Ejemplo n.º 1
 public frmViewReport(DataSetTKHD _ds)
     mode = 6;
     ds6 = _ds;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public frmViewReport(DataSetTKHD _ds)
     mode = 6;
     ds6  = _ds;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void btnTKHDReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get Data From DB
            string strWheredate = "";
            string strWhereEmployee = "";
            string strWhereRoom = "";
            string strWhereTax = "";
            DataAccess da = new DataAccess();
            DataSet dsSP = null;
            string strEmployeeName = cbTKHDEmployee.Text;

            if ((strEmployeeName != "") && (strEmployeeName != "Tất cả"))
                strWhereEmployee += " and Ten = '" + strEmployeeName + "' ";
            string strRoomName = cbTKHDRoom.Text;

            if ((strRoomName != "") && (strRoomName != "Tất cả"))
                strWhereRoom += " and TenPhong = '" + strRoomName + "' ";
            if (rdTKHDByDate.Checked)
                DateTime dtDate = dtTKHDByDate.Value;
                strWheredate += " AND Year(Ngayxuat) = " + dtDate.Year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) = " +
                    dtDate.Month + " and Day(Ngayxuat) = " + dtDate.Day;
            else if (rdTKHDByMonth.Checked)
                if (cbTKHDByMonthMonth.Text == "" || cbTKHDByMonthYear.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn thông tin tháng. Xin vui lòng chọn thông tin tháng",
                        "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                string month = cbTKHDByMonthMonth.Text;
                string year = cbTKHDByMonthYear.Text;
                strWheredate += " AND Year(Ngayxuat) = " + year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) = " + month + " ";
            else if (rdTKHDByCustom.Checked)
                DateTime startDate = dtTKHDByCustomFrom.Value;
                DateTime endDate = dtTKHDByCustomTo.Value;
                if (startDate != null && endDate != null)
                    strWheredate += " AND ( Year(Ngayxuat) > " + startDate.Year +
                    " or (Year(Ngayxuat) = " + startDate.Year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) > " + startDate.Month + ") " +
                    " or (Year(Ngayxuat) = " + startDate.Year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) = " + startDate.Month + " and Day(Ngayxuat) >= " + startDate.Day + "))" +
                    " AND ( Year(Ngayxuat) < " + endDate.Year +
                    " or (Year(Ngayxuat) = " + endDate.Year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) < " + endDate.Month + ") " +
                    " or (Year(Ngayxuat) = " + endDate.Year + " and Month(Ngayxuat) = " + endDate.Month + " and Day(Ngayxuat) <= " + endDate.Day + ")) ";
            if (ckVAT.Checked && (!ckNormal.Checked))
                strWhereTax = " AND Hoadonxuat.Thue > 0";
            else if ((!ckVAT.Checked) && (ckNormal.Checked))
                strWhereTax = " AND Hoadonxuat.Thue = 0";

            string strQuery = "SELECT Hoadonxuat.IDHoadonXuat, Hoadonxuat.Ngayxuat, Hoadonxuat.Giam as Giam1,Hoadonxuat.Giam&'%' as Giam, Nhanvien.Ten, " +
                "Hoadonxuat.Phuthu, Phong.TenPhong, Hoadonxuat.GioBD, Hoadonxuat.GioKT,Hoadonxuat.Thue as Thue1,Hoadonxuat.Thue&'%' as Thue, " +
                "GiaLoaiPhong.Gia, Hoadonxuat.Ghichu "+
                " FROM ((Hoadonxuat INNER JOIN GiaLoaiPhong ON " +
                "Hoadonxuat.IDGiaLoaiphong = GiaLoaiPhong.IDGiaLoaiPhong) INNER JOIN Phong " +
                "ON Hoadonxuat.IDPhong = Phong.IDPhong) INNER JOIN Nhanvien ON " +
                "Hoadonxuat.IDNhanvien = Nhanvien.IDNhanvien " +
                "WHERE  1 = 1 " + strEmployeeName + strRoomName + strWheredate + strWhereTax;
            string strQuery1 = "SELECT Hoadonxuat.IDHoadonXuat " +
                " FROM ((Hoadonxuat INNER JOIN GiaLoaiPhong ON " +
                "Hoadonxuat.IDGiaLoaiphong = GiaLoaiPhong.IDGiaLoaiPhong) INNER JOIN Phong " +
                "ON Hoadonxuat.IDPhong = Phong.IDPhong) INNER JOIN Nhanvien ON " +
                "Hoadonxuat.IDNhanvien = Nhanvien.IDNhanvien " +
                "WHERE  1 = 1 " + strEmployeeName + strRoomName + strWheredate + strWhereTax;
            string strQuery2 = "SELECT ChitietHDXuat.IDHoadonXuat, ChitietHDXuat.IDChitietHDXuat,ChitietHDXuat.Giam as Giam1,ChitietHDXuat.Giam&'%' as Giam, " +
                "ChitietHDXuat.IDSanpham, SanPham.TenSanPham, SanPham.DVT, ChitietHDXuat.Soluong as Soluong, " +
                " GiaXuatSP.Gia as Gia, ([Gia]*(100 - [Giam1])/100)*[Soluong] AS Thanhtien " +
                "FROM (SanPham INNER JOIN ChitietHDXuat ON SanPham.IDSanPham = ChitietHDXuat.IDSanpham) " +
                "INNER JOIN GiaXuatSP ON SanPham.IDSanPham = GiaXuatSP.IDSanPham " ;

            dsSP = (DataSet)(da.getDataByQuery(strQuery, strQuery1, strQuery2));
                gridControlTKHD.DataSource = dsSP.Tables[0];
                gridControlTKHD.DataSource = null;
            btnTKHDViewReport.Enabled = true;
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (dsSP != null)
                TKHDReport = new DataSetTKHD();
                for (int t = 0; t < dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows.Count; t++)
                    DataRow dr = TKHDReport.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    dr["IDHoadonXuat"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["IDHoadonXuat"]);
                    int index1 = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Ngayxuat"].ToString().IndexOf(' ');
                    //dr2["NgayBan"] = dsSP.Tables[0].Rows[j]["NgayBan"].ToString().Substring(0, index1);
                    dr["Ngayxuat"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Ngayxuat"].ToString().Substring(0, index1);
                    dr["Ten"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Ten"];
                    dr["Phuthu"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Phuthu"];
                    dr["Thue"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Thue1"];
                    dr["TenPhong"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["TenPhong"];
                    string strBD = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["GioBD"].ToString();
                    string strKT = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["GioKT"].ToString();
                    index1 = strBD.IndexOf(' ');
                    //dr["GioBD"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["GioBD"];
                    dr["GioBD"] = strBD.Substring(index1, strBD.Length - index1);
                    index1 = strKT.IndexOf(' ');
                    //dr["GioKT"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["GioKT"];
                    dr["GioKT"] = strKT.Substring(index1, strKT.Length - index1);
                    dr["Gia"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Gia"]).ToString("###,###,###,###");
                    dr["Ghichu"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Ghichu"];
                    dr["Giam"] = dsSP.Tables["HoadonXuat"].Rows[t]["Giam1"];
                for (int t = 0; t < dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows.Count; t++)
                    DataRow dr = TKHDReport.Tables[1].NewRow();
                    dr["IDHoadonXuat"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["IDHoadonXuat"]);
                    dr["IDChitietHDXuat"] = dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["IDChitietHDXuat"];
                    dr["IDSanpham"] = dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["IDSanpham"];
                    dr["TenSanPham"] = dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["TenSanPham"];
                    dr["DVT"] = dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["DVT"];
                    dr["Soluong"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["Soluong"]).ToString("###,###,###,###");
                    dr["Gia"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["Gia"]).ToString("###,###,###,###");
                    dr["Giam"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["Giam1"]).ToString("###,###,###,###");
                    dr["Thanhtien"] = Convert.ToInt32(dsSP.Tables["ChitietHDXuat"].Rows[t]["Thanhtien"]).ToString("###,###,###,###");
                DataRow dr1 = TKHDReport.Tables[2].NewRow();
                if (rdTKHDByDate.Checked)
                    DateTime dtDate = dtDateDSBHByDate.Value;
                    dr1["FromDate"] = dtDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    dr1["ToDate"] = dtDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                else if (rdTKHDByMonth.Checked)
                    string month = cbTKHDByMonthMonth.Text;
                    string year = cbTKHDByMonthYear.Text;
                    dr1["FromDate"] = "Tháng " + month + "//" + year;
                    dr1["ToDate"] = "Tháng " + month + "//" + year;
                else if (rdTKHDByCustom.Checked)
                    DateTime startDate = dtTKHDByCustomFrom.Value;
                    DateTime endDate = dtTKHDByCustomTo.Value;
                    dr1["FromDate"] = startDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    dr1["ToDate"] = endDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                if (strEmployeeName == "")
                    dr1["TenNV"] = "Tất cả";
                    dr1["TenNV"] = strEmployeeName;
                if (strRoomName == "")
                    dr1["TenPhong"] = "Tất cả";
                    dr1["TenPhong"] = strRoomName;
                dr1["PrintDate"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt");