/// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">The column of the cell that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editingElement">The editing element within the cell.</param>
 /// <param name="editingUnit">The editing unit that is about to leave edit mode.</param>
 public DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, FrameworkElement editingElement, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     _dataGridColumn = column;
     _dataGridRow    = row;
     _editingElement = editingElement;
     _editAction     = editAction;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">The column of the cell that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editingElement">The editing element within the cell.</param>
 /// <param name="editingUnit">The editing unit that is about to leave edit mode.</param>
 public DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, FrameworkElement editingElement, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     _dataGridColumn = column;
     _dataGridRow = row;
     _editingElement = editingElement;
     _editAction = editAction;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">The column of the cell that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editingElement">The editing element within the cell.</param>
 /// <param name="editAction">The editing action that will be taken.</param>
 public DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridColumn column,
                                        DataGridRow row,
                                        Control editingElement,
                                        DataGridEditAction editAction)
     Column         = column;
     Row            = row;
     EditingElement = editingElement;
     EditAction     = editAction;
        private void EnqueueRowEditEndingEvent(DataGridEditAction editAction, bool cancelEvent)
                DataGridEditAction.Commit /*cellEditAction*/,
                editAction /*rowEditAction*/,
                new DataGridDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid)
                this._cancelCellEvent         = false;
                this._cancelRowEvent          = cancelEvent;
                this._rowEditEndingEventArgs  = null;
                this._eventCount              = 0;
                dataGrid.RowEditEnding       -= new EventHandler <DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_RowEditEnding);
                dataGrid.RowEditEnding       += new EventHandler <DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_RowEditEnding);
                this._currentCellChangedCount = 0;
                dataGrid.CurrentCellChanged  -= new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged);
                dataGrid.CurrentCellChanged  += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged);
                this._selectionChangedCount   = 0;
                dataGrid.SelectionChanged    -= new SelectionChangedEventHandler(dataGrid_SelectionChanged);
                dataGrid.SelectionChanged    += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(dataGrid_SelectionChanged);
                new DataGridCellValidateDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid, object beforeValue, object afterValue)
                if (cancelEvent)

                // Ensure that the RowEditEndingEvents were raised
                Assert.IsNotNull(this._rowEditEndingEventArgs, "RowEditEnding wasn't raised");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._eventCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._currentCellChangedCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._selectionChangedCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(editAction, this._rowEditEndingEventArgs.EditAction, "Incorrect RowEditEnding EditAction");
                Assert.AreEqual(dataGridRow.Index, this._rowEditEndingEventArgs.Row.Index, "Incorrect RowEditEnding Row");
                new DataGridDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid)
                dataGrid.RowEditEnding      -= new EventHandler <DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_RowEditEnding);
                dataGrid.CurrentCellChanged -= new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged);
                dataGrid.SelectionChanged   -= new SelectionChangedEventHandler(dataGrid_SelectionChanged);
        private void EnqueueCellEditEndingEvent(DataGridEditAction editAction, bool cancelEvent)
                editAction /*cellEditAction*/,
                null /*rowEditAction*/,
                new DataGridDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid)
                this._cancelCellEvent         = cancelEvent;
                this._cancelRowEvent          = false;
                this._cellEditEndingEventArgs = null;
                this._eventCount              = 0;
                dataGrid.CellEditEnding      -= new EventHandler <DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_CellEditEnding);
                dataGrid.CellEditEnding      += new EventHandler <DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_CellEditEnding);
                this._currentCellChangedCount = 0;
                dataGrid.CurrentCellChanged  += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged);
                this._selectionChangedCount   = 0;
                dataGrid.SelectionChanged    += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(dataGrid_SelectionChanged);
                new DataGridCellValidateDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid, object beforeValue, object afterValue)
                // Ensure that the CellEditEndingEvent was raised
                Assert.IsNotNull(this._cellEditEndingEventArgs, "CellEditEnding wasn't raised");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._eventCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._currentCellChangedCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, this._selectionChangedCount, "Event was raised too many times");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, this._cellEditEndingEventArgs.Column.Index, "Incorrect CellEditEnding Column");
                Assert.AreEqual(editAction, this._cellEditEndingEventArgs.EditAction, "Incorrect CellEditEnding EditAction");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, this._cellEditEndingEventArgs.Row.Index, "Incorrect CellEditEnding Row");

                if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit && !cancelEvent)
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(beforeValue, afterValue, "New value was not committed");
                    Assert.AreEqual(beforeValue, afterValue, "New value was committed");
                new DataGridDelegate(
                    delegate(DataGrid dataGrid)
                dataGrid.CellEditEnding     -= new EventHandler <DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs>(dataGrid_CellEditEnding);
                dataGrid.CurrentCellChanged -= new EventHandler <EventArgs>(dataGrid_CurrentCellChanged);
                dataGrid.SelectionChanged   -= new SelectionChangedEventHandler(dataGrid_SelectionChanged);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">The column of the cell that has just exited edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that has just exited edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editAction">The editing action that has been taken.</param>
 public DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     Column     = column;
     Row        = row;
     EditAction = editAction;
 // Summary:
 //     Instantiates a new instance of the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs
 //     class.
 // Parameters:
 //   row:
 //     The row that has just exited edit mode.
 //   editAction:
 //     The System.Windows.Controls.DataGridEditAction that indicates whether the edit
 //     was committed or canceled.
 public DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
        private bool EndRowEdit(DataGridEditAction editAction, bool exitEditingMode, bool raiseEvents)
            if (this.EditingRow == null || this.DataConnection.CommittingEdit)
                return true;
            if (this._editingColumnIndex != -1 || (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Cancel && raiseEvents && 
                !((this.DataConnection.EditableCollectionView != null && this.DataConnection.EditableCollectionView.CanCancelEdit) || (this.EditingRow.DataContext is IEditableObject))))
                // Ending the row edit will fail immediately under the following conditions:
                // 1. We haven't ended the cell edit yet.
                // 2. We're trying to cancel edit when the underlying DataType is not an IEditableObject,
                //    because we have no way to properly restore the old value.  We will only allow this to occur
                //    if raiseEvents == false, which means we're internally forcing a cancel.
                return false;
            DataGridRow editingRow = this.EditingRow;

            if (raiseEvents)
                DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs e = new DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs(this.EditingRow, editAction);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    // RowEditEnding has been cancelled
                    return false;

                // Editing states might have been changed in the RowEditEnding handlers
                if (this._editingColumnIndex != -1)
                    return false;
                if (editingRow != this.EditingRow)
                    return true;

            // Call the appropriate commit or cancel methods
            if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                if (!CommitRowEdit(exitEditingMode))
                    return false;
                if (!CancelRowEdit(exitEditingMode) && raiseEvents)
                    // We failed to cancel edit so we should abort unless we're forcing a cancel
                    return false;

            // Update the previously edited row's state
            if (exitEditingMode && editingRow == this.EditingRow)
                // Unwire the INDEI event handlers
                foreach (INotifyDataErrorInfo indei in this._validationItems.Keys)
                    indei.ErrorsChanged -= new EventHandler<DataErrorsChangedEventArgs>(ValidationItem_ErrorsChanged);

            // Raise the RowEditEnded event
            if (raiseEvents)
                OnRowEditEnded(new DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs(editingRow, editAction));

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, FrameworkElement editingElement, DataGridEditAction editAction)
 public DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">The column of the cell that has just exited edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that has just exited edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editAction">The editing action that has been taken.</param>
 public DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     this.Column = column;
     this.Row = row;
     this.EditAction = editAction;
        private bool EndCellEdit(DataGridEditAction editAction, bool exitEditingMode, bool keepFocus, bool raiseEvents)
            if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1)
                return true;
            Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex < this.ColumnsItemsInternal.Count);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);
            Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null && this.EditingRow.Slot == this.CurrentSlot);

            // Cache these to see if they change later
            int currentSlot = this.CurrentSlot;
            int currentColumnIndex = this.CurrentColumnIndex;

            // We're ready to start ending, so raise the event
            DataGridCell editingCell = this.EditingRow.Cells[this._editingColumnIndex];
            FrameworkElement editingElement = editingCell.Content as FrameworkElement;
            if (editingElement == null)
                return false;
            if (raiseEvents)
                DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e = new DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editingElement, editAction);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    // CellEditEnding has been cancelled
                    return false;

                // Ensure that the current cell wasn't changed in the user's CellEditEnding handler
                if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1 ||
                    currentSlot != this.CurrentSlot ||
                    currentColumnIndex != this.CurrentColumnIndex)
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow.Slot == currentSlot);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex != -1);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);

            // If we're canceling, let the editing column repopulate its old value if it wants
            if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Cancel)
                this.CurrentColumn.CancelCellEditInternal(editingElement, this._uneditedValue);

                // Ensure that the current cell wasn't changed in the user column's CancelCellEdit
                if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1 ||
                    currentSlot != this.CurrentSlot ||
                    currentColumnIndex != this.CurrentColumnIndex)
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow.Slot == currentSlot);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex != -1);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);

            // If we're committing, explicitly update the source but watch out for any validation errors
            if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                foreach (BindingInfo bindingData in this.CurrentColumn.GetInputBindings(editingElement, this.CurrentItem))
                    bindingData.Element.BindingValidationError += new EventHandler<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(EditingElement_BindingValidationError);
                if (this._bindingValidationError)
                    ScrollSlotIntoView(this.CurrentColumnIndex, this.CurrentSlot, false /*forCurrentCellChange*/, true /*forceHorizontalScroll*/);
                    this._bindingValidationError = false;

                    // Default the row and DataGrid IsValid to false if the cell is invalid
                    editingCell.IsValid = false;
                    this.EditingRow.IsValid = false;
                    this.IsValid = false;
                    return false;

            // Either the user has canceled edit or the commmit was successful, so the edited cell should
            // be marked as valid -- unless it is related to the currently selected entity-level error.
            editingCell.IsValid = true;
            if (this._selectedValidationSummaryItem != null)
                foreach (ValidationSummaryItemSource source in this._selectedValidationSummaryItem.Sources)
                    if (source.Control == editingCell)
                        editingCell.IsValid = false;

            // Revalidate the row if there are any entity-level errors associated with the cell
            // that just ended edit or not associated with any specific cell at all
            if (!this.EditingRow.IsValid)
                if (this._validationResults.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ValidationResult validationResult in this._validationResults)
                        bool revalidate = false;
                        foreach (string memberName in validationResult.MemberNames)
                            Debug.Assert(this.DataConnection.DataType != null);
                            if (memberName == this.DataConnection.DataType.Name ||
                                revalidate = true;
                        if (revalidate)
                    this.IsValid = true;
                    this.EditingRow.IsValid = true;

            // Detach from any remaining BindingValidationError events
            // note: We do this outside of the Commit scope in case CancelEdit was called within the handler
            foreach (BindingInfo bindingData in this.CurrentColumn.GetInputBindings(editingElement, this.CurrentItem))
                bindingData.Element.BindingValidationError -= new EventHandler<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(EditingElement_BindingValidationError);

            if (exitEditingMode)
                this._editingColumnIndex = -1;
                editingCell.ApplyCellState(true /*animate*/);

                this.IsTabStop = true;
                if (keepFocus && editingElement.ContainsFocusedElement())

                PopulateCellContent(!exitEditingMode /*isCellEdited*/, this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editingCell);

            // We're done, so raise the CellEditEnded event
            if (raiseEvents)
                OnCellEditEnded(new DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs(this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editAction));

            // There's a chance that somebody reopened this cell for edit within the CellEditEnded handler,
            // so we should return false if we were supposed to exit editing mode, but we didn't
            return !(exitEditingMode && currentColumnIndex == this._editingColumnIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editingUnit">The editing unit that is about to leave edit mode.</param>
 public DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     _dataGridRow = row;
     _editAction = editAction;
 public DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, System.Windows.FrameworkElement editingElement, DataGridEditAction editAction)
        public virtual void EditFirstCell(DataGridEditAction cellEditAction,
                                          DataGridDelegate subscribeToEvent,
                                          DataGridCellValidateDelegate validateEvent,
                                          DataGridDelegate unsubscribeToEvent)
            // The first customer property should always be a string
            if (properties[0].PropertyType == typeof(string))
                DataGrid dataGrid = new DataGrid();
                string   originalValue;
                string   updatedValue;
                dataGrid.ItemsSource = null;
                rowLoaded            = false;
                dataGridRow          = null;
                isLoaded             = false;
                dataGrid.Loaded     += new RoutedEventHandler(dataGrid_Loaded);
                dataGrid.ColumnWidth = new DataGridLength(50);
                dataGrid.Width       = 650;
                dataGrid.Height      = 250;
                CustomerList customerList = new CustomerList(1);
                customerList[0].LastName = "A";
                PagedCollectionView pagedCollectionView = new PagedCollectionView(customerList);
                pagedCollectionView.SortDescriptions.Add(new System.ComponentModel.SortDescription("LastName", System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending));

                EnqueueConditional(delegate { return(isLoaded); });
                    dataGrid.LoadingRow += new EventHandler <DataGridRowEventArgs>(dataGrid_LoadingRowGetRow);

                    dataGrid.ItemsSource = pagedCollectionView;
                EnqueueConditional(delegate { return(rowLoaded); });

                    dataGrid.LoadingRow -= new EventHandler <DataGridRowEventArgs>(dataGrid_LoadingRowGetRow);

                    bool success = dataGrid.BeginEdit();
                    Assert.IsTrue(success, "BeginEdit was not successful");
                    //Set column to valid value
                    Assert.IsTrue(dataGrid.Columns[0].GetCellContent(customerList[0]) is TextBox, "Not a TextBox");
                    TextBox cell  = ((TextBox)dataGrid.CurrentColumn.GetCellContent(customerList[0]));
                    originalValue = cell.Text;
                    ((TextBox)dataGrid.CurrentColumn.GetCellContent(customerList[0])).Text = Common.RandomString(10);
                    updatedValue = cell.Text;

                    // Either commit or cancel the cell edit
                    if (cellEditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                        dataGrid.CommitEdit(DataGridEditingUnit.Cell, true /*exitEditing*/);

                    // Either commit or cancel the row edit
                    if (rowEditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                        dataGrid.CommitEdit(DataGridEditingUnit.Row, true /*exitEditing*/);
                    else if (rowEditAction == DataGridEditAction.Cancel)

                    updatedValue = properties[0].GetValue(customerList[0], null) as String;
                    validateEvent(dataGrid, originalValue, updatedValue);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editingUnit">The editing unit that is about to leave edit mode.</param>
 public DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     _dataGridRow = row;
     _editAction  = editAction;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that has just exited edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editAction">The editing action that has been taken.</param>
 public DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     this.Row        = row;
     this.EditAction = editAction;
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">The row container of the cell container that is about to exit edit mode.</param>
 /// <param name="editAction">The editing action that will be taken.</param>
 public DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs(DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)
     this.Row = row;
     this.EditAction = editAction;
        private bool EndCellEdit(DataGridEditAction editAction, bool exitEditingMode, bool keepFocus, bool raiseEvents)
            if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1)
                return true;
            Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex < this.ColumnsItemsInternal.Count);
            Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);
            Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null && this.EditingRow.Slot == this.CurrentSlot);

            // Cache these to see if they change later
            int currentSlot = this.CurrentSlot;
            int currentColumnIndex = this.CurrentColumnIndex;

            // We're ready to start ending, so raise the event
            DataGridCell editingCell = this.EditingRow.Cells[this._editingColumnIndex];
            FrameworkElement editingElement = editingCell.Content as FrameworkElement;
            if (editingElement == null)
                return false;
            if (raiseEvents)
                DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e = new DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs(this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editingElement, editAction);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    // CellEditEnding has been cancelled
                    return false;

                // Ensure that the current cell wasn't changed in the user's CellEditEnding handler
                if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1 ||
                    currentSlot != this.CurrentSlot ||
                    currentColumnIndex != this.CurrentColumnIndex)
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow.Slot == currentSlot);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex != -1);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);


            // If we're canceling, let the editing column repopulate its old value if it wants
            if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Cancel)
                this.CurrentColumn.CancelCellEditInternal(editingElement, this._uneditedValue);

                // Ensure that the current cell wasn't changed in the user column's CancelCellEdit
                if (this._editingColumnIndex == -1 ||
                    currentSlot != this.CurrentSlot ||
                    currentColumnIndex != this.CurrentColumnIndex)
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow != null);
                Debug.Assert(this.EditingRow.Slot == currentSlot);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex != -1);
                Debug.Assert(this._editingColumnIndex == this.CurrentColumnIndex);

                // Re-validate
                this.ValidateEditingRow(true /*scrollIntoView*/, false /*wireEvents*/);

            // If we're committing, explicitly update the source but watch out for any validation errors
            if (editAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                foreach (BindingInfo bindingData in this.CurrentColumn.GetInputBindings(editingElement, this.CurrentItem))
                    Debug.Assert(bindingData.BindingExpression.ParentBinding != null);
                    this._updateSourcePath = bindingData.BindingExpression.ParentBinding.Path != null ? bindingData.BindingExpression.ParentBinding.Path.Path : null;
                    bindingData.Element.BindingValidationError += new EventHandler<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(EditingElement_BindingValidationError);
                    bindingData.Element.BindingValidationError -= new EventHandler<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(EditingElement_BindingValidationError);

                // Re-validate
                this.ValidateEditingRow(true /*scrollIntoView*/, false /*wireEvents*/);

                if (this._bindingValidationResults.Count > 0)
                    ScrollSlotIntoView(this.CurrentColumnIndex, this.CurrentSlot, false /*forCurrentCellChange*/, true /*forceHorizontalScroll*/);
                    return false;

            if (exitEditingMode)
                this._editingColumnIndex = -1;
                editingCell.ApplyCellState(true /*animate*/);

                this.IsTabStop = true;
                if (keepFocus && editingElement.ContainsFocusedElement())

                PopulateCellContent(!exitEditingMode /*isCellEdited*/, this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editingCell);

            // We're done, so raise the CellEditEnded event
            if (raiseEvents)
                OnCellEditEnded(new DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs(this.CurrentColumn, this.EditingRow, editAction));

            // There's a chance that somebody reopened this cell for edit within the CellEditEnded handler,
            // so we should return false if we were supposed to exit editing mode, but we didn't
            return !(exitEditingMode && currentColumnIndex == this._editingColumnIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 // Summary:
 //     Instantiates a new instance of the System.Windows.Controls.DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs
 //     class.
 // Parameters:
 //   column:
 //     The column that contains the cell that has just exited edit mode.
 //   row:
 //     The row that contains the cell that has just exited edit mode.
 //   editAction:
 //     The System.Windows.Controls.DataGridEditAction that indicates whether the edit
 //     was committed or canceled.
 public DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs(DataGridColumn column, DataGridRow row, DataGridEditAction editAction)