// Save file
        private void Save_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set the button as a save file dialog when clicked
            SaveFileDialog saveDlg = new SaveFileDialog
                // Set the filter so the user will know which format of STL will be saved
                Filter = "ASCII STL File (*.stl)|*.stl|Binary STL File (*.stl)|*.stl",
                // Set the initial directory of the saved file to My Documents
                InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments),
            // Instantiate DataWriter to access its methods
            DataWriter dw = new DataWriter();

            // Requirements to save the file
            bool reqA = saveDlg.ShowDialog() == true;   // To open the Save Dialog
            bool reqB = saveDlg.FilterIndex == 1;       // If the user wants to save the file as an ASCII STL File

            if (STLFile != null)
                if (reqA && reqB)
                    // AsAsciiFile here with SaveDlg.Filename and data model as parameter
                    dw.AsAsciiFile(saveDlg.FileName, STLFile);
                    MessageBox.Show("File saved as an ASCII STL File.", "Successful!");
                else // If the user wants to save the DataStructure as a binary STL File (FilterIndex == 2)
                    // AsBinaryFile here with SaveDlg.Filename and data model as parameter
                    dw.AsBinaryFile(saveDlg.FileName, STLFile);
                    MessageBox.Show("File saved as a binary STL File.", "Successful!");
                MessageBox.Show("No STL file exist. \nPlease open a valid file first.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);