilterFieldTypes.StringType,
                FieldType        = FilterConstants.FilterFieldTypes.DateType,
                FieldValue       = filterFieldValue,
                OperatorProperty = operatorType

            var result = DateTimeFilter.MatchesFilter(expectedValue, filterValue);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <IEnumerable <DocumentViewModel> > GetActivityLogDocumentsList(int id)
            const string sql = @"
                SELECT  [Id], [Title], [Size], [MimeType], [Created]
                FROM    [dbo].[Documents]
                WHERE   [ActivityLogId] = @Id AND
                        [Deleted] IS NULL";

                List <DocumentViewModel> documents = (await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <DocumentViewModel>(sql,
                                                                                                                new { Id = id })).ToList();
                documents.ForEach(x => x.Created = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal(x.Created));
            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["SQL"] = sql;
                ErrorStore.LogException(e, HttpContext.Current);

            return(Enumerable.Empty <DocumentViewModel>());
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public async Task <IEnumerable <EventLogViewModel> > GetEvents(int numEvents)
            ICollection <EventLogViewModel> events = new List <EventLogViewModel>();

            const string sql = @"
                SELECT          TOP(@NumEvents) e.Id, e.Date, e.ModifiedBy,
                                e.StudentId, e.UserId, e.Type,
                                e.Action, u.FirstName, u.LastName,
                                s.FirstName AS StudentFirstName,
                                s.LastName AS StudentLastName,
                                us.FirstName AS UserFirstName,
                                us.LastName AS UserLastName,
                FROM            [dbo].[EventLog] e
                INNER JOIN      [dbo].[Users] u ON
                                [ModifiedBy] = u.id
                LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Students] s ON
                                e.StudentId = s.id
                LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Users] us ON
                                e.UserId = us.id
                ORDER BY        [Date] DESC";

                IEnumerable <dynamic> rows = await UnitOfWork.Context().QueryAsync <dynamic>(sql,
                                                                                             new { NumEvents = numEvents });

                foreach (IDictionary <string, object> row in rows)
                    StudentModel student = null;

                    // TODO: Check for key or does key always exist and value is null?
                    if (row.ContainsKey("StudentId") && row["StudentId"] != null)
                        student = new StudentModel()
                            Id        = (int)row["StudentId"],
                            FirstName = (string)row["StudentFirstName"],
                            LastName  = (string)row["StudentLastName"]

                    EventLogViewModel eventLog = new EventLogViewModel()
                        Id                  = (int)row["Id"],
                        EventDate           = DateTimeFilter.UtcToLocal((DateTime)row["Date"]),
                        ModifiedById        = (int)row["ModifiedBy"],
                        ModifiedByFirstName = (string)row["FirstName"],
                        ModifiedByLastName  = (string)row["LastName"],
                        Student             = student,
                        Type                = (int)row["Type"],
                        Action              = (string)row["Action"]

                    if (row.ContainsKey("UserId") && row["UserId"] != null)
                        eventLog.UserId        = (int)row["UserId"];
                        eventLog.UserFirstName = (string)row["UserFirstName"];
                        eventLog.UserLastName  = (string)row["UserLastName"];

                    eventLog.RelativeDate = DateTimeFilter.CalculateRelativeDate(eventLog.EventDate.ToUniversalTime());

            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["SQL"] = sql;
                ErrorStore.LogException(e, HttpContext.Current);
                throw e;
