public static void csvWritePhase(DataStruc Result, StreamWriter myWriterPhase, string filename)
     for (int i = 0; i < Result.key.Count(); i++)
             Result.ID + "," +
             Result.course + "," +
             Result.plan + "," +
             Result.protocol + "," +
             Result.PD + "," +
             Result.plannedOn + "," +
             Result.SSiD + "," +
             Result.fourD + "," +
             Result.phase[i] + "," +
             Result.GTVPhVol[i] + "," +
             Result.xGTVph[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.yGTVph[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.zGTVph[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.xGTVph2Lung[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.yGTVph2Lung[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.zGTVph2Lung[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.xGTVph2PTV[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.yGTVph2PTV[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.zGTVph2PTV[i] / 10 + "," +
             Result.PTVVol + "," +
             Result.LungVol + "," +
        public static void csvWritePlan(DataStruc Result, StreamWriter myWriterPlan, string filename)
            //Summarises the 4D information per plan into 1 line.

            string output =
                Result.planKey + "," +
                Result.ID + "," +
                Result.course + "," +
                Result.Site + "," +
                Result.plan + "," +
                Result.protocol + "," +
                Result.PD + "," +
                Result.plannedOn + "," +
                Result.SSiD + "," +
                Result.PTVVol + "," +
                Result.LungVol + "," +

            //Only includes 4D data if it was found.
            if (Result.GTVPhVol.Count() != 0)
                //Determines laterality from tumour co-ordinates.
                string Laterality = "Unknown";
                if (Result.xGTVph2Lung.Average() < -20 && Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() < 0)
                    Laterality = "Left Upper";
                else if (Result.xGTVph2Lung.Average() < -20 && Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() >= 0)
                    Laterality = "Left Lower";
                else if (Result.xGTVph2Lung.Average() > 20 && Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() < 0)
                    Laterality = "Right Upper";
                else if (Result.xGTVph2Lung.Average() > 20 && Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() >= 0)
                    Laterality = "Right Lower";
                    if (Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() < 0)
                        Laterality = "Central Upper";
                    else if (Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() > 0)
                        Laterality = "Central Lower";

                output = output + "," +
                         Result.GTVPhVol.Average() + "," +
                         Result.xGTVph.Max() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.yGTVph.Max() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.zGTVph.Max() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.xGTVph2Lung.Average() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.yGTVph2Lung.Average() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.zGTVph2Lung.Average() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.xGTVph2PTV.Average() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.yGTVph2PTV.Average() / 10 + "," +
                         Result.zGTVph2PTV.Average() / 10 + "," +

            //Outputs string.
        static void Execute(Application app)
            Console.WriteLine("Standalone script to pull imaging data from 4DCT planning scan structure sets");

            //Open input text file for list of ID numbers.
            StreamReader myReader = new StreamReader(getFilePath(@"\\oncology-is\VA_DATA$\physicists\ESAPI Scripting\Patient lists"));

            System.Collections.ArrayList IDList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); //empty array

            //Reads in ID number and assigns to array.
            string IDNo = myReader.ReadLine();

            while (IDNo != null)
                IDNo = myReader.ReadLine();

            //set output file location
            string outputDir = @"\\oncology-is\VA_DATA$\physicists\ESAPI Scripting\Reports";

            string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\LungMotionPhase_{1}.csv",
                                            outputDir, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy"));

            Console.WriteLine("Output location for Phase info:");

            string filename2 = string.Format(@"{0}\LungMotionPlan_{1}.csv",
                                             outputDir, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy"));

            Console.WriteLine("Output location for Plan info:");

            //Creates file for phase information
            System.IO.StreamWriter myWriterPhase = new StreamWriter(filename); //creates empty .csv
            myWriterPhase.AutoFlush = true;

            //Writes header for csv for phases
            myWriterPhase.Write("ID, Course, Plan, Protocol, Dose, Plan creation, Structure Set, 4D?, Phase, GTVvolume (cc)," +
                                "x-lat (cm),y-vrt (cm),z-lng (cm), " +
                                "x-lat2Lung (cm),y-vrt2Lung (cm),z-lng2Lung (cm), " +
                                "x-lat2PTV (cm),y-vrt2PTV (cm),z-lng2PTV (cm), " +
                                "PTV Vol(cc), lungVol(cc), key");

            //Creates file for summary information for each plan.
            System.IO.StreamWriter myWriterPlan = new StreamWriter(filename2); //creates empty .csv
            myWriterPhase.AutoFlush = true;

            //Writes header for csv for plan.
            myWriterPlan.Write("Key, ID, Course, Site, Plan, Protocol, Dose, Plan creation, Structure Set, " +
                               "PTV Vol (cc), lungVol (cc), 4D?,  GTV mean vol (cc), " +
                               "x-lat range (cm),y-vrt range (cm), z-lng range (cm), " +
                               "x-lat2Lung (cm), y-vrt2Lung (cm), z-lng2Lung (cm), " +
                               "x-lat2PTV (cm), y-vrt2PTV (cm), z-lng2PTV (cm), Laterality,");

            double Count = 0;             //counts patients.

            foreach (string id in IDList) //runs through list of IDs
                Console.WriteLine("Processing patient {0} of {1}, id: {2}", Count, IDList.Count, id);

                Patient pat = app.OpenPatientById(id);

                foreach (var course in pat.Courses) //Runs through all courses
                    //filters for relevant course
                    if (course.Id.ToUpper().Contains("QA") ||
                        course.Id.ToUpper().Contains("QC") ||
                        course.Id.ToUpper().Contains("XIO") ||
                        //skips irrelevant courses for loop

                    foreach (var ps in course.PlanSetups) //Runs through all plans
                        // Checks for arcs.
                        int arcs = 0;
                        for (int Beams = 0; Beams < ps.Beams.Count(); Beams++)
                            if ((ps.Beams.ElementAt(Beams).IsSetupField))
                            if (ps.Beams.ElementAt(Beams).Technique.Id.ToUpper().Contains("ARC"))
                            }           //adds to index if criteria are met.

                        string Approval = ps.ApprovalStatus.ToString();
                        //Filters plans
                        if (!(ps.IsDoseValid)                                 // skip plans with no dose
                            // || Approval.Contains("Retired")                // skips retired
                            || Approval.Contains("Rejected")                  // skips rejected
                            // || !(Approval.Contains("TreatmentApproved"))   // only includes treatment approved plans
                            || ps.Id.ToUpper().Contains("QA") ||              // skip QA plans
                            ps.Id.ToUpper().Contains("SCRIPT") ||             // skip plans with script in ID
                            //|| !ps.Id.ToUpper().Contains("SABR")
                            || ps.StructureSet == null ||                     // no structure set
                            arcs == 0                                         // no arcs

                        if (ps.IsTreated)
                            //placed in a try catch loop to catch errors but not end code.
                                //Passes data to method to work out results.
                                DataStruc tempData = processPlan(pat, ps);
                                //Writes phases information to csv
                                csvWritePhase(tempData, myWriterPhase, filename);
                                //Writes plan information to csv
                                csvWritePlan(tempData, myWriterPlan, filename2);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                //outputs error to console.


            Console.WriteLine("All patients processed. Hit Return to open results and exit console");
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename);   //opens results spreadsheet
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename2);  //opens results spreadsheet
        public static DataStruc processPlan(Patient pat, PlanSetup ps)
            //Sets the image FOR which is unique to images acquired at the same time.
            string       FOR    = ps.StructureSet.Image.FOR;
            StructureSet mainSS = ps.StructureSet;

            //Makes place holder for results.
            DataStruc Result = new DataStruc();

            //Produces generic plan results.
            Result.ID        = pat.Id;
            Result.SSiD      = mainSS.Id;
            Result.PD        = ps.TotalDose.Dose;
            Result.protocol  = ps.ProtocolID;
            Result.plan      = ps.Id;
            Result.plannedOn = ps.HistoryDateTime;
            Result.Site      = SiteFind(ps.ProtocolID, ps.Course.Id);
            Result.course    = ps.Course.Id;
            Result.planKey   = ps.UID + ps.Id;
            Result.fourD     = "No";

            //Pre-creates list to assign phase data to.
            Result.GTVPhVol    = new List <double>();
            Result.phase       = new List <string>();
            Result.xGTVph      = new List <double>();
            Result.yGTVph      = new List <double>();
            Result.zGTVph      = new List <double>();
            Result.xGTVph2Lung = new List <double>();
            Result.yGTVph2Lung = new List <double>();
            Result.zGTVph2Lung = new List <double>();
            Result.xGTVph2PTV  = new List <double>();
            Result.yGTVph2PTV  = new List <double>();
            Result.zGTVph2PTV  = new List <double>();
            Result.key         = new List <string>();

            //Creates relevant structures using linq.
            Structure Lungs = null;

            Lungs = mainSS.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.ToUpper() == "LUNGS").FirstOrDefault();
            if (Lungs == null)
                Lungs = mainSS.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.ToUpper() == "WHOLE LUNG").FirstOrDefault();

            if (Lungs == null)
                Lungs = mainSS.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.ToUpper() == "LUNGS-GTV").FirstOrDefault();

            if (Lungs != null)
                Result.LungVol = Lungs.Volume;
                Result.LungVol = 0;

            Structure PTV = null;

            PTV = mainSS.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.ToUpper() == "PTV").FirstOrDefault();

            if (PTV == null)
                PTV = mainSS.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("PTV")).FirstOrDefault();

            Result.PTVVol = PTV.Volume;

            //Makes a collection of 4DCT phases, not including CBCT.
            var SSColl = pat.StructureSets.Where(x => x.Image.FOR == FOR &&
                                                 !x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("CBCT") &&
                                                 !x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("INTERPLAY") &&

            if (SSColl != null)
                //Cycle through phases to find CoM and volumes.
                foreach (var SS in SSColl)
                    //Cycles through structures in structureset.
                    foreach (var S in SS.Structures)
                        if (S.Id.ToUpper().Equals("GTV PH") && S.IsEmpty != true) // finds the centre of the GTV
                            //Commit phase ranges to list.
                            //Adds to primary key if phases are present.
                            Result.key.Add(ps.UID + SS.Id);

                            //Determines offset between PTV and phase. +1000 removes the impact of sign changes.
                            Result.xGTVph2PTV.Add((1000 + PTV.CenterPoint.x) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.x));
                            Result.yGTVph2PTV.Add((1000 + PTV.CenterPoint.y) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.y));
                            Result.zGTVph2PTV.Add((1000 + PTV.CenterPoint.z) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.z));

                            if (Lungs != null)
                                Result.xGTVph2Lung.Add((1000 + Lungs.CenterPoint.x) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.x));
                                Result.yGTVph2Lung.Add((1000 + Lungs.CenterPoint.y) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.y));
                                Result.zGTVph2Lung.Add((1000 + Lungs.CenterPoint.z) - (1000 + S.CenterPoint.z));
                //Reduces the GTV phase co-ordinate to be relative to zero.
                if (Result.xGTVph.Count >= 1)
                    Result.fourD = "Yes";
                    double minX = Result.xGTVph.Min();
                    double minY = Result.yGTVph.Min();
                    double minZ = Result.zGTVph.Min();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Result.key.Count(); i++)
                        Result.xGTVph[i] = (1000 + Result.xGTVph[i]) - (1000 + minX);     //1000 + removes problem of going over the axis, result is relative anyway.
                        Result.yGTVph[i] = (1000 + Result.yGTVph[i]) - (1000 + minY);
                        Result.zGTVph[i] = (1000 + Result.zGTVph[i]) - (1000 + minZ);
                Result.key.Add(ps.UID + ps.Id);

            return(Result); //returns result.