Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void TestNumVersionsReportedCorrect()
            //Create the DatanodeManager which will be tested
            FSNamesystem fsn = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FSNamesystem>();

            DatanodeManager dm = new DatanodeManager(Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <BlockManager>()
                                                     , fsn, new Configuration());
            //Seed the RNG with a known value so test failures are easier to reproduce
            Random rng  = new Random();
            int    seed = rng.Next();

            rng = new Random(seed);
            Log.Info("Using seed " + seed + " for testing");
            //A map of the Storage IDs to the DN registration it was registered with
            Dictionary <string, DatanodeRegistration> sIdToDnReg = new Dictionary <string, DatanodeRegistration

            for (int i = 0; i < NumIterations; ++i)
                //If true, remove a node for every 3rd time (if there's one)
                if (rng.NextBoolean() && i % 3 == 0 && sIdToDnReg.Count != 0)
                    //Pick a random node.
                    int randomIndex = rng.Next() % sIdToDnReg.Count;
                    //Iterate to that random position
                    IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, DatanodeRegistration> > it = sIdToDnReg.GetEnumerator
                    for (int j = 0; j < randomIndex - 1; ++j)
                    DatanodeRegistration toRemove = it.Next().Value;
                    Log.Info("Removing node " + toRemove.GetDatanodeUuid() + " ip " + toRemove.GetXferAddr
                                 () + " version : " + toRemove.GetSoftwareVersion());
                    //Remove that random node
                    // Otherwise register a node. This node may be a new / an old one
                    //Pick a random storageID to register.
                    string storageID        = "someStorageID" + rng.Next(5000);
                    DatanodeRegistration dr = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DatanodeRegistration>();
                    //If this storageID had already been registered before
                    if (sIdToDnReg.Contains(storageID))
                        dr = sIdToDnReg[storageID];
                        //Half of the times, change the IP address
                        if (rng.NextBoolean())
                            dr.SetIpAddr(dr.GetIpAddr() + "newIP");
                        //This storageID has never been registered
                        //Ensure IP address is unique to storageID
                        string ip = "someIP" + storageID;
                        Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(dr.GetXferAddr()).ThenReturn(ip + ":9000");
                    //Pick a random version to register with
                    Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(dr.GetSoftwareVersion()).ThenReturn("version" + rng.Next
                    Log.Info("Registering node storageID: " + dr.GetDatanodeUuid() + ", version: " +
                             dr.GetSoftwareVersion() + ", IP address: " + dr.GetXferAddr());
                    //Register this random node
                    sIdToDnReg[storageID] = dr;
                //Verify DatanodeManager still has the right count
                IDictionary <string, int> mapToCheck = dm.GetDatanodesSoftwareVersions();
                //Remove counts from versions and make sure that after removing all nodes
                //mapToCheck is empty
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DatanodeRegistration> it_1 in sIdToDnReg)
                    string ver = it_1.Value.GetSoftwareVersion();
                    if (!mapToCheck.Contains(ver))
                        throw new Exception("The correct number of datanodes of a " + "version was not found on iteration "
                                            + i);
                    mapToCheck[ver] = mapToCheck[ver] - 1;
                    if (mapToCheck[ver] == 0)
                        Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mapToCheck, ver);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in mapToCheck)
                    Log.Info("Still in map: " + entry.Key + " has " + entry.Value);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("The map of version counts returned by DatanodeManager was"
                                                + " not what it was expected to be on iteration " + i, 0, mapToCheck.Count);