Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void HandleMessage(byte[] message, object target, DatasetSource ds)
            BigEndianBinaryReader reader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(message);
            // read in the current time
            CarTimestamp time = new CarTimestamp(reader.ReadUInt16(), reader.ReadInt32());
            // read the feedback type
            byte feedbackType = reader.ReadByte();

            // read the length
            ushort len = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // dispatch if we can
            FeedbackType type;

            if (types.TryGetValue((int)feedbackType, out type))
                object[] vals = type.MapMessage(target, ds, time, reader);

                if (logWriter != null)

                    for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length - 1; i++)

                    logWriter.WriteLine(vals[vals.Length - 1]);
        public void HandleMessage(byte[] message, object target, DatasetSource ds)
            BigEndianBinaryReader reader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(message);
            // read in the current time
            CarTimestamp time = new CarTimestamp(reader.ReadUInt16(), reader.ReadInt32());
            // read the feedback type
            byte feedbackType = reader.ReadByte();

            // read the length
            ushort len = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // dispatch if we can
            FeedbackType type;
            if (types.TryGetValue((int)feedbackType, out type)) {
                object[] vals = type.MapMessage(target, ds, time, reader);

                if (logWriter != null) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length - 1; i++) {

                    logWriter.WriteLine(vals[vals.Length - 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public OperationalVehicleState GetVehicleState()
            DatasetSource ds = Services.Dataset;

            return(new OperationalVehicleState(
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("speed").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("actual steering").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <TransmissionGear>("transmission gear").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("pitch").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("brake pressure").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("engine torque").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("rpm").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("pedal position").CurrentValue,
                       ds.ItemAs <double>("actual steering").CurrentTime));
        public object[] MapMessage(object target, DatasetSource ds, CarTimestamp ts, BigEndianBinaryReader reader)
            // reader will be positioned at start of payload
            int nextra = 0;
            if (methodHasTimestamp)
            if (methodHasMsgType)

            object[] vals = new object[fields.Count];
            object[] param = null;
            if (method != null) {
                if (methodIsObjectArray) {
                    param = new object[1+nextra];
                else {
                    param = new object[fields.Count + nextra];

                if (methodHasTimestamp) {
                    param[0] = ts;
                    if (methodHasMsgType)
                        param[1] = id;
                else if (methodHasMsgType) {
                    param[0] = id;

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++) {
                object val = fields[i].MapField(reader, ds, ts);
                if (param != null && !methodIsObjectArray)
                    param[i + nextra] = val;

                vals[i] = val;

            if (methodIsObjectArray && param != null) {
                param[nextra] = vals;

            if (method != null) {
                method.Invoke(target, param);

            return vals;
        public object MapField(BigEndianBinaryReader reader, DatasetSource ds, CarTimestamp ct)
            object val = MapData(ReadData(reader));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsitem) && ds != null)
                IDataItemSource di;
                if (!ds.TryGetValue(dsitem, out di))
                    Type digType            = typeof(DataItemSource <>);
                    Type diType             = digType.MakeGenericType(outtype);
                    DataItemDescriptor desc = new DataItemDescriptor(dsitem, outtype, null, null, 250);
                    di = (IDataItemSource)Activator.CreateInstance(diType, desc);
                    ds.Add(dsitem, di);
                di.Add(val, ct);

        void client_PoseAbsReceived(object sender, PoseAbsReceivedEventArgs e)

            Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("pose rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

            //OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("got absolute pose for time {0}", e.PoseAbsData.timestamp);

            if (lastPacketTime.ts > e.PoseAbsData.timestamp.ts)
                lastPacketTime = new CarTimestamp(-10000);

            if (e.PoseAbsData.timestamp.ts - lastPacketTime.ts >= 0.02)
                DatasetSource ds  = Services.Dataset;
                PoseAbsData   d   = e.PoseAbsData;
                CarTimestamp  now = e.PoseAbsData.timestamp;

                if (Services.Projection != null)
                    Coordinates xy = Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz));
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("xy").Add(xy, now);

                    AbsolutePose absPose = new AbsolutePose(xy, d.yaw, now);

                if (!Settings.UseWheelSpeed)
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("speed").Add(d.veh_vx, now);

                ds.ItemAs <double>("vel - y").Add(d.veh_vy, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("heading").Add(BiasEstimator.CorrectHeading(d.yaw), now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("pitch").Add(d.pitch + 1.25 * Math.PI / 180.0, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("roll").Add(d.roll, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - x").Add(d.bax, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - y").Add(d.bay, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("ba - z").Add(d.baz, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - x").Add(d.bwx, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - y").Add(d.bwy, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("bw - z").Add(d.bwz, now);
                ds.ItemAs <PoseCorrectionMode>("correction mode").Add(d.correction_mode, now);

                LLACoord lla = WGS84.ECEFtoLLA(new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz));
                ds.ItemAs <double>("altitude").Add(lla.alt, now);

                if (Services.Projection != null)
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("gps xy").Add(Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.gps_px, d.gps_py, d.gps_pz)), now);
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("hp xy").Add(Services.Projection.ECEFtoXY(new Vector3(d.hp_px, d.hp_py, d.hp_pz)), now);

                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep heading").Add(d.sep_heading, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep pitch").Add(d.sep_pitch, now);
                ds.ItemAs <double>("sep roll").Add(d.sep_roll, now);

                if (!double.IsNaN(lastYawRate) && lastPacketTime.ts > 0)
                    // get the enu velocity
                    Vector3 pECEF     = new Vector3(d.ecef_px, d.ecef_py, d.ecef_pz);
                    Vector3 vECEF     = new Vector3(d.ecef_vx, d.ecef_vy, d.ecef_vz);
                    Matrix3 Recef2enu = Geocentric.Recef2enu(pECEF);
                    Vector3 vENU      = Recef2enu * vECEF;
                    BiasEstimator.Update(lastYawRate, d.yaw, vENU, now.ts - lastPacketTime.ts, now);

                    Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("heading bias").Add(BiasEstimator.HeadingBias, now);

                lastPacketTime = now;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static TestResult IsValidDataset(this string filePath)
            if (!File.Exists(filePath))

            string documentationLink = "IsValidDataset";
            //Read the dataset
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(filePath);
            string       json = sr.ReadToEnd();


            if (json == null)

            //Check if the dataset deserialises to a dataset object
            Dataset ds = BH.Engine.Serialiser.Convert.FromJson(json) as Dataset;

            if (ds == null)
                //Dataset did not deserialise successfully
                                         new List <Error>()
                    Create.Error("Dataset file did not deserialise into a BH.oM.Data.Library.Dataset object successfully. For more information see https://github.com/BHoM/documentation/wiki/IsValidDataset",
                                 Create.Location(filePath, Create.LineSpan(1, 1)),
                                 "Dataset deserialisation error"

            if (ds.SourceInformation == null)
                //Source information is not set
                                         new List <Error>()
                    Create.Error("Dataset file does not contain any source information. For more information see https://github.com/BHoM/documentation/wiki/IsValidDataset",
                                 Create.Location(filePath, Create.LineSpan(1, 1)),
                                 "Dataset source error"

            DatasetSource dss = new DatasetSource();

            dss.Message = "Title: " + ds.SourceInformation.Title + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Author: " + ds.SourceInformation.Author + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Confidence: " + ds.SourceInformation.Confidence.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Version: " + ds.SourceInformation.Version + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Source Link: " + ds.SourceInformation.SourceLink + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Publisher: " + ds.SourceInformation.Publisher + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Language: " + ds.SourceInformation.Language + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Schema: " + ds.SourceInformation.Schema + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Location: " + ds.SourceInformation.Location + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Copyright: " + ds.SourceInformation.Copyright + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Contributors: " + ds.SourceInformation.Contributors + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "Item Reference: " + ds.SourceInformation.ItemReference + System.Environment.NewLine;

            dss.Status = TestStatus.Pass;

            TestResult result = new TestResult()
                Status = TestStatus.Pass

            List <Error> errors = new List <Error>();

            if (ds.SourceInformation.Author == null || ds.SourceInformation.Author == "")
                //Source information does not contain an author
                errors.Add(Create.Error("Dataset file does not contain an author in the source information. For more information see https://github.com/BHoM/documentation/wiki/IsValidDataset",
                                        Create.Location(filePath, Create.LineSpan(1, 1)),
                                        "Dataset source author error"

                result.Status = TestStatus.Warning;

            if (ds.SourceInformation.Title == null || ds.SourceInformation.Title == "")
                //Source information does not contain an author
                errors.Add(Create.Error("Dataset file does not contain a title in the source information. For more information see https://github.com/BHoM/documentation/wiki/IsValidDataset",
                                        Create.Location(filePath, Create.LineSpan(1, 1)),
                                        "Dataset source title error"

                result.Status = TestStatus.Warning;

            if (ds.SourceInformation.Confidence == Confidence.Undefined)
                //Source confidence has not been set
                errors.Add(Create.Error("Dataset confidence level has not been correctly set. For more information see https://github.com/BHoM/documentation/wiki/IsValidDataset",
                                        Create.Location(filePath, Create.LineSpan(1, 1)),
                                        "Dataset confidence error"

                result.Status = TestStatus.Error;

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                result.Information.AddRange(errors.Select(x => x as ITestInformation));

        void IChannelListener.MessageArrived(string channelName, object message)
            if (message is OperationalSimVehicleState)
                OperationalTrace.ThreadTraceSource = TraceSource;
                Trace.CorrelationManager.StartLogicalOperation("simstate callback");
                try {
                    OperationalSimVehicleState state = (OperationalSimVehicleState)message;

                    DatasetSource ds = Services.Dataset;

                    OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("received operational sim state, t = {0}", state.Timestamp);

                    Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("pose rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

                    CarTimestamp now = state.Timestamp;
                    ds.ItemAs <Coordinates>("xy").Add(state.Position, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("speed").Add(state.Speed, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("heading").Add(state.Heading, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("actual steering").Add(state.SteeringAngle, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <TransmissionGear>("transmission gear").Add(state.TransmissionGear, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("engine torque").Add(state.EngineTorque, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("brake pressure").Add(state.BrakePressure, now);
                    ds.ItemAs <double>("rpm").Add(state.EngineRPM, now);

                    if (state.TransmissionGear != lastRecvTransGear)
                        ds.ItemAs <DateTime>("trans gear change time").Add(HighResDateTime.Now, now);
                        lastRecvTransGear = state.TransmissionGear;

                    lastCarMode = state.CarMode;
                    if (CarModeChanged != null)
                        CarModeChanged(this, new CarModeChangedEventArgs(lastCarMode, now));

                    // build the current relative pose matrix
                    Matrix4 relativePose = Matrix4.Translation(state.Position.X, state.Position.Y, 0) * Matrix4.YPR(state.Heading, 0, 0);
                    relativePose = relativePose.Inverse();

                    // push on to the relative pose stack
                    Services.RelativePose.PushTransform(now, relativePose);

                    // push the current absolute pose entry
                    AbsolutePose absPose = new AbsolutePose(state.Position, state.Heading, now);
                finally {
                    OperationalTrace.ThreadTraceSource = null;
            else if (message is SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection)
                // push to obstacle pipeline
            else if (message is SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection)
 public DatasetSourceFacade(DatasetSource ds)
     this.ds = ds;
        public object MapField(BigEndianBinaryReader reader, DatasetSource ds, CarTimestamp ct)
            object val = MapData(ReadData(reader));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsitem) && ds != null) {
                IDataItemSource di;
                if (!ds.TryGetValue(dsitem, out di)) {
                    Type digType = typeof(DataItemSource<>);
                    Type diType = digType.MakeGenericType(outtype);
                    DataItemDescriptor desc = new DataItemDescriptor(dsitem, outtype, null, null, 250);
                    di = (IDataItemSource)Activator.CreateInstance(diType, desc);
                    ds.Add(dsitem, di);
                di.Add(val, ct);

            return val;
        public object[] MapMessage(object target, DatasetSource ds, CarTimestamp ts, BigEndianBinaryReader reader)
            // reader will be positioned at start of payload
            int nextra = 0;

            if (methodHasTimestamp)
            if (methodHasMsgType)

            object[] vals  = new object[fields.Count];
            object[] param = null;
            if (method != null)
                if (methodIsObjectArray)
                    param = new object[1 + nextra];
                    param = new object[fields.Count + nextra];

                if (methodHasTimestamp)
                    param[0] = ts;
                    if (methodHasMsgType)
                        param[1] = id;
                else if (methodHasMsgType)
                    param[0] = id;

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                object val = fields[i].MapField(reader, ds, ts);
                if (param != null && !methodIsObjectArray)
                    param[i + nextra] = val;

                vals[i] = val;

            if (methodIsObjectArray && param != null)
                param[nextra] = vals;

            if (method != null)
                method.Invoke(target, param);
