Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool Execute(string SelectStatement = "*")
            string Provider = "";
            bool   Success  = false;

            using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection {
                ConnectionString = DatabaseName.BuildConnectionString()
                using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand {
                    Connection = cn
                    // Determine the proper provider for Excel
                    if (Path.GetExtension(DatabaseName).ToLower() == ".mdb" && Path.GetExtension(ExcelFileName).ToLower() == ".xls")
                        Provider = "Excel 8.0;";
                    else if (Path.GetExtension(DatabaseName).ToLower() == ".accdb" && Path.GetExtension(ExcelFileName).ToLower() == ".xlsx")
                        Provider = "Excel 12.0 xml;";

                    cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT {SelectStatement} INTO [{Provider}DATABASE={ExcelFileName};HDR=No].[{WorkSheetName}] FROM [{TableName}]";

                        // if you need, affected is the row count placed into the destination worksheet
                        RecordsInserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                        Success         = RecordsInserted > 0;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // If we get here and the exception is -> Data type mismatch in criteria expression
                        // the data type is not valid e.g. you attempted to place a binary field such as an image into the worksheet.
                        // We could query each field's data type and make a decision to abort and if so that needs to happen before
                        // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() as after the fact the WorkSheet has already been created, the exception is raised
                        // after the Worksheet has been created so now you need to clean up and remove the WorkSheet which is beyond
                        // the scope of this code sample.
                        //                    '
                        ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
